How To Use Scanty In A Sentence
The scanty grasses were long ago turned into sun-cured hay by the fierce summer heats.
A Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains
I can't get along on my scanty pay.
His scanty remarks are limited to generalities.
The English cottage has a rheumatic floor of beaten earth or tile; its rooms are few and small, and very dark; the water-supply is scanty and most inconvenient; its chimney smokes; mice and rats find secure refuge in the thatch; the masses of clinging vines make it damp and earwiggy; but what a lovely bit it is in the landscape!
Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science, Vol. 12, No. 32, November, 1873
This is exactly what one would expect from the linguistic evidence and the written record, scanty though the latter is.

The terms of our law, which are not empty sounds, will hardly find words that answer them in the Spanish or Italian, no scanty languages; much less, I think, could any one translate them into the Caribbee or Westoe tongues: and the versura of the Romans, or corban of the Jews, have no words in other languages to answer them; the reason whereof is plain, from what has been said.
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding
I haven't seen it yet, and don't intend to, because altho' I was a - fan is too strong a word, I was a *fan* of Battle of the Planets and Starblazers and Voltron, but I watched and liked the series when it was running tho' I thought it rather simplistic and corny by comparison to the other shows I mention - I have heard so much that sounds depressing and Othering about it as a liberal woman, that I don't really need to spend any of my scanty budget on seeing CGI and explosions.
Proper Credits for Transformers
He arrived at length in a narrow and secluded cleuch, or deep ravine, which ran down into the valley, and contributed a scanty rivulet to the supply of the brook with which Glendearg is watered.
The Monastery
What now becomes of Dr. Miller's so-called scanty and superficial convolutions with small cranial measurements?
The Southern Sanitarium. Vol. 1, no. 4 (January 1, 1897)
Hallowell found scanty evidence for bear ceremonialism in the Central Algonquian region, and failed to report any among Northern Iroquoian speakers.
Giant larkspurs thrust up their flower-rods, between the dentated foliage of which gaped the mouths of tawny snapdragons, while the schizanthus reared its scanty leaves and fluttering blooms, that looked like butterflies 'wings of sulphur hue splashed with soft lake.
La faute de l'Abbe Mouret
About a mile behind and to the east of the village the hills commence, but they are very barren, being covered with scanty coarse grass and scattered trees of the Melaleuca cajuputi, from the leaves of which the celebrated cajeput oil is made.
The Malay Archipelago
Farmers who had already lost their last rabi crops due to the scanty rainfall are now losing their kharif crops, which have been badly damaged due to non arrival of rains.
After the burial, for which there were minute prescriptions, the son had to wear the mourning sackcloth for twenty-seven months, emaciating his body with scanty food, and living in a rude hut erected for the purpose near the grave.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 4: Clandestinity-Diocesan Chancery
Nay, he goes even so far as to say that the passage-work is of the usual kind met with in the compositions of Hummel and his successors, and that the cantilena in the larghetto is in the jejune style of Hummel; the last movement also receives but scanty and qualified praise.
Frederic Chopin as a Man and Musician
Yaws (frambesia) is found in humid equatorial countries, where transmission is favored by scanty clothing and skin trauma.
FORMULA NUMBER 23: Cranberry Bladder Defense: cranberry extract, uva ursi extract, fu ling, echinacea, coptis, polyporus, marshmallow, alisma; use for bladder infections from heat, with scanty, dark painful urination.
The pockets of the farmers, on the other hand, will reluctantly yield but scanty supplies, in the unwelcome shape of impositions on their houses and lands; and personal property is too precarious and invisible a fund to be laid hold of in any other way than by the imperceptible agency of taxes on consumption.
Teenage boys are more likely to be attracted by her scanty clothing and big guns.
This he had placed in what he called the parlor that morning, after dusting it carefully and putting a fresh pillow case on the scanty pillow where Amy's head had lain.
The Cromptons
There was a very scanty cinderous fire in the grate by which they sat; and there was a tent bedstead in the room with a bed upon it and a coverlet.
The Uncommercial Traveller
Although this seems reasonable, the evidence offered is scanty.
Only scanty information could be gleaned from POWs.
The steep, descending sides are very soft and sodden, supporting a scanty growth of vegetation, including the small burr known as the "biddy-bid.
The Home of the Blizzard Being the Story of the Australasian Antarctic Expedition, 1911-1914
Tue 11/24/09 3: 54 PM to the contrary, I think the majority of movies have women and girls portrayed in scanty clothes and objectified roles.
'New Moon' polls: Switching teams? Bella really the best role model? |
He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
No food, no clogs and their poor bodies barely covered with scanty clothing, how can they give their minds to their lessons?
He may not have broken any laws but it is clear that what scanty guidelines exist to control patronage and cronyism were stretched at will to accommodate his ‘suggestions’.
Kalandars sit upon a sofa at the side of the estrade, and seated the Caliph and Ja’afar and Masrur on the other side of the saloon; after which she called the Porter, and said, “How scanty is thy courtesy! now thou art no stranger; nay, thou art one of the household.”
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
I do not say "scanty;" on the contrary, there is plenty of it -- a great deal too much of it -- but it is the quality, the nature of the knowledge, which I quarrel with.
Science & Education
Huge "arctics" were strapped on his feet, from which seemed to spring, as from massive roots, his small, thin form, clad in a scanty _robe de chambre_ of cotton flannel, surmounted by a broad sou'wester, carefully covered by a voluminous white pocket handkerchief.
Adrift in the Ice-Fields
-- While some princes may be embruing their hands in the blood of their subjects, this man is offering up his prayers to God to preserve all mankind: -- While some ministers are sending forth fleets and armies to wreak their own private vengeance on a brave and uncorrupted people, this solitary man is feeding, from his own scanty allowance, the birds of the air.
A Year's Journey through France and Part of Spain, 1777 Volume 1 (of 2)
-- Fever may be accompanied by pain especially of the the head and loins; a sense of heaviness or general lassitude; deficiency of either secretion, or of all of them; dryness of skin; thirst; nausia; scanty and high colored urine; delirium; constipation; jactation; &c.
An Epitome of Practical Surgery, for Field and Hospital.
Farmers who had already lost their last rabi crops due to the scanty rainfall are now losing their kharif crops, which have been badly damaged due to non arrival of rains.
AN avaricious fenman, who kept a very scanty table, dining one Saturday with his son at an ordinary in Cambridge, whispered in his ear, "Tom, you must eat for to-day and to-morrow.
The Jest Book The Choicest Anecdotes and Sayings
A relapse; little sleep; urine throughout of a good color, but thin; the alvine evacuations were thin, bilious, acrid, very scanty, black, and fetid; a white, smooth sediment in the urine; had a sweat, and experienced a perfect crisis on the eleventh day.
Of The Epidemics
Our scanty stock of provisions and water was gone; but there was no danger of starvation, for the generous product of the henneries and dairies of Bolinas filled the vessel's hold -- albeit raw eggs and butter without bread might only serve as a barrier against famine.
Stories by American Authors (Volume 4)
All that had gone before was a scanty flowerage -- he was the perfect fruit.
A Mere Accident
The minute neutrophile granules of the _polymorphonuclear_ leucocytes are often very scanty, and sometimes apparently absent.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
By the time I had added an ordinary typewriter table to its scanty furnishing, I was hard put to turn around; at the best, I managed to navigate it by a sort of vermicular progression requiring great dexterity and presence of mind.
Also, as there is a problem of anovulation the ovary does not produce eggs every month, hence the girl suffers from irregular periods (usually delayed) scanty or heavy flow and often has difficulty in conceiving. - Articles related to Don't eat for two, pregnant women told
Am I to understand your primary concern in this matter is that you and your arty male colleagues will be exposed as the ‘type’ of men who ogle women in scanty spring dresses?
Suzie, a pretty, slightly vacuous woman dressed in rather scanty clothing, stands there.
He possessed one of those lean, well-proportioned frames which age well, and although his grey hair was thinner it was not scanty.
He arrived at length in a narrow and secluded _cleuch_, or deep ravine, which ran down into the valley, and contributed a scanty rivulet to the supply of the brook with which Glendearg is watered.
The Monastery
The tops of the downs in Southern England still show the scars where primitive men fought their wars or grew their scanty crops; and in the lowland plains an unusual abundance of trees will show you where once a dense forest grew, or you may infer an impassable bog from a muddy field alongside some meandering brook.
English Landscape and Personality
It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence.
Women should avoid wearing scanty beachwear in rural areas away from hotels and campsites to avoid offending locals.
They say the boots are the perfect finishing touch for their artificial tans, bleached hair, white make-up and bright scanty skirts.
There was only room for six to wield their weapons with effect, so our scanty band of followers scattered themselves along the line of the rails, which were luckily so high and strong as to make an escalado difficult in the face of any opposition.
Micah Clarke His Statement as made to his three grandchildren Joseph, Gervas and Reuben During the Hard Winter of 1734
Similarly, despite widespread clinical use, evidence for sulphasalazine renal toxicity is scanty.
The scanty light glozed them with the glory of day, and, forgetful of pain, and thirst, and hunger, and of the menace of death, they sank upon the floor and cried, keeping fast hold of each other the while.
Ben-Hur, a tale of the Christ
It was immediately drawn tight, and by its aid we gained the bank, and began ascending the side of the barranca, composed of rugged, declivitous rocks, affording but scanty foot-hold.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 342, April, 1844
The infantry of our own army -- the successors of those noble fellows that walked across Spain -- have no better covering for their backs than the scanty and useless coatee; in this they parade, and in this they are supposed to fight.
Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 59, No. 363, January, 1846
Behind this eminence, but detached from it, arose a higher hill, partly covered with copsewood, partly opening into glades of pasture, where the cattle strayed, finding, at this season of the year, a scanty sustenance among the spring heads and marshy places, where the fresh grass began first to arise.
The Fair Maid of Perth
It would be safer, perhaps, to let the suspicion rest upon that gentleman's memory, of having indulged his own benevolent disposition in this disguise, than to suppose it possible that so scanty and reluctant a benefaction was the sole mark of attention accorded by a "gracious Prince and Master
Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 02
Madrid: late one afternoon, as I was arranging my scanty baggage, the gypsy Antonio entered my apartment, dressed in his zamarra and high-peaked Andalusian hat.
The Bible in Spain; or, the journeys, adventures, and imprisonments of an Englishman, in an attempt to circulate the Scriptures in the Peninsula
John Flint knew inoffensive, timid Michael; he knew his broad-bosomed, patient, cowlike wife, and he liked the brood of shockheaded youngsters who plodded along patient in old clothes, bare-footed, and with scanty enough food.
Slippy McGee, Sometimes Known as the Butterfly Man
Chee parked as much of the car as he could in the scanty shade of a tamarisk and waited.
Yes, form-fitting clothing may be necessary to demonstrate proper technique, but scanty clothing may send a negative message.
Eric told him all he could, but he knew little more than the scanty details he had already provided.
At the end of the trail, after a tedious gravelly slope, where I remember a close bed of the pretty mountain phlox, with thin remnants of a snowdrift no more than a rod or two above it, there remained a brief clamber over huge boulders, with tufts of gorgeous pink pentstemon growing in such scanty deposits of coarse soil as the desolate, unpromising situation afforded; the scantier the better, as it seemed; for this clever economist is a lover of rocks, if there ever was one.
On Foot in the Yosemite
The body, or diaphysis is cylindrical, with a central cavity termed the medullary canal; the wall consists of dense, compact tissue of considerable thickness in the middle part of the body, but becoming thinner toward the extremities; within the medullary canal is some cancellous tissue, scanty in the middle of the body but greater in amount toward the ends.
II. Osteology. 1. Development of the Skeleton
There is only scanty evidence of his involvement.
They say the boots are the perfect finishing touch for their artificial tans, bleached hair, white make-up and bright scanty skirts.
His togas [224] were neither scanty nor full; (127) and the clavus was neither remarkably broad or narrow.
The Lives of the Twelve Caesars, Volume 02: Augustus
A double-digit rise in the welfare budget for two consecutive years is also inevitable, considering both the widening income gap and scanty social safety net.
Similarly, despite widespread clinical use, evidence for sulphasalazine renal toxicity is scanty.
Ignoring palaeological niceties, some ‘human’ skeletons have been dated at around two million years old and provide us with much of the scanty evidence we have concerning the evolution of our species.
For this reason, I am unbothered by their scanty 1 year warranty.
The carcinoma consisted of nests of tumor composed of a relatively monomorphic cell population with round nuclei, evenly distributed chromatin, and scanty cytoplasm.
The sun was pouring down a yellow autumnal ray into the square of the cloisters; beaming upon a scanty plot of grass in the centre, and lighting up an angle of the vaulted passage with a kind of dusky splendor.
The Sketch Book of Geoffrey Crayon
I can't get along on my scanty pay.
The problem which immediately strikes one is that much of the material is scanty, fragmented, and lacking unity.
On general examination, Gollum is a pale, emaciated hobbit, with scanty hair and big eyes: ‘A skulking creature with an ill-favoured look.’
Types of paratracheal parenchyma are scanty paratracheal, vasicentric, aliform, confluent, and unilateral paratracheal.
His meals were scanty and irregular, consisting of dishes which Nanny seemed to hold in great contempt, such as pillau, macaroni, and light puddings.
Abbotsford and Newstead Abbey
Besides attending to the duties of her household like an exemplary wife, she was often engaged in her own house _burling_ cloth for the manufacturers, by which means she earned a scanty addition to their income.
Little Abe Or, The Bishop of Berry Brow
All this imposes a powerful constraint on language acquisition from the allegedly scanty data available to any child.
A 31 year-old primigravida presented to the emergency department complaining of scanty vaginal bleeding and bilateral lower quadrant abdominal pain that had persisted for 2 days.
For their food they prefer nuts to herbage, which is natural enough in a region where the latter is scanty and the former exists in plenty; and in eating they "squat" upright on their haunches, and convey the food to their mouth after the manner of squirrels.
Quadrupeds, What They Are and Where Found A Book of Zoology for Boys
All focus at present is on water, may it be due to termination of water accords or failure of monsoon or scattered, scanty rain, scarce power to operate tubewells.
A 9 billion euro stock offering would improve Deutsche Bank's credit quality, but the bank provided "scanty" information on sovereign exposures in non-trading accounts. - Top Stories
Tall and gawky as he was in person, with tow-colored hair, and a scanty suit of shabbiest homespun, his appearance excited astonishment or ridicule wherever he went.
Sir Roger, whom she mortally hated and used to hire fellows to squirt kennel water upon him as he passed along the streets; so that he was forced constantly to wear a surtout of oiled cloth, by which means he came home pretty clean, except where the surtout was a little scanty.
History of John Bull
Macdonald's delicately woven, bejeweled, scanty costumes were elevated to their very best effect by Balfour's exquisite lighting.
For the next couple of months tuck away the scanty summer wear and the thin knit winter wear to make room for the monsoon gear.
As stated in our article, scanty parasites and Plasmodium falciparum gametocytes may be easier to detect in thick films and therefore might be of value in low infections and in P falciparum speciation.
She said details of the case were ‘highly unusual’ and a note about the promised investment was ‘extraordinarily scanty by any standards’.
On the withered, bent tree the foliage is smaller, more scanty -- but the verdure is the same as ever.
A Reckless Character And Other Stories
“Youth and comeliness were gone, but the foppishness remained, and the red-faced man, with false teeth and the voice of a worn-out actor had his scanty grey hair curled.”
Louisa May Alcott
To cross that exposed deck with a howling gale blowing and huge green seas coming aboard was no joke; and then to sit for two hours in scanty shelter watching Horses suffer besides!
With Shackleton to the Antarctic
He stands there, a pretty, slightly vacuous woman dressed in rather scanty clothing standing next to him.
Estimates of children with ADHD range from one to 20 percent, partly due to scanty evidence provided by inadequate surveys.
Dear lady, said Leonard, the other is an image of thee, and even most like unto thee; but whiles clad in a scanty grey coat and barefoot, and whiles clad in a fair green gown goodly broidered, and broidered shoon; and whiles all mother-naked.
The Water of the Wondrous Isles
And yet when we bring these scanty vestiges together we find that enough is left to give the taste and invention of the Assyrian ornamentist a very high place in our respect.
A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria, v. 1
Microscopical examination of the desquamated intestinal membrane and mucus from a man forty years of age, revealed the following products: crystals, mostly complete; incomplete phosphates, very numerous; mucous shreds in abundance; fat globules and granules, numerous; anal epithelia; red blood globules, few; connective tissue, scanty; pus corpuscles, very few; margaric acid and detritus (substances resulting from the destruction or wearing away of the part); undigested material, mostly cellulose; leptothrix threads, micrococci; and the bacillus coli communis.
Intestinal Ills Chronic Constipation, Indigestion, Autogenetic Poisons, Diarrhea, Piles, Etc. Also Auto-Infection, Auto-Intoxication, Anemia, Emaciation, Etc. Due to Proctitis and Colitis
The 152 deaths on which they would be trying to contact the families of those involved were ones in which there was scanty evidence, in most cases nothing beyond a copy of the register of deaths.
Out of 36 meteorological sub-divisions in the country, 16 sub-divisions have received deficient or scanty rainfall so far, he said.
The sources of his infirmities were a scanty and precarious allowance from the father, the want of a regular plan for some profession, and, above all, the act of throwing him upon the town, when he ought to have been pursuing his studies at the University.
Memoirs of the Life of the Rt. Hon. Richard Brinsley Sheridan — Volume 01
Wide prairies Vegetable productions Tabular hills Slabs of sandstone Nebraska or Platte River Scanty fare Buffalo skulls Wagons turned into boats Herds of buffalo Cliffs resembling castles The chimney Scott's Bluffs Story connected with them The bighorn or ahsahta Its nature and habits Difference between that and the "woolly sheep," or goat of the mountains
The Adventures of Captain Bonneville
Evidence of religious art is scanty, possibly because of its destruction by Protestant iconoclasts at the end of the century, but portraiture seems to have occupied a position of importance.
Any woman now seems to be able to make such a complaint and to be believed, with incredibly scanty evidence.
For they sneered at the trout, calling them "char," patronised the rather scanty pheasantry, commented on the kennels, stables, and gardens in a manner that brought the red into Portlaw's face and left him silent while luncheon lasted.
The Firing Line
Last weekend, the Crown was packed with dinner jackets, black ties and pretty girls in scanty numbers.
It hurts to see young girls dressed in scanty clothes being taken advantage of by older boys after getting drunk.
From very small beginnings the abbey grew to be in time one of the most important in Belgium, making its spiritual and social influence felt in a large district called Campine, now in north-east Belgium and south Holland, then a wild district in which but scanty provision was found for the spiritual and social needs of its scattered inhabitants.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 14: Simony-Tournon
The evidence was relatively scanty, but much depended on the interpretation of the statute of Edward II that defined treason in terms of ‘compassing or imagining the death of the King’.
The “Kuniyah,” bye-name, patronymic or matronymic, is necessary amongst Moslems whose list of names, all connected more or less with religion, is so scanty.
The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence.
Gigantic oaks spread their branches above cliffs and summits, where in less favored climes only the cold pine would be able to find a scanty subsistence; while the spray of the Black Sea is dashed against the immense stems of the blood-wooded taxus, and the red and almond-leaved willows sweep with their long branches the waves.
Life of Schamyl And Narrative of the Circassian War of Independence Against Russia
He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.
While the girls are making their simple toilet and donning their unique, but scanty, costume, the kumu, aided by others, soothes the impatience of the audience and stimulates their imagination by cantillating a mele that sets forth in grandiloquent imagery the praise of the pa-ú.
Unwritten Literature of Hawaii The Sacred Songs of the Hula
All this imposes a powerful constraint on language acquisition from the allegedly scanty data available to any child.
On general examination, Gollum is a pale, emaciated hobbit, with scanty hair and big eyes: ‘A skulking creature with an ill-favoured look.’
They had chummed together on the seventy-odd-mile tramp from Melbourne; had boiled a common billy and slept side by side in rain-soaked blankets, under the scanty hair of a she-oak.
Australia Felix
The lymphoid cells infiltrating all the organs were small round cells with scanty cytoplasm, morphologically similar to normal lymphocytes.
I broached this question one day to warder Smith, who informed me that the bathing appliances of the establishment were scanty, and that the prisoners were only "tubbed" once a fortnight.
Prisoner for Blasphemy
The present period is most undoubtedly the period of the cetaceans; and the future geologist who goes hunting for dry bones among the ooze of the Atlantic, now known to us only by the scanty dredgings of our 'Alerts' and 'Challengers,' but then upheaved into snow-clad Alps or vine-covered Apennines, will doubtless stand aghast at the huge skeletons of our whales and our razorbacks, and will mutter to himself in awe-struck astonishment, in the exact words of my friend at South Kensington, 'Things used all to be so very big in those days, usedn't they?'
Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
He wished that this means of mental improvement and recreation combined might be freely afforded to those whose scanty earnings would not permit them otherwise to make frequent use of it, and he resolved that the museum and the cosmorama should be included in his institution.
Peter Cooper The Riverside Biographical Series, Number 4
Then Aurora noticed the scanty slip dress and strappy heels she was wearing and decided that the girl didn't look so angelic anymore.
It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence.
Young Chief stroked the few scanty hairs on his upper lip, hiding his mouth.
Hypomenorrhea also known as or related to hypomenorrhoea, scanty periods, and spotting at periods is menstrual blood flow that is extremely light.
The hound fared on up the dale to where the water was bridged by a great fallen stone, and so over it and up a steep bent on the further side, on to a marvellously rough mountain-neck, whiles mere black sand cumbered with scattered rocks and stones, whiles beset with mires grown over with the cottony mire-grass; here and there a little scanty grass growing; otherwhere nought but dwarf willow ever dying ever growing, mingled with moss or red-blossomed sengreen; and all blending together into mere desolation.
The Roots of the Mountains; Wherein Is Told Somewhat of the Lives of the Men of Burgdale
It was not the loneliness of unfrequented nature, for there was a well-kept carriage road traversing its dreariness; and even when the hillside was clothed with scanty verdure, there were "outcrops" of smooth glistening weather-worn rocks showing like bare brown knees under the all too imperfectly kilted slopes.
The Bell-Ringer of Angel's
Eric told him all he could, but he knew little more than the scanty details he had already provided.
The urinary secretion was all along scanty and high coloured; but, as the disease advanced, the quantity became exceedingly small, (almost none was voided for days together,) for which he was taking diuretics; and on examining it with the application of heat, I repeatedly found it coagulable.
An Investigation into the Nature of Black Phthisis or Ulceration Induced by Carbonaceous Accumulation in the Lungs of Coal Miners
There was the sleepy Sunday of his boyhood, when, like a military deserter, he was marched to chapel by a picquet of teachers three times a day, morally handcuffed to another boy; and when he would willingly have bartered two meals of indigestible sermon for another ounce or two of inferior mutton at his scanty dinner in the flesh.
Little Dorrit
Suma Chakrabarti, ex-permanent secretary at the department of international development, said that evidence of the situation in Iraq before the invasion was 'scanty'.
Informed Comment
All this imposes a powerful constraint on language acquisition from the allegedly scanty data available to any child.
Page 15 was early expatriated from the place of his birth, transferred to the wilderness, subsisted on scanty fare, and made to serve strangers.
The Assassinated President
Herophon was seized with an acute fever; alvine discharges at first were scanty, and attended with tenesmus; but afterwards they were passed of a thin, bilious character, and frequent; there was no sleep; urine black, and thin.
Of The Epidemics
It is difficult to infer anything from such scanty evidence.
The woman who lodged at the house of Tisamenas had a troublesome attack of iliac passion, much vomiting; could not keep her drink; pains about the hypochondria, and pains also in the lower part of the belly; constant tormina; not thirsty; became hot; extremities cold throughout, with nausea and insomnolency; urine scanty and thin; dejections undigested, thin, scanty.
Of The Epidemics
Yaws (frambesia) is found in humid equatorial countries, where transmission is favored by scanty clothing and skin trauma.
Immediately on the commencement had thirst, nausea, and cardialgia; tongue dry; bowels disordered, with thin and scanty dejections; had no sleep.
Of The Epidemics
Modest and tasteful poverty expressed itself in the speckless cleanliness and the modestly proportioned skirts of her light “print” gown, and in the scanty little mantilla of cheap black silk which she wore over it, edged with a simple frilling of the same material.
Second, I review the scanty literature on whether vertebrate frugivores prefer fruits with presumably higher levels of ethanol over conspecific fruits with presumably lower levels of ethanol.
And, in our respectful submission, the evidence, scanty though it be, is all one way for there is no evidence at all which would support a contractual intention of the variety contended for by my learned friend.
Only scanty information could be gleaned from POWs.
Few Dutch ladies in Java mind being seen in what to us appears undress -- a sarong and kabaya -- and frequently, when without guests, it is the custom to dine in this scanty apparel.
From Jungle to Java The Trivial Impressions of a Short Excursion to Netherlands India
There was a very scanty cinderous fire in the grate by which they sat; and there was a tent bedstead in the room, with a bed upon it and a coverlet.
The Uncommercial Traveller
I didn't bring much, seeing as we were only staying for a few days, but I did bring a variety of scanty clothing that I would be wearing at the party.
Weary at length -- for the forlorn man continued movelessly sunk in his own thoughts, or what he had for such -- the eyes of the child began to wander about the darkness, to which they had already got so far accustomed as to make the most of the scanty light.
-- The principal causes of scanty or deficient menstruation are inflammation of the ovaries; ovarian tumors, consumption, or other wasting diseases; anteflexion of the womb; mental depression, or general debility.
Plain facts for old and young : embracing the natural history and hygiene of organic life.
Rick shivered as a dry southern wind blew across the buildings of the city, ruffling his scanty clothing and causing him to gaze about in worry.
Unlike myself, my sister had adapted to the fashion of the day, and her scanty blouse and short skirt left little to the imagination.
When much urine is passed during the night, it indicates that the alvine evacuations are scanty.
The wearing of scanty dress away from the beaches is not welcomed, nor is immodest dress inside of churches.
Annie now plunged these in the wash basin's scanty suds, washed them, and, going to the mirror, pasted them against the glass, flattening them out so that in the morning they might be "ironed," as she called it.
The Sagebrusher A Story of the West
She now saw a lot more girls wearing tight jeans and scanty shirts.
Bap measurement were extremely scanty in this report.
The southern one, on the other hand, covered also with a scanty vegetation and scattered trees, broadened out so as nearly to land-lock the cove behind it, and cause its waters to rush in or out, according to the tide, through an exceedingly contracted passage at its extreme southwestern end, popularly known as "the sluiceway.
Golden Days for Boys and Girls Volume XIII, No. 51: November 12, 1892
Young Chief stroked the few scanty hairs on his upper lip, hiding his mouth.
From this part descends a black scoriaceous tract; very rugged, and covered with a scanty vegetation of scattered bushes as far down as the sea.
The Malay Archipelago
Blake, Tintori, and Hagdorn and Blake and Hagdorn restudied the scanty Triassic record in light of that of the late Paleozoic.
The coat itself is what is called a jerkin; and as the buttons behind are half-way up his back, it is a matter of course that the tail, which runs rapidly to a point, is ludicrously scanty.
Lha Dhu; Or, The Dark Day The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
a scanty harvest
Quantity rather than quality becomes the criterion, the enjoyment is taken out of work itself, and the worker in his turn becomes a ‘clock-watcher’, concerned only when he will be able to escape to the scanty and monotonous leisure of industrial society, in which he ‘kills time’ by cramming in as much time-scheduled and mechanised enjoyment of cinema, radio and newspapers as his wage packet and his tiredness allow.
David had gathered his scanty possessions and was tying them into a bundle.
I can't get along on my scanty pay.
By the merest chances, they heard that all was well, and, compelled to be content with this scanty news, they plunged into their work again, till the roar of cannon and clash of steel became familiar as were the terrors of the scene of some desperate fight, such as modern soldiers would speak of as a desultory skirmish.
Crown and Sceptre A West Country Story
The desert ecosystem poses difficult problems - the forest area is scanty with poor growth of vegetation.
A long-term decline in police-neighborhood relations may well have occurred, but direct evidence is scanty, while other factors also weakened these relations.
In villages, the central area is where the chiefly lineage lives and people must show respect by not wearing scanty dress, hats, sunglasses, garlands, or shoulder bags, and by not speaking or laughing boisterously.
I mean by that, that their minds have been well trained but their actual knowledge of things is scanty from a lack of conventional education.
Some New Elements in British Politics
Umbilicariae cast their colored but scanty covering over the rocks, exposed by the melted snow, beautiful phanerogamic plants, as the Culcitium rufescens, Sida pinchinchensis, and Saxifraga Boussingaulti, are still found to flourish in the tropical region of the chain of the Andes, at an elevation of more than 15,000 feet.
COSMOS: A Sketch of the Physical Description of the Universe, Vol. 1
The teachable moment came a couple of days into the workshop when one villager, reporting for his small discussion group, acknowledged that his report was scanty.
The Great Basin, so called because its scanty water doesn't drain to any sea, is mostly a terrain of north-south-running ranges, sharp-edged raw geology, separated by flat expanses of sagebrush.
The present period is most undoubtedly the period of the cetaceans; and the future geologist who goes hunting for dry bones among the ooze of the Atlantic, now known to us only by the scanty dredgings of our 'Alerts' and 'Challengers,' but then upheaved into snow-clad Alps or vine-covered Apennines, will doubtless stand aghast at the huge skeletons of our whales and our razorbacks, and will mutter to himself in awe-struck astonishment, in the exact words of my friend at South Kensington, 'Things used all to be so very big in those days, usedn't they?'
Falling in Love With Other Essays on More Exact Branches of Science
The fabrics selected for this collection have something of the 1600's courtesan, though the dresses and skirts are quite scanty.
We made our way into the lobby, where about a million other giggly, screaming girls dressed in ridiculously scanty things were frolicking.
If Aboriginal numbers in 1788 were at the higher end of the estimated range, this epidemic would have been the chief killer, but information is scanty in the extreme.
Information is so scanty regarding the hoolock gibbon (found in Yunnan, Myanmar, Bangladesh and Assam) and the white-cheeked gibbon (found in Yunnan, Laos and Vietnam) that their conservation status is not even defined.
A thong is not a piece of scanty swimwear, as in America, but a fine example of Australian footwear.
'I had nothing I could spare from my own scanty and insufficient clothing, for a week's wandering among the thorny jungle had torn my dressing-gown and solitary muslin petticoat into ribbons, which were held together by thorns instead of pins, on the curative principle, I suppose, of" a hair of the dog that bit you.
A Christmas Cake in Four Quarters
her dress was scanty and revealing
David had gathered his scanty possessions and was tying them into a bundle.
There were many sad spectacles among these survivors, many landing in scanty attire and with bare feet and frozen limbs, until the time came when the Society was able to step into the breach by maintaining on board each Rescue Ship, 100 sets of warm clothing, the sets being replenished each time the vessel returned from a rescue operation, and in this particular connection I should like to mention with deep gratitude the gifts in kind sent over to us by the Imperial Order of the Daughters of the Empire, whose association with the Society dates back a long time -- indeed to the First World War, in 1916, some 30 years ago.
Heroes of the British Merchant Fleet
It was a picture of a child clad in scanty rags, showing just enough skin to make me uncomfortable.
A Note about Alice I Have Been by author Melanie Benjamin
It was a small, whitewashed place, with a green porch over the door; scanty brown stalks showed in the garden soil near this porch, and likewise beneath the windows - stalks budless and flowerless now, but giving dim prediction of trained and blooming creepers for summer days.
Shirley, by Charlotte Bronte
He suffered from pain in the loins, scanty urine, hematuria, and generalized edema.