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[ UK /skˈændi‍əm/ ]
  1. a white trivalent metallic element; sometimes classified in the rare earth group; occurs in the Scandinavian mineral thortveitite

How To Use scandium In A Sentence

  • In this paper, aluminum - scandium alloys were prepared starting form scandium oxide by molten salt electrolysis.
  • Scandium is an element with the resilience of titanium and the light weight of aluminum.
  • China controls up to 97% of world production of these elements — which include samarium, scandium and yttrium — and its export quotas for this year are nearly exhausted. Rare Earth Shortages Hit Germany
  • Im minus 7% body fat now, bones replaced w/lightweight scandium alloy! Dane Cook and the Jonas Brothers Auditioned for Captain America Roles? | /Film
  • In 1879 a Swedish chemist named Lars Fredrik Nilson was looking for rare earth elements in the minerals euxenite and gadolinite when he discovered erbium and ytterbium; scandium was later separated from the ytterbium. Scandium
  • I look forward to his discussion of scandium and yttrium. I'll Have Mine Rare
  • Of the rare-earth metals many - yttrium, terbium, erbium, ytterbium, scandium, thulium, holmium - have been given names that show their origin in various Swedish localities. Nobel Prize in Chemistry 1951 - Presentation Speech
  • The name scandium was derived from the Latin word Scandia which means Scandinavia. Scandium
  • I look forward to his discussion of scandium and yttrium. I'll Have Mine Rare
  • There is a mad quest among nations now to find new rare-earth reserves - elements such as scandium, yttrium and lanthanum, to list just a few. - Top Stories
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