How To Use Scandal In A Sentence

  • One of the nastiest is the way in which male honour is seen as bound up with female behaviour so that any supposed compromise or scandal in what happens to women, even becoming a rape victim, justifies violence against them as well as against their abusers or seducers; hence the 'honour killings' of young girls that disfigure some societies even today. Temple Address: "Becoming Trustworthy: Respect and Self-Respect" Church House
  • Either way, the full story of this apparent scandal must come out. Times, Sunday Times
  • His Eminence Don Pelasio de Labastida, an eighteenth century bishop of Mexico City set a scandalous example of such indulgence in earthly pleasures. To the charreada with stars in her eyes
  • Football has been rocked by allegations that up to eight top bosses have been caught up in a bung scandal. The Sun
  • This scandal is bound to tell against him in the coming presidential election.
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  • The party is struggling to win back voters who have been alienated by recent scandals.
  • It's a scandal for a city official to take tax money for his own use.
  • We do need to show that we can talk without contradiction of God's universal salvific will and the scandalous particularity of the incarnate and risen Lord.
  • But it actually is ushering in a new rationale for the media's scandal mongering.
  • The government is involved in a damage limitation exercise to minimize the effects of the scandal.
  • The government has announced that culprits in the scandal will be tried by military court.
  • As a result, some politicians have begun to think of war, not as the high-risk recourse of last resort, but as an attractive foreign policy option in times of domestic scandal or economic decline.
  • If any of them decided to tell their trouble to one of the scandal sheets, you could be pilloried. DEATH IN FASHION
  • An unexpected call for a no-confidence vote against Vietnamese Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung over his handling of a debt crisis at one of Vietnam's biggest state-owned firms shows that the political fallout from the country's worst-ever financial scandal might just be starting, analysts say. Vietnamese Premier Faces Fallout on Vinashin
  • He resigned from his post as Bishop when the scandal broke.
  • The scandal of Christian theology, of Jesus' particularity, Keck argues, must be considered in view of Jesus' Jewishness.
  • A federal investigator was on campus within 48 hours after news broke about the scandal.
  • Florida's Democratic candidate for governor, Alex Sink, said Monday she will begin airing a rare two-minute-long TV ad attacking Republican opponent Rick Scott for the massive fraud scandal that occurred on his watch at his former hospital company. Alex Sink Attack Ad RIPS Rick Scott Over Massive Medicare Fraud (VIDEO)
  • An AIM-listed mobile phone software company reeling from an alleged financial scandal has collapsed into administration. Times, Sunday Times
  • But they are sorry, that they have just cause to regrate, that men of meer civill place and employment should usurp the calling and employment of the ministry, to the scandall of the reformed kirks, and particularly in The Works of the Rev. Hugh Binning
  • So avoiding the whiff of scandal enveloping me back home, let me introduce you to the rest of my competitors.
  • A series of corruption scandals led to the fall of the government.
  • It's difficult to emerge from such a scandal with your reputation still intact.
  • The country has been plagued by political scandals and infighting in government, and strikes and demonstrations are now the norm.
  • you behaved scandalously when you walked out of that meeting!
  • The facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually.
  • They would know that their statements are going to be subject to widespread scrutiny, rather than just skewed media scandalmongering.
  • The Government was discredited by the scandal.
  • Whether it's pitch battles, boardroom corruption, manager's bungs or ticket tout scandals, the whole league stinks of sleaze.
  • The current scandal could improve his chances-or prompt a crackdown that might dash any hope of his getting power.
  • A system for reporting side-effects was set up in the 1960s after the thalidomide scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is scandalous that we still allocate scarce homeland security dollars on the basis of pork barrel spending and not on risk.
  • Many people might find this magistrate's sentence abominably scandalous.
  • The scandal has damaged his credibility as a leader.
  • The whole of the business in that country from beginning to end was scandalous and disgraceful. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • The ensuing scandal threatened, in the words of Federal Judge Jack B. Weinstein, to "unravel" the remaining 60 "War" cases. Peter Lance: Feds Move Terrorist Close to Key Murder Witness
  • sensational journalistic reportage of the scandal
  • The scandal rocked the legal establishment to its foundations.
  • The building was set ablaze in an apparent attempt to destroy evidence that could condemn a former mayor of involvement in a payroll scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's scandalous that the Green Fund, which was set up in 2000 to be used for environmental projects, has been mouldering in the Government's coffers for four years without a cent being put to use.
  • The huge outcry in the wake of last year's organ retention scandals has had a very damaging effect with a large drop in the number of people donating organs for transplantation.
  • The newspapers are panting for details of the scandal.
  • It all added up to a marital mystery that had even the nosiest internet scandal merchants flummoxed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last night, in an address to bishops in Nigeria, Pope John Paul II insisted that priests must live celibate lives and avoid scandalous behaviour.
  • … Compounding the headaches for warm-mongers is a probe being launched by the British Parliament into the Climate Research Unit e-mail scandal. Think Progress » After warmest January in history, Vancouver airlifts in snow for Winter Olympics.
  • The council's failure to act is a scandal.
  • The supposedly cocksure and unshakeable defence secretary has come under pressure to resign over the photo scandal.
  • The White House surveillance scandal heats up.
  • This scandal has taken the gloss off the occasion.
  • Almost every major assignment he has had turns out to have been hazed over with clouds of scandal.
  • In the Watergate scandal, obstruction of justice was number one in the articles of impeachment approved by the House Judiciary Committee.
  • We confess with sadness that Christians and our institutions have too often scandalously failed to uphold the institution of marriage and to model for the world the true meaning of marriage.
  • This latest episode in the fraud scandal has shocked a lot of people.
  • You did not excuse the wrongdoings of the executives involved in the recently uncovered corporate scandals.
  • High street banks seem to lurch from one mis-selling scandal to the next. Times, Sunday Times
  • These scandals will not enhance the organization's reputation/image.
  • Julia Grant socialized with robber barons and was vilified for her role in a gold-market scandal.
  • Six months ago they cautioned against being too aggressive on the corporate scandals; now they censure Democrats for not pushing harder.
  • The stock-market scandal is refusing to go away, mainly because there's still no consensus over how it should be dealt with.
  • This charming paragraph illustrates the vitality of scandal, and at the same time shows how ludicrously rumor and tradition mistell stories in the face of evidence. A Book About Lawyers
  • The scandal was widely reported in the national media .
  • The scandal could damage her reputation but the press reported it anyhow.
  • This book is scandalous not because of shocking exposés, but rather because of its very publication.
  • The chairman of the football club embroiled in cricket's match-fixing scandal has apparently taken his own life. Times, Sunday Times
  • This profession scandalizes her mother, a member of the local gentry, a class slightly above that of most of the people Enid cares for.
  • [*] Though the judge's portrait, reprinted in White Heat, suggests the very antithesis of Byronic romance, it was very likely Lord in whose arms Emily Dickinson was reputedly once seen "reclining" in the Homestead parlor by her scandalized neighbor/sister-in-law Susan Dickinson. The Woman in White
  • Champs-Elysées, du Sacre du printemps dont le scandale triomphal éclipsa totalement Jeux, une partition bien trop complexe, diaphane, subtile, ésotérique presque, que l'on a mis une cinquantaine d'années à comprendre réellement. AvaxHome
  • But the principal axis of the Conservative campaign is scandal-mongering.
  • You have put your finger on something that is not far short of a scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The whole of the business in that country from beginning to end was scandalous and disgraceful. EMPIRES OF THE PLAIN: Henry Rawlinson and the Lost Languages of Babylon
  • Political sex scandals are all grist to the mill of the tabloid newspapers.
  • Her theft from the shop caused scandal in the village.
  • The general loathing of red-top writers has grown steadily over the years and came to a natural, pus-filled head, with the News Of The World phone-hacking scandal and subsequent closure. Joe Mott: Tabloid Tossers - be Nice to us Hacks
  • References to the recent upsurge of doping scandals in sprinting do not faze him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dawg has not consumed supermarket ground beef since that scandal but buys his own round or chuck and grinds it at home with a sufficient amount of fat to assure the somewhat rotund Dawg that he does not shrink to skinny-fartdom and look like some Godawful feo Chapala shrimp on a motorbike who thinks he is Marlon Brando but has more in common with Boy George. The big chapala beef beef
  • Being a prim and proper spinster, Jane Austen did not use the family scandal in any of her novels.
  • This is a scandal and it must be stopped. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the Presidential Palace has remained notably tight-lipped since the scandal broke.
  • The near-transparent skin insufficiently separates the inside of the body from the outside, hinting at the noisome scandal of the feces 'exteriorization of the body's interior processes. Patriarchal Fantasy and the Fecal Child in Mary Shelley's _Frankenstein_ and its Adaptations
  • From Mike Wallace, "This 'scandalmonger' was entertained and provoked by Ms. Garment's remarkable catalogue. Scandal: The Culture of Mistrust in American Politics
  • There has been no hint of scandal during his time in office.
  • The scandal of industrial espionage was bad enough. Times, Sunday Times
  • All the ministers involved in the scandal have denied the allegations against them, claiming evidence was framed or taken out of context. Times, Sunday Times
  • He added: 'It is scandalous the law allows people to ride on the road without helmets. The Sun
  • But there's nothing remotely scandalous about this reality-based movie.
  • His party is also being beset by fundraising scandals at just the moment when it needs public trust. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nimia profecto almplicitate peccant qui scandalizantur quoties audiunt aliquid ex jam olim creditia et juxta breviarii prescriptum hodiedum recitandis, in disputationem adduci. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • This is one of the most visible areas of the river and it is a scandal nothing has been done to enhance it.
  • Yesterday it emerged he is under round-the-clock police protection following last month's scandal. The Sun
  • President Barack Obama "suntanned" even though he caused a political Premier Silvio Berlusconi had his first meeting Saturday with Pope Benedict XVI since the Vatican spokesman the Rev. Federico ... scandal surrounding Silvio Berlusconi ... - Articles related to Global hunger worsening, warns UN
  • She scandalized her family with her extravagant lifestyle.
  • Starting in the '40s as a legman for Drew Pearson's Washington Merry-Go-Round column of gossip and scandal, Anderson had absolute faith in himself as a righteous scourge, even if he had to pay bribes and root through other people's garbage cans to get scoops. The dirty dance between Anderson and Nixon
  • I wondered why she decided to bring up her son by herself, as in l967 it was considered something of a scandal having a child out of wedlock and coming from a middle-class Army family?
  • This is a wicked of police corruption, media con tricks and celebrity scandals.
  • (Zakát): thus he avoided the shame and scandal of mendicancy which, beginning in the Catholic countries of Southern Europe, extends to The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • Her reputation suffered a mortal blow as a result of the scandal.
  • This drugs scandal is another blot on the Olympics.
  • For example, when a test has to be recalled because information has been stolen, even those who had nothing to do with the scandal don't get their test scored and have to be retested.
  • He said it would leak out to the newspapers and cause a scandal.
  • The counsel therefore by President Mwanawasa on the need for envoys to be above board and avoid being caught up in a web of scandals is valid and should be paid heed to.
  • She insisted that every scandalous detail of the story had been manufactured.
  • In addition, if you look closely at the article you will see it has a certain wry affectionateness towards Labour, and deals with the expenses scandals humorously, pointing out just a few individuals who have apparently failed their genial and public spirited leader. Archive 2009-05-16
  • The scandal could be a major buzz kill for him.
  • It has attempted to act swiftly in the wake of the scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some journalists are guilty of reporting scandal in order to sell papers.
  • The news about the President's private life caused a scandal.
  • The political scandal shook the nation to its very foundations.
  • In order to protect the guilty, Morin won't name names, which is probably just as well given the litany of scandalous events chronicled in the book.
  • She was running before the wind -- yawing frightfully -- her staysail let down to act as a sort of extra foresail, -- "scandalized," they call it, -- and her foreboom guyed out over the side. Captains Courageous
  • But the squeaky-clean brands also benefited from others' woes in the horsemeat scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • The corruption scandal has been deeply shocking many ordinary party members.
  • Dunkeld; for this fact illustrates one of the great evils under which the Scottish Church was at this time labouring, namely the usurpation of abbeys and benefices by great secular chieftains, an abuse existing side by side, and closely connected with, the scandal of concubinage among the clergy, with its inevitable consequence, the hereditary succession to benefices, and wholesale secularization of the property of the Church. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 13: Revelation-Stock
  • The scandal surely signals the end of his political career.
  • News of the scandal certainly hastened his departure from office.
  • Every now and then when Lady Flora wanted to talk scandal with her friends, Honor was allowed to go riding.
  • Doctors have suffered a loss of prestige following a spate of scandals.
  • You say that to shock and scandalize ," said Nessarose primly. WICKED: THE LIFE AND TIMES OF THE WICKED WITCH OF THE WEST
  • It is a scandal that so many of the cinema's greatest works remain unavailable on video
  • Twenty years later, his family are still trying to live the scandal down.
  • ‘Institutional investors have been behaving in way that is little short of scandalous,’ he contends.
  • In this scandalous era, savvy operatives like him are expendable.
  • Mr Chirac has flatly rejected requests to accept a summons for questioning by magistrates in the travel scandal.
  • Following the scandal, he was relieved of his post as deputy finance minister.
  • The kind of resourceful, probing journalism that first exposed most of the serious scandals, corruption and injustice in our nation’s history would simply disappear…. Nelson Aldrich Rockefeller (1908-79)
  • The scandal means he's finished in politics.
  • Wecontinue to report onthe salmonella, BPA, and melamine scandals, andto speakout onthe FDA's ability to protect our food supply and Obama's plan for an overhaul. Critics say FDA is broken, needs to restore its reputation
  • The Constitution of Martin V, "Ad evitanda scandala", permits the excommunicated known as tolerati (tolerated) to take part in an election, but exception may be taken to them, and their exclusion must follow; if, after such exception, they cast a vote, it must be considered null. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 5: Diocese-Fathers of Mercy
  • In scandal, as in robbery,the receiver is always thought as bad as the thief. 
  • A time of heavy coins and horse manure, warmish beer, a scandalous flash of ankle.
  • From The Independent, which in its subheading, is painting the Pope’s proposed apology as an attempt to defuse the scandal. Pope will make historic apology for abuse « Anglican Samizdat
  • And that is that the president has continued -- and of course, Al Gore was part of the team -- continued to outdistance them, to outmove them every step along the way, whether it was in Donorgate with campaign finance and the failure of Clinton's attorney general to appoint an independent counsel, or later with impeachment or all the many other scandals. CNN Transcript Nov 22, 2000
  • So, I mean, the bottom is the pop culture crossing over with the political culture kind of goes haywire and goes crazy about sex and sexual scandal. Writing 'The Good Wife': Art Imitates Life?
  • The book includes reproductions of these images, and an essay that provides a detailed account of the scandal and the murder trial that resulted from the publication of this racy material. Boing Boing
  • And Nixon in '73 was already being entoiled in the Watergate scandal. CNN Transcript Jun 21, 2005
  • Thanks so much for the links to the WSJ story pumping up the speculatory frenzy over the conference call at the center of Blagopaylooza (my "Name the Scandal" entry, btw) and the Politico "story" about that upright paragon of moral rectitude David Vitter's plan to call Bill to testify at Hillary's confirmation hearing. Where Are You, Angry Left?
  • In the ensuing uproar - fueled by people who were not comparably scandalized when George W. Bush was sulfurously vilified - her opponent raised nearly $2 million and her lead shrank from 13 points to her winning margin of 3. - Local News
  • The Daily Express headline ‘Scandal of the bodysnatchers’ was inappropriate because there were no bodysnatchers.
  • A whole chapter is devoted to handling the news frenzy if your partner is involved in a scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • Again, like today's, its doings were chronicled by an irreverent, iconoclastic press eager for celebrity gossip and social scandal.
  • With this in mind, 'climategate' - the scandal over hacked emails by prominent climate scientists - looks sinister rather than just unsavory. Information Liberation
  • Slapdash weeklies at the supermarket checkout line move by the millions circulating gossip, lies, innuendo and scandal.
  • October 2: Reynolds ensconces himself in children, refuses to ask children to leave conference room, fields press questions about a congressional man-boy-love sex scandal. Midterm Roundup
  • We could be wide of the mark connecting them to Daddy's scandal. SUMMER OF SECRETS
  • Witty, flamboyant and scandalous, he was also a diarist in the tradition of Samuel Pepys.
  • Dead or fled, the man was out of Meirion's way, and could scandalise Morgant no longer. His Disposition
  • The magazine is full of gossip and scandal.
  • Some say that the scandal will still have a chilling effect. Times, Sunday Times
  • We urge the Government to act on the report's recommendations, channelling resources into the NHS that have been scandalously lacking in the past.
  • The press could scent a scandal.
  • The scandal was revealed after months of undercover work by journalists.
  • Much of the book deals with scandals and questions of "truthfulness" - the very questions that have dominated the conversation about memoir in recent years. SMITH Magazine Superfeed
  • The Profumo scandal showed that some acts of indiscretion and immorality would not be overlooked.
  • It is their responsibility to present a stage-managed event that is free from scandal.
  • Red-faced environment chiefs today pledged there will be no repeat of the Hampshire scandal which saw tons of recyclable waste dumped in rubbish tips.
  • The scandal caused a series of resignations from the National's board and also claimed the scalp of its Chief Executive Officer.
  • The latest scandal engulfing the department has been over prisoners absconding from non-secure open prisons. Times, Sunday Times
  • The news of conditions at Scutari, where the ill and wounded soldiers were barracked, was considered scandalous back home in London.
  • The facts behind the scandal are sure to emerge eventually.
  • Last week, I was surprised (and chagrinned) to learn that despite the widespread, inside-the-beltway knowledge of Senator David Vitter's (R-La.) prostitution scandals, an astonishingly large segment of his statewide electorate had no awareness of his past. Louisiana Democrats Drop Vitter Prostitution Video Opus
  • Blest from above, human nature's wickedness had from below too frequently besulphured and suffumigated him for his memory to be dim; and though he was ever ready to own himself an example that heaven prevaileth, he could cite instances of scandal-mongering shop-women dismissed and working him mischief in the town, which pointed to him in person for a proof that the Powers of Complete Short Works of George Meredith
  • The journalist was probing into several financial scandals.
  • (Skip to the 5: 00 mark of this clip and you can see the scandalously underrated Jules Munshin satirize the Food Network, still a half-century in the future.) Archive 2008-03-01
  • Fleet Street loves a good scandal.
  • following the scandal, the cardinal resigned his cardinalate
  • This scandal did not come out of a clear blue sky. The Sun
  • The new batch have vowed to clean up politics in the wake of the expenses scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • MCI, in an effort to distance itself from the accounting scandals that plagued the company when it went by the name WorldCom, on Tuesday named a defense contractor veteran as its chief ethics officer.
  • In 1810 he survived a frenzied attack by his valet, though scandal insisted that Cumberland had been the aggressor.
  • Some of the few things that can still scandalise: Bible quotes Some of the few things that can still scandalise: Bible quotes « Anglican Samizdat
  • But at the same time, it is NOT “pointless” to be enthusiastically, tear-jerkingly, unwaveringly “proud” of the “land of your birth” — to the point where people are actually STILL SURPRISED — or even scandalized — when yet another of “our” scandals come to light. US in Police State Top 10
  • The lecturer arose like an outraged moralist to repudiate the scandalous charge of libidinousness. An Anarchist Woman
  • The balloon went up last Friday when the scandal became public.
  • Mr. Thomson, the "curat" of Anstruther Easter, was a man highly obnoxious to the devout: in the first place, because he was a "curat"; in the second place, because he was a person of irregular and scandalous life; and in the third place, because he was generally suspected of dealings with the Enemy of Man. Across the Plains: With Other Memories and Essays
  • In its impact on each of us, it makes the banking scandals look almost insignificant. The Sun
  • He didn't retail the scandal he had heard to his father.
  • The firm's good name was badly tarnished by the scandal.
  • But the scandal that he had to resign his bursarship for misappropriation of funds in connection with the tower may certainly be rejected. The Charm of Oxford
  • the American public is experiencing scandal fatigue
  • In light of the mission to spread the gospel, the division of the churches seemed pragmatically ineffective and theologically scandalous.
  • The trial was a great scandal but she bore it all with courage and dignity.
  • As the debate rages in the West about the ungodly behavior of godly men, a series of sex scandals involving India's assortment of god men -- called sadhu, baba or swami -- is making skeptics out of many Indians. Swami Sex Scandals Have India Questioning An Ancient Traditiong
  • A British newspaper, The Guardian, which has covered the scandal at The News of the World with vigor, followed up on Thursday by reporting that Mr. Langhoff's forays into The Journal newsroom were only a small part of what it referred to as a circulation "scam. NYT > Home Page
  • DILI: East Timor celebrated the 10th anniversary of its popular consultation on Sunday, with the main streets and government offices in Dili decorated with colorful flags Minister Kevin Rudd's scandal-plagued Labour Party in the state of New South - Articles related to Japan Leads Rally; Steel Stocks Up
  • Deer Dehorning Scandal: Citizens raise a ruckus after police remove antlers of roadkilled buck | Field & Stream Deer Dehorning Scandal: Citizens raise a ruckus after police remove antlers of roadkilled buck
  • Anyone who has watched the last rounds of the World Cup knows that these scandalmongers have a point.
  • Nomura has bolstered its compliance system since being implicated in a scandal involving "sokaiya" corporate racketeers in 1997, but the latest incident will put its internal information-control system under intense scrutiny. Pre-Parsing
  • That a man who certainly did (as F.H. Groome says) look like a “colossal clergyman” should have joined the gipsies, that he should have wandered over England and Europe, content often to have the grass for his bed and the sky for his hostry-roof, has astonished very much (and I believe scandalized very much) this age. Old Familiar Faces
  • Most of us enjoy a bit of scandal.
  • Mr. Kan had promised to root out "money politics" after a veteran power broker in his party was caught up in a scandal.
  • Bolt brings light as dope scandal blights Jamaican athletics funds outplod the hares * Best equity income funds easily beat S&P 500 over decade * - Business News
  • Li Faa, from the Chinese angle, was a new woman, a feminist, who rode horseback astride, disported immodestly garbed at Waikiki on the surf-boards, and at more than one luau (feast) had been known to dance the hula with the worst and in excess of the worst, to the scandalous delight of all. THE TEARS OF AH KIM
  • The president will have to resign for being involved in a political scandal.
  • He conferred on it a kind of inquisitorial and censorial powers even over the laity, and directed it to inquire into all matters of conscience; into all conduct which had given scandal; into all actions which, though they escaped the law, might appear contrary to good morals. The History of England in Three Volumes, Vol.I., Part C. From Henry VII. to Mary
  • The three leaders vied to outdo one another with outrage over the expenses scandal. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a scandal that this has been prevented because of orders to meet Labour's targets.
  • The affair was the most sensational political sex scandal of the century.
  • The public has an insatiable appetite for scandal and political controversy.
  • Japan's consumers have had their trust in food safety battered by a recent rash of scandals involving mislabelled beef, pork and poultry and by an outbreak of mad cow disease last year.
  • There is a further dimension to the scandal.
  • The scandalmonger is the murderer of reputations, the destroyer of domestic peace, the insuperable obstacle to the mutual friendliness of neighborhoods. Practical Ethics

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