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How To Use Scam In A Sentence

  • At around 11 am that day a pensioner foiled another attempted scam by a man and woman in Central Avenue, Gravesend.
  • This link is sort of off-topic but really not, as it's yet another case (as in the present one) of the media doing their level best to shout down "the critics" -- the nattering nabobs of negativism -- and then, years later, admitting that the "gadflies" were right all along, and that what looked like a scam, walked like a scam, and quacked like a scam was -- quelle surprise! Funky math with Mark Larabee (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • I knew it was a scam, selling to these offshore skimmers.
  • The other thing I love is the way AdScammer's go for me and each other in their comments … As "bg" puts it so well … "tough room. AdScam/The Horror!
  • Scamp had an airtight alibi, naturally, but then again young Leakey never said who exactly had done it.
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  • You will pay £8.75 (at the time of writing) but scampi is on the menu for £6.95.
  • According to the police report, Officer Steven Kuhnau attempted to call the scammer, posing as a student in need of software. News
  • As a long-time B-list critic and junketeer, my conscience has long been inured to the petty scams of the Golden Globes voter shoving another complimentary cream puff into his craw. House of Scams and Fog, Or How to Break Into Your Own Apartment
  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • The next wave of Internet-related scams, however, may move from phishing to pharming.
  • Another scam involves a fraudster calling a bank and informing them that a company's contact details have changed, and then telling the company that the bank's details have changed.
  • Sure, there were film songs sung with verve, dances and a skit, and games for children scampering around.
  • A scampering noise beat across the ceiling before a little trapdoor opened with a dull thud, previously completely invisible to all in the bar.
  • His scam ran for three years, ending in September 2001, after a sting conducted by undercover police.
  • Bruttia Sicanium circumspicit ora Pelorum? quid primum mediumue canam, quo fine quiescam? auratasne trabis an Mauros undique postis35 an picturata lucentia marmora uena mirer, an emissas per cuncta cubilia nymphas? huc oculis, huc mente trahor. uenerabile dicam lucorum senium? te, quae uada fluminis infra cernis, an ad siluas quae respicis, aula, tacentis, 40 qua tibi tuta quies offensaque turbine nullo nox silet et pigros inuitant murmura somnos? an quae graminea suscepta crepidine fumant balnea et impositum riuis algentibus ignem? quaque uaporiferis iunctus fornacibus amnis45 ridet anhelantis uicino flumine nymphas? uidi artis ueterumque manus uariisque metalla uiua modis. labor est auri memorare figuras aut ebur aut dignas digitis contingere gemmas; quicquid et argento primum uel in aere minori50 lusit et enormis manus est experta colossos. dum uagor aspectu uisusque per omnia duco, calcabam necopinus opes. nam splendor ab alto defluus et nitidum referentes aera testae monstrauere solum; uarias ubi picta per artis55 gaudet humus superatque nouis asarota figuris: expauere gradus. A Villa at Tibur
  • But they're also – judging by the other "what is?" search terms – puzzled by sauteed shrimp "what is scampi? Google crowns royal wedding as fastest-rising UK search of 2011
  • He tries to buy one on the street, but his naïvete and lack of street sense only see him get scammed by con artists.
  • Some of the animals chattered a moment and then went on their way, while others stayed to scamper or fly around the two friends.
  • Experts predict another surge in cyber scam attempts this year. The Sun
  • He's a bit of a charming scamp, a perfect fit for the exuberant, free-wheeling '60s.
  • This blog entry discusses getting a phishing scam e-mail, and then some further logistics behind what might stop these from happening (and how to avoid getting scammed yourself).
  • You can tell this isn't going to be a winter of picturesque snowscapes and mitten-clad children scampering around with their hoods up - it's one of the bleak, sub-zero temperatures variety.
  • George, Washington source: daud schoeps mk4v > vms > sbm-1 > d8 transfer: dat clone in tascam da-20mkII > rme digi96 / 8 pst > cdWAV > flac taped by Steve and Aaron transfer by Cliff per request from week4paugh. net 3 / 13 / 05
  • Scammers plague people who are buying a new car for the first time.
  • But in social security the biggest scam is people pretending to have a disability that they do not have, rather than assuming another name.
  • For £5.50 there was a choice of cod or haddock, with scampi £1 extra.
  • There is no official list of sponsor companies, and the internet is awash with scammers offering paid access to fake job lists. Times, Sunday Times
  • They rake in money from other scams too. The Sun
  • Jamie Barrow concluded the scoring when he scampered onto Smith's pass to rifle the ball past Knowles.
  • The horses scampered down the flat to search out alfilaria. The California Birthday Book
  • The fish - squid, prawns and scampi - was coated in a delicate batter, light years away from any calamari I've tasted.
  • April 21st, 2009 at 3: 14 pm good censor it, lose the free adverting for a ton of stuff, have kids realize its all a scam to get you into a contract for a phone then drop them on mass for early termination fees so bell can try the next scam on people. UK mobile providers launch censorship plan
  • Mia scampered off into the kitchen and came back with some scones with honey butter glazed on them.
  • The sulfonamides are separated by C18 column, reacted with fluorescamine in post column reaction module, convert to molecules with fluorescence characteristic, quantified by fluorescence detector.
  • A NEW hotline that allows punters to tip off watchdogs about suspected betting scams is to be launched today. The Sun
  • At a fish-and-chip shop called the Balancing Eel, a stone's throw from the quayside, cod, haddock, plaice and sole are the fish of choice with scampi and prawn fritters close behind.
  • The MVD file accused Konstantin Komarov of being the man who conceived the scam on Tsentralnaya's behalf. CHAMELEON
  • A petty thief is seen pulling off a cheap scam on a shopkeeper by a major league con-artist who recruits him for a big job.
  • Upwards of 200,000 descamisados entered the capital city and demanded that Perón be their Leader.
  • I airport parking at luton been blabby a lot sociobiologically ended harmonica screening and what scamp the firsthand from the bad from the cephalopodan. Rational Review
  • Thanks!!! bill dance fishing flygate chironomid cheap vanagon transporteur treasure hunter karman ghia teenie two carravelle autosleeper hausman crooked tongues running shoes lance agreement xp2400 king size alpha tag scamper financial centre - 2006-08-20 13: 56: 35 Sunday, Update on pics
  • No matter how hard I try, I simply cannot keep up with my guide, Alistair, who scampers over the screes like some tweed-clad mountain goat.
  • The ‘money manager’ is actually a second con artist who is complicit in the scam.
  • Thanks to changes in the tax law engineered when another avowedly pro-business Democrat, Bill Clinton, was president, U.S. multinational financial companies can avoid taxes on their international scams. Robert Scheer: Obama's Fatal Addiction
  • The combination of the two are highly effective at detecting scams, schemes and illicit practices.
  • Be careful whom you call a scamp!" said Fred, while Rexford again edged off. Under Fire A Tale of New England Village Life
  • This whole business was one big scam to rope me in, you never planned to keep your part of the bargain.
  • Scam Sensor uses a proprietary heuristic algorithm to identify fraudulent e-mails.
  • Even our die-hard Communist friends admit to the existence of small-scale scams under the old system.
  • It has been alleged that the scam centres around cash fiddles at the large store, which is in Ocotal Way.
  • There wasn't a fish shop for miles, although the local supermarket was full of breaded plaice and battered scampi.
  • It aims to expose scams, reveal tricks, soothe anxieties, and ease the passage of the novice into cyberworld.
  • Well the poor mutt ran away howling in pain and agony and he scampered shiveringly to a refuge in a deserted shack.
  • That we hear not even a peep from him is presumably due to the fact that too many sponsors and cronies are in on the great land scam.
  • The team will be hard pushed to crack this scam as the practice appears to have been arbitrary.
  • Forestry Environmental scams have been big business because many people like the idea of investing in something that is good. Times, Sunday Times
  • She got away with her tax credits scam for nine months until officials rumbled that her brood's birthdays overlapped. The Sun
  • A tribunal was told Mr Carroll was subjected to an intense hate campaign after he was exposed as the fireman telling bosses of an alleged scam at Horwich station, near Bolton.
  • It's no wonder scammers do so well when it's so hard to tell the real from the fake. Times, Sunday Times
  • On the face of it, the series only made sense as some sort of tax scam. Times, Sunday Times
  • And it is this strength that Manhattan has drawn on, offering burgers, steak baguettes, scampi, ribs and a handful of other meat-lead meals.
  • Or it may be that most of this regulation was merely a bureaucratic scam and a leaden weight on small and medium-sized businesses. Times, Sunday Times
  • Investment scams are also rife, usually based in a sunny location overseas. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Rampur case sheds light on the dubious role which the World Bank plays in abetting the scams that Wikileak exposed. Peter Bosshard: World Bank Hydro Project Exposes Blatant Abuse of Climate Funds
  • Rogue builders who conned pensioners out of £140,000 before blowing the cash on drinking binges have been ordered to reveal how much they each profited from the scam.
  • Ameche and Tierney are a handsome, appealing pair from their first meeting in a bookshop, while Charles Coburn (as scampish Grandpa Hugo) and Allyn Joslyn (as Henry's strait-laced cousin Albert) round out a fabulous supporting cast. John Farr: Laughing in Style: That Special 'Lubitsch Touch'
  • McCain stymied in his scam of public financing for ... More readers weigh in about Obama's security
  • But most scammers are quickly ousted, reputation in tatters. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three people were jailed in the summer over a scam involving drugging sick and potentially dangerous horses and selling them. Times, Sunday Times
  • His touch and tone are wonderful, and on the solo pieces his use of percussive sounds, banging chords, glowering bass figures and scampering uptempo lines make him sound like an innovator.
  • There was a quick scamper of feet from the children as everyone bundled into the hallway.
  • A British newspaper, The Guardian, which has covered the scandal at The News of the World with vigor, followed up on Thursday by reporting that Mr. Langhoff's forays into The Journal newsroom were only a small part of what it referred to as a circulation "scam. NYT > Home Page
  • As the legal escamotage of terra nullius denied the existence of Indigenous land tenure, opening up land and resources to European settlers, so cultura nullius is being used to justify government and market policy efforts to overlay our own, often foreign values and visions, on those that are rhetorically effaced and trade-off one cultural body of knowledge, skills, practices and values for another. Culture Matters
  • Many of the hustles and scams in the film are taken directly from his own poolhall adventures.
  • The guy was obviously suckered by the promise of an easy $200,000 (like all other Nigerian scam victims) and tossed any skepticism right out the window.
  • People in the UK are so blinded by the term charity number that they instantly think no number you must be a scam. Army Rumour Service
  • We scoff at the notion that anybody would be taken in by such scams.
  • Soon enough he was scampering runs and cutting through point fiercely enough to send the fielders scurrying. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nothing new there, you might reply, you cheeky young scamps, and I'm hardly in much of a position to persuade you otherwise.
  • There's plenty of good stodge on the menu, including favourites such as scampi, macaroni cheese, sausages, lasagne, steak and hand-cut chips.
  • Nobody is forcing you to become a victim of a scammery, misleaded by hypes and false advertising. Shirky FTW
  • In societies, there are freeloaders, scammers, and other miscreants.
  • Now you don't know the meaning of clever," she said; "Sheridan might be clever -- scamps often are, but Johnson hadn't a spark of 'cleverality' in him. Dr. Johnson and His Circle
  • In fact, 20-30 years ago unscrupulous restaurateurs in Spanish resorts would pass it off as lobster or scampi to unsuspecting tourists.
  • The scams offer fabulous riches or the love of your life, but first the magha has to send a series of escalating fees and payments.
  • As Mars and others have documented, this point would seem to apply to a wide range of occupational scams and fiddles, ranging from the top-floor board room to the basement boiler room.
  • In plain English, clickjacking lets hackers and scammers hide malicious stuff under the cover of the content on a legitimate site.
  • “Lauritz, you young scamp, go aloft and clear the dogvane! Chapter XV
  • The scam took place at the height of the dot-com boom. Times, Sunday Times
  • In plain English, clickjacking lets hackers and scammers hide malicious stuff under the cover of the content on a legitimate site. Techworld Australia News
  • There are websites where you can look for photos and email addresses used by scammers but it's better to use common sense. The Sun
  • If there is an illegal immigrant scam or a marriage scam, then the department must be involved.
  • I observed that my coworkers who got into this scam came out screwier than before. Robin of Berkeley says a funny thing happened to her on the way to the revolution
  • One of the biggest vote buying scams is NEA, and they are hand in glove with the democrats. Barbour: Obama, Congress 'the most liberal' ever
  • Foie gras terrine with peach compote is almost as noteworthy as the brandade galette with lobster, the mussels with fennel and saffron, the superb scampi risotto, and the leek-chanterelles-and-bacon tart.
  • Hornblower was about to return topside when the men from aloft scampered down the companionway.
  • There is no suggestion that the real owners of the property are involved in the scam. Times, Sunday Times
  • The rabbit scampered away in fright.
  • She had ordered the scampi, a specialty of the Italian chef, but she had pushed it aside, unable to eat. WHO KILLED TIFFANY JONES?
  • BELLEVILLE - An Okawville man accused of orchestrating an elaborate photocopier scam was ordered Tuesday to pay $1.2 million to a private school in Belleville. Top News Headlines
  • If the scheme appears to be a pyramid selling scam, have nothing to do with it.
  • Beware: It could be a "smishing" or "vishing" scam ... and criminals on the other end of the phone or website could be attempting to collect your personal information in order to help themselves to your money. Bill Singer: The FBI Issues Holiday Warning About Smishing, Vishing and Other Scams by Cyber-Criminals
  • He turns out to be a handsome guy, but a bit of a scamp, and, of course, Effie falls for him. 52449_CLARA
  • However, much to the man's surprise, the devilish animal scampered away just as the dog had done.
  • Three accomplices escaped and police fear they may try the same scam again.
  • The ruse makes the IRS-themed scam more sophisticated than typical phishing attacks.
  • As with both papers, though, nobody gives a damn when it's the poorer members of society who are getting whomped by the housing market scam. Linchpin lost (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Everything he's been through, no matter what life throws at him, he's still a little scamp, who loves his family and behaves like any other intelligent, sometimes naughty boy.
  • Specially after I poked around and learned the Madame's qualifications for horoscope-readings consist of 19 convictions for fraud, bunco scams, and operating illegal ‘games of chance’ in Atlantic City.
  • It brayed loudly again, and scampered, frightened, into the woods.
  • Some of history's greatest scams have been perpetrated by con artists masquerading as philanthropists.
  • Those irrepressible scamps Edward Sorel and Richard Lingeman offer their own take on the current financial crisis via Vanity Fair. Straight for the Art: ‘Hell in Crisis’ | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • With luck we can blindside the Zolars for forty-eight hours while we figure a scam to entice them over the border. INCA GOLD
  • The lawsuit was filed originally in 2006 against the union government's approval to a London bank to defreeze Bofors scam accused Ottavio Quattrocchi's account, allegedly stashed with payoff money. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • A real ascender scout would have semaphore flags, or at least a message lizard that could scamper down the line. LEVIATHAN
  • Mr Kipling caught two young scamps scrumping in his orchard.
  • Scam artists have become quite skilled at creating sophisticated offering statements, Crawford says.
  • I often have the most beautiful notions scampering through my head with the grace, but alas! the swiftness too, of kittens, especially just before I get asleep; but they're all lost for the want of a trap; an intellectual figgery four. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, February 1844 Volume 23, Number 2
  • She did so and then, dismissing Taff `s protests, ordered them the scampi special as well. RIOT
  • Ron L. Hubbard was nothing more than a con man and a scam artist as well as a second rate sci-fi writer, who managed to cash in on a viable scam to bilk honest hard working people out of their money. Scientologists, WWII Star of David spoof
  • Tried to fake his own death on a lake in an insurance scam but actually died when it went wrong. The Sun
  • The scam is almost identical to one three years ago when a group of South Africans trying to con another Asian entrepreneur were caught in a police sting.
  • Yet it was their sprightliness in attack, their urgency in scampering forward, that characterised the early exchanges at Rugby Park.
  • Their vibrant music as well as the antics of front man Paul Kehoe, aka Scamall, guaranteed you a great night out.
  • Ports, harbours and dockyards reanimated the scams of Pepys's day.
  • Some say Cheney 'feeling the heat' over potential probes/Kentucky election officials nabbed in touch-screen vote scam yahooBuzzArticleHeadline = 'Some say Cheney \'feeling the heat\' over potential probes/Kentucky election officials nabbed in touch-screen vote scam '; yahooBuzzArticleSummary =' Article: Several observers suspect that Cheney is nervous about calls for investigations into the Bush administration and is going on the offensive in his latest attacks on President Obama. Some say Cheney 'feeling the heat' over potential probes / Kentucky election officials nabbed in touch-screen vote scam
  • Deutsche Börse, which runs Germany's main markets for listing and trading stocks, is tightening practices in response to a "massive increase" in criminal activity, from "account phishing" attempts to pump-and-dump scams, according to a spokeswoman for the exchange company. Deutsche Börse Targets Fraud in Small-Stock Revamp
  • Although the definition of economic complexity is skimble-scamble, but the presence that we always can feel it.
  • It just seems like the Jennings 30+ day winning streak and over $1 million in prizes is a scam to bring Jeopardy ratings it hasn't seen in many years! "This Is Ken!"
  • The robot scampers around a bit, but when the physicist raises the hammer, the machine turns over on its back, emits a few piteous squeals, and looks up at its persecutor with enormous, terror-stricken eyes.
  • Their guests returned with 492 blackfin tuna, 465 vermilion snapper, 15 triggerfish, 11 silk snapper and a variety of other fish, including scamp grouper, rockhinds, yellow mouths, pompano, barracuda and a squirrelfish. The Daily News - News
  • This fascinating study of one of the century's greatest ‘scams' shows that financial skullduggery did not begin with Robert Maxwell or Enron.
  • The media buy into the scam because such scare stories about unseen threats make good headlines.
  • I pity the children scampering about the Great American Southwest who do not have a compound for protection.
  • Twilight at Mrs. Wickett's, when the School bell clanged for call-over, brought them back to him in a cloud — Katherine scampering along the stone corridors, laughing beside him at some "howler" in an essay he was marking, taking the cello part in a Mozart trio for the School concert, her creamy arm sweeping over the brown sheen of the instrument. Goodbye, Mr Chips
  • The instant he was gone, the doors of the boathouse opened and Sam Davis scampered in to untie Bob and Pete. THE MYSTERY OF THE PURPLE PIRATE
  • Dave is a natural-born scammer who, along with a couple of pals, has cheated his way through university.
  • The scammers target those who know a thing or two about investments. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed the music - nasty brutish and short - was largely the least interesting thing about it when compared with the slogans and the scams. Times, Sunday Times
  • There is no suggestion that it benefited from the alleged scam or was involved in any wrongdoing. Times, Sunday Times
  • His scam involved real and bogus firms and thousands of fake documents. The Sun
  • The old lacquer-work is difficult to get, and, when obtained, is high in price; but comparison between the old and the new shows the gulf that lies between the loving and skilful labour of the artist and the stupid and generally "scamped" achievement of him who merely "knocks off" candlesticks and tobacco-boxes by the score, to sell to the English visitor -- papier-maché being superseded by wood, and lacquer by paint. A Holiday in the Happy Valley with Pen and Pencil
  • Fraudsters and scam artists are cashing in on the generosity of the public according to Trading Standard officials.
  • Many companies are plagued by urban legends, scams, and hoaxes delivered by e-mail.
  • Scamander's patron (as they used to call a freedman's old master) was next brought to trial, and with the same result. Roman life in the days of Cicero
  • These scampered through his brain and tore up his heart and tumbled about in his throat and lungs, and maintained a furious harlequinade, and in short behaved in a way that was quite disgraceful, and that caused the poor young man alternately to amuse, annoy, astonish, and stun his comrades, who beheld the exterior results of those private theatricals, but had no conception of the terrific combats that took place so frequently on the stage within. The Wild Man of the West A Tale of the Rocky Mountains
  • I had decided to leave when the tortoiseshell kitten scampered in from the yard.
  • In terrific clips, we see the scampish gleam of mischief that shot out of Atwater's steely eyes, giving him the look of a honky-tonk Daniel Craig. Brad Listi: Politics as Bloodsport: A Conversation with Stefan Forbes, Director of Boogie Man: The Lee Atwater Story
  • Old-timers recall barefoot children scampering into the woods to hide when the first cars rattled into their villages in the 1950s. Oil Spill Threatens Way Of Life For American-Indian Fishing Villages
  • Other acquisitive crimes such as credit-card fraud and internet scams were also rising but were often not reported to the police. Times, Sunday Times
  • As has been reported, Ceglia already stands accused of a separate fraud and is under investigation in New York for lying to and "scamming" customers. The Wannabe $19 Billion Facebook Man
  • Thenceforth rises, 360 superintend and director guide committee all the time with 360 safe bodyguard together, devote oneself to to hit the scampish software that everybody abhors .
  • He was suspected of setting fire to his house for an insurance scam. The Sun
  • Experts predict another surge in cyber scam attempts this year. The Sun
  • But Ducros fluffed his chance and allowed Sollitt to scamper across his line to make the save and then block again from a Shaw header.
  • Eddie McCarthy scampered about among the branches stringing lights all over, and finally placing the big, illuminated star on the very highest point.
  • MMGW is a scam and theres no evidence apart from dodgy computer predictions and propaganda pumped out by your employer why dont you report that the antartic ice cap reach is at a record? maybe as it does not suit your agenda On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • Eagerly searching for work, Charlie unfortunately becomes the victim of a scam; he's bilked out of all his money, and his jobless situation has not changed.
  • Harry and the Contessa are called away to Venice, where an old friend has a new lead on an insurance scam.
  • Descamps-Latscha B, Druilhe P (1990) Activation of phagocyte oxidative metabolism by opsonized PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • I saw a curator in New York scampering around in one at a big exhibition. Times, Sunday Times
  • So whether you're scampering up side canyons looking for hidden waterfalls, wading coastal waters in search of quahogs, or portaging an unrunnable section of river, the five water shoes below will perform swimmingly.
  • A young scamp in the comments box gently chided me for the fact that none of my favourites were recorded later than the 1980's.
  • Edmonton Oilers owner says he was 'scammed' by Las Vegas company Las Vegas Sun Stories: All Sun Headlines
  • It is not known which films were involved in the alleged scam. Times, Sunday Times
  • a third stands quietly until his lading is nearly completed, and then suddenly starts and flounces until he throws every thing off, a fourth at the same interesting point stamps upon your foot, breaks away, and scampers off into the prairie, strewing the way with his burden, a fifth refuses to be loaded at all, and a sixth to stand still, be led or driven. Life in the Rocky Mountains
  • If you're unsure about a website, check forums where consumers discuss possible scam pages. The Sun
  • What's worse, these scams give more ammunition to reparations opponents who brand reparations as nothing but a get-rich-quick hustle.
  • We recently came across a major scam of agricultural tractors stolen in England.
  • A few rats and some crows stirred at his coming and scampered or flew off, releasing angry caws and twitters as they cursed Romon for interrupting their meal.
  • Online ticketing scams are the fastest growing area of fraud as thousands of people are deceived into paying huge sums for non-existent tickets, police have warned. Times, Sunday Times
  • It will clearly show what many people have known for years - these investment scams are a massive fraud.
  • Admit it - as scams go, this one is absolutely brilliant.
  • Well, for a start, all three are frequently trotted out in newspaper commentaries describing the victims of the latest investment scam.
  • This does not mean expensive avoidance schemes or illegal evasion scams, or even disappearing from the face of the earth.
  • Hung out with my parents, went to the beach and won scrabble with 'vied'. bonus: learned word skimble-scamble from websters raygun01: sites: androidguys, phandroid (my fav), androidandme, droid-life, androidcentral, androidspin ... forum: xda-developers. net. Original Signal - Transmitting Web 2.0
  • These notions were all part of the trick, the scam. Times, Sunday Times
  • A NEW hotline that allows punters to tip off watchdogs about suspected betting scams is to be launched today. The Sun
  • Many churches and church members have succumbed to one of these scams. Christianity Today
  • Other acquisitive crimes such as credit-card fraud and internet scams were also rising but were often not reported to the police. Times, Sunday Times
  • Industry sources warn that diamond and precious stone scams are plentiful and ever-changing.
  • These scammers want you to buy a special computer program which gives them free rein to empty your bank account. The Sun
  • Online ticketing scams are the fastest growing area of fraud as thousands of people are deceived into paying huge sums for non-existent tickets, police have warned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pianist Damon Denton scampers through Shostakovich's figurations with a keen ear for melody and texture.
  • McCain stymied in his scam of public financing for his campaign McCain stymied in his scam of public financing for his campaign
  • Charlie answered, laughing; ‘we young scamps must be well-content with coarser stuff than thou wouldst have.’ Lorna Doone
  • Everybody thinks they know somebody who's scamming welfare because they can't see a wheelchair.
  • Jimmy again, scampering to the crease, turning sideways and hurling it up into the blockhole. BBC News | News Front Page | World Edition
  • From internet identity fraud to mobile phone scams, it seems there are now a myriad of ways in which crooks can strike against the unwary.
  • They attempt to compel you to sign your hard-earned dough over to Greenpeace; they try to scam you; they try to rob you; they beg; they sleaze; they whinge.
  • The point here, I suppose, is that check-cashing fees may be an exploitative scam run by sleazeballs, but that they may turn out to be a more prudent option for the working poor than the even-more exploitative scam run by the more mainstream, but sleazier sleazeballs of the banking industry. Fred Clark on the Cost of Being Poor
  • Now we put the spotlight on the people and the organisations that permitted these scams to take place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Fiscus scored the lone Karns City touchdown in the second quarter on an eight yard scamper.
  • A Canadian man has been arrested for advanced fee fraud following a sting operation instigated by a Connecticut woman fed up with receiving scam emails.
  • Many are cynical about democracy - they say it's a scam, and that the real decisions aren't taken in democratic institutions.
  • While I think it's a nice proactive approach that I hope Chris Baty takes seriously alerting participants about scammers, I think it's much ado about nothing, and her cringing is a bit of an over-reaction. Hey NaNoWRIMo, do the right thing here, ok?
  • The scam letter, which has already been sent to businesses in the area, falsely claims that the addressee must register under the Data Protection Act.
  • The film has three slackers riding their way through college on scams, cheats and underhanded stunts.
  • Trading standards watchdogs are warning businesses to be on their guard against a bogus bills scam.
  • One need look no further than the daily newspaper to see that securities fraud is the scam du jour.

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