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[ US /ˈskæɫpɝ/ ]
  1. someone who buys something and resells it at a price far above the initial cost
    he got theater tickets through a scalper

How To Use scalper In A Sentence

  • But the greatest new addition has been the introduction of a short term scalper strategy that works on 4 currency pairs. Undefined
  • A scalper offered me a $10 ticket for the final match for $70.
  • A few more children were in tow of the bikinied scalper, who explained that her friend hadn't shown up and now she was stuck with an extra ticket. French Word-A-Day:
  • A few more children were in tow of the bikinied scalper, who explained that her friend hadn't shown up and now she was stuck with an extra ticket. French Word-A-Day:
  • As we approached the ticket line, we were met by an unusual scalper: a woman, in a bikini, carrying a toddler on her hip. French Word-A-Day:
  • Although I would prefer to go by ship, I will not buy a ticket from scalpers.
  • Ticket-takers, scalpers, taxi drivers, strippers - they're all just the tip of the soon-to-be-melted iceberg when it comes to the financial havoc that would result from a lost season.
  • Secondly, I could not believe the amount of scalpers (ticket touts to us) looking for tickets.
  • If you bought tickets from this scalper, then you're out of luck, whereas I have the choice to get new tickets and profit further, or just keep the refund.
  • If more ticket windows were opened at railway stations to provide more tickets, there would be less queue-jumping and fewer scalpers.
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