How To Use Scalp In A Sentence

  • All the hairs on her arms stood straight out from her skin and her scalp tingled.
  • The FSA has been trying for years to claim a big scalp as part of a failing effort to stamp out insider trading. Times, Sunday Times
  • Spanish giants could throw at them to claim a notable scalp. The Sun
  • A shock of raven-black hair gripped his scalp tightly and fell down past his shoulders.
  • In 1935 Cornbleet was the first to describe a thickening of the subcutaneous fat layer of the scalp.
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  • Remember, too, that he is hardly ever a monopolist: he works in fierce competition with fellow scalpers.
  • Head lice are small, wingless insects that can get on the hair and scalp of humans.
  • The psst-hey-buddy guy may not be the image the new "ticket broker" industry wishes to be associated with—and, goodness knows, one needs to make sure the curbside tickets are legit—but maybe these days dealing with the low-tech scalper is one's best hope of not getting scalped. Don't Blame a Scalper When You Think You've Been Fleeced
  • It's normal for your scalp's skin cells to grow old, die and shed.
  • When extrusions of the highest quality are required, as in strong alloy aircraft parts, extrusion billets may be scalped before shipment to remove surface liquation.
  • This is followed by lymph drainage plus a face and scalp massage. The Sun
  • Appalling Others show real-life autopsies, filmed for medical purposes, showing the removal of human eyes, tongues and scalps.
  • These may range from the practice of making minimal surgical incisions to using electrosurgery, lasers, and ultrasonic scalpels for coagulation of bleeding vessels.
  • The epidermis was spread out on a glass plate beneath a low-power binocular microscope and cut into pieces of the required size using a combination of razor and scalpel blades.
  • As the blood supply for the scalp is so good, any knock received tends to bleed profusely resulting in blood everywhere and bruising as a result.
  • The extra scalp skin was then used to cover the bald strip, and hair will grow on it as normal. The Sun
  • The differences between what happened at Fort William Henry and at Niagara need not be seen as evolutionary; the aftermath of battle had yielded many scalps and prisoners for the Iroquois at Niagara.
  • The size of a grain of rice, lice lay small whitish or brownish eggs called nits that stick to hair shafts about an inch or two from the scalp. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Head lice are small wingless flat insects which move from one person to another by direct head-to-head contact and live off human blood in the scalp.
  • (Something I might have done, too, back at the ticket line, when the mama-scalper had offered us the discounted ticket.) French Word-A-Day:
  • The Son of Anak, otherwise Rufus the Blue-Eyed, and also plebeianly known as Tots, rioted with him from brier-rose path to farthest orchard, scalped him in the haymow with barbaric yells, and once, with pharisaic zeal, was near to crucifying him under the attic roof beams. Local Color
  • Across the river, the Viet Cong territory was a number of scalped hills: it had been defoliated.
  • It would soak through to the baby's scalp.
  • The instruments which he originally used were more often the bistoury or scalpel, although the clarinet was not absent in his life.
  • Stress is another factor in hair and scalp health. Times, Sunday Times
  • A person becomes bald if the scalp follicles die and no longer produce new hair.
  • Squall remembered that she had used Mace on Scalpel.
  • The first time lightening application should be applied approximately one half to one third of an inch from the scalp to the ends.
  • This excess fungal yeast irritates the scalp, causing overproduction of skin cells.
  • We were right up there on the list of rock-star scalps the groupies wanted to add to their belts. Times, Sunday Times
  • They have a large spa where they offer treatments like "Native Sun Purification" that purifies your hair and scalp using traditional herbs and oils and "Detoxifying Mud Wraps" for an additional cost (they range roughly from $100 to $125). Relaxation For Every Budget: New York Spa Getaways
  • My mother would try to straighten my hair and the stuff burnt my scalp. Times, Sunday Times
  • ‘Some scalpers even got a daily profit of 300,000 yuan,’ said one insider who declined to be identified.
  • The longitudinal fissure corresponds to the medial line of the scalp between the nasion and inion. XII. Surface Anatomy and Surface Markings. 2. Surface Markings of Special Regions of the Head and Neck
  • I simply lathered my scalp, the started to shave from the center outwards. Hair
  • I've always spoken quickly, and though I still do, now I merely give you a mild case of windburn rather than lift your scalp right off when I'm excited about something.
  • This one instantly absorbs grease, while conditioning and caring for your scalp with soothing allantoin and bisabolol. Times, Sunday Times
  • Her scalp crawled with tension.
  • These commonly arise in areas of the body not much exposed to the sun, such as the back of the legs, soles of the feet, scalp and buttocks.
  • Comparison of the UK rate of spinal surgery with that in other countries shows that UK surgeons are not sharpening their scalpels to the ringing of cash tills.
  • By occasional soap-and-hot-water washing; by extraction of the involved hairs, when practicable; by carbolic acid or boric acid lotions to the whole scalp, so as to limit, as much as possible, the spread of the disease; and by daily (or twice daily) applications to the patches and involved areas of a parasiticide. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • Objective To avoid or reduce the resulted scalp scar, alopecia, operation trauma and the length of recovery and other complains in the traditional frontotemporal-face lifting.
  • His pink scalp gleamed through his sparse hair.
  • The scandal caused a series of resignations from the National's board and also claimed the scalp of its Chief Executive Officer.
  • Michelle Kearney, the magazine's editor, likes to stand in front of large photos of slashing scalpels while punning: ‘We are totally cutting edge’.
  • If you see him very savagely cut up in "The Revolver," you will recognize the kindly hands which held the bistoury, scalpel, and tenaculum, and the gentleman who wept while he wounded. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • This is done by scraping the lesion with the edge of a rounded scalpel blade or the edge of a glass slide.
  • Spanish giants could throw at them to claim a notable scalp. The Sun
  • Your barnet was pomaded and with the flick of a comb, your parting stayed in place - even if it did give your scalp a covering which would have stopped bullets in the trenches.
  • There were prominent bilateral scalp contusions with soft tissue and intramuscular haemorrhage, symmetrical parietal skull fractures with coronal sutural diastasis, and a lacerated dura mater with extrusion of brain and blood.
  • The thought brought fear and a twinge of panic as Christopher scrubbed at his scalp.
  • Under the watchful eyes of the police, hustlers and scalpers worked the new spectators relentlessly in the hopes of getting rid of tickets for the game before they were stuck with them.
  • A series of operations by a plastic surgeon helped reconstruct his scalp and redistribute his hair.
  • He pretended to scalp me with his sword.
  • Here were scalpels and lancets and surgical shears... and other sharps as well. NIGHT SISTERS
  • Young Pawnee warriors proudly stole horses and scalps from their enemies, the Sioux.
  • Head lice are thought to be one of the commonest causes of pyoderma of the scalp in developed countries.
  • a glabrous scalp
  • So, too, is the unforgotten linkage between Yellow Hair's scalping and the death of Custer.
  • The topical formulation has special enhancers that significantly increase the rate of penetration into the scalp.
  • That left scalpers who had expected to sell seats for many times their face value scrambling to offload them at knock-down prices.
  • Dressed in austere white, her graying hair cut close to her scalp in the orthodox style so that the bristly ends tickle my palms when I run my hands over them, she's the one who makes sure we are suitably dressed for school in the one-inch-below-the-knee uniforms the nuns insist on. Excerpt: Sister of My Heart by Chitra Banerjee Divakaruni
  • Head lice live only on humans and die after a day or two away from a scalp. The Sun
  • Have the temperature changes made your skin itchy and your scalp dry?
  • Last spring, fans scalped tickets at Boston-New York spring training games!
  • Two swats with a nightstick open a gash in my scalp, three punches to my temple and jaw ring my bell, and a well-placed patrol boot to my kidney makes me piss a little in my jeans. Soul Trapper
  • sharshar lol .. where got normal ppl ask such question wan .. if he askin about applying conditioner i understand la .. cos conditioner not supposed to touch scalp .. but shampoo!??? shampoo + conditioner~~ wipe dry dry abit~ put cream. blow dry~ style
  • His brown shoulder length hair was thinning at the scalp and his skin seemed pale and sickly in garish torchlight.
  • A suggested method to safely remove a scalpel blade from its handle is depicted in Figure 2.
  • They have limp hair, threadbare coverings on blue scalps. Times, Sunday Times
  • The first was an emergency suturing of her scalp lacerations and insertion of an intra cranial pressure monitor through a burr hole.
  • Howell was joined in the last eight by Padraig Harrington, who claimed a notable scalp in beating Vijay Singh.
  • The word brushed against my hair, and his breath sent shivers across my scalp. The Geek Girl's Guide to Cheerleading
  • He cut his scalp and right cheek, and bruised his right hip. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • In fact, colour is easier and usually feels more comfortable on the scalp if hair is unwashed. Times, Sunday Times
  • He carefully moved aside papers; he knew if he messed up his mother's work she'd scalp him.
  • Shifts in topographical distribution were identified statistically by a significant state by scalp site interaction.
  • Some tribes used to collect scalps to prove how many of the enemy they had killed in battle.
  • And until six years ago, when the NFL began offering them tickets at face value, they had to hunt for tickets, occasionally resorting to purchasing them from scalpers.
  • They also have the ability to cause extensive damage to your scalp. The Sun
  • In all his dealings with the Acadians, the Indian had found only unimpeachable faith and honor; but with the colonist of Massachusetts, there had been nothing but over-reaching and treachery: intercourse with the first had not led to a scratch, or a single drop of blood; while on the other hand a bounty of "one hundred pounds was offered for each male of their tribe if over twelve years of age, if scalped; one hundred and five pounds if taken prisoner; fifty pounds for each _woman and child scalped_, and fifty pounds when brought in alive. Acadia or, A Month with the Blue Noses
  • She looks like a disgruntled old man, her ears red, her scalp bald and splotchy.
  • In fact, you think the move -- which preps you for a BLOOD FEAST-style glossectomy that never happens -- is a bout finisher until Dr. Kutter, in her struggle (but obviously still thinking with the chill practicality of a certified clinician), reaches into a drawer full of medical instruments and grabs a scalpel (standard #10 blade) with a mind toward literally getting this freak off her back. 31 Screams: Diana Brown
  • Last weekend Llandovery added a notable scalp to their belt with an away victory at Muirfield, 15-20.
  • Brushing your baby's scalp with a soft brush, like a toothbrush, can help loosen scales or flakes.
  • A method of removing dandruff which is highly recommended is that of rubbing olive oil into the scalp and later of removing this with a cleansing shampoo. Physiology and Hygiene for Secondary Schools
  • The Blackfoot is a sworn and determined foe to all white men, and he has often been heard to declare that he would rather hang the scalp of a "pale face" to his girdle, than kill a buffalo to prevent his starving. Townsend Chapter 6
  • After the Indians killed soldiers, they would take their scalps as trophies.
  • He was trying to pick up some cash scalping tickets.
  • Poor ventilation can clog pores in the scalp and make hair greasy. The Sun
  • He got two key scalps as advisers responsible for a'nasty party' image. The Sun
  • If 50 percent or more of the scalp is involved, treatment options include topical immunotherapy, systemic steroids or phototherapy.
  • A regular brush or comb is first used to detangle the hair, and then the fine-toothed nit comb is placed at the scalp and drawn through the hair.
  • His scalp was shaved, the coagula and debris removed, and among other portions of bone was a piece of the anterior superior angle of each parietal bone and a semicircular piece of the frontal bone, leaving an opening 3 1/2 inches in diameter. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • The distribution of psoriasis on extensor surfaces, scalp and natal cleft helps distinguish psoriasis from discoid eczema.
  • The one in the passenger seat was bigger and pudgier, with only a stubble of brown hair on his sweaty scalp. THE LAST GREAT GETAWAY of the WATER BALLOON BOYS
  • Once your daughter's scalp is clear, regular checking and prompt treatment is the best way to prevent reinfestation. Times, Sunday Times
  • Even with all this, the hollow cheeks, the scalp withered, you could still see how handsome Hugh had been.
  • All I got was a red scaly scalp and the hair shedding continued.
  • Many patients also have great success treating the scalp with UV light therapy, and systemic medications such as cyclosporine work better for some people than topical medications. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • One little slip of the scalpel and, batta boom, you´re on the phone to the La Cosa Nostra. Gucci "Black Widow" Trial Opens in Venice
  • Massive infestation of Sarcoptes mites is rarely observed , especially in the scalp area.
  • Colonists used scalping to prove they had killed an Indian for bounty which is where the term "redskin" came from - and why they deem the Washingon Redskins so negatively Top News
  • He heard her soft laugh and then her hands worked on his scalp, soaping and rinsing his hair.
  • One of the characteristics of seborrheic dermatitis is dandruff, characterized by a fine, powdery white scale on the scalp.
  • All about are bondsmen's scalps - bald pates, shaved and shining as this morning's spring-ish dew - while we bonded women wear our best and only sheath of wadmal cloth, gray and drab and of a sweaty woolen, with a flaxen kerchief tied around our brows and braids. Excerpt: The Thrall's Tale by Judith Lindbergh
  • Not surprisingly, scalpers are annoyed at the recent developments.
  • Incredibly, the killer appears to be emulating an American Indian warrior, scalping his victims, after murdering them with an axe.
  • His pink scalp gleamed through his sparse hair.
  • In his early 20s, Greco supported himself dancing in cabarets and running show tickets for a Broadway scalper.
  • We are no longer in the business of taking the odd big scalp or doing reasonably well.
  • Stupified as I was, some instinct must have told me not to refuse Gallantin's invitation a second time-it's a good rule, as I hope I've demonstrated, that when scalp-hunters offer you a squaw, you should take her away quick and quiet, and if you don't fancy her, then teach her the two times table, or "Tintern Abbey", or how to tie a sheepshank. Isabelle
  • Diagnosis therefore relies on mycological analysis of scalp scale and broken off infected hairs.
  • Occasionally hairdressers have nibbled around the edges of my scalp with a straight razor, but now it's a comfortable stroking of the blade against my skin, separating off the bristles from the follicles, looking clean, feeling smooth. Sensual pleasure: being shaved
  • To clean your scalp between shampoos, especially if you wear braided or dreadlocked styles, wipe it with an astringent-soaked cotton hall or pad.
  • For cradle cap (seborrhea) and severe dandruff, the same ointment can be used, or the scalp can be dusted with sulfur. Chapter 31
  • The scalp, face, and (less frequently) the sternal and interscapular regions of the trunk. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine
  • He said this process to access tickets is normal for international games for all World Cups - be they cricket or football - so that all fans have an opportunity to access tickets and to avoid scalping.
  • Armed with a scalpel, a steady hand, keen intelligence and an array of technology, Keith Black, M.D., is known for the unerring skill he brings to excising malignant brain tumors.
  • A shock of white hair sprouted from his scalp and his craggy face was accented by thick, bushy eyebrows.
  • These were three prize scalps, all of them got out by the bowler rather than handing their wickets to him. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those stem cells could be grown up and used to get hair growing again on bald scalps.
  • Carefully check, too, for any rashes or flaky skin on the scalp - which could signify anything from scalp ringworm to dermatitis.
  • Skin involvement occurs in one third of patients and is focused around the scalp, face, and upper trunk, and heals with scars.
  • For ceremonies, the men wore a deerskin shirt decorated with paint, feathers, porcupine-quills and scalps.
  • I knew that lobotomy and shock now called electroconvulsive therapy or ECT were nearly one in the same -- both assaults on the highest centers of the brain, one with scalpels and hot electrodes, the other with searing jolts of electricity. Dr. Peter Breggin: The Stealth ECT Psychiatrist in Psychiatric Reform
  • Ringworm of the scalp may start as a small sore that resembles a pimple before becoming patchy, flaky, or scaly.
  • They had an impression of very red cheeks and moist yellow hair smeared over the scalp like egg yolk.
  • Deuces tied the riata off and in the gathering darkness dropped to his hands and knees to measure the width between his scalp and the soil. Deuces Wild
  • Her skin hung loose on her tremendous body, and her hair wisped around her scalp like thin smoke. The Grace of the Foolish « A Fly in Amber
  • I could feel the blow in my gut and kidneys, sheer panic, creeping up my back and riffling the hair on my scalp.
  • In old days it was a calotte worn under the turban; and it was protected by scalp-perspiration by an “Arakiyah” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • A small, just-noticeable tingle started on the top of his bald scalp.
  • They can readily be "scalped" off without any impairment of the sound tissues, by the use of the author's papilloma forceps (Fig. 29). Bronchoscopy and Esophagoscopy A Manual of Peroral Endoscopy and Laryngeal Surgery
  • The skull-caps of plaited and blackened palm leaf, though common in the interior, are here rare; an imitation is produced by tressing the hair longitudinally from occiput to sinciput, making the head a system of ridges, divided by scalp-lines, and a fan-shaped tuft of scarlet-stained palm frond surmounts the poll. Two Trips to Gorilla Land and the Cataracts of the Congo
  • His pink scalp gleamed through his sparse hair.
  • First, the scalp is examined for evidence of erythema, scaling, or inflammation.
  • He cut his scalp and right cheek, and bruised his right hip. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • He took a scalpel from the pocket of his jacket and slipped the plastic sheath off its sharp blade.
  • The energy prickled across my skin, and by the funny feelings on my scalp, I was sure my hair was standing on end.
  • I examined his knives and the steel used is very similar to that used in surgical scalpels - and just as sharp.
  • It was the bald guy, his scalp shining under the café's lights.
  • If applied to the scalp twice daily, it may produce some hair growth but is expensive and hair growth stops when treatment is stopped.
  • In fact, one reason why jasmine was so widely used in the South, was that the soft, white blooms were widely believed to cleanse the scalp and give greater volume to long, bouncy hair.
  • I then dunked my head under water, rinsing all of it out, as well as the dirt that remained near my scalp.
  • If the ringworm is on the scalp, then it requires an oral antifungal medication called griseofulvin to make it go away. You Raising Your Child
  • Examination revealed yellow to dark-brown, hairless, verrucous and micronodular lesions on the right temporal area of her scalp.
  • We scalped two tickets and had a decent hummus dinner for about $20 each.
  • But your scalp needs to be cared for just like the skin on the rest of your body.
  • _Entry_, immediately above zygoma; the bullet passed through the temporal fossa, fractured the neck of the mandible, traversed the mastoid process, and emerged at the lower margin of the hairy scalp, 1 inch from the median line. Surgical Experiences in South Africa, 1899-1900 Being Mainly a Clinical Study of the Nature and Effects of Injuries Produced by Bullets of Small Calibre
  • I grabbed a scalpel and sliced open her ankle to do a venous cutdown, a means of urgently restoring fluid when no veins can be found.
  • He began reading from the report: `"Multiple incised wounds of scalp; congestion and edema of brain. THE OUTSIDER
  • In opposition, he took the scalps of many ministers and in government he was rarely bested.
  • He never bludgeons or scalps or scarifies; but serenely indicates, with the calm gesture of a superior authority, the defects and blots which mar perfection, but which the unthinking multitude ignores, or, at worst, admires. Matthew Arnold
  • He had a basal skull fracture, lacerations to his scalp, facial abrasions and contusions to both frontal cerebral lobes.
  • The lady was all of a flutter with faded lutestring, washed gauze, and ribbons three times refreshed; but she was most remarkable for the frisure of her head, which rose, like a pyramid, seven inches above the scalp, and her face was primed and patched from the chin up to the eyes; nay, the gallant himself had spared neither red nor white in improving the nature of his own complexion. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Clueless old men in the government, scratching their scurfy scalps, going, ‘Huh-yup, dat's what dem foreigner's'll like’.
  • Both inherited (autosomal dominant and recessive with variable levels of penetrance) and sporadic forms of uncombable hair syndrome have been described, both being characterized by scalp hair that is impossible to comb due to the haphazard arrangement of the hair bundles. Boing Boing
  • The surgeon cauterizes vessels using the ultrasonic scalpel and transects the pedicles.
  • At the time, a cream like substance was being rubbed onto my scalp.
  • In this study, a team of neuroscientists led by José Contreras-Vidal, PhD, of the University of Maryland, College Park, placed an array of sensors on the scalps of five participants to record their brains 'electrical activity, using a process called electroencephalography, or EEG. - latest science and technology news stories
  • he got theater tickets through a scalper
  • He claimed the notable scalp of Athens bronze medallist David Davies, in the 400 metres freestyle.
  • The right side of his face was not entirely immobile, but rigid, as though molded from some obscene plastic, and above it the bare front of his scalp was frail and spotted brown, like a quail's egg.
  • They just want that Aussie scalp. Times, Sunday Times
  • The slain are scalped, that is, the scalp is circularly incised in the hairy part of the head and torn from the skull. A JOURNEY TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS IN 1839
  • You itemize butter dishes, you scalp strangers, you reduce the world to a list of lists! THREE KINDS OF KISSING - SCOTTISH SHORT STORIES
  • But Lyon then had Prince caught at mid-on before Siddle – who had earlier removed Kallis a ball after he had become the fourth man to reach 12,000 Test runs – claimed the key scalp of De Villiers and then Mark Boucher. Peter Siddle cuts down South Africa resistance to give Australia edge
  • To a man, they are all grimly grimy, stringy filthy hair on their heads and drooping from the bloody, flyblown scalps tied to their saddles, matted beards, funny hats and all. Michael Jones: Cowboys and Aliens
  • One careful handful at a time, he began cutting off his hair, shearing it off as close to his scalp as he could. HOUR OF THE HUNTER
  • A few hours later the familiar scalp hyperaesthesia started.
  • Poor ventilation can clog pores in the scalp and make hair greasy. The Sun
  • The homunculus is the mapping of the body into the motor cortex, which is a portion of the brain located approximately under the portion of the scalp that would be occupied by a Mohawk hairdo. On the Threshold of the Avatar Era
  • Now he turned toward the equipment cart at his elbow and examined the implements and supplies on its upper tray—three ink caps, a disposable hypodermic syringe with a fine thirty-gauge needle, a set of surgical scalpels and graded circle elevators, and his silicone elastomer implants. CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: Skin Deep
  • His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain.
  • Massage the shampoo gently into your hair and scalp.
  • How effective is the Burgess proposal - almost all elements of it result in subjective determination: abusive language; so the ticket scalper who asks me three times in a loud voice for my extra; does that fall under the abusive part of the ordinance. “No Matter How Many Moats You Have.” « PubliCola
  • His hair was plastered down to his scalp by the rain.
  • He cut his scalp and right cheek, and bruised his right hip. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Originally a sold-out game, the stands were not even half full, and scalpers lowered their prices to 10 and five dollars a ticket.
  • The other side effect that she had been warned about in advance was that of alopecia, or loss of scalp hair. Understanding Cancer
  • And it was Lyons' first major scalp.
  • Using his fingertips to tickle my skin and massage my scalp, he opened up my playful side within a few minutes.
  • My mother would try to straighten my hair and the stuff burnt my scalp. Times, Sunday Times
  • He cut his scalp and right cheek, and bruised his right hip. Indian Balm - Travels in the Southern Subcontinent
  • Her scalp and full head of hair were on the bottom of the pool. The Sun
  • Perceiving that I had no intention of giving him fair play by coming within his reach, he suddenly uncoiled and glid across a log, thinking to make good his retreat; but being determined on having -- not his scalp, for the head of a rattle-snake is rather a dangerous toy -- but his rattle, I pursued him across the log. A Ramble of Six Thousand Miles through the United States of America
  • The lady was all of a flutter with faded lutestring, washed gauze, and ribbons three times refreshed; but she was most remarkable for the frisure of her head, which rose, like a pyramid, seven inches above the scalp, and her face was primed and patched from the chin up to the eyes; nay, the gallant himself had spared neither red nor white in improving the nature of his own complexion. The Expedition of Humphry Clinker
  • Wires are placed on the scalp and the arms or legs are stimulated with a mild electric current.
  • Tinea capitis often presents with multiple hairs broken off at the scalp level (or a few millimeters above) and scale, papules, or pustules.
  • Thisheadcoverheadcover captures the signals from the scalp andrediretsredirects them to a computer. The computer interprets the signals and commands the motorized wheelchair.
  • There is a mild, prickly sensation for 45 minutes as the solution is left to work, but you are distracted with a hand, foot or scalp massage.
  • A week earlier they caused a mild upset defeating Clonad in the league, now in the space of seven days they have claimed the scalp of two long established hurling powers.
  • Use vigorous strokes, taking care to remove all traces of shampoo from the hair and scalp. The Natural Beauty Book - cruelty-free cosmetics to make at home
  • A foaming agent used in many shampoos to help remove oil and grime from your scalp and hair. The Sun
  • if they suffer from baldness, they use a growth stimulator, buy hairpieces, or have hair transplanted from the hirsute part of the scalp to the bare areas.
  • With any relaxer kit, you must carefully follow all directions to avoid potential skin and scalp burns, hair loss and eye injury.
  • It slows down aging, is good for the eyesight, improves sleep, minimises the onset of joint pains and rheumatic ailments such as arthritis, osteoporosis and prevent sinusitis when applied to the scalp each day before bath.
  • Surgical History of the Rebellion, "and as yet have failed to find any case of wound or death reported as having occurred by an explosive or poisoned musket ball, excepting that on page 91 of volume II of said work there is a table of four thousand and two (4,002) cases of gunshot wounds of the scalp, _two_ (2) of which occurred by _explosive musket balls_. A Refutation of the Charges Made against the Confederate States of America of Having Authorized the Use of Explosive and Poisoned Musket and Rifle Balls during the Late Civil War of 1861-65
  • It is much more common in children than in those past the age of puberty, ringworm of the scalp being limited to the former (rare exceptions), and tinea sycosis being a disease of the male adult. Essentials of Diseases of the Skin Including the Syphilodermata Arranged in the Form of Questions and Answers Prepared Especially for Students of Medicine

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