How To Use Scaling In A Sentence

  • Squamous cell carcinoma lesions vary in appearance and usually appear as dull, red lesions with scaling and induration.
  • A semiempirical downscaling approach for predicting regional temperature impacts associated with climatic change. Statistical downscaling approach and downscaling of AOGCM climate change projections
  • Follow the manufacturer's instructions for cleaning, disinfecting and descaling.
  • A fractal object is self - affine instead of self - similar if it has scaling property in different direction.
  • Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.
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  • This scenario constitutes an excellent example of the reason I've not minded scaling back the hardware aspect of my consulting business.
  • The paper summarized the anti-scaling, scale removal and sterilization theories, and nowaday research of magnetic treatment, showed the foreground of application in thermal power plant.
  • The driver was a young giant, and when he climbed on top his load and poised a lump of coal in both hands, a policeman, who was just scaling the wagon from the side, let go and dropped back to earth. SOUTH OF THE SLOT
  • Through analysis of the field scale samples in Wuqi oilfield by X-ray diffraction method, scaling causes and scale control measures are studied in downhole and gathering system.
  • He topped the contest on Horseshoe Lake with a cracking net of bream and skimmers scaling an impressive 77 lb 14 oz.
  • You can reduce the itching, inflammation, and scaling of psoriasis by reducing stress; high stress often triggers outbreaks.
  • These techniques are used to degrease metal, to provide protection for substrates, and for deburring, surface smoothing and polishing, ball burnishing, cleaning, and pickling or descaling.
  • There is a serious intellectual case for scaling back commitments in line with changed threats and budgetary constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • Should the unit be dismantled for descaling the heat exchange surfaces, take a good look at the mist eliminators and either clean or replace them. CR4 - Recent Forum Threads and Blog Entries
  • It has a light breast with scaled patterning, white streaks along brown sides, and black and grey scaling on the nape of the neck.
  • Completely dry all parts between descaling and disinfecting. Buying a humidifier for baby? Keep it clean
  • Strength, then, is an example of sublinear scaling. Times, Sunday Times
  • Some programs maintain the aspect ratio between width and height whilst scaling, thereby avoiding distortion.
  • Other tasks on offer include working in a TV studio, piloting a plane or scaling buildings. The Sun
  • Rock scaling is emotion, pure air, physical challenge and danger. Guide to alternative tourism in Michoacán
  • In all cases the PMO was well tolerated at doses equivalent to 80 mg/kg and 110 mg/kg in humans respectively (based on standard allometric scaling), suggesting the potential for a wide therapeutic index. Marketwire - Breaking News Releases
  • This procedure is done by your veterinarian and is pretty much the same thing as the scaling you get at the dentist.
  • GPU acceleration into the latest Chromium builds to "speed up its entire drawing model, including many common 2D operations such as compositing and image scaling. [H]ardOCP News/Article Feed
  • Once calculus has formed you cannot remove this yourself and is essential that your dentist or hygienist carries out scaling for you on a regular basis.
  • He had acquired the agility of a cliff-dweller from scaling the embankment by means of the "toe-holts"; yet, at that, it was no easy matter to transport a bucket of water without spilling it. The Dude Wrangler
  • Scaling, sense of rotation and preset values can be set via the bus, together with code and cycle times.
  • Testing electric water heaters over an equivalent 15 months of service found 64 times more scaling on unsoftened water than softened water.
  • Quickly scaling up another two floors, Alanis took her hands off the drainpipe, reached up and grasped the gutter above her head, then flipped herself onto the roof.
  • In Fujian, workers are carving roads into red clay hills, scaling bamboo scaffolding, hauling piles of stone.
  • Partitioning strategies must support scaling out of the underlying databases, usually by functional segmentation or horizontal partitioning.
  • Occasionally, inspired moments found synchronicity between performers and video, such as the opening segment in which dancers on the floor looked like they were scaling projected words on the screen.
  • Joint administrative receiver Murdoch McKillop said cuts were part of a scaling down of production to meet reduced demand.
  • An amateur mountaineer, Bert Holm becomes an international celebrity overnight after accidentally scaling an unclimbed Himalayan peak. PEARL BUCK IN CHINA
  • The man was scaling a gully with two pals when they are thought to have dislodged wet snow. The Sun
  • Here, rescaling the rotational velocity is equivalent to stretching the time domain.
  • In the pilot experiment of separation of purified brine with Gore membrane, we study the quality of brine treatment and brine purification as well as cleaning technology of Gore membrane scaling.
  • No editing has been done to the photos except edge cutting, and rescaling.
  • First, the scalp is examined for evidence of erythema, scaling, or inflammation.
  • ‘New musicians, new forms of music, new findings are all mere milestones in this long journey towards scaling the musical heights,’ he maintains.
  • Later, top-feed was introduced, shown by two pipes from the injectors circling the boiler to ‘clack valves’ whence the feed water was able to trickle down a series of trays, mixing with the steam and avoiding much scaling of the metal.
  • Skin roughening ( "hyperkeratosis") and concomitant hair loss was maximal in regions subjected to mechanical friction, such as abdomen fig. 3c), changes on the dorsal skin were mostly limited to scaling (fig. S2). PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • Andrew Testa/Panos for The Wall Street Journal He still insists on using the techniques of antiquity—scaling up from small clay models and, when his work is cast, the foundry uses the cire perdue method. Wild Horses
  • The number of estimated additional sessions prior to scaling by metrics intended to measure responsiveness.
  • The ordinate scaling is derived by dividing the area beneath a normal distribution curve into columnar segments of equal area.
  • The first line was to carry two scaling ladders. Times, Sunday Times
  • Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.
  • The foregoing analysis showed the importance of rescaling in the reforms of the 1990s.
  • Compared with district current, when the effective voltage or power is the same, the anti scaling e...
  • The joint venture used a new cell structure called a planar cell that enabled more aggressive cell scaling than conventional architectures. News
  • It was a case of students scaling new heights, in skills.
  • I sometimes allow rampant letterfit adjustment (uneven spacing) and excessive glyph scaling to allude to the lack of state-sponsored childcare options.
  • Scaling and speed requirements lead to mechanical and computerized voting systems.
  • The first line was to carry two scaling ladders. Times, Sunday Times
  • If we "renormalize" his data by means of a simple rescaling of the time (see Equation (3)), after a suitable choice of the parameter PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • For a while I travelled around with a skean dhu which had a sheath and a special bit for scaling fish. Fruit with a Knife: A Home Cook Cuts Up
  • Description of the 100 channel kicksorters and the transistorized scalers employed in data collecting is presented, as is similar information on the uniselector, electrical timing cycle, interlocks, encoder, readout programs for the kicksorters and scaling stations and punched tapes of the data recording system.
  • A series of worm-holes traced erratic hieroglyphics across a scaling corner; all the varied texts were illuminated by quartzose particles glittering in the sun, and here and there fine green grains of glauconite. The Riddle Of The Rocks 1895
  • The man's initial rage at his fate gradually turns into acceptance as he begins to see the futility of trying to escape by scaling the pit's steep, loose sand walls.
  • The upper part of the netting was weighted with kentledge, the pigs of iron used for ballast; so that, should the hardy assailants succeed in coming alongside and scaling the side, a few blows of an axe would let fall the heavily weighted nettings, sweeping the boarders into the sea, and covering boats and men with an impenetrable mesh, under which they would be at the mercy of the sailors on the frigate's decks. The Naval History of the United States Volume 1 (of 2)
  • The internal scaler on the unit performed quite well and we were hard-pressed to notice any scaling artifacts.
  • Now, damage scaling is to the point where our 13th level 3. 5e fighters easily dump out 100 points of damage a round. Some Thoughts On 2e and 3e’s Legacy « Geek Related
  • You've also called for downscaling the embassy, which is planned to be the largest U.S. Embassy in the world.
  • The main emphasis is on regional scenarios for Canada, so the service offers some basic downscaling, and ability to couple the scenarios with other regional data sources, such as data from weather monitoring stations in the region. Who needs climate data? | Serendipity
  • The pressure was kept at 1.0 atm using isotropic positional scaling and the temperature was controlled by Berendsen's method.
  • It was rough and even dangerous work, and individual animals, again generally cows, would sometimes make desperate charges, and even assist an unfortunate "puncher" in scaling the walls. Ranching, Sport and Travel
  • The variance in the general build of the manus and pes is presumably due to scaling with respect to the wide range in body sizes seen among synapsids.
  • The scaling him with chairs for ladders to dive into his pockets, despoil him of brown-paper parcels, hold on tight by his cravat, hug him round his neck, pommel his back, and kick his legs in irrepressible affection! A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, Stave 2 The First of the Three Spirits | Solar Flare: Science Fiction News
  • Since then, chip makers have been scaling back production, and inventories have fallen.
  • So is the answer to move away from real vanilla, and toward more environmentally friendly ways of scaling up production of artificial vanilla? Smithsonian Mag
  • It is the sensitivity of DEM to spatial resolution that causes the spatial scaling effects of mountainous astronomical solar radiation, terrain openness and conversion factor.
  • She shrugged it off and returned to scaling the fish.
  • I'm using the term "song cycle" for Scaling because I'm really grouping these songs together. Daniel J. Kushner: Vital Vox: "A & Q" With Gelsey Bell
  • According to Crocker it begins in the second or third week of life, and occasionally as late as the fifth week, with diffuse and universal scaling, which may be branny or in laminæ like pityriasis rubra, and either dry or with suffusion beneath the epidermis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Douglas Macgregor, a retired Army colonel well known in national-security circles for his often-pointed criticism of military strategy, said the U.S. needed a broader re-think of strategic priorities, steering clear of interventionist policies and scaling back U.S. military forces that remain garrisoned in Europe and Asia. Panetta Faces Big Budget Challenges
  • Psoriasis of the perineal skin presents as redness with itching and scaling.
  • The size of neuron clusters that we have successfully recreated in terms of functional equivalence is also scaling up exponentially.
  • It is characterized by fissuring, maceration, and scaling in the interdigital spaces of the fourth and fifth toes.
  • Eczema is also used to describe nonallergic skin disorders that are characterized by oozing, scaling, and itchiness, which we call contact dermatitis. You Raising Your Child
  • Rescaling of video to utilize full-screen area.
  • Since then, Wellcome has been scaling up production to prepare for clinical trials.
  • But we all know the stick the Saturn had to take, so it was even more pleasing to see what a good job had been made of scaling down the bells and whistles of the incredible coin-op.
  • Athlete's foot can lead to fungal nail, so be aware of any skin rashes, itching or scaling, and use an over-the-counter topical cream before the problem worsens.
  • The challenging assault course will see the squad scaling 12 ft high walls, balancing on beams and clambering up and over rope cargo nets.
  • The oilier nature of skin in these areas can lead to redness, scaling, itching and flaking, which scratching makes worse. The Sun
  • Another person familiar with the matter said the company is considering scaling down the production of plasma display panels at a plant in Amagasaki, Hyogo Prefecture. Panasonic Mulls Cutting TV Panel Production
  • One and all, the reivers were well armed, "with spur on heel, and splent on spauld," and with them they carried scaling ladders, picks, axes, and iron crowbars. Stories of the Border Marches
  • I downscaled to do the part-time, stay-at-home dad thing for a couple of years, but I got so involved in helping to relaunch Smart Recovery and other projects that downscaling now seems a distant dream. Leading questions: Richard Phillips, Smart Recovery UK
  • I would have terrible itching and scaling on my scalp that would usually bleed and scab over.
  • Previous studies have shown that scaling and barking injuries occur initially on equatorial-facing surfaces and may eventually cover all surfaces of unshaded cacti.
  • US carriers went through in their labour strategies; reducing the fixed costs elements attached to labour - such as restructuring pensions - increased outsourcing of labour in areas like ground services; and descaling, by which different conditions apply to new staff from existing staff. HEADLINES
  • It causes inflamed and sore skin, blistering and scaling.
  • Joint administrative receiver Murdoch McKillop said cuts were part of a scaling down of production to meet reduced demand.
  • He used pole and maggot in the marginal slack water for a mixed net of small roach and perch scaling 3lb 9oz.
  • Crocker it begins in the second or third week of life, and occasionally as late as the fifth week, with diffuse and universal scaling, which may be branny or in laminae like pityriasis rubra, and either dry or with suffusion beneath the epidermis. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine
  • Instead, the union is walking out over BA's scaling back of noncontractual benefits for the March strikers. BA's Striking Good Value
  • A non-metric multidimensional scaling ordination identified two gradients of species replacement distinguished by differences in forest canopy species and groundcover.
  • I recall that we discussed scaling and we used - the interesting example of Galileo Galilei-- an animal, and the animal has legs.
  • Then from the starving cagework city a horde of jerkined dwarfs, my people, with flayers’ knives, running, scaling, hacking in green blubbery whalemeat. Ulysses
  • As I cannot believe that scaling up the lessons of Apollo to a six-seater is that impossible, I have to assume that there is a certain degree of 'spin' at work here. Orion Slims Down - NASA Watch
  • At the beginning of the second week desquamation, or scaling, begins, the skin peeling off in minute flakes. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • ‘The scaling of brain to body isn't at all what we'd expect to find in Pygmies, and the shape is all wrong to be a microcephalic,’ Falk said.
  • The man was scaling a gully with two pals when they are thought to have dislodged wet snow. The Sun
  • A group of data-mining methods named "multidimensional scaling" or MDS first was used in the 1930s by psychologists and has been used ever since to make data analysis simpler by reducing the "dimensionality" of the data. - latest science and technology news stories
  • I haven't tried scaling the recipe to any other size, but I expect it would work fine.
  • These multi-dimensional scaling techniques examine the relationship between variables that co-occur at crime scenes and results indicating that an offender's behaviour mirrors aspects of his daily life.
  • He had brought all the necessary tools for scaling a wall: ladders, ropes, even a sort of high platform they could wheel next to the wall.
  • New paradigms of quantum algorithms have appeared, such as adiabatic algorithms, measurement-based algorithms, and topological-quantum-field-theory-based algorithms, as well as new physical models for realizing a large scale quantum computer with cold ion traps, quantum optics (using photons and optical cavity), condensed matter systems and solid state physics (meanwhile, the first NMR model had turned out to be a dead-end with respect to scaling; see DiVicenzo 2000). Quantum Computing
  • The print dialog box provides several additional options including image scaling, pagination, paper orientation and print color.
  • If the bleed water gets finished back in, the hardened concrete surface may be weak, porous, and vulnerable to abrasion and salt scaling.
  • This basic fibre-spinning process is amenable to upscaling, which will involve increasing the spinning rate and going from single filament to multifilament spinning.
  • When the skin after scaling off becomes thin, all swelling having disappeared, lead plaster is of service, or diachylon ointment twenty-five per cent, made with olive oil. The Home Medical Library, Volume II (of VI)
  • This causes mild irritation and scaling around the nose, eyebrows and forehead. The Sun
  • The court heard how she made off with thousands of pounds worth of holidaymakers' property after scaling the perimeter fence and entering the rooms.
  • The scheme could potentially free designers to stack thousands of switches in a high-rise fashion, permitting a new class of ultradense computing devices even after two-dimensional scaling reaches fundamental limits. Memristors: the 4th electronic component « Anglican Samizdat
  • As well as expanding its overseas and postgraduate provision, plans include scaling back loss-making courses including art foundation courses; amalgamating technical and support services, and expanding its short taught courses, which bring in about £10m a year. Art schools face uncertain financial future
  • The mantissa provides the significant information, or digits, and the exponent provides a scaling factor that shows how big the number is.
  • With the cost of the project rising, The owners are considering scaling down the grandiose plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • And next year, with the advent of the Single Farm Payment, he'll be scaling back his sheep operation a bit more, liberating yet more hours for walling.
  • Removal of this hardened metal layer is essential for optimum mechanical properties, and an integral part of any descaling process.
  • He said the program is stronger after the restructuring, which he described as scaling up, not paring down.
  • After many unsuccessful attempts, the first successful attempt at scaling this mountain was in 1913.
  • Descaling technology sorted compressed gas descaling , pressure water descaling, sand blast descaling by different descaling medium.
  • Scaling Ladder - One who was fearless in attacking.
  • cps" method is "composite-plus-scaling," in which the available proxies are combined, then the composite is scaled to find the best match to the calibration data. Open Mind
  • Scaling a means of calculating the amount of enlargement or reduction necessary to accommodate a photograph within the area of a design.
  • They need, however, to be implemented on a grand scale -- not by scaling them up, because their smallness is their beauty and efficiency, but by multiplying them until they become the norm. 350 Degrees of Inseparability: The Good News About the Very Bad News (About Climate Change)
  • She has already hit the headlines for her escapades scaling some of the country's toughest peaks.
  • Skin cancers, such as basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas, often affect the ear but will generally cause only localized surface change, scaling, and erosion.
  • The PPE itself provides significant thread scaling, but it is intended to provide control and workload management for the SPEs, which provide much greater speedup for threads.
  • Manufacturers are scaling back investment plans as the sector struggles against a 'double whammy' of weak demand and political uncertainty. Times, Sunday Times
  • Mechanism for scaling planar graphs is defined as the mechanism that can enlarge or shrink a planar graph by driving a revolute pair.
  • Garcia says, "If, when your voice is well oiled [that is what he calls the scaling process], you are not intelligent enough to sing a song by yourself, then you had better knit stockings for the poor. In the Courts of Memory, 1858 1875; from Contemporary Letters
  • Quokks, I have one of those descaling razor thingies used to shave the skin off your feet when you want to wear those shoes that are just a little bit too tight. Cheeseburger Gothic » This way ladies, if you would care to follow me.
  • However, the beckon of the forest - a canopy of leaves under their head - far outweighed the consequences of scaling the valley slopes again.
  • Aimed at the dedicated games player with crisp graphics and rapid scaling, it's let down by short battery life.
  • For the legendary mountaineer Sir Edmund Hillary, scaling mountain peaks no longer remains the sport it once was.
  • He said that it was one of the tough events, jumping across that and then scaling a steep, often slick roof beyond.
  • No birthday cake: the excitement lay in forthright voices scaling pitches where only supersonic jets should fly and treating all complexity as a stroll in the park. Times, Sunday Times
  • Besides the two ball peens, a one pound scaling hammer and a ten and a half pound handled sledge were offered.
  • Cockades, handed them from fair fingers; by waving of swords, drawn to pledge the Queen's health; by trampling of National Cockades; by scaling the Boxes, whence intrusive murmurs may come; by vociferation, tripudiation, sound, fury and distraction, within doors and without, -- testify what tempest-tost state of vacuity they are in? The French Revolution
  • As I am sure anyone who has cleaned a fish before has found, when scaling is necessary it is a less than an enjoyable task. Scaling Fish
  • Some scaling down was done, but this was legitimate based on Lucy's talus, said White.
  • The resource and energy networks that have evolved to sustain biological organisms and ecosystems are primarily dominated by economies of scale ( "sublinear scaling"). SEEDMAGAZINE.COM
  • It is not only Johnson's brute devilry which is missing, though when the Boks are scaling the ramparts a lashing of "cry havoc and let slip the dogs of war" wouldn't go amiss. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • For many circuits, practical values will need to be derived by scaling: but be cautious about accuracy.
  • Three weeks later the scaling had resolved, leaving residual hyperpigmentation.
  • Then it is proved the multi-scaling functions which are practically valuable and which components satisfy antisymmetry do not exist.
  • Scaling a means of calculating the amount of enlargement or reduction necessary to accommodate a photograph within the area of a design.
  • With the cost of the project rising, The owners are considering scaling down the grandiose plans. Times, Sunday Times
  • A better scaling is when you use e-mail or Jabber style. Twitter, et al: redistributing the wealth
  • She showed no objection to Billy scaling the ladder to look in.
  • Therefore, the collapse is not self-consistent with the initial scaling hypothesis and consequently is incorrect.
  • Need to do some downscaling to get useful results to input to an impact model to make decisions about adaptation. (here’s an early paper from this work) 14: 20: Next up isStefanFronzek’s talk onProbabilistic projections of climate change effects on sub-arctic palsa mires, in which I learnt that palsa mires are permanently frozen peat hummocks, which are sensitive to climate change, and if they melt are a major source of methane. Liveblogging the EGU – day 4 | Serendipity
  • Also, the two geometries are mathematically equivalent with appropriate diffusion scaling, except for the fact that the bulk volume was 1000 fl, whereas the dendritic volume was 1 fl in most runs.
  • Scaling and barking injuries occur on stem surfaces of saguaro cacti.
  • The challenge involved scaling 15 peaks in 48 hours, and two nights camping out, braving the late September weather.
  • If recovery is prompt and desquamation (scaling) is in progress, warm baths may be applied for a few days. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • My company is scaling up its operations in the Middle East.
  • Mike Dall won with a creditable net of perch scaling 4lb 4oz to restore some male pride.
  • All genes are transcribed from the same strand, and scaling is only approximate.
  • This contrasts with other biopolymers, such as actin, that show better agreement with the scaling of such simple models.
  • Other tasks on offer include working in a TV studio, piloting a plane or scaling buildings. The Sun
  • Police are scaling down the search for the attacker.
  • This sort of scaling is called 'sublinear', and is another eficiency saving. Times, Sunday Times
  • We could all have tips on lock picking and scaling drainpipes! on March 30, 2010 at 11: 50 pm allcoppedout Blog Today, Gone Tomorrow! « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • That means changing the water daily and descaling and disinfecting parts with a combination of vinegar and bleach. End-of-season deals for humidifiers on the rise
  • Tiny, ancient single-nucleated life at the bottom, scaling toward complex warm-blooded air breathers at the top. I Don’t Understand ?
  • At the level of populations, the scaling of mutational effects with pleiotropy can be addressed via the neutral theory of molecular evolution.
  • Foreign companies have been considering exit strategies, scaling back or not investing in the south ern African country renowned for its mineral riches, fertile farmland and educated workforce. Political doubt hits Zimbabwe investors
  • Follow the manufacturer's directions and schedule for descaling and disinfecting parts and replacing filters, wicks, and the like. Buying a humidifier for baby? Keep it clean
  • After scaling a relatively easy 3,000-foot buttress and traversing a huge glacial plateau below the main face, the climbers will stash most of their gear.
  • Even so, this apparent complexity would allow benefit from progresses in statistical physics, and scaling theories applied to polymers, polyelectrolytes, and polyampholytes.
  • Other signs include hair loss, redness, scaling and secondary infection.
  • Healthy children must be strictly seperated from the sick till the end of desquamation or scaling -- a period of four to six weeks. Valere Aude Dare to Be Healthy, Or, The Light of Physical Regeneration
  • Its downscaling leaves the market without a major weekly regional newsmagazine.
  • It is formulated on a scaling function or low-pass filter and a wavelet function or high-pass filter.
  • There is a serious intellectual case for scaling back commitments in line with changed threats and budgetary constraints. Times, Sunday Times
  • The number of estimated additional sessions prior to scaling by metrics intended to measure responsiveness.
  • What that dictates is Orion on EELV and scaling back CaLV to the largest vehicle possible * without* new engine development or retooling at Michoud. NASA Faces Tough Choices & Needs an Administrator Now - NASA Watch
  • Advancing across wadies and scaling knolls upon the desert, the troops were instructed to open fire with ball cartridge. Khartoum Campaign, 1898 or the Re-Conquest of the Soudan
  • Tinea barbae may cause scaling, follicular pustules, and erythema.
  • The possible remediation would be what they call scaling, which involves removing rocks by hand or by an excavator," DeFebo said. Columnist: Keith Groller
  • A randy tortoise is on the run after scaling a two-foot wall in search of a new partner after his mate of 38 years died.
  • You have a rather chronic relapsing condition, which occasionally oozes and has scaling as a predominant feature, affecting primarily the extremities of the skin.
  • In very young babies there's a kind of eczema called cradle cap, where there's scaling on the scalp.
  • The character moves quickly and responsively, easily and acrobatically scaling platforms, hanging from ledges and more.
  • It works immediately to alleviate cracking and smooth away dryness and scaling.
  • Until the early fifth century, this was a matter of putting up scaling ladders or constructing a siege mound against the city-wall while bombarding the battlements with javelins, arrows, and stones.
  • Extrinsic tooth stains can be reduced by scaling and polishing.
  • The complex imbrications between the digital (as well as the global) and the nondigital bring with them a destabilizing of older hierarchies of scale and often dramatic rescalings.
  • But I assume that these vehicles are prototypes, and that once the operational kinks are worked out, they'll start scaling down a bit.
  • This timely boost came as she was on the brink of scaling down her ambitions. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, the ISPs argue that their judicious use of "throttling" - scaling back the bandwidth available to the heaviest users - levels the playing field for ordinary customers. Undefined
  • Aerial shots of the beleaguered fort, with Mexican troops climbing scaling ladders, lit by flashes of musketry, are striking.
  • For the next four days, they'll hammer their toes into the face, scaling 55-to 60-degree ice before reaching a large serac at approximately 22,000 feet.
  • nimbly scaling an iron gate
  • Yes, it is now time for the Fiver to emerge from its cobwebbed crawl-space and head off for its early-summer "special" at Madame She-She's Kings Cross bathing parlour, there to enjoy its annual intensive ablution regime involving a 20-minute industrial hose-down, the descaling of physical extremities, laundering and re-stitching of Kevlar undergarments and finally an assisted constitutional massage overseen by a group of faceless, asbestos-suited individuals armed with tongs. Football news, match reports and fixtures |
  • At her age she still has at least one more year in the under-19 section, but scaling the lofty heights of university in Christchurch seems to be her next challenge.
  • The lesions may take the form of a patch, plaque, or nodule, sometimes with scaling or an ulcerated center.
  • Andrew Testa/Panos for The Wall Street Journal He still insists on using the techniques of antiquity—scaling up from small clay models and, when his work is cast, the foundry uses the cire perdue method. Wild Horses

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