How To Use Scaffold In A Sentence

  • So, she ran round and round the scaffold with the executioner striking at her, and her grey hair bedabbled with blood; and even when they held her down upon the block she moved her head about to the last, resolved to be no party to her own barbarous murder. A Child's History of England
  • I've never had any desire to step into the limelight, so climbing on to the stage felt like mounting a scaffold.
  • Scaffolding has been erected around the tower and repair work will start next week.
  • First, they were creeping molds that slithered forth from the ocean onto land...and then they stood upright, supporting their globby substance by means of calciferous scaffolding, and finally they built machines. Stanislaw Lem (1921-2006)
  • Such is a part of tire strange medley that is before and around me; and amidst them and the blue streams of smoke that are rising from the tops of these hundred "coal-pits," can be seen in distance, the green and boundless, treeless, bushless prairie; and on it, and contiguous to the piquet which encloses the village, a hundred scaffolds, on which their "dead live", as they term it. Letters and notes on the manners, customs, and conditions of the North American Indians
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  • The only exciting thing that happened all day was when the top came off the scaffolding tower, unbalanced by about a hundredweight of slate which had been injudiciously stacked all on the same side of its centre of gravity.
  • Haven't these pillocks ever seen scaffolding before?
  • A builder was struck over the head with a scaffold pole after trying to stop thieves fleeing from a building site with a power tool.
  • When Julius entered, Michelangelo - like Zeus with his thunderbolts - hurled planks from the scaffolding down at the Holy Father, routing him from the chapel.
  • He stood in the shadows of a downtown Manhattan office building, shielded from the cold, driving rainstorm by the scaffold overhead and the leather trench coat covering his body.
  • On the platform of the scaffold was a conical-shaped block, enamelled in a brilliant red. The Mark of the Beast
  • There is a specific and much researched way to go about constructing the base, extensions, and cantilevers of any and every scaffold.
  • The fields between the villages of north London were filled with scaffolding for buildings to house a new breed of commuter. Times, Sunday Times
  • The decorative plasterwork bubbled and decayed; ceilings were held up by scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • The formwork on this system is hung on the scaffolding so that it can be easily retracted and opened.
  • We journeyed past rows of rickety buildings with bamboo scaffolding and lines of washing before arriving in the modern part of the city. For Love or Money
  • For example, major ampullate silk, a very tough silk with a tensile strength comparable to Kevlar, is used for the primary dragline or scaffolding of the spider's web.
  • Cocooned in scaffolding and planks, Manchester's majestic John Rylands Library is undergoing a facelift that will see it restored to its original glory, albeit with some modern touches.
  • Against a mesh of scaffolding and discarded signs, a man in dusted Army and Navy store clothing and work boots starts brushing the stage.
  • The man at the information desk pointed towards some scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Led to the scaffold from a death row cell, he was prepped for the noose by a masked executioner.
  • The stage resembled an oblong squash court with seating perched precariously on scaffolding above the set.
  • Firms are sponsoring the scaffolding on buildings undergoing restoration, then exploiting a legal loophole allowing advertising to be hung from the structure. Times, Sunday Times
  • Police said that a firework had set fire to netting on scaffolding next to the church which was soon extinguished. Times, Sunday Times
  • The biodegradable substances his team has been working on would serve as a scaffold for a cell, he said.
  • St. Mark's repair estimate replacing water-laden timbers and rotting boards on the facing, repairing the bell's carriage, and having the nerve and skill to do it all from four stories up on a scaffold came from veteran steeplejack Michael Hardin of Litchfield, Ohio. Church steeples, aging out of fashion, meet their maker
  • Some 200 workers were on site when the 50 tons of steel scaffolding and wooden walkways crashed to the ground. The Sun
  • The plaintiff scaffolder was injured when he fell and was not wearing a safety belt.
  • Half the cast dangle above the stage on ropes or perch precariously on a bamboo scaffold that forms the skeleton of the set. Times, Sunday Times
  • A blind alley at the end of which is a scaffold.
  • The scaffold of the temporary stands which run down one side was being dismantled. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers at National Jewish Health have discovered a promising strategy for destroying the molecular scaffolding that can make Pseudomonas bacterial infections extremely difficult to treat in cystic fibrosis patients, wearers of contact lenses, and burn victims. Monday
  • Construction workers use scaffolds today to build multiple-story apartments.
  • Because the stem cells are grown around a synthetic scaffold, patients can receive a new organ without having to wait for a suitable donor. Times, Sunday Times
  • Then he formed fibers with diameters of between 300 nanometers and 500 nanometers and began using them to fabricate scaffolds on which to grow human cells.
  • SCAFFOLDER bending a 5 ft scaffolding tube bill the super scaff attempts to bend a 5ft tube around his neck - Articles related to Singapore Airlines Aids Rainforest Preservation
  • He has always acted as sovereign instinctively; he was so as a private individual and clubbist; he is not to cease being so, now that he possesses legal authority, and all the more because if he hesitates he knows he is lost; to save himself from the scaffold he has no refuge but in a dictatorship. The French Revolution - Volume 3
  • Inspectors will look at whether the correct equipment is being used, work platforms are properly installed and scaffolding is securely fitted.
  • And because the whole subfloor is mud, and not capable of supporting scaffolding, workers had to lay out steel beams, supported at the pier positions, and erect the scaffolding on the beams.
  • Then we hit on friends and neighbors to contribute toe board brackets, toe boards, scaffolds, ladders and moral support.
  • Half the cast dangle above the stage on ropes or perch precariously on a bamboo scaffold that forms the skeleton of the set. Times, Sunday Times
  • Around it was a scaffolding of steel and aluminum, acrawl with tiny figures that manipulated minute, blue-white welding flames. The Space Merchants
  • Their names had been etched into the glass but the pane was shattered by hooligans who climbed onto scaffolding and kicked in the windows.
  • In Fujian, workers are carving roads into red clay hills, scaling bamboo scaffolding, hauling piles of stone.
  • The criminal would mount the scaffold and stand upon this trapdoor, which would then open, precipitating the person into a fall of some feet.
  • One of these, the "araba," is an heirloom from their old Tartar ancestry, and is only an exaggerated ox-cart with seats, and a scaffolding of poles around it. Lippincott's Magazine of Popular Literature and Science Volume 11, No. 25, April, 1873
  • The oil company began as a contractor for larger companies, servicing pipes and building scaffolding, before expanding into exploration.
  • It was his business to depict palaces and royal chapels, but he did not hesitate to show them without majesty - under scaffolds or being repaired.
  • A building worker is recovering after falling 25 feet down an unfinished lift shaft after scaffolding gave way.
  • Active biomimetic systems as pursued in the new research network have many possible applications as drug delivery systems, molecular sorting devices, diagnostic tools for cell screening, or scaffolds for tissue engineering.
  • Usually the hoddies would start half an hour earlier in the morning so that when we arrived the scaffolding was loaded with bricks and mortar.
  • Construction work is still being completed on the other floors and scaffolding still surrounds the building.
  • Finally, any definition of scaffolding needs to highlight the fact that this kind of interaction is a site for learning opportunities, and is not simply a way of modelling, supporting, or practising interaction. S is for Scaffolding « An A-Z of ELT
  • For routine maintenance activities, all scaffolding shall be inspected daily or before each work shift.
  • Two shots from within the future auditorium seem to tunnel through scores of crisscrossing scaffolds toward the stage as light filters down through swooping ceiling tarps.
  • Materials have included 28,000-ft of scaffolding weighing 72 tonnes, 300 kg of plaster and 880 litres of pink and cream paint.
  • The unsightly cast-iron gasometer that gave its name to a hairpin bend is long gone, the train station whose ticket office overlooked another 180-degree corner has been replaced by a luxury hotel, and the famous Tabac is buried during race week under the latticed scaffolding of a temporary grandstand. Monaco grand prix: The race where heroes are made
  • The walls rotate around me and further on I can see what looks like an angled metal structure, kind of like metal scaffolding, but with an angled purposeful design.
  • They went through a large hall, called the banqueting hall, to a window in front, through which a passage had been made for the king to his scaffold, which was built up in the street before the palace. Charles I Makers of History
  • I verily believe the HIAB loader lost power since the crane/arm fell down dropping the scaffolding boards.
  • Once the 4m high hoarding is in place, the tower section will be scaffolded and work will begin.
  • A recent safety blitz by health and safety inspectors showed scaffold and roof workers were the worst offenders.
  • – Encased in scaffolding and bursting from a sweater they are the very apex of temptation. What a Let Down
  • This will enable an early start on urgent work to the spire, which is due to be scaffolded at the end of March.
  • Some climbing plants such as the Wisteria can be pruned back to this scaffold for many years, while other climbers such as star jasmine are often too vigorous to be trained in this way beyond the second year.
  • He was removed from the magistracy after having, in 1800, jumped into the tumbrel taking Sarah Lloyd, a servant girl, to the scaffold, and harangued the crowd about the injustice of the sentence. Index of People
  • This will involve re-routing Great Western trains and scaffolding and safety nets being attached to the viaduct while work is carried out.
  • The theoretical framework of instructional scaffolding, based on Vigotsky's concept of approximate development area, is apposed to Piajet's structuralist cognition which emphasizes learning process.
  • We were having building work done and he hopped on to the scaffolding and flew over the wall. Times, Sunday Times
  • Abbott's bioabsorbable everolimus eluting coronary scaffold is made of polylactide, a proven biocompatible material that is commonly used in medical implants such as absorbable sutures. Undefined
  • Wooden-slatted ‘windows’ hang on a structure of clear plastic that is splotched with colors; a huge scaffold sits nearby.
  • The plaintiff scaffolder was injured when he fell and was not wearing a safety belt.
  • The statue is currently surrounded by scaffolding.
  • During construction, these planks were suspended on scaffolding while concrete floors and columns were poured around them.
  • Several ‘executions’ had taken place within the past few days at Pentonville Prison on the scaffold, which had been the scene of the final exit of numerous notorious criminals.
  • The core enzyme consists of a 65 kDa scaffolding protein known as A subunit tethering a 36 kDa catalytic C subunit PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • He paused when his eye fell on the chrome scaffolding against the wall, his mouth curling in a derisory sneer. BETTER THAN THIS
  • He felt his limbs growing stiff with the unaccustomed chilliness of the night, and doubted whether he should be able to descend the steps of the scaffold.
  • As a consequence, the mineralized septa providing the scaffold for bone deposition cannot be formed, and osteogenesis itself is severely disturbed.
  • An analysis of scaffolding effects and endocytosis is outside the scope of this study.
  • The scaffold is made up of collagen, fibronectin and laminin.
  • The provision of plant and scaffolding will usually be subject to negotiation and may be supplied by either the builder or the subcontractor.
  • Years of moans and groans about the setting of the memorial came to an end this week as scaffolding was removed to reveal the new wall.
  • Peter Gray, a psychologist at Boston College, points out that older kids are uniquely able to provide support -- often referred to as "scaffolding" -- for younger kids in mixed-age play. Alfie Kohn: Five Not-So-Obvious Propositions About Play
  • But my favourite pulpit - now we're on the subject - is hidden in the church of San Giovanni del Toro, opposite the closed, barred and scaffolded Caruso Belvedere hotel.
  • In making their nests, the birds cement a scaffolding of tiny twigs together with a sticky substance which has been variously identified as coming from regurgitated seaweed, such as agar-agar, or as being simply the birds' own saliva.
  • The fourth side is formed by a rickety tower of scaffolding poles, planks and ladders built around an ancient oak. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the following years Milton wrote against the Royalists, mysteriously escaping the scaffold for his scandalous comments.
  • Solutions were also needed to solve problems of working inside the old building, such as setting wooden letterboxes into the walls to slide scaffolding poles inside, as these could not be brought through the front door.
  • If I quit you, it will only be to go to the scaffold.
  • Initially Williams toyed with the idea of modular scaffolds fitted permanently with pneumatic drills. Colossus
  • We watched the parade from our perch on the scaffolding.
  • gantry" is applied to the movable scaffold or frame, which in this case rests upon a pair of rails twenty-three feet apart, one of them being close to the edge of the quay. Lippincott's Magazine, December 1878
  • A loose board crashes into a scaffold John is working on - more broken glass.
  • Designed by Brunelleschi and built without the use of scaffolding, the impressive dome atop the cathedral dominates the city's skyline.
  • One of their first victims was an aged nun of the Simiane family, canoness of the convent of Bollene, accused of being a counter-revolutionist; so lame and infirm, that her executioners were forced to carry her to the scaffold. Itinerary of Provence and the Rhone Made During the Year 1819
  • Nearby landlords, meanwhile, took the opportunity to erect scaffolding on their roofs so the wealthier viewer could get a better look. Times, Sunday Times
  • Tacked on to the scaffolding of the unproduced play, Cap’n Simon Wheeler, The Amateur Detective, this enigmatic, dream-ridden fantasy involves a young man who travels three days on horseback from Kentucky to a small Missouri town with the intention of shooting to death a cousin, who is described as sappy, sentimental, giddy, and thoughtless, to settle a family feud. Mark Twain
  • The granting of the charter itself featured prominently with artefacts from medieval life, including a quiver of arrows and the Earl of Derby's execution is marked with a replica scaffold and display featuring lilies.
  • Their bras alone would need scaffolding. The Sun
  • Various tissue-engineering approaches were developed using natural or synthetic biomaterials as scaffolds for cell growth.
  • The heat in the street was terrible: and the airlessness, the bustle and the plaster, scaffolding, bricks, and dust all about him, and that special Petersburg stench, so familiar to all who are unable to get out of town in summer - all worked painfully upon the young man's already overwrought nerves.
  • Scaffolding has been erected around the tower.
  • Pie charts show the fraction of accumulating and non-accumulating compounds in the training set with each of the five bottom-scoring non-overlapping fragments. c-f) Clustergrams of compounds containing the 'unfused' biaryl scaffold ( Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • The top men did the scaffolding - with their poles and their ledgers.
  • Fix and tighten the scaffold board and establish protective handrail timely.
  • As Reverend Dimmesdale leaves his pulpit, the sexton meets him, holding out one of Dimmesdale's black gloves, which was found on the scaffold that morning.
  • It was still under construction, just a keel and ribs surrounded by scaffold, ropes and tackle, stacks of lumber and racks of tools.
  • Thus, although there was scaffolding of instruction, the teacher was not at all reluctant to provide additional input when students needed it. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Finishing touches installation stained glass windows drum octagon removal scaffolding exterior interior edifice interior calcimining dome drum octagon tuckpointing cleaning floodlighting entire structure completed synchronizing closing weeks glorious twelvemonth annals Holy Faith. Dawn of a New Day
  • The junk of scaffolding at the bottom of the photo is actually the theatre itself - it's actually a self-contained unit within the building.
  • The Emperor's palace was a tiered tower of scaffolding covered with tubing and construction materials, and the costumes looked deliberately bizarre: the Drummer (Jamie Van Eyck) had a tiny drum with enormous drumsticks; the magenta-haired Soldier Girl (Kathryn Skemp), who falls in love with the Soldier (Julius Ahn) after the two meet on the battlefield and are unable to kill each other, sported a petaled camouflage dirndl held up by crossed bandoliers. Writing Death's Gentle Aria in the Face of Despair
  • The station on Drove Road currently resembles a building site, after work-men erected scaffolding around the 44-year-old tower.
  • He also said that he could see no justification for the scaffolding having been erected in the way that it was. Times, Sunday Times
  • During the early hours of Sunday vandals overturned the towering scaffolding outside the school, causing flags and poles to crash into the road.
  • In Book 3 of the New Arcadia, Pamela utters her prayer shortly before she too is seen being taken to the scaffold for execution.
  • Now, on the left-hand side, are the Pavilions, all scaffolded and covered by hoardings.
  • I think the best way to scaffold is to assess your students, give them something a bit challenging, and then work backwards as much as you need to to eventually provide enough support that they can accomplish the task or participate in the class successfully. S is for Scaffolding « An A-Z of ELT
  • It has been created out of scaffolding and is clad with plywood covered in a mesh fabric.
  • And it was a really appalling hanging, in the respect that the minister kept them on the scaffold waiting for 25 minutes as he gave a sermon.
  • When he had ended, he turned to the south side of the scaffold, and said, "Gentlemen, I pray you do not misconstruct my behaviour this day; I freely forgive all men their wrongs and injuries done against me, as I desire to be forgiven of God. History of the Early Part of the Reign of James the Second
  • Although one has to admire the painstaking attention to detail in keeping the scaffold holes.
  • Information technologies have become instruments of mind expansion and sensorial scaffoldings that increase and augment our capacity to process greater amounts of information, allowing us to extract richer gradients of meaningful data about the world and our experience. Jason Silva: The Beginning of Infinity
  • On the scaffold, Samson was for drawing of his boots: "tush," said Philippe, "they will come better off after; let us have done, depechons-nous! The French Revolution
  • A bunch of Maryhill urchins had a splendid view of proceedings from the scaffolding.
  • In a single night, the scaffolding was removed from the facades, the steamrollers left the streets, and the earthmovers departed from the parks.
  • Scaffolding, useful if you're installing a large skylight, can be rented from tool supply companies.
  • Away from the noise and scaffolding on a harbour side balcony next to a tiling team Graeme described the vision.
  • Stealing robes from a funeral scaffold is simply foolish for anyone to try, given all they've heard about the Sioux. Excerpt: Snow Mountain Passage by James Houston
  • The villagers could not explain why scaffolding was required to collect bird droppings from the floor of the cave, and they were not aware of the swiftlets and their unique saliva nests.
  • If scaffolds are not set away, mortar may lodge on diagonal bracing and adhere to wall.
  • Workers wear special harnesses and stand on carefully constructed platforms, supported by a scaffolding system that is almost as complex and labyrinthine as the bridge itself.
  • To hold the ABtek modules in place they are both stapled together among themselves and held by special scaffolding to keep the walls straight and leveled until the inside of the modules is filled with concrete or any other liquefiable composite material. Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • And no one was hurt at Boston's Fenway Park today when temporary scaffolding collapsed.
  • A half-completed scaffold had been erected alongside the square tower of the Victorian church.
  • Every minute detail of constructing a scaffold is intrinsically important.
  • It constructs and spends its entire growing life in a tangled scaffolding of threads spun across the surface of the rock wall. Caves and Cave Life
  • In the past, stained glass could only be inspected if scaffolding was erected and this was costly and time-consuming.
  • When setting a plank between ladders as a scaffold, be sure it extends a foot on each side and is clamped or nailed to its support
  • Only a blind musician, on the scaffolding of the orchestra, went on playing a shrill tune on his clarionet. The Magic Skin
  • Adding raunch to the regal scaffolding, while the regal scaffolding adds a touch of class to the raunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Old Yankee Stadium, at left, is shrouded in scaffolding and left silent while the the new Yankee Stadium, right, is basking in the late afternoon sun on the right and helping to play host to the 2009 World Series. Dealing with the death of old Yankee Stadium
  • I prop a ladder against one side, lay two scaffold boards along the basketwork of the roof and rope them down. Wildwood
  • Foreign arrivals last summer were obliged to duck under scaffolding and sidestep earsplitting riveters and sandblasters in order to reach a makeshift passport control desk.
  • Viewed from a distance through binoculars, the farm buildings were hidden in places by scaffolding and there were heaps of building materials visible all over the farmyard.
  • Nowadays they need proper industrial scaffolding. The Sun
  • The scaffold of the temporary stands which run down one side was being dismantled. Times, Sunday Times
  • There are concerns scaffolding could be used to construct gallows from which protesters would be suspended on motorways to halt traffic.
  • There is a lifer here in Folsom, Matthew Davies, of old pioneer stock, who is trusty of the scaffold and execution chamber. Chapter 13
  • Without Elizabeth's protection after 1569, moreover, Mary might well have knelt at the scaffold years before her execution in 1587.
  • He was dangling from a hook, a few feet off a wooden scaffold.
  • The scaffolding has been put up in readiness for the repair work on the building.
  • The lighting is blue, underfoot the floor is black and the scaffolding glints in the twilight.
  • The porous HA/PU scaffold provides a good perspective for designable tissue-engineering scaffolds.
  • Until she and Antony lay fully embalmed within it, an aperture would remain high on the door wall, reached by scaffolding made from withies; a winch and a long roomy basket enabled persons and items to be conveyed in and out of the interior. Antony and Cleopatra
  • The statue is currently surrounded by scaffolding.
  • These have made a comeback in recent years, though scaffolding planks from a local builders' merchant will also do. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vunjak-Novakovic G, Min BH, Kaplan DL (2005) Influence of macroporous protein scaffolds on bone tissue engineering from bone marrow stem cells. PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • At the University of Ottawa, scientists have developed a novel compound, composed of collagen and a tetrasaccharide carbohydrate called sialyl Lewis X, designed to provide a scaffold to help the body grow new blood vessels. Medlogs - Recent stories
  • Be that as it might, the scaffold of the pillory was a point of view that revealed to Hester Prynne the entire track along which she had been treading, since her happy infancy. The Scarlet Letter
  • The work will require scaffolding the entire building including the spire but services to the public will not be interfered with as almost all of the work will be external.
  • While building work is under way space around the building is needed for scaffolding and skips.
  • Those who arrive at Thekla can see little of the city, beyond the plank fences, the sackcloth screens, the scaffoldings, the metal armatures, the wooden catwalks hanging from ropes or supported by sawhorses, the ladders, the trestles.
  • The scaffold is made up of collagen, fibronectin and laminin.
  • Were these holes cut to support wooden beams for scaffolding?
  • And though it is still clogged with scaffolding, shipwrights, and a half-dozen cherry pickers, the promenade is already expansively dramatic.
  • As he approached the city, all that festive and gallant scene he had quitted seemed to him like a dream; a vision of the gardens and bowers of an enchantress, from which he woke abruptly as a criminal may wake on the morning of his doom to see the scaffold and the deathsman; -- so much did each silent and lonely step into the funeral city bring back his bewildered thoughts at once to life and to death. Rienzi, Last of the Roman Tribunes
  • Orange scaffolding then appeared, looking much like oversized staples, either stem bolted into a brick.
  • Storing them on high buildings rather than scaffold structures to reduce visibility is also advised.
  • But the construction work went ahead anyway - with the loss of the lives of two workmen when scaffolding collapsed and the stone they were working on fell on them.
  • Duncan and his entourage were perched on a hanging scaffold, like window washers.
  • France holly cuttings, scaffolding shade requirements to reduce transpiration and direct sunlight seedbed.
  • Then, the printer prints the cells on to a plastic surface, which acts like a scaffold to support the cells.
  • The fourth side is formed by a rickety tower of scaffolding poles, planks and ladders built around an ancient oak. Times, Sunday Times
  • We ended up with scaffolds built from these approaches that only had small holes where the gaps were.
  • Scaffolding was erected around the building and the roof sections bolted on and weighted down with 80 tons of sand, suspended in two-ton bags.
  • Inspired by the scale and appearance of an industrial dock, the huge eruptions of scaffolding tower over you like a quayside full of rusty cranes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Cytoskeletal organization and reorganization also plays a prominent role as scaffolding for proteins subserving membrane excitability.
  • Deputy President. Tianjin Scaffold Company becomes the first participant from Tianjin.
  • Workers in red coveralls scurry around building scaffolds.
  • During the early years of his reign, the death penalty was as good as abolished, and the erection of a scaffold was a violence committed against the King. Les Miserables
  • Country houses, places of worship and public baths are thought to be most vulnerable to the scarcity of scaffolding. Times, Sunday Times
  • Perhaps when all this is finished, she says, gesturing at the clamorous cement mixers and the spider's web of scaffolding, she will go away and give herself time to salve her sorrow, time to look back on precious memories, time to reflect.
  • Sweeping past in endless succession were a forest of smoke-stacks, cooling-towers, pylons, transformers, scaffolding, flood-light towers and railway signal gantries.
  • In his little studio in Mount Vernon, which is perpetually hidden by scaffolding and a not-so-fine layer of dust, Patrick paints crazy and fabulous comic-inspired women. Archive 2009-05-01
  • So he created a temporary scaffolding to get one piece of the puzzle going.
  • Poster presented at the Houston Society for Engineering Medicine a more tissueengineering scaffold orthopaedic bone platonic archimedean Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Inspired by the scale and appearance of an industrial dock, the huge eruptions of scaffolding tower over you like a quayside full of rusty cranes. Times, Sunday Times
  • Researchers removed the entire humeral head -- the ball part of ball-and-socket shoulder joints -- from rabbits used as test subjects and then implanted the scaffolds to grow a biological replacement for the missing piece. Need a new hip? Someday you may grow your own
  • He had his back towards the wall when a sudden gush of wind smashed the scaffolding onto the wall.
  • They used masses of wooden scaffolding, and pulleys operated by treadwheels and cranked round by labourers or animals.
  • The self-climbing scaffolds are interlocked and climb together.
  • A patient's own cells, or in some cases, cells from another adult, are used in conjunction with special drugs called bioactive factors, or with advanced biomaterials that serve as scaffold for growth of new tissues. Pro-Life Headlines
  • There on the scaffold she suffered scorn and public admonishment.
  • Now as I said ye Law Condemns all thus to be Executed, but if it be great persons they obtaine Leave of ye king they may be beheaded, which is done on a scaffold Erected on purpose in manner of a stage, and the persons brought in Coaches with Ministers do as the former; then when they have ended their prayers and speech they Lay down their head on a block and stretch out their bodies. Through England on a Side Saddle in the Time of William and Mary
  • The prestige city centre office block has been shrouded in scaffolding and green netting for more than a year as the two huge firms did battle.
  • The scaffolding outside the window of his office at Edinburgh's St Andrew's House brings to mind the phrase ‘Work in progress - wear a political hard hat’.
  • Investigators examining the scaffolding collapse have focused on whether it was human or mechanical error that resulted in the disconnection of a metal tie that secured the platform to the building.
  • Analysis involved teacher/researcher and student reflections on the course in a continuous process of accommodation to scaffold learning.
  • Under an agreement with the union, dogmen and scaffolders were supposed to receive $21.90 and labourers $20.03 per hour.

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