How To Use Scabbard In A Sentence

  • Oman: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • Scabbards, broken arms, artillery horses, wrecks of gun carriages, and bloody garments strewed the scene.
  • Sir, said Galahad, that is no marvel, for this adventure is not theirs but mine; and for the surety of this sword I brought none with me, for here by my side hangeth the scabbard. Le Morte d'Arthur: Sir Thomas Malory's book of King Arthur and of his noble knights of the Round table
  • More high status examples would have a metal chape scabbard tip. Sudanese Kaskara Swords
  • Swords needed leather grips, belts, and leather scabbards overlaid with hammered bronze leaf.
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  • All the time that he had appeared so indifferent to what was going on, he had been looking slily about for some missile or weapon of defence, and at the very instant when the swords were drawn, he espied, standing in the chimney – corner, an old basket – hilted rapier in a rusty scabbard. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • The men carry short swords in blunt-tipped scabbards slung around their necks, wear their hair in topknots and sport complicated, swirling facial tattoos.
  • The swords have a simple crossguard and most have a languet, a short central extension towards the blade that fits over the scabbard when sheathed. Archive 2009-08-01
  • Entering through the low door, they saw opposite them above a fireplace two swords sheathed in their scabbards, glittering in the gloom.
  • She heard the singing of a blade being drawn from its scabbard, and dropped into a crouch as said blade sliced the air above her head.
  • Often they bounce around on a truck seat, or maybe ride in a saddle scabbard all day strapped to an unruly mustang, acquiring numerous dings and dents.
  • The man bore dusky skin, dark brown hair with a long, thick ponytail, and an impressive broad sword sheathed within the scabbard upon his back.
  • He was already dropping the tanto and reaching for the katana hilt protruding from the scabbard on his back.
  • The scabbard was leather, with white metal designs of dragons breathing flame imprinted on to it.
  • He had left his men at the church door and came alone, his long sword clinking inside its metal scabbard as he walked closer. Sharpe's Havoc
  • The horses are unsaddled, the Winchesters taken from their scabbards for protection through the night.
  • The scabbard occasionally had sheets of silver or gilded bronze applied to it to protect the mouth of the scabbard and the chape.
  • She watched him strap on the scabbard and long poniard.
  • Therefore hold the upper edge of the scabbard firmly with your palm and fingers but making no finger is placed on the front edge; thumb stretch out over the back edge then draw the weapon out slowly.
  • It'seems not bad. The scabbard was installed afterward. It's rare if it's old and intact Longquan fittings.
  • Hanging at her waist, the hilt of a dagger protruded from its lacquered wooden scabbard.
  • In that night, a vision came to him, not a vision of glory and honor won on the battlefield, but a vision of a sword rusting away in its scabbard, a vision of run - ning errands and posting guard detail over dust and ashes that didn't need guarding. Dragons of a Fallen Sun
  • At the point of the scabbard is a round knob, and the weapon is so long, that a man when walking cannot swing his right arm. Personal Narrative of a Pilgrimage to Al-Madinah and Meccah
  • Yet most of us have already unconsciously surrendered to the more insidious aspects of modernity long before we even contemplate drawing our swords from their scabbards and inspecting them for rust.
  • Tentatively identified by some experts as bounty from one of the wars that racked Middle England in the seventh and eighth centuries, they included sword pommels and dagger hilts, scabbard bosses and helmet cheekpieces, Christian crosses and figures of animals, eagles and fish. Starbulletin Headlines
  • The swords have a simple crossguard and most have a languet, a short central extension towards the blade that fits over the scabbard when sheathed. Archive 2009-08-01
  • The man who built it had flung away his dagger, and already his sword rusted in its scabbard in that little house in Assisi; he conquered the world by love. Florence and Northern Tuscany with Genoa With Sixteen Illustrations In Colour By William Parkinson And Sixteen Other Illustrations, Second Edition
  • The rear of some scabbards was also decorated and all had loops at the back to take the leather belting which would attach the weapon to its wearer.
  • All I can aver is that, if I am not to be permitted to draw the glittering sword of my tongue from the scabbard of my mouth, I shall infallibly, in sheer sickishness at such short-sighted folly, throw up my brief! Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • A belt was wrapped around their waists, bearing a pair of scabbards and two small, pentagonal shields.
  • The baculite - Latin for "walking stick rock" - is essentially a vertical ammonite, resembling a petrified scabbard.
  • a pink-coloured benish, lined with satin, a gold-embroidered turban, a rich silk sash, worked with silver thread, and a djombye, or crooked knife, stuck in his sash, the scabbard of which is covered with coins of silver and gold. Travels in Arabia; comprehending an account of those territories in Hedjaz which the Mohammedans regard as sacred
  • His sword had a gold gleam as he drew it from its scabbard.
  • At the same time, the outside-the-waistband scabbard might be more comfortable under some circumstances, it won't hide the gun as well under an untucked shirt.
  • She produced a short dagger in a leather scabbard that tied to the belt.
  • He drew it halfway from its scabbard, then put it back and set the scabbard gently back in place, the sword loosened, hilt ready to hand. A Breath of Snow and Ashes
  • Bela slapped the sword on her thigh, but Jack noticed that she carried a Wolverine assault rifle in a saddle scabbard too, and had a heavy energy pistol in a shoulder holster.
  • Scabbards can be seen from the days of the Greek hoplite, worn suspended at the waist.
  • Care should be taken not to expose the khukuri scabbard into the sun for a longer period of time as heating may help it to shrink a bit, and hence making the blade difficult to insert.
  • He slipped it back into the scabbard and then picked up the streamlined sniper rifle, slinging it over his shoulder by its leather strap.
  • He drew the sword, gripping the hilt in one hand and the chape of the simple, sturdy scabbard in the other. Lord of the Isles
  • Two curved Elven swords, sheathed in scabbards of shining marble, leaned against the throne he sat upon.
  • Looking a question at Erin, she drew her glaive from its scabbard and handed it to the weaponsmaster.
  • I bought it with an old scabbard and a blade by 200 Yuan.
  • The scabbard fish, variety of the cutlassfish, is the most highly regarded of the cutlassfish family.
  • However, there came a day finally when the sword slipped into the scabbard quite easily.
  • Draw the sword and throw away the scabbard.
  • For example, sheathing and unsheathing swords gets a nice, reverberating ring as the blade enters or exits the scabbard.
  • The Sultan has a “godown” containing great treasures, concerning which he leads an anxious life — hoards of diamonds and rubies, and priceless damascened krises, with scabbards of pure gold wrought into marvelous devices and incrusted with precious stones. The Golden Chersonese and the way thither
  • Lieutenant "Cush" Jones determined to run the gauntlet for escape, and as he darted away the point of his scabbard struck a stone, and throwing it inverted above his head, lost out his handsome sword. The Story of a Cannoneer Under Stonewall Jackson
  • On the other side there was a lull in the conversation, but the breathing of several men, the occasional light tinkling of some ornaments, the clink of metal scabbards, or of brass siri-vessels passed from hand to hand, was audible during the short pause. Almayer's Folly
  • His blade snapped out of its scabbard, and the first group of bowmen, arbalests exchanged for swords and axes, leapt back up onto the step their fellows had abandoned.
  • The man with the brown hair had a small wooden shield strapped to his back and a short sword at his side in a leather scabbard.
  • And alas, for the sword that swung then, unscabbarded, by each man's side and for the knee that never bent to any and for the fearless eyes that watched unblenched while the gods lamed each other with their lightnings in the thunder-shaken storm! The Workingman's Paradise An Australian Labour Novel
  • The sword was sheathed in a leather scabbard trimmed in silver.
  • He heard the whine of steel on scabbard and drew his two swords, barely crossing them in time to intercept her drive.
  • Matt Del Fatti of Del Fatti Leather who I see as one of the finest leather craftsmen to ply the trade, cut and sewed a mahogany-colored holster with two magazine scabbards, custom fit to this Browning.
  • The Sultan has a "godown" containing great treasures, concerning which he leads an anxious life – hoards of diamonds and rubies, and priceless damascened krises, with scabbards of pure gold wrought into marvelous devices and incrusted with precious stones. The Golden Chersonese and the Way Thither
  • Polished," that is, free from all rust, implies His unsullied purity. in ... quiver ... hid me -- Like a sword in its scabbard, or a shaft in the quiver, Messiah, before His appearing, was hid with God, ready to be drawn forth at the moment God saw fit [Hengstenberg]; also always protected by God, as the arrow by the quiver (Isa 51: 16). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • She took it slowly drew it from the scabbard, and while the ladies who stood around turned away their eyes with real or affected shuddering, she noted with a curious eye the high polish and rich, damasked ornaments upon the glittering blade. Kenilworth
  • Lastly tuck in the khukuri completely and firmly push the blade forward against the front edge of the scabbard and then store in a cool dry place for few days.
  • The scales are nicely contoured, and the scabbard offers a reversible belt clip for blade-up or blade-down carry in addition to a neck chain.
  • With all these hard-set lines of thought, or of doctrine (the scabbard of thought, which saves its edge, and keeps it out of mischief), Stephen Anerley was not hard, or stern, or narrow-hearted. Mary Anerley
  • His pack, haversack, rifle, cartridge box and sword scabbard bounced and banged as he ran. Sharpe's Havoc
  • The scabbard was decorated with patterns much similar to that of the hilt, and was enameled in a smooth glaze.
  • Christian: Yeah you have to have a little angle or you can lose your rifle out either going up or down hill depending on which way the scabbard is positioned. Positioning your rifle scabbard on your hunting horse
  • The dagger, the scabbard, even the missing sword had belonged to her mother.
  • Light flashed across the blade as he pulled his sword from the scabbard.
  • Flag: three horizontal bands of white (top, double width), red, and green (double width) with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 1996 CIA Factbook
  • Stoically he reached over his shoulder and drew his sword from its scabbard, slicing it through the air and holding it out to the side.
  • Took from the nail on the wall his sword with its scabbard of iron.
  • He is described as clad in black velvet; his hair was powdered and gathered behind in a silk bag; he wore knee and shoe buckles and yellow gloves; he held a cocked hat with a cockade and a black feather edging; and he carried a long sword in a scabbard of white polished leather. Washington and his colleagues; a chronicle of the rise and fall of federalism
  • Having a hard time finding a quality leather field scabbard for your pet single action six-gun?
  • Bloody sharp stuff, horrid stuff, and Harris and Perkins backed out of the shrine, their arms filled with the last bottles and they hurled them up onto the bridge and now the hooves were a thunder to fill the air and shake the ground, and the curb chains and scabbard chains clinked and Sharpe stood to see the lances coming straight at him, and even the dragoons had stopped to watch the Poles slaughter their way across the bridge. Sharpe's Skirmish
  • The killer puts the hands into a sack he's carrying and starts to take the scimitar out of a scabbard he wears.
  • Sir William Wallace gave "a heavy sword encased in a brass scabbard," and naively explaining which Sir William Wallace it was, lest we get the wrong one by the hassock; this is the one "from whose patriotism and bravery comes that heart-stirring air, 'Scots wha hae wi' Wallace bled. ' Christian Science
  • Fitch felt rooted to that spot as he held the magnificent weapon, letting his fingers glide over the wire-wound hilt, the downswept cross guard, the finely wrought gold and silver scabbard. Soul of the Fire
  • With a swift smooth move, one of the figures slid his sword out of the scabbard, and swung the blade at the drunk.
  • The scabbard was decorated with patterns much similar to that of the hilt, and was enameled in a smooth glaze.
  • She unwrapped the leather covering to reveal a dagger in a scabbard.
  • Her left hand closed around an invisible scabbard and her right hand clutched the hilt of a sword.
  • A few of the mounts shifted their feet; here and there a rider slid his sword back and forth in its scabbard.
  • Its blade is damask steel with a scabbard is a dull gold with jewels of all colours set in images that include an English rose, Scottish thistle, and Irish shamrock.
  • He heard the swoosh of her sword leaving its scabbard, then a loud clap.
  • It would be some time before the sword and its scabbard fitted together.
  • Under them lay the color guard; the scabbarded swords of the colonel and his staff were stuck upright in the ground, and the blanket-swathed figures of the officers in poncho and havelock reposed close by. Special Messenger
  • The battle armour he always wore clanked incessantly against the scabbard of the broadsword at his waist.
  • A few of the mounts shifted their feet; here and there a rider slid his sword back and forth in its scabbard.
  • Her sword was safely in its jeweled scabbard and was slung over her back.
  • And he saw the unmistakable hilt of a finely crafted sword protruding from the scabbard on the belt of a tall, golden-haired elf.
  • Flag description: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered near the top of the vertical band Oman
  • He had only ten pace's to cover to reach me, and his sword rasped from its scabbard as he came. River God
  • Swords rose from scabbards and cudgels from belts. GuildWars Edge of Destiny
  • With a mighty effort, he pulled Stormbringer from its scabbard and he smiled in relief as the evil runesword moaned faintly and then, slowly, its song increased in power as black flame flickered along its length. The Weird of the White Wolf
  • Taren said, presenting her with a sword that remained sheathed in an elven leather scabbard, beaded and decorated with the majestic colors of the earth.
  • The walking figure has a baldric strapped across his chest from which hangs a long sword in a scabbard.
  • Its blade is damask steel, while the scabbard is a dull gold with jewels of all colours.
  • Albric slid his sword a handsbreadth from the scabbard, and the ghouls hissed at the sight of steel. THE RIVER KINGS’ ROAD
  • Omanthree horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered near the top of the vertical band Flag description
  • Stopping abruptly, he picked up the scabbard and sheathed the sword, before he lost himself again.
  • A heavy-duty, self-locking brass hook replaces the present open-ended hook that secures the top pivot point of the scabbard.
  • Ghamad) or scabbard (of wood or leather): and this baldrick is the young whisker. The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
  • The drop earrings, tomahawk, knife and scabbard, and bow and arrows vie for the viewer's attention with the striking claret color of the headdress, which matches both the fringe of the frock coat and one of the shoulder sashes.
  • He spun, blocking an axe with the scabbard while the long sword decapitated a lich with a cutlass. Lord of the Isles
  • He pulled the sword from its scabbard, that tissue-thin blade as stiff and heavy as a big hammer. Backlash « A Fly in Amber
  • She heard the singing of a blade being drawn from its scabbard, and dropped into a crouch as said blade sliced the air above her head.
  • The men carry short swords in blunt-tipped scabbards slung around their necks, wear their hair in topknots and sport complicated, swirling facial tattoos.
  • She rolled up her sleeve and displayed the shapeliest arm imaginable, as white and fresh as her hand was red and rough; a plump, round, dimpled arm, drawn from its merino sheath like a blade from the scabbard to dazzle Pons, who looked away. Cousin Pons
  • Figures in the Bayeux tapestry dating from the 11th century show swords being worn in scabbards on belts around the waist, with a hanging strap preventing the chape from dragging on the ground.
  • Leen drew a third golden dagger from the set of scabbards at her back, and once again held a wickedly sharp balde in each hand. THE FALL OF TEROK NOR
  • He sheathed his dagger into a scabbard he kept under his pillow, and looked around, embarrassed.
  • His feet were encased in buskins, a sash of black and yellow passed over his left shoulder and was knotted upon his right hip, while at his left dangled a short sword encased in a jewelled scabbard, supported by a jewelled belt or chain of broad links, all made of the same gold-like metal. In Search of El Dorado
  • Darius jerked the falchion from its scabbard and charged.
  • I had first of all to return my sword into its scabbard, which is not the easiest thing to do at a gallop. MY EARLY LIFE
  • Flag description: three horizontal bands of white, red, and green of equal width with a broad, vertical, red band on the hoist side; the national emblem (a khanjar dagger in its sheath superimposed on two crossed swords in scabbards) in white is centered at the top of the vertical band The 2001 CIA World Factbook
  • Populations of north-east Atlantic commercial deep-water fish such as black scabbardfish, orange roughy and roundnose grenadier have dwindled since deep-water fishing started in the area in the late 1980s, but it wasn't until 2003 that catch quotas were recommended.
  • From the color of their sarongs and the way they wear their machetes in a shoulder scabbard, I know they are Naga tribesmen.
  • The scabbard was fine leather, with intricate designs winding around it done in silver filigree.
  • The suffix "- ing -" is used to form words indicating that which holds "one" specimen of what is expressed in the root: glavingo = scabbard. plumingo = pen-holder. lumingo = torch-holder. ingo = sheath, case, socket. A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
  • The guard wrenched a knife from its scabbard, but died as Waylander's sword lanced his ribs. Waylander
  • Care should be taken not to expose the khukuri scabbard into the sun for a longer period of time as heating may help it to shrink a bit, and hence making the blade difficult to insert.
  • The sword scabbard is missing a piece, but again, I can always order a new one. Archive 2009-01-01
  • Cloud armed himself with his own longbow and latched his halberd onto his halberd scabbard on his back.
  • Its weight pulled his hips out of alignment and the chape protecting the bottom of the scabbard regularly knocked against his calf as he walked. Lord of the Isles
  • She would have looked like the perfect Lady had it not been for the heavy black leather scabbard and sword belt that encircled a slender waist.
  • He clears his Glock from its leather thumb-break scabbard under his untucked shirt, and holds the drawn pistol behind him as he goes to answer the door.
  • He had on a brown leather belt, a dagger in a scabbard hung on the belt, together with a scabbard for his sword and his feet were encased in brown leather boots.
  • But am I the only to notice that Jaime's scabbard is on the wrong hip? Now Shipping
  • The toe, or bottom of the scabbard is closed to prevent any dirt or gunk from entering.
  • It was not simply that such an act would disrupt and alienate half her following, and fetch out of their scabbards every sword that was not bared and blooded already, to prolong and poison this even now envenomed warfare. A River So Long
  • Bela slapped the sword on her thigh, but Jack noticed that she carried a Wolverine assault rifle in a saddle scabbard too, and had a heavy energy pistol in a shoulder holster.
  • A man with a shortsword in a scabbard on his back climbed the ladder to the balcony. Wildfire
  • The belt-plate and crescented sword scabbard were aflame with brilliants on blue enamelling. The Prince of India — Volume 01
  • Once or twice his hand strayed to the scabbard at his waist, to the pommel of the well-used sword, his fingers stroking the rounded knob ornamenting the hilt. Earl of Durkness

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