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How To Use Sawyer In A Sentence

  • Alison Sawyer's inspiring raku angels go fast at the Evergreen Gallery.
  • Jeff: I got misty-eyed twice: when Claire gave birth again, and when Sawyer and Juliet were reunited. The last 5 minutes of LOST explained – Brian Keene
  • Mr. Benjamin Allen drew forth, from the same hiding – place, a small brass pipkin, which Bob Sawyer observed he prided himself upon, particularly because it looked so business – like. The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club
  • Elise and Sawyer say they have been the most frequent victims of harassment both on and off campus.
  • He was learning to be a sawyer, helping to provide the wood for the carpenters engaged at the ‘Big House’ where further modifications and extensions were being built on the West Front.
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  • #23 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 10, 2010, 07:07 PM: Making Light: Like an ice storm, only with more volume
  • On hand for the sendoff was a star-packed audience heavy on media celebs, with the likes of Katie Couric, Donald Trump, Tony Danza, Disney CEO Robert Iger, Frank and Kathie Lee Gifford and Diane Sawyer. NYDN Rss
  • By that time the Republican President was a whippersnapper named Teddy Roosevelt, whose imperialism Twain scorned (he called TR a Tom Sawyer type). The Atlantic | July/August 2001 | Mark Twain's Reconstruction | Blount Jr.
  • Yet another valuable source on the laborers of timberyards are the descriptions of sawyers left by writers and diarists.
  • Then, as in conversation, Sawyer discoursed on earthly concerns and divine grace. After prison, building a new life means more than just doing right
  • He arrived on the Belgravia in 1864, with a 15-year sentence to serve for house-breaking and worked as a woodcutter, sawyer, fencer and general labouring teamster.
  • Professor Sawyer was formally installed as President last Thursday.
  • These were the areas where teams of sawyers worked to saw out the various timbers to their finished dimensions.
  • #433 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 10, 2010, 10:14 AM: Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • I've actually had a few occasions over the last few nights when I've had little catnaps as I was lying somewhere, and those can be fairly refreshing - I had one last night, while I was finishing up Tom Sawyer for book club.
  • It was the only thing he'd taken from the house in Sawyerville, her only possession that didn't give him the whim-whams. DOLL'S EYES
  • Electing to preserve his enormous public from the full force of his opinions, while he drew breath he kept his most God-hostile writing unpublished: the readers who had snapped up Tom Sawyer were not to know that he regarded the Beatitudes as a sequence of “immense sarcasms.” An Atheist Walks Into a Bar …
  • Mills works as a sawyer in Tennessee, and his poems have the kind of down-home intelligence that comes from a man listening to people talk.
  • He was a husband, father, farmer, sawyer, commercial fisherman, quarryman, storyteller and, every now and then, beer drinker.
  • First came the Topham Sawyers, in their light-blue carriage with the white hammercloth and blue and white ribbons — their footmen drove the house down with the knocking. A Little Dinner at Timmins’s
  • At the highest level are craftsmen known as bosses, including carpenters, masons, electricians, welders, mechanics, and tree sawyers.
  • These men often were working not only as sawyers but as carpenters, coopers, and shinglemakers as well.
  • Yer see, Mr. Sawyer, we're poor, an 'it's no use tryin' to cover it up, an 'I can't give Arthur the kind of vittles he ought to have. Further Adventures of Quincy Adams Sawyer and Mason Corner Folks
  • Joel Sawyer, Mark Sanford's former spokesman, is seen here behind the governor in June. Former Sanford spokesman starts communications firm
  • For the nomad sawyer, working in the shop one day, in the back yard the next, and at a buddy's place on the weekend, a lightweight, bench-top table saw is an ideal choice.
  • Lmao. and I just stumbled on to a fanlisting of the Sawyer/Sayid shipping. Maccadole Diary Entry
  • Mark estimates that any city of 50,000 or more easily generates enough ‘waste ‘wood to keep a custom sawyer busy.’
  • Although he relies on his skills as a logger, sawyer, loftsman, shipwright, mechanic, plumber, electrician, spar maker, sail maker, and rigger, it is without question his skill as a mariner that makes his boats uniquely effective at what they do.
  • December 9, 2005 at 12: 30 am backgammon money play real backgammon money play real It was here he opened a trespassers out-station, and affectionately-surveyed his monarchical-aristocratical mesenteric works, under the assumed wood-sawyer of Market-house Sur. A podcast of two halves?
  • All the showbiz cliches about the unknown plucked from the chorus to become an overnight sensation are here in the tale of small-town hoofer Peggy Sawyer, who arrives on Broadway with stars in her eyes and gets a lucky break that changes her life. This week's new theatre and dance
  • Among nine taken into custody were a weaver, sawyer, carpenter, brewer, blacksmith and several servants.
  • They had a mill worked by bullocks, a general store, an Inn, a blacksmith, a pair of sawyers, several carpenters and a number of cobblers.
  • #407 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 09, 2010, 09:04 PM: Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • Opponents believe it's all a spin to provide more even-aged timber for the sawyers.
  • Cabinetmakers' probate inventories frequently record debts to woodmen, sawyers, varnish makers, japanners, brass founders, and locksmiths.
  • And those tests, Sawyer says, are routinely turning up long-chain "aliphatic" hydrocarbons associated with liver damage. Top headlines
  • “Last time I got this kind of workout I put Sawyer under,” Mason muttered, referring to a hand-to-hand match he’d had with Sawyer when he, Anna and Julie had been trying to escape from Washington. Thunder and Ashes
  • As an avid reader, I often find myself questioning the science in a lot of books, but Sawyer covers himself very well.
  • During their fourth time warp, Sawyer, Juliet, Miles, Charlotte and Faraday meet the Others (aka Hostiles) and their leaky H-bomb, Jughead. 'Lost': When are we?
  • I'd say that Sawyer calling her freckles again has more to do with his getting over killing original Sawyer than anything else. LOSTCasts 62: The Economist and Eggtown
  • Not only were numerous loggers, sawyers, and other timber industry employees injured (with a few being killed), but tens of thousands were put out of jobs.
  • ABC's Diane Sawyer did something interesting the other night, using a directional mike to play a tape of what it actually sounded like in that room.
  • He eventually secured a job as a sawyer with an Edinburgh timber merchant, which gave him the means to support a wife and three small children.
  • Dust a piece of waxed paper with more Tom Sawyer Flour (I tried Bob's Red Mill GF Blend for the first two and it was too strong and 'beany' tasting) and roll out using a small pasty roller. Flour tortillas | Homesick Texan
  • After Ray, who makes rolltop desks, watched a custom sawyer turn a log into lumber, he and Mark decided they wanted to make their own lumber.
  • Sawyer’s chain strangling was brutal and strangely therapeutic. The Tail Section » Revisiting Lost’s Third Season: Episodes 18-19
  • The interim government was not recognized by the major rebel movements. Main government leaders President of interim government: Amos Sawyer.
  • Elise and Sawyer say they have been the most frequent victims of harassment both on and off campus.
  • In fact, she'd struck up the friendliest relationship with Boxer, the old schnauzer always tied up in Tom Sawyer's yard, two houses down.
  • #461 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 11, 2010, 07:57 AM: Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • Liz: Speaking of surprises, did you hear Sawyer call Lapidus "chesty"? 'Lost' Dueling Analysis: 'The Last Recruit'
  • The respondents ran a small factory employing two sawyers - Mr Baird's son, and the applicant - who had worked for the business for many years when he had to undergo an operation on one of his eyes.
  • Anson's earning twenty-five a day at carpentering, Liverpool getting twenty logging for the saw-mill, and Big Bill's getting forty a day as chief sawyer. LIKE ARGUS OF THE ANCIENT TIMES
  • Barns and buildings were made by laboriously cutting huge trees with bucksaws and taking them to the sawyer with horse and wagon to be sawed into lumber.
  • While we can only speculate about his post-unauthenticated audio tape interviews, we can look at his post-DUI interview with Diane Sawyer. What Lindsay Lohan can learn from Mel Gibson and other celebrity lawbreakers
  • Ken Mowbray, Sam Máeguez, and Gary Sawyer with the Poloyo hominid (Courtesy Ken Mowbray) [LARGERIMAGE] "For me," says Susan Antón of the University of Florida, who examined the fossil in July, "the skullcap is a unifying specimen because it combines characteristics seen in both the older [1.6. million years] and younger [less than 100,000 years] H. erectus groups in Southeast Asia. Case of the Curious Cranium
  • It let out a very unladylike roar, and pounced on Sawyer, who threw himself out of its path with inches to spare. COLDHEART CANYON
  • A. Washington Chase, Ira O. Sawyer, Pentucket ciub David B. Tenney, William E. B.unt and Charles C. corporate'cil '' '°' Acts and resolves passed by the General Court
  • Allie, a slim sylph, had the Ruby Keeler-Peggy Sawyer part.
  • The nanocomposite will be mounted on a tribometer, developed by Sawyer, which will measure the friction of the material's surface. - latest science and technology news stories
  • Sawyer will oversee all of the information technology efforts at IUS, which is one of eight campuses in the Indiana University System. Jacksonville Business News - Local Jacksonville News | Jacksonville Business Journal
  • The first 32 issues featured Lee Falk's The Phantom stories, but thereafter, the title alternated between various King Features characters, including Mandrake, Flash Gordon, and Buz Sawyer. Archive 2010-04-01
  • Taylor rejected Sawyer's proposals, apparently convinced that he could win military victory and install himself as president.
  • Sawyer is a non-com serving with an artillery battalion stationed in Karlsrhue Germany.
  • Mills works as a sawyer in Tennessee, and his poems have the kind of down-home intelligence that comes from a man listening to people talk.
  • But Sawyer got his feelings hurt because of her concern for Jack and reverted to his tough guy, hard shell persona.
  • #414 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 09, 2010, 11:20 PM: Making Light: The "agency model" as I understand it
  • While someone who actually has a clue what a tachyon is will feel more comfortable with the terminology, Sawyer leaves enough elbow room for non-scifi fans. Rabid Reads: "Flash Forward" by Robert J. Sawyer
  • A manual dial allows the sawyer to accurately choose the size of the lumber being targeted.
  • Sawyers, in their light-blue carriage with the white hammercloth and blue and white ribbons -- their footmen drove the house down with the knocking. A Little Dinner at Timmin's
  • This issue is a Superman story from which Superman is absent--every scene except the Akteon-Holt takedown and is Mr. Akteon's name supposed to recall Actaeon or Mr. Action? includes at least one character directly associated with him, even Maggie Sawyer and Shockwave. Archive 2006-05-01
  • Elise and Sawyer say they have been the most frequent victims of harassment both on and off campus.
  • #750 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: March 24, 2010, 07:03 PM: Making Light: Open thread 137
  • Sawyer is adept at counterpointing points of view.
  • Hutchinson makes his international debut at centre-back, Sinclair is on the left of a four-man midfield, and Sawyer comes off the bench to score a 35-yarder and make it 2-1.
  • Sawyer is a non-com serving with an artillery battalion stationed in Karlsrhue Germany.
  • CML cells, Sawyers discovered, become Gleevec-resistant through an even wilier mechanism: the cells acquire mutations that specifically alter the structure of Bcr-abl, creating a protein still able to drive the growth of the leukemia but no longer capable of binding to the drug. The Emperor of All Maladies
  • The effect may be comic, but the fact that Huck Finn or Tom Sawyer would know words like "prodigious" is pretty amazing if you think about it nowadays. New Paradigms in Law
  • The size and number of sawpits would be determined by the ability of the timber merchant to acquire material and employ sawyers.
  • #105 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 14, 2010, 09:06 AM: Making Light: Like an ice storm, only with more volume
  • In 1754 an immigrant sawyer, who had begun a business in New York City, advertised that he had ‘a good house for keeping timber out of the weather.’
  • Sometimes people from Arkansas are also called "Arkansawyer," a word that also, I think, calls up rural roots, a certain distance from the urban craziness that drives a lot of our society. No Surprises: Two Decades of Clinton Watching
  • Which brings us to another benefit of a Gumbel / Sawyer hire.
  • Sawyer's eyes twinkled with unsuppressed amusement.
  • Mark Twain impersonator Richard Garey with two sets of Tom Sawyers and Becky Thatchers in Hannibal, Mo., to mark the 100th anniversary of the author's death on April 21. Mark Twain's celebrated Missouri hometown is jumping again
  • SAWYER: Which means that I'm going to need the eyedrop concession but I will be there live. CNN Transcript Sep 22, 2004
  • Tom Sawyer was an ordinary American boy who kept getting into trouble.
  • #79 ::: John A Arkansawyer ::: view all by ::: February 04, 2010, 11:02 PM: Making Light: The New York Times gives Harold Ford, Jr. enough rope
  • Typical of the breed was Sawyer, who spent four years at Strathclyde in the 1980s.
  • Sometimes, in the mild English summers, the sawyers would work in sawpits in the woods, which often would have no covering at all.
  • The nearby shops --- that of the sailmaker and the sawyer --- were quiet and dark. THE LIGHTSTONE: BOOK ONE, PART ONE OF THE EA CYCLE
  • I'm wondering if Jack is actually looking at Kate in dissapointment knowing she's Sawyers. hmmmm ....... New LOST “Last Supper” Image May Offer Clues about the Final Season –
  • John A Arkansawyer: To your question: I do think that having representatives in Portland and on the West Coast made sense for Vidoop. The Fall of Vidoop | FactoryCity
  • In Sawyer, N.D., the Souris overtopped a levee Saturday morning, flooding four homes, Mayor Cy Kotaska said. North Dakota City Braces For Rising Floodwaters
  • He arrived on the Belgravia in 1864, with a 15-year sentence to serve for house-breaking and worked as a woodcutter, sawyer, fencer and general labouring teamster.

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