How To Use Savagely In A Sentence

  • The Roman satirists savagely expose the fawning homage heaped upon the childless rich.
  • Behind this carefully—constructed shield, he has lashed out savagely at those who have bettered him in the eyes of history and bettered him in the practice of Christian values.
  • She mocks their employer savagely behind his back and displays a kittenish charm to his face.
  • His jaw was underhung, and when he laughed, two white buck-teeth protruded themselves and glistened savagely in the midst of the grin. Vanity Fair
  • Companies invest when interest rates are low and capital is easy to raise, and then retrench savagely as rates rise.
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  • Owenson's status as a professional woman writer was constantly abused by contemporary male reviewers, who savagely attacked everything she wrote.
  • He went down the wicket even to bowlers of extreme pace with the intention of making them drop the ball short, and when they did so, he would cut or pull the ball savagely.
  • During that time he was savagely beaten, he built and renovated a small house for himself, panhandled, spent days on end drunk, took drugs, rode along on thieving runs and stood in soup kitchen lines.
  • On the night Lincoln was shot, another would-be assassin put Seward's son in a coma and slashed the secretary of state's face so savagely that the doctor who saved his life said he'd "looked like an exsanguinated corpse. David Quigg: HRC's Choice: Seward or Chase?
  • Be aware that injured animals, even tame pets will bite savagely if given a chance.
  • Suddenly, he grabs her savagely by the arm and throws her at the nearest wall.
  • Like a bulldog it refuses to let go, even when savagely attacked by the desperate victim.
  • Boasting savagely violent battle scenes and an adrenaline fueled chase through the breathtaking Scottish highlands, CENTURION is set during the war between Roman soldiers and Pict tribesmen during the 2nd century Roman conquest of Britain. Neil Marshall’s CENTURION to Stand Guard This Summer –
  • Her country had been attacked most savagely, but her Pacifism remained unshaken, she absolutely refused to recognise that the War existed.
  • Dancing on the bonnet of your Model A, or perhaps charging around on your horse, hooting savagely and bullwhipping innocent bystanders.
  • But the burden for achieving national unity is on a president who could manage a narrow victory only by savagely trashing his opponent.
  • If you see him very savagely cut up in "The Revolver," you will recognize the kindly hands which held the bistoury, scalpel, and tenaculum, and the gentleman who wept while he wounded. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 04, No. 21, July, 1859
  • This sparked a series of student demonstrations that were savagely suppressed, killing over 100.
  • It is very much about editing as savagely as you can while still leaving enough form. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Libya and Somalia his troops fought savagely to reduce poorly armed tribesmen. The Collins History of the World in the 20th Century
  • He was savagely beaten into insensibility.
  • Those are powerful advantages, considering how savagely mass-market carmakers are discounting.
  • Every day, the enemy takes more hostages, assassinates developing Iraqi leaders and savagely beats suspected collaborators.
  • Sir Ronald had promised to be content without love; but he was not, and was huffish and offended, and savagely jealous of Reginald Stanford and all the hated past. Kate Danton, or, Captain Danton's Daughters A Novel
  • The upper part is the territory of the surgeonfish which savagely protects it by attacking divers when they approach.
  • He glared savagely at the ball in his hands; the black octagons were marred by the white powder of the ceiling.
  • In the film, we have ninety or a hundred minutes of good looking youngsters, who are being savagely attacked on an isolated island, near an abandoned rave.
  • A few months later, five year-old Janet steals money ‘in the first week of school’ to buy chewing gum and is savagely pilloried as a thief by Miss Botting, her teacher.
  • All the savagely planned words suddenly seemed amateur, naïve. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • How bizarre that, because conservatives have so savagely attacked Sotomayor for not being callous and cold-hearted, the response is to emphasize her capacity to rule against likeable people. Wonk Room » Sotomayor Hearing Live-Blog, Day 2
  • The Spaniards also let loose a big dog on shore which chased the terrified Arawaks and bit several of them savagely.
  • But he was foredoomed, and he went down with the she-wolf tearing savagely at his throat, and with other teeth fixed everywhere upon him, devouring him alive, before ever his last struggles ceased or his last damage had been wrought. The Battle of the Fangs
  • It is very much about editing as savagely as you can while still leaving enough form. Times, Sunday Times
  • Carnaby is rowelling savagely, yet, neck and neck, the sorrel and the gray race for the jump, with Barnabas and the Marquis behind. The Amateur Gentleman
  • He whiffled it savagely and then pointed it at someone in the crowd. Death of a Fool
  • It looked around savagely with its gigantic, mesmerizing eyes bright red tongue hung out, twitching.
  • But the burden for achieving national unity is on a president who could manage a narrow victory only by savagely trashing his opponent.
  • He uses stealthy means to savagely oppress the common people.
  • From 1903 Wells devoted much of his energy to the Fabian movement but after falling out with their leaders savagely caricatured them in his novel, The New Machiavelli.
  • Barney Green turned on him, and savagely asked if he was "funking" again. Tom Gerrard
  • Martin, growling savagely at the yobs, daring them to interfere.
  • Some study diuturnity upon two meals a day, or pursue old age by means of "unfired food," Others devour roots by moonlight, or savagely dine upon a pocket of raw beans. Essays in Rebellion
  • A university graduate who savagely murdered his slightly built mother has been jailed for life.
  • Ran-Dell the Feral Bum: savagely shivving stray dogs, lost club-goers, and the occasional cop. Swords & Scrolls: Kaiser Crowbar Edition!
  • A mugger who savagely attacked an 81-year-old man in Colchester escaped with just £4 in loose change.
  • Cowardly thugs jumped a former soldier from behind and savagely attacked him as he walked home after a night out in York.
  • Len Smith was attacked just seconds after reaching his 46th birthday and was beaten savagely with a wooden stave picked up in the beer garden of his pub in Salford.
  • All the savagely planned words suddenly seemed amateur, naïve. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • Cringing, cowling, hiding, and overtly voicing fear for all to hear, is an integrated tool used at times savagely as part of the sensationalist news and of terroristic gore, which grabs one by the collar and literally shakes you senseless into believing whatever they are bent on making you believe. Safety in Michoacan
  • Her mother was screaming at her, roaring over the noise, screeching with fright, savagely begging her to come out. THE COMPANY OF STRANGERS
  • In a savagely comic scene, Vera grapples with how this violation has left her feeling.
  • She will learn to dance with the troupe, perform savagely choreographed dance routines and have costumes made. Times, Sunday Times
  • The novel is 130 pages of dialogue, savagely satirical and lively, with lines that would not disgrace a top-flight sitcom.
  • They started groping viciously and kissing savagely with loud, desperate smacks resonating into the dizzy evening air.
  • Down-stairs came Emily, dragging after her the unwilling Keeper, his hind legs set in a heavy attitude of resistance, held by the "scuft of his neck," but growling low and savagely all the time. Life of Charlotte Brontë — Volume 1
  • It is very much about editing as savagely as you can while still leaving enough form. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they do, people will start protests, and brutal conservatives will savagely suppress them.
  • The royal family is now being caricatured as savagely as it has ever been.
  • The June 1848 uprising was savagely repressed, as far as we know without Vidocq's help, but Lamartine's remark is still a startling tribute to his power.
  • A director famed for creating self-consciously radical, wildly unconventional, corrosively satirical, and savagely violent works could do worse then take on board an actor who personifies those traits in his everyday life.
  • In 1818 he attacked Coleridge savagely in a magazine edited by his son-in-law.
  • I can feed calves and milk and grind out my days here just as well vulgar as unvulgar, "I answered savagely. My Brilliant Career
  • Pakistan, Anatol Lieven writes in his new book, is "divided, disorganised, economically backward, corrupt, violent, unjust, often savagely oppressive towards the poor and women, and home to extremely dangerous forms of extremism and terrorism". Pakistan: A Hard Country by Anatol Lieven – review
  • Then he came slowly up, and 'jiggered' savagely at the line. Angling Sketches
  • He was savagely pleased to think that someone had lashed Tarja. TREASON KEEP
  • There was a bitter north-easter cutting savagely across the unsheltered marshes, and her ungloved hands were blue, obviously numb. THE INNOCENTS AT HOME (A SUPERINTENDENT KENWORTHY NOVEL)
  • When the three of us were on Morning Edition a week or two ago Ed's reading of those devastating lines that end with the savagely apt "Heh heh heh, sure showd em, didn we, Dead-eye" rocked the airwaves. Carol Muske-Dukes: Varied Carols
  • She will learn to dance with the troupe, perform savagely choreographed dance routines and have costumes made. Times, Sunday Times
  • Be aware that injured animals, even tame pets will bite savagely if given a chance.
  • I'm motivated to indulge in the latter because so many 'brights' constantly and savagely lampoon the alleged nuttiness of religious people's views. Bits and Pieces of an RNA World
  • What could be the most outstanding in Dr. Sayegh's introduction is the Biblical concept of the "Exodus" that spread throughout more than thirty centuries coupling this expression of Jewish history from one side and Biblical myths on the other, considering this so-called fallacious "Exodus" in its foundations, sources, meaning stands ashamed in front another factual, actual and felt exodus in millions of proofs, which is the exodus of three quarters of a million Palestinian Arabs forcefully and savagely uprooted by the force of arms and Zionist terror. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • The first intimations of serious trouble came from Trieste, where the censors savagely bowdlerised Stiffelio 1850.
  • The woman ran out in a fury, picked up the animal, and flung it savagely into the kennel.
  • But then, all the fish of these pampas and jungle rivers demonstrate a desperately tenacious grip on life that attests to millions of years of evolution in a savagely unforgiving arena.
  • Down-stairs came Emily, dragging after her the unwilling Keeper, his hind legs set in a heavy attitude of resistance, held by the “scuft of his neck,” but growling low and savagely all the time. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • The youths were described as uncivilised barbarians who savagely attacked innocent victims.
  • As a sufferer of chronic pain, she is acerbic, bitter and savagely funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • The wife of a York man who nearly died after being savagely attacked by a gang of youths has publicly thanked the people who saved her husband's life.
  • That leaves it free to act as savagely and brutally as it needs to snuff out the last vestiges of revolt. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the 20th century, the Bluebeard story, with its savagely misogynistic overtones, fell into disfavor.
  • Calls have been made for a change in the law on dangerous dogs after a 12-year-old boy was savagely mauled.
  • They began producing provocative, experimental and often critical or ironic works of the sort that a totalitarian regime would have savagely repressed. Times, Sunday Times
  • A corner of the bluff rose savagely from the river -- a monstrous mass of naked rock, scarred and battered of the centuries; hating the river that gnawed it ever; hating the rain that graved its grim face with unsightly seams; hating the sun that refused to mate with it, whereof green life might come forth and hide its hideousness. CHAPTER 25
  • Leafing through the Kingdom's local paper, your diarist was caught by the horrific story of how a man was savagely gored by a circus elephant in Tramore, Co Waterford.
  • The school nurse dosed and physicked them savagely for months.
  • But he was foredoomed, and he went down with the she-wolf tearing savagely at his throat, and with other teeth fixed everywhere upon him, devouring him alive, before ever his last struggles ceased or his last damage had been wrought. 2 Le Milieu, Le Moment, La Race: Literary Naturalism in Jack London's White Fang
  • She will learn to dance with the troupe, perform savagely choreographed dance routines and have costumes made. Times, Sunday Times
  • He brought his hand up as if to caress her face, and at the last instant, flicked his wrist and savagely slashed the knife across her throat.
  • By filtering sunlight and mixing selected wavelengths in what Keats calls "appetizing combinations" for plants that are used to savagely foraging on whatever solar sustenance they can find, Keats is humorously reminding a gluttonous humanity how much it takes its flora for granted. Wired Top Stories
  • It was this false, uncompromising bravado, which led her to savagely beat a pensioner couple who lived in a flat below her.
  • But maybe the worlds of contemporary classical music and savagely satirical musicals aren't as far apart as they seem.
  • The sun drove through their skins, ripping and smashing tissues and nerves, till they became sick in mind and body, tossed most of the Decalogue overboard, descended to beastliness, drank themselves into quick graves, or survived so savagely that war vessels were sometimes sent to curb their license. A SON OF THE SUN
  • she cried out savagely
  • A savagely overpriced hardware shop. Times, Sunday Times
  • The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.
  • The third, by far the stockiest of the three, entered the cargo hold and smiled savagely. HER KLINGON SOUL
  • I'm a desperate man," he growled savagely.
  • At its center are two sistersEri, a fashion model slumbering her way into oblivion, and Mari, a young student soon led from solitary reading at an anonymous Denny’s toward people whose lives are radically alien to her own: a jazz trombonist who claims they’ve met before, a burly female “love hotel” manager and her maid staff, and a Chinese prostitute savagely brutalized by a businessman. After Dark by Haruki Murakami: Book summary
  • He applied constant, unmerciful pressure even as she bit him savagely on the arm, the sharp pain and bloody marks not even making him flinch.
  • Australian outback oater, was a savagely miserablist tale set in a dry-gulch hellhole of ferocious carnage. Dallas Observer | Complete Issue
  • The writing is brutally tough and savagely humorous.
  • These robber barons operate in Central America, where workers' rights are savagely suppressed.
  • The Captain glared at him savagely for a moment after he had finished, and then asked rudely: Nellie Bly's Book: Around the World in Seventy-Two Days
  • He was sixty-eight at the time, had turned savagely on his loyal offsider, and showed no intention of retiring.
  • She leaned forward and responded savagely, almost spitting out the words: `Then go home, sucker! THE FIVE MILLION DOLLAR PRINCE
  • Like a bulldog it refuses to let go, even when savagely attacked by the desperate victim.
  • He savagely gunned the engine and popped the clutch.
  • He bellowed with pain and rage, and sitting astride, continued punching her savagely in the face until she lay still.
  • The weather was desperate - 10 degrees and savagely wet but we still loved every minute, and I think that speaks volumes for this place.

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