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How To Use Saturn In A Sentence

  • The five or six cantos, at the opening, have all the milk of human nature that entered into the composition of that miscalled saturnine mind. Purgatory
  • High above us, the great heptagon of the Winter sky: Capella, Aldebaran, Rigel, Sirius, Procyon, Pollux, and Castor (with Saturn nearby) - with Betelgeuse in the center and the Milky Way cascading through, just to the left of Orion.
  • For example, consider the disparity in flight rates between Saturn 1B and Saturn V during the Skylab program or between the Soyuz and Proton in the Russian Salyut & Mir programs. Ares V - Ares 1 = Ares IV - NASA Watch
  • At my Nativity," writes Browne in Religio Medici, "my ascendant was the water signe of Scorpius, I was borne in the Planetary hour of Saturn, and I think I have a piece of that Leaden Planet in me. Out of Novemberland
  • Perrault's ‘Bluebeard’ is the story of a rich, middle-aged gentleman, named for his swarthy chin and saturnine manner, who marries a young woman.
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  • Christmas Allegedly Christmas tree first appeared in ancient Rome in mid-December Saturnalia, the German missionary Nikos in the 8th century AD, dedicated to El Ni?o using P-trees.
  • But I picked up the Geodesica omnibus from the SFBC and I am totally getting Saturn Returns when it's out. Back on Cover Art
  • But Saturn came to the country, a homeless exile fleeing from his son Jupiter.
  • In other wet news, the Cassini-Huygens probe successfully buzzed Saturns moon Enceladus yesterday at a height of 50 kilometers (30 miles) and a speed of 14.4 kilometers per second (32,000 miles per hour). Water, water…. somewhere? « Imaginary Potential
  • Saturn is to be visited by the Cassini spacecraft in the middle of this year, so keep your eye on it.
  • Just like the Earth, Saturn's rotational axis is not perpendicular to the plane of its orbit.
  • Saturday is Saturn's Day
  • Your planetary ruler, Saturn, squares the Virgo Moon on Thursday.
  • Once destined to take the place of the Saturn Aura, the Regal should meet a happier fate as part of the renascent Buick lineup. Driving impressions: Buick Regal
  • The ceremony was prompted by an astrologer who told the girl's father that the union would transfer the evil effects of the planet Saturn from the girl to the dog.
  • Saturn also rules over many of the herbs that are potentially poisonous or toxic (eg., aconite, helleborus, nightshade).
  • Saturn's satellite Phoebe is too small for it to have separated into vertical stratifications when it formed.
  • Serious Saturn merges with the moon in your job chart. The Sun
  • Serious Saturn merges with the moon in your job chart. The Sun
  • At certain times, Saturn's auroral ring is more like a spiral, its ends not connected as the energy storm circles the pole.
  • This is an easy way to differentiate Mars or Saturn from the stars at night.
  • The emphasis on nodes which I encountered in the monastery links back to my Saturn return, in a way, since the dispositor of my North Node is Saturn.
  • Christmas Allegedly Christmas tree first appeared in ancient Rome in mid-December Saturnalia, the German missionary Nikos in the 8th century AD, dedicated to El Ni?o using P-trees.
  • The Saturn V, the crowning achievement of Wernher von Braun's rocketeers, was the most powerful rocket ever built.
  • A note from the other world will strike upon the chord of my being, and the spirit which has been dozing within me awakens and fiercely beats at its bars, demanding some nobler thought, some higher aspiration, some wider action, a more saturnalian pleasure, something more than the peasant life can ever yield. My Brilliant Career
  • Scientists for the Cassini mission called their flyby of Saturn's small moon Enceladus on August 11 a "skeet shoot" - partially in honor of the current Olympic games un ... Feeds4all documents in category 'SEO'
  • Lead poisoning also known as "saturnism" for its violent and demented character that is associated with the god Saturn has been identified at least before the fifth century before Christ. Scientific Blogging
  • All midwinter nights and saturnalian chaos, a schizoid descent into dreams and delusions. Archive 2004-09-01
  • My former roommingested was a saturnine scholar who said very little and smiled rarely.
  • So, come the dark third week of December, he and my wife and her brother and I left behind the saturnalian excesses of a Protestant Christmas and headed south.
  • He also ventured that Caravaggio suffered from saturnism, or lead poisoning, which may have accounted for some of the artist's irrational behavior. NYT > Global Home
  • The direct motion of Saturn moved that planet away from Hillary Clinton's Midheaven and approached culmination for Barack Obama. Michael Lutin: Hillary and Barack: Wake Up and Start Dreaming
  • Labienus also got hold of a bust of Saturninus and set it up on the rostra, garlanded with laurel. CONSPIRATA
  • It's a little higher and faster, but with odd, devastating pauses and saturnine shades of mockery.
  • Saturn in your sign links up with Mars and you have the determination and energy you need to get the family working as a team. The Sun
  • Its contents were by turns phantasmagorical, hyperreal, surreal, and saturnalian.
  • But if a benefic planet, that is, Venus or Jupiter, is in favourable aspect to Saturn thus located by night, those things which were denied will be given in another way.
  • Serious planet Saturn inspires you to give the right answers at work or in any kind of interview. The Sun
  • In observable characteristics, Saturn depicts someone who is characterised by austerity or seriousness.
  • When we get to Macrobius' Saturnalia, this tricephalous monster becomes associated with Time, and Serapis is associated with the Sun. Archive 2005-05-01
  • The custom of naming the days may then have arisen, he says, (1) by regarding the gods as originally presiding over separate _days_ assigned by the principle of the tetrachord (I.e., skipping two stars in your count each time as you go over the list) so that you get this order: the day of Saturn, of the Sun, of the Moon, of Mars, of Mercury, of Jupiter, of Venus Dio's Rome, Volume 2 An Historical Narrative Originally Composed in Greek During the Reigns of Septimius Severus, Geta and Caracalla, Macrinus, Elagabalus and Alexander Severus; and Now Presented in English Form. Second Volume Extant Books 36-44 (B.C.
  • The main significators, Sun and Saturn, are beginning to separate from a square aspect.
  • Discovery would enter a parking orbit around Saturn, be-coming a new moon of the giant planet.
  • A paper posted Dec. 11 on the site lays out some intriguing ideas on future missions to Saturn following Cassini-Huygens. Saturn's Hexagon Endures! | Universe Today
  • Crater - scarred Rhea floats in the distance, peeking out from behind Saturn's partly shadowed rings.
  • The images were obtained ata distance of approximately 526, 000 miles from Saturn and at aSun-Saturn-spacecraft, or phase, angle of 74 degrees. Image scale is 31miles per pixel.
  • The new Nintendo system uses a 64-bit processor, while the Saturn and Playstation are 32-bit systems.
  • The Romans called this celebration Saturnalia, in honor of their god Saturn.
  • Effect of a biological control introduction on three nontarget native species of saturniid moths. Parasite Rex
  • Saturn's rings are composed primarily of water ice particles, and range in size from micrometers to meters.
  • If this burn does not take place successfully, Cassini-Huygens will fly by Saturn, never to return.
  • Saturn points to all the open sores and cherished old wounds where we feel vulnerable to attack.
  • Dark and saturnine, he is a strong screen presence with natural brooding ability, and he holds things steady when a last-ditch attempt to end on a thrill causes the film to falter.
  • A lack of self-approval is usually present when the Sun and Saturn are in opposition.
  • Saturn is preparing the so-called “Green Line” line of hybrids for sale later this year, using a simplified electric motor/generator in place of a conventional alternator, which is supposed to cost several thousand dollars less than a hybrid from competitors. Think Progress » Bush Administration Repeatedly Peddled False Information About Iraqi Bio Labs
  • His passion for newspapers comes through in his film "Deadline-U.S.A." 1952, with Humphrey Bogart as a both saturnine and driven editor. Hard-Nosed Hollywood
  • Buy Used Car inspection tips auto auction used car cars safety danger buying engine funny crash accident dangerous vehicle ford dodge honda nissan toyota mercedes acura bmw chevrolet chrysler volvo mazda lexus jeep jaguar audi cadillac chevy infiniti saturn scion ferrari lamborghini porsche make money how buy and sell - Business News
  • The album, titled "Saturnalia," is some heavy-ass neo-gothic gospel. Boing Boing
  • It doesn't get much better than standing on a moonlit beach looking through a telescope at the rings around Saturn. Times, Sunday Times
  • The social spirit peculiar to the French nation bad already introduced into the inns of that country the gay and cheerful character of welcome, upon which Erasmus, at a later period, dwells with strong emphasis, as a contrast to the saturnine and sullen reception which strangers were apt to meet with at a German caravansera. Anne of Geierstein
  • Grant Callin (wrote two books in the 80s, Saturnalia is my all time favorite) Who's Your Favorite Hard Science Fiction Author?
  • As these particles interact with the ionosphere of Saturn and its rings and moons, they create "airglow emissions. AvaxHome
  • As the article says, Titan is set 100 years in the future, when Saturn's moon Titan is defended by an elite squadron of young, brash pilots whose spaceships combine to form the giant robot Titan Maximum. Tube Bits For 05/08/2009
  • But there is something in the whole crew, jovial or saturnine, which is found nowhere else, and which, whether in full splendour as in Shakespere, or in occasional glimmers as in A History of Elizabethan Literature
  • The dark gaps in the rings of Saturn have been understood for many years to occur at just those positions in the ring from which any orbiting particles would be ejected by their chaotic motion.
  • Saturn takes approximately 27 years to complete its orbit.
  • Saturn is one of the so called Black Paintings - murals Goya painted on the walls of his home near Madrid.
  • The other half of the Grand Cross is the opposition of Mars in Scorpio and Saturn in Taurus.
  • The ringed world of Saturn is almost a year of interplanetary travel away.
  • Saturn, 7 Virgo, retrograde: Saturn, who, on this day of January 26, 2008, has domination over Pluto, is applying the favorable aspect of trine to Pluto (and Jupiter!). January 26, 2008
  • If Saturn is benefic or neutral, then opportunities arise for learning in a milder fashion.
  • On the right of the image, sunlight bathes the anti - Saturn side of this geologically active moon.
  • Saturn, planet of serious intentions, gives you the focus to learn an extra skill that will help you fulfil an ambition. The Sun
  • Pioneer photographed Saturn's ring system from a unique position with the Sun behind the planet.
  • The movie they created from the data, collected over several days during January and March 2009, has aided astronomers studying both Saturn's northern and southern aurorae. Hubble Captures Double Aurorae Light Show on Saturn | Universe Today
  • In this position Saturn, which sets limits and restrictions, often creates health issues, particularly as Saturn rules your body.
  • They spent summers preserving specimens of Saturniidae that they found in groves of pin cherry, larch, maple, and walnut trees. A FEW SHORT NOTES ON TROPICAL BUTTERFLIES
  • When the Saturn V soars spaceward on nearly four thousand tons of thrust, it signifies more than a triumph of technology. The Speculist: Remember This Day
  • Saturn merges with the moon in your talk chart and though you come across as calm and friendly, people take what you say seriously. The Sun
  • On the other side of this token division, which reminded Ruiz%Sanchez irresistibly of the Encke division in the Saturnian rings, a thin circlet of Lithians took and passed out messages steadily and without a moment's break, handling the total load faultlessly-if one were to judge by the way the outer band was kept in motion-and without apparent effort, by memory alone. A Case Of Conscience
  • Enceladus, a tiny moon orbiting Saturn, appears to be venting water into space from a series of fractures over its south pole.
  • Serious Saturn aligns with the moon to give you the steady nerves you need to take on challenges at work. The Sun
  • Of course, there were plenty who weren't remotely coy about it: either hoping to try their hand in the saturnalian lucky dip, or already engaged in a mutually knowing conspiracy of flirting, footsie and ward-round eye contact since mid-November. Boiling a Frog
  • The far-distant Sun, when seen from the Saturnian System, has only about a nineteenth of the superficial extent which it presents to the Earth.
  • Another confirmed bider was a group of Saturn dealers led by Oklahoma City-based private equity firm Black Oak Partners. Auto Observer
  • The Hubble Space Telescope has spotted auroras near the poles of both Saturn and Jupiter.
  • The Saturn S-IVB third stages were not designed to carry fuel in orbit for more than six hours and would require extensive modification.
  • Another shocking DNQ was current points leader Darren McNamara whose Saturn Sky expired it's V8 engine during practice. CarDomain Blog
  • Vietnam orders submarines and warplanes from Russia photo: Creative Commons/saturnism - Business News
  • To earthbound astronomy enthusiasts, Saturn was the serenely beautiful and mysterious counterpart to the overtly violent Jupiter, floating in a distant, frigid realm.
  • Saturn merges with the moon to double your determination and a delayed project gets moving. The Sun
  • As a result, the authorities took steps to curb saturnalian excess.
  • King, "and Saturn, the angel of the church of Philadelphia, are astrologically known as malefic planets. The Woman's Bible
  • In ancient Rome the celebration was called Saturnalia, and from the Pagan Romans we get the decorating of trees with lights and ornaments. Who Put Christ In The Solstice?
  • Lindsay Duncan and Alan Rickman -- last stateside as perhaps the hottest Amanda and Elyot ever in Private Lives and before that as another pair of saturnine lovers in Les Liaisons Dangereuses -- also have their moments, as does Belton portraying a snake-eyed, quick-tongued Mrs. Wilton. David Finkle: First Nighter: Ibsen's John Gabriel Borkman Unleashes Acting Blizzard
  • Hours after the Saturn-Pluto opposition, the Sagittarius Moon will eclipse the Gemini Sun.
  • Images collected during the Cassini-Huygens close fly-by of Saturn's moon Phoebe give strong evidence that the tiny moon may be rich in ice and covered by a thin layer of darker material.
  • The streets erupt in a saturnalia of lawlessness, to which the director adds an inspired touch: an escaped elephant from Barnum's circus trumpeting down the rubble-strewn streets.
  • Although not terribly well known, the Observatorio Astronomico de Mallorca has a working planetarium and offers public skywatching using telescopes sufficiently powerful to study Jupiter, Mars, Saturn, Venus and Mercury.
  • But, as the team observed, although Saturn's aurora do share characteristics with the other planets, they are fundamentally unlike the auroral displays on either Earth or Jupiter.
  • The evil alignment of Saturn and Neptune in Canopus, the Dog star, portends a withering attack of werewolf spirits looking for your dog to inhabit. Archive 2007-04-01
  • If as claimed Nibiru is coming from Orion it would be bearing down close to Saturn, with clear perturbative influences, and those would be correlated with perturbations on Jupiter. 2012: NASA's Scientific Reality Check | Universe Today
  • Looking at progressions and transits to your natal chart we see Saturn, the planet of restriction, putting some limitations on you.
  • Saturn is considered a benefic and yogakarak for libra ascendants.
  • Saturn in your sign makes you disciplined and determined, and you'll go the extra mile to complete a task in style. The Sun
  • This diagram shows the complex structure of Saturn's magnetosphere.
  • Many of these exoplanets are large planets that resemble the gas giants of our solar system: Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.
  • They would do well to remember Saturn's focus on karma, integrity, and civic responsibility.
  • Bonus points for casual use of the word "saturnine," however. Venti anni fa
  • Don't worry, we'll return to the good old blue-and-orange as soon as Baby Jesus is finished celebrating the twelve days of saturnalian debauchery with Tiny Tim up at the Burlington Mall. Philocrites: 'Tis the season to be syncretists.
  • It is the rings around Saturn you have to watch out for. Times, Sunday Times
  • The orbiter has been swooping above and below the plane of Saturn's rings to study their fine structure up close.
  • He was always to be found sulking in a saturnine fashion and behaving in a beastly way to Margaret or Ann.
  • Usually Saturn with Oculus Taurii produces great afflictions, and shows a strange mind.
  • I wish I had the time to recount my saturnalian season of excess over the last two weeks, but ye see that gorgeous bloody cover down below? Happy New Year
  • These layers are aligned with latitude lines, due to Saturn's east-west winds.
  • All turn on their axes once in a day from west to east, and all go round the Sun within the same time. Saturn is the most distant from the Sun.
  • The Saturn effect adds extra respect to family ties and you feel like a real team again. The Sun
  • In the same year, Mars, Saturn and Jupiter were seen grouped together
  • So that all three are in _Saturn_, but they are not fix'd therein, but they are clean, pure, incombustible, fluxible as Wax; in it are all things which the Philosophers have mentioned. Of Natural and Supernatural Things Also of the first Tincture, Root, and Spirit of Metals and Minerals, how the same are Conceived, Generated, Brought forth, Changed, and Augmented.
  • Cassini is safely in orbit around Saturn, and the pictures and data are flooding in.
  • Sexual ‘abnormalities’ - including promiscuity - are associated in general with afflictions between Venus, Mars and Saturn.
  • As it squares your natal moon in Scorpio, anything that affects your moon-ruled Cancer placements - sun, Mercury and Saturn - will hit you rather hard.
  • And if there's enough hydrazine on board to continue orbiting Saturn and doing great science, I'm sure that the project will request extended mission funding.
  • A dark patch on the surface of Titan, moon of Saturn, might be a lake filled with liquid hydrocarbons, astronomers have said.
  • Remember Cassini, the multibillion dollar spaceship we put in orbit around Saturn back in July?
  • Saturn, being the rectifier, began the long process of fixing our financial system. Gahl Eden Sasson: Same-Sex Marriage and Saturn in Libra
  • a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius
  • Comics 'history seems to have been given priority instead: Kyle Baker's homage to the jokier, more muscle-bound comics of the 1950s is a pitch-perfect delight, but it's not representative of the best either of the Escapist or Baker, whose "Why I Hate Saturn" is an indie-comics classic. Amazing Adventures
  • They speak Saturnian (composed of odd looking English letters), and erratically use the words "boing," "ding," and "zoom". Mr. Saturn | Papercraft Paradise | PaperCrafts | Paper Models | Card Models
  • Hubble's view of Saturn with a double view of its fluttering aurorae. Hubble Captures Double Aurorae Light Show on Saturn | Universe Today
  • In 1563, at the age of 17, Tycho observed a conjunction of Jupiter and Saturn using a simple pair of compasses held close to his eye to measure the angle between the two planets on successive nights as the conjunction approached.
  • The distinctive feature of the Saturnalia was the inversion of ordinary relationships; the world was turned upside down, and the licence that prevailed, by dint of long usage and inviolable sentiment, imparted to the merry-making a rough and even immoral character. The Customs of Old England
  • There's something mysterious, worn-in, and sad about this place, something that corresponds to Jarmusch's saturnine, knowing outlook.
  • Destroying tooling is a BAD HABIT that NASA has had since the Saturn V tooling was destroyed to make way for the Shuttle! Shuttle Shutdown Coming - NASA Watch
  • If it is a moon, its diameter is estimated at four to five kilometers (two to three miles) and it is located 1,000 kilometers from the F ring, Saturn's outmost ring.
  • Birds found here and in only few other places include white-bellied seedeaters Sporophila leucoptera, grassland yellow-finches Sicalis luteola, chalk-browed mockingbirds Mimus saturninus, tropical peewees Contopus cinereus, rufous-throated antbirds Gymnopithys rufigula, black-breasted puffbirds Notharchus pectoralis, and plain-bellied emeralds Amazilia leucogaster. Marajó varzea
  • Strict Saturn adds the planning to turn your wild, creative ideas into workable ones. The Sun
  • The research is based on surveys of stars with gas giant planets—similar to Jupiter and Saturn—that orbit far from their stars.
  • He was a bright boy from Yorkshire with a dark and saturnine look and laconic manner, and he was already writing strong verse.
  • The following year, Saturn will likely roll out a small sports car built on the same platform as the new Pontiac Solstice roadster, but styled in Europe.
  • Saturnalia celebrated the rebirth of Saturn, the god of the harvest, and the dawn of the new year from the winter's darkness.
  • In 1961, when Yuri Gagarin made the first space flight, transiting Uranus was trining the radical Mars / Saturn midpoint.
  • Saturn engineers initially viewed the pinch-weld flanges beneath the rocker panels as an excellent place to trim weight.
  • I also worked with the Voyager photopolarimeter team that observed stellar occultations of Saturn's rings.
  • How is it that at one moment Cassini can be found nearly at apoapsis, the farthest point from Saturn in an orbit, and within a day, be at periapsis, the closest point to Saturn in an orbit, when its orbital period is around 16 days? BBSNews ATOM 0.3 Newsreader Feed
  • The fully fuelled Saturn V sitting on the launch pad had a total mass some 56 times that of the Apollo spacecraft.
  • The sun-centred system implies, for instance, that Jupiter's retrograde motion is more pronounced than that of Saturn, and that the frequency with which retrogression occurs is greater for Saturn than for Jupiter.
  • Another hot Saturn from the New York International Auto Show, the Sky Red Line is a high-performance version of Saturn's new Sky roadster, which is one of the most attractive new GM models in a long time. Show Toppers Acura MD-X Odds of...
  • In your natal chart, the conjunction of your Pisces sun with Saturn gives you a tendency toward worry to begin with, so this is a part of you that only you can work to overcome.
  • We're actually going to orbit around Saturn for a period of about four and a half years and we'll be taking data during that entire time.
  • It is gravitationally captive to the giant ball of ringed gases that is Saturn.
  • However, we consider the force of her Saturn-Moon crossing to have some effect on the latitude of 53 degrees south around the entire globe.
  • Ştim cu toţii şi dragostea in atmosfera Pamantului, ocean, si peisaje, dar Vnm noastră trebuie să fie capabil să lucreze pe luna lui Saturn, Titan atmosfera groasă şi oceane de metan, precum şi atmosfera acide Venus şi suprafaţa semi-lichid. »2007» martie
  • I remember going over to the local junior college in high school and looking through their 18-in. scope to see Saturn, complete with its tiny little rings.
  • It seems to me like the awful transit of Saturn through Cancer brings much trouble in areas like the home, family, terminal periods of life, health and care, real estate - you know it well.
  • As Claudio, Günter von Kannen is saturnine in both figure and voice.
  • When Saturn didn't move as predicted, either Newton's theory was falsified, or there was another massive object perturbing the orbit - this turned out to be the planet Uranus.
  • Their recent and most spectacular success was the landing of the Huygens space probe on Saturn's largest moon Titan, sending back pictures of far more interesting landscape than the scientists had expected.
  • The gas giant Saturn is surrounded by a large, protective layer of magnetic fields, called a magnetosphere, which protects its surface from the effects of solar flares and cosmic rays. Softpedia News - Global
  • Your mentor planet Saturn gives you the determination to make you stand out from the crowd. The Sun
  • One of the great surprises about Saturn so far is the fact that the measured internal planetary field is very axially symmetric.
  • Saturn in your sign makes you disciplined and determined, and you'll go the extra mile to complete a task in style. The Sun
  • With Mr Heathcliff, grim and saturnine, on the one hand, and Hareton, absolutely dumb, on the other, I made a somewhat cheerless meal, and bid adieu early.
  • Saturn contacts the moon, giving you a confidence boost as you discover people think highly of you. The Sun
  • Saturn in Cancer at the time of the perihelion inclines you to deal with issues of home, family, security, finances, and relationships.
  • Nicholas rose with some difficulty, favoring his injured leg, and began to make his way over to Erin just as Mr. Saturn did something by the wall.
  • But we all know the stick the Saturn had to take, so it was even more pleasing to see what a good job had been made of scaling down the bells and whistles of the incredible coin-op.
  • The report contained some interesting facts and figures about the Saturn Corporation.
  • Jupiter eftsoons coming by, put life to it, but Cura and Jupiter could not agree what name to give him, or who should own him; the matter was referred to Saturn as judge; he gave this arbitrement: his name shall be Homo ab humo, Cura eum possideat quamdiu vivat, Care shall have him whilst he lives, Jupiter his soul, and Tellus his body when he dies. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • Orbiting Saturn, the Cassini spacecraft is set to release a probe that will travel to one of the planet's moons, Titan.
  • During its 14.7-hour orbit of Saturn, Prometheus 102 kilometers, or 63 miles across reaches the point in its elliptical path, called apoapse, where it is farthest away from Saturn and closest to the F ring, and the moon's gravity is just strong enough to draw a "streamer" of material out of the core region of the F ring. Amazing Ring Ripples | Universe Today
  • Saturnius, from the ancient city of Satur'nia, of which it was the citadel; it was afterwards called the Tarpeian mount, and finally received the name of Capitoline from a human head [11] being found on its summit when the foundations of the temple of Jupiter were laid. Pinnock's improved edition of Dr. Goldsmith's History of Rome $b to which is prefixed an introduction to the study of Roman history, and a great variety of valuable information added throughout the work, on the manners, institutions, and antiquiti
  • Where Kierkegaard was most inclined to become severe and saturnine, Hamann was most reckless in his rejoicing.
  • This good sense is shown by Saturn in Capricorn on the cusp of the 6th house opposing Sun-Venus in Cancer.
  • Sonic's impressive racer might crib most of its ideas from the portly plumber's go-karter, but the hedgehog's first driving game since the Saturn's Pocket Gamer | | Latest additions
  • The Saturn's tires rumbled down a gravel road lined with trees and ending in a circular driveway in front of a huge fieldstone mansion. THE VENDETTA DEFENCE
  • Serious Saturn merges with the moon in your job chart. The Sun
  • Saturn, your ruler, gives you the discipline to meet challenges head-on.
  • The larger impact sites have prompted speculation that collisions in Phoebe's past could have blasted off enough material to have formed Saturn's smaller retrograde moons.
  • The northern auroral oval is slightly smaller and more intense than the southern one, implying that Saturn's magnetic field is not equally distributed across the planet; it is slightly uneven and stronger in the north than the south. Hubble Captures Double Aurorae Light Show on Saturn | Universe Today
  • He had a rather forbidding, saturnine manner.
  • Jugganatha, at Puri, which is a spring festival of Vedic origin, is a kind of Saturnalia, in which the bonds of social order are loosened and the standards of decency are laid aside. Folkways A Study of the Sociological Importance of Usages, Manners, Customs, Mores, and Morals
  • I'm wondering if any of the auroral emissions are tied to "flux tubes" between Saturn and any of its moons, similar to what is seen wrt Jupiter-Io? Hubble Captures Double Aurorae Light Show on Saturn | Universe Today
  • The planets of our solar system are Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto.
  • The square of Mars to Saturn induce him to be obstinate and a little willful, a tincture of malice remaining in him.
  • I don't know what kind of hairbrained vow he had tied up in it, but with the little ceremony disappeared every trace of restraint, and we plunged head over ears into the saturnalia of delights that was an old-time county fair. Hillsboro People
  • Saturn is conjunct the US natal Jupiter, which will make the difficult tasks somewhat easier.
  • Had they already reached Saturn, carried out their survey, and gone into hibernation?
  • The enduring grace of Grace Kelly photo: Creative Commons/saturnism - Business News
  • Plane overshoots runway; all 43 passengers safe photo: Creative Commons/saturnism - Articles related to EVA to start passenger service, Taipei - Toronto
  • By late April Mercury, Venus, Mars and Saturn will bunch up in the western sky just after sunset, with bright Jupiter close by.
  • A neutral Saturn would probably err on the side of maturity through the Capricorn ascendant.
  • He was always to be found sulking in a saturnine fashion and behaving in a beastly way to Margaret Lockwood or Ann Todd.
  • Bordone's talent was dispersed among saturnine portraits, mannered religious scenes and images of dark and brooding eroticism.
  • Saturninus took his own decision; in the time-honored move, he bent to hoick up his opponent's helmet by the chin, exposing his throat. Two For The Lions
  • If he is put on screen or on stage, he must be suitably "saturnine", arguably one of modern India's favourite words to describe the creator of A Holmes is not a Holmes. - Articles related to The return of Robbie Coltrane
  • Between them, these two words offer a tantalising glimpse back into a much earlier world, where Saturn is not so much an astral entity but a chthonic one, a god of the earth and agriculture.
  • Wryly referring to the use of hempen rope for public hangings, Culpeper comments that the Saturnine plant is ‘good for something else than to make halters only’.
  • The mountainous ridge that circles the equator on the Saturnian moon Iapetus is both weird and spectacular.

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