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How To Use Saturation In A Sentence

  • One effortlessly got saturation coverage, the other struggled to get noticed, despite the mandatory presence of a celebrity, a suitably weighty one too.
  • To counter both this and the high levels of private label saturation, bakery and cereals manufacturers are attempting to differentiate their brands, especially in growth areas such as healthy and convenient bakery products. Digital 50 Daily Industry News RSS Feed
  • All corrections that affect the whole image, such as color, saturation, level and contrast, should be made first, before starting to edit and retouch more in detail.
  • Thedrain saturation current is increased 10% after bonding. To disperse heat of GaNHEMT, this flip chip bonding method seems to be simple and effective.
  • The decision to discontinue participant recruitment after six couples was made on the basis of saturation of relevant themes, with couple six adding only one or two themes to each area of inquiry.
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  • For brines stronger than eutectic, the temperatures shown are the saturation temperatures for sodium chloride dihydrate. Chapter 7
  • Nowadays saturation campaigns are a necessity to push the product and make sure it scores big on the all-important opening weekend.
  • Was dissolved oxygen in the water greater than 80% of saturation?
  • Using phonics to help pupils learn to read century class needs to get out into the 'real world', roll down its glasses and defog them of media saturation if it is to have any real redeeming ... Discourages Student Engagement
  • This is in contrast to recently published reports in which good performance of reconstruction methods was recorded despite extensive substitutional saturation.
  • But hypercompetition, saturation coverage, and decreased objectivity weren't the only changes shaping the new media environment.
  • Two methods of desaturation were used - absorption by porous plate and centrifuge.
  • To further confuse the presentation, serum iron levels and the percentage of iron saturation are often low, apparently because of negative acute-phase reactions.
  • Vegas has been a touchstone for a while of squalid stupid behavior, and the “what happens in Vegas” catch-phrase/marketing gimmick is definitely one of those things that has national saturation. THE HANGOVER Unrated Blu-ray Review –
  • The trial was given saturation coverage by the press.
  • His oxygen saturation was 98 per-cent as measured by pulse oximetry, and his peak flows were only mildly reduced from his baseline.
  • Eventually saturation occurs and precipitation falls and downdrafts occur.
  • The broadband connection your hardcore MP3 fanatic needs has not reached even moderate market saturation.
  • However, the substrate for desaturation is currently unknown but most likely follows acylation.
  • The minimal value of porosity is around 5 % though throat radius method and porosity - water saturation method.
  • There was no significant correlation between the frequency of extrasystoles, either supraventricular or ventricular, and oxygen saturation values.
  • This volume of rain should ensure penetration and saturation ample enough to provide some run-off.
  • We also used a pulse oximeter to measure oxygen saturation of the blood.
  • Rain trickled incessantly down each man's face and glistened in dusty beads upon foreheads, clothing at last gave way to complete saturation, and water, collecting in pools until over ankle deep, oozed slushily in and out of the eyelet holes. Norman Ten Hundred A Record of the 1st (Service) Bn. Royal Guernsey Light Infantry
  • Our isolation is also a benefit in the summer when other parts of the area get to saturation point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Collesting density small, make the image color saturation, color fade to overprint.
  • One should be Summer and the othe rone around X-Mas to avoid over saturation b/c I am sure A LOT more superhero movies will come out around then. Marvel Announces Next Four Films - Iron Man, Thor, Captain America, Avengers! «
  • It is important to remember that there are two ways to change colour saturation or tonal density.
  • These high concentrations of the electrolyte significantly lower the solubility of the hemoglobin and allow high relative supersaturations at low concentrations of the precious protein.
  • The magnetic saturation induction and magnetic coercivity can be the measurement of content of carbon and grain size of WC, respectively.
  • Maybe in the humanities there is no recourse from representation, mediation, story-telling, and social saturation.
  • The company's sales are now close to saturation in many western countries.
  • These findings suggest that factors, in addition to biliary cholesterol saturation, are responsible for the formation of cholesterol gall stones.
  • This volume seeks to explore the saturation of visual technologies in our everyday lives, widely seen by theorists as the path to cultural destruction and a dystopian future.
  • And I mean "big," because it's a big place with lots of possibilities, and one possibility that gives me the willies is the idea that we, humanity, already are looking outward for new places to inhabit as we approach the saturation point here on our home planet. Aspen Times - Top Stories
  • At the very least, oxyhaemoglobin saturation should be documented before and intermittently during oxygen therapy.
  • Their physiological basis is reasonably well understood; they result from the saturation or bleaching of retinal photopigments under intense or prolonged illumination.
  • Our emphasis on biliary cholesterol saturation in the pathogenesis of recurrent stones, therefore, may have been incorrect.
  • On the other hand, for unfocused conditions assuming a beam area of 1 cm2 which is maybe an upper limit for the lasers used, 0.1 cm2 might be slightly better - personal communication E Rabett the fraction of NO2* will be about 0.003 and saturation will not be an issue. Rabett Run
  • Dolomitic limestone should be used whenever magnesium levels are lower than 10 percent base saturation.
  • Our domestic enterprises can take the scale expanding strategy if they are strong themselves or the market saturation is low.
  • Artists interested in saturation effects usually paint in a fairly narrow range of hues.
  • Unfortunately for football-haters like me and some of my friends, last night the charge that football has saturation coverage on modern television does have some credence.
  • With increasing annealing temperature, the coercivity Hc decreases and the saturation magnetization Ms increases.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • In both systems, a reduction in oxygen was recorded for oxygen desaturations of at least 4%, independent of the simultaneous occurrence of an apnea or hypopnea episode.
  • The goal of this study is to investigate the incidence of oxyhemoglobin desaturation (OHD) and explore its mechanisms. Sickle cell disease research at The Children's Hospital
  • The band's saturation of the airwaves may have contributed to the term smashmouth losing any remaining cachet of cool. NYT > Home Page
  • This film uses the saturation approach to comedy - throw so many jokes at the audience that, even if only a fraction of them stick, the final product will be deemed funny.
  • In some patients the pneumonic infiltration was rapidly progressive, resulting in severe oxygen desaturation requiring assisted ventilation.
  • Interpretive techniques such as dodging and burning and adjusting contrast and saturation, have been used since the earliest days of photography.
  • Bloodletting is an effective treatment for haemochromatosis, the effects can be monitored by testing transferrin saturation and serum ferritin, and the treatment can help to prevent serious complications of the disorder if diagnosed in a timely fashion. Stuff And Nonsense
  • Demand for cars in the developed world will have reached saturation point within 20 years.
  • The concept and calculation of degrees of unsaturation in organic chemistry are discussed in detail in this paper.
  • All newborns with 95 percent or less saturation underwent echocardiography.
  • Giveaways and in-store advertising will guarantee saturation coverage for the movie across the States.
  • Celebrity autobiographies have also surely reached saturation point by now. Times, Sunday Times
  • Your generation is very selfish. They don’t want India for its Ganga, but for their economic pride and self-respect. I’m hopeful because the chaos and crisis has reached a saturation point. This is our only chance. If it goes down a little bit more, then there is no scope. The youngsters have to realise that things are in their hands now. Gulzar 
  • I have complete absence of remorse in this saturation of pleasure.
  • The invention also discloses a preparation method for the anti-high temperature anti-saturation salt fluid loss agent.
  • To test for an independent relationship between snoring frequency and poor academic performance, this association was reinvestigated in a subgroup of children without desaturation events.
  • KURTZ: I myself would avoid the phrase saturation bombing in this context. CNN Transcript Dec 22, 2001
  • MscL activities increase with pressure and in both instances reach saturation.
  • Patients should be admitted to the hospital if respirations continue to be labored or their O 2 saturation is less than or equal to 90%.
  • Parameters that are measured by computerized systems are blood pressure, electrocardiography, heart rate, ventilation, oxygen saturation, oxygen uptake, and carbon dioxide output.
  • There is no doubt that we have had wall-to-wall saturation media coverage of this war.
  • Given that low saturation is more likely for pathways with a majority of endergonic steps, it is possible that in the endergonic case the manifestation of dominance is less dependent on selection.
  • Over time, the rate of adoption of the innovation increases, until the process gets closer to saturation, when the rate again slows down.
  • There is a certain saturation, and it is hard to compete with foreign titles that have deep pockets.
  • The chart above illustrates the saturation pressure for water vapor as a function of the ambient temperature.
  • The endurance exercise component of rehabilitation emphasizes exercise on both the treadmill and the cycle ergometer, and with adequate oxygen saturation via supplemental oxygen.
  • We are in the era of the one-week number one, given saturation airplay for weeks in advance, eased into place with crushing predictability and instantly forgotten.
  • I'd prefer deeper black levels and higher saturation in the colors, but overall the picture looks impressive.
  • His initial oxygen saturation was 70 percent on room air and improved to 86 percent on three liters of oxygen via nasal cannula during ambulance transfer.
  • Physical findings on arrival on the Medicine service: fever to 102F, tachycardia, tachypnea, hypotension, crackles about halfway up the lungs bilaterally, and oxygen saturation of 89%. The Stick
  • The style is reminiscent of glossy fashion photography at times, with good lighting and color saturation.
  • Thus, consistent with previous findings, these dense cells are likely to contribute to poor rheology of sickle cell blood at all O2 saturations.
  • Evaluation of residual oil saturation is the difficulty and key in the water flooding zone interpretation.
  • It is important to note that normal resting oxygenation does not exclude exertional or nocturnal oxygen desaturation.
  • Their breakneck velocity increased by up to 20x the original speed and cinematic over-saturation composited at different frame rates, compression levels, resolutions and varied states of digital degeneration create a mood of overkill and a noisy intensity that expresses the motorised zeitgeist of Tinseltown, the capital of vehicular excess. Bill Bush: A Drawn Appearance: This Artweek.LA (October 17-23)
  • The long silence about the sinking of Gustlaff and other tragedies of that period - the saturation bombing of cities like Dresden, for example - was perhaps unavoidable.
  • This lifting of winter's dreich saturation can be almost tangible. Times, Sunday Times
  • If rain falls, it is soon redissolved from the earth, and during the heaviest showers the air is really transparent, no fog or mist remaining, most frequently, after the rain ceases; while at the same time great masses of cloud above attest the entire saturation of the strata in which they float, and whence the rain has proceeded. Census of the City of Charleston, South Carolina, For the Year 1861. Illustrated by Statistical Tables. Prepared under the Authority of the City Council by Frederick A. Ford
  • By a newly - established interpretation model, water saturation and water holdup can be derived from DCO.
  • overestimation of future CO2 sink saturation overestimation of historic aerosol cooling underestimation of solar forcing neglection of unforced internal variability of the climate system overestimation of historic volcanic cooling SPM released « Climate Audit
  • At first sight, the grotty cotton balls seem like an affront, but a funny one that quickly gives way to an appreciation of the literal saturation of color they accomplish, and the way they morph at a distance into flowers.
  • In digital world an image becomes numerical data, so it can be subjected to mathematical manipulations that correspond to color-correction, sharpening, desaturation, distortion to give a wide-lens effect, the addition of a background. The Nature of Technology
  • Because it used a self-saturation amplifier as a primary component, the magnetic component cabinet has some bug.
  • Load method is used to calculate the parameters of PMSM, in which the material characteristics reflect the magnetic saturation under actual operation.
  • During the procedure pulse rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were recorded every minute by the research nurse.
  • The result indicates that the supersaturation caused by the temperature grades between main flow and the pipe wall is the inherent impetus of salt-out in green liquid.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • A cold-water rinse of the beer-soaked rags caused heavy saturation of the Zorbeez, but the Shamwow sprung back after wringing and seemed to have already shed most of the moisture. Archive 2009-03-22
  • Comparison of mean arterial oxygen saturation between the groups showed significantly higher levels in the nasal oxygen group throughout the procedure.
  • The legal market is being driven by economic rationalisation, demographic saturation, marketplace maturation, consumer-driven deregulation and globalisation.
  • The arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate of all patients were monitored by pulse oximetry before and during the procedure.
  • Systematic studies of the prevalence of sexually explicit materials appear at first glance to to verify views about the saturation of western society with violent pornography.
  • Print and broadcast outlets both operate on fixed schedules, but broadcast outlets break into regular entertainment programming to offer saturation coverage.
  • Your generation is very selfish. They don’t want India for its Ganga, but for their economic pride and self-respect. I’m hopeful because the chaos and crisis has reached a saturation point. This is our only chance. If it goes down a little bit more, then there is no scope. The youngsters have to realise that things are in their hands now. Gulzar 
  • The saturation of each of the four inks determined where the submission was placed in the book.
  • Many teens are conscious of media saturation and critical of corporate motives.
  • When he stands on the pedals of a trainer-mounted bicycle, he has a healthy saturation level.
  • Many soils have an uneven distribution of resources owing to fertilizer applications and the periodic saturation of topsoil with rainwater.
  • He does make good points – Comcast’s digital TV subscriber base is “approaching near-term saturation,” while there are early signs that broadband subscriber growth has dropped a notch. Trouble for Comcast?
  • These babies are particularly prone to conditions such as apnea (suspension of breathing), bradycardia (slow heart rate), oxygen desaturation (low oxygen levels in the blood) and hypotonia (low muscle tone). Car seats for preemies and low birth weight babies
  • Coercivity of remanence, the back-field required to reduce a saturation remanence to zero, cannot readily be determined from hysteresis loop measurements and requires separate back-field measurements.
  • No fat is completely saturated, but full saturation has been produced experimentally.
  • Among children who survived for at least five days arterial oxygen saturation on admission ranged from 41% to 98%.
  • Note that residual magnetism and retentivity are the same when the material has been magnetized to the saturation point.
  • During the procedure pulse rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation were recorded every minute by the research nurse.
  • The move allows marketers to send letters, flyers and parcels to every home, business and post-office box on a city delivery route — known as saturation mail at the post office, and junk mail by consumers — without using exact names and addresses. Good News for Junk-Mail Senders
  • The saturation of the filter elements and the transducer cavity is a very important step to avoid a slow and sluggish pore water pressure response.
  • Our emphasis on biliary cholesterol saturation in the pathogenesis of recurrent stones, therefore, may have been incorrect.
  • Urinary saturation with struvite occurs only when supranormal excretion of ammonia and alkaline urine occur together.
  • Your generation is very selfish. They don’t want India for its Ganga, but for their economic pride and self-respect. I’m hopeful because the chaos and crisis has reached a saturation point. This is our only chance. If it goes down a little bit more, then there is no scope. The youngsters have to realise that things are in their hands now. Gulzar 
  • The media has seized upon the long-anticipated death of the 84-year-old pontiff to subject the American public to a saturation bombardment of religious obscurantism and superstition.
  • The mathematic modeling shows that the real oil filling degree and oil saturation is approximately equivalent to the forecasting result and the correlation ratio is more than 80%.
  • By using power system block set(PSB) of MATLAB, a simulation model applied to analyze the saturation characteristics of transformer is built.
  • The picker is pretty sweet, I haven’t spent a lot of time with it yet and don’t quite understand everything it’s doing there’s fanciness with hue and saturation and “distance” (for lack of a better word on my part) between colors. GeekFinder: Color Matters : #comments
  • Pa = saturation pressure at the air dew point psia Truth Machines « Climate Audit
  • The fact that Warner Bros. moved "Training Day's" release date from Sept. 21 to Oct. 5 was as much a consequence of postattack decorum than advertising: the studio felt it could not adequately promote the film while TV stations, magazines and newspapers offered saturation terrorism coverage. 'Day' Of Reckoning
  • Has telemarketing in New Zealand reached saturation point yet?
  • Is there any danger, James Fox, that this kind of saturation coverage could actually inspire copycat crimes?
  • Sharpness, color saturation, and other video components are otherwise decently done.
  • With a larger beam expanding telescope and an additional etalon inside the cavity, the spectral width of the pulsed dye laser could be reduced to an unprecedented 0.0004 nm, and an additional external filter etalon soon permitted the first experiments on Doppler-free saturation spectroscopy of atomic resonance lines. Theodor W. Hänsch - Autobiography
  • The authors analyze the influence in vector controlled induction machine caused by parameter variation and main flux saturation affects speed estimation of adaptive state observer.
  • This can usually be done by changing the colour depth to a ‘grayscale’ setting, or by setting the hue/colour saturation to zero.
  • TRACKS oxygen saturation, blood pressure and heart activity via an internal sensor. The Sun
  • It is clear that the subtleties of plant and fungal sphingolipid desaturation are only starting to be unravelled.
  • The color is strong, though, with good saturation and decent black levels.
  • Nineteen of the children who died were hypoxaemic on admission with arterial oxygen saturations ranging from 88% to 40%.
  • Comparison of mean arterial oxygen saturation between the groups showed significantly higher levels in the nasal oxygen group throughout the procedure.
  • High saturation flux density can improve the work point of transformers and reduce the volume of power supply.
  • In recent weeks the Australian media has given saturation coverage to criminal allegations of pack rapes, cover-ups and pay-offs involving high-profile sportsmen.
  • Some are starting to say that the media has saturation coverage of these tragic incidents, perhaps are going overboard, perhaps are even inspiring potential copycat perpetrators.
  • The high supersaturation controls yielded mostly clusters or very small single crystals (typically up to 20 Am in each dimension) which did not diffract at all.
  • Decentralized control of region for nonlinear composite systems with input saturation is studied by using Lyapunov's theory and matrix norm properties.
  • What we are witnessing is saturation in terms of mobile telephony usage in developed markets.
  • For each minimally discriminable point within the perceiver's perceptual field (where these are identified relative to an origin and axes centered in the perceiver's body) we need to start by specifying whether it is occupied by a surface and, if so, what the orientation, solidity, hue, brightness and saturation of that surface are. Nonconceptual Mental Content
  • Characteristic solution and finite difference solution to the model are derived respectively and water saturation distribution curves are presented.
  • Conversely, supersaturation of bile with insoluble cholesterol, as a result of metabolic defects, promotes the formation of cholesterol gallstones.
  • Goods, mordanted with alumina and dyed with alizarin for reds up to saturation, never reach the brown tone given by fleur or garancin. Scientific American Supplement, No. 286, June 25, 1881
  • After thus fixing the precise point of the saturation of the acids, the burette is held upright, and the quantity of the solution of ammonia consumed is accurately determined, -- that is, to what line on the scale the burette has been emptied. The Cultivation of The Native Grape, and Manufacture of American Wines
  • The driving force for both nucleation and crystal growth is supersaturation, i.e., the concentration of solute in the solution above equilibrium solubility.
  • So elusive seems this innocence, so thoroughgoing our saturation in the technological, the calculative, and the instrumental, that we may be tempted to adopt an antithetical conception of human nature, as violent, chaotic, and amoral.
  • They manage to achieve color desaturation on a budget, so mad props to the guy behind the camera. Satan’s Whip (2008)
  • While the industry is expanding now, a day will come when the market reaches saturation, and corn ethanol plants will find themselves in close competition.
  • The authors analyze the influence in vector controlled induction machine caused by parameter variation and main flux saturation affects speed estimation of adaptive state observer.
  • In particular, one of the demands is for richer colours, and the main technological improvements been to give better colour saturation without increasing overall contrast. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • Aragonite saturation in the Gulf of Alaska, of which Resurrection Bay is a part, has traditionally extended down to 250 meters, Mathis says.
  • All polyunsaturated oils have the same number of calories - 120 per tablespoon - but they vary in their saturation levels.
  • After a lag time that seemed to be a function of the supersaturation, diffraction spots became apparent on the detector and their number increased until making diffraction rings.
  • Eaton's Hybrid Fuel Tank Isolation Valve enables fuel vapor containment within the tank until the engine is available and prevents canister saturation and hydrocarbon leakage.
  • However, for this calculation, data on the diffusivity of tritiated water in water vapour (self-diffusion) and data on the molar fraction of water in helium at different degrees of water saturation are required.
  • Many sensational murder trials of the twentieth century have received extensive press notice and a few have been given saturation news coverage.
  • The accumulation of carotenes depends on a series of isoprene condensations, followed by a series of desaturations of the polyene chain and subsequent cyclization of the end structures.
  • The beauty advisor simply places it against your face to take readings assessing tone, colour saturation and lightness. The Sun
  • We endure saturation news coverage for three hours on Morning Report.
  • Clouds form when air is cooled to its dewpoint — or the temperature at which, if the air is cooled, it reaches saturation with water. Clouds
  • And so unless you can detect their carboxyhemoglobin levels -- and when you put the sat -- the oxygen saturation monitor on their finger, it's false. CNN Transcript Jan 4, 2006
  • Among children who survived for at least five days arterial oxygen saturation on admission ranged from 41% to 98%.
  • Particular attention was given to the family of chlorins that differ from porphyrins only by saturation of a peripheral double bond of the macrocycle.
  • The first step (hydroxylation) is separated from the latter two (oxidative cyclization and desaturation) by the action of EC Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Since these enzymes cannot introduce sites of unsaturation beyond C9 they cannot synthesize either linoleate or linolenate.
  • There is also a slight drop in saturation that is characteristic of the extra yellow shift of the light on film. - Boing Boing
  • However, with increasing the pulse energy, when a threshold was achieved, the breakdown time became saturation.
  • Original formula does not define hue value when saturation value is zero, and hue value is nonsense when saturation value is low. Under these conditions, the color is black, gray or white.
  • There is no doubt that we have had wall-to-wall saturation media coverage of this war.
  • Rainwater soakaways will not be appropriate since they would only increase the saturation of the ground.
  • The life cycle, which is inevitable existence market development, the expansion of the market, market saturation, market decline and to finally gradually faded out of the market.
  • The fraction of the saturation magnetization which is retained when the driving field is removed is called the remanence of the material, and is the basis of data storage on audio and video tapes and computer hard drives.
  • Who is going to decide when saturation point has been reached? SHOPPED: The Shocking Power of British Supermarkets
  • The relatively recent saturation coverage of football may partly explain the phenomenon, with cameras catching substitutes in the act of crossing themselves before coming on the pitch. Times, Sunday Times
  • More saturation means an image looks punchier and has more impact. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm really just using these as nominal labels for degrees of saturation or non-saturation with alethic quirks -- "mythic" for the point where the protagonist is themselves arcane/exotic/chimeric, "non-mythic" for the zones where the quirks are dissipated to the point of being subliminal or absent. A Theory of Modes and Modalities
  • In addition ... the DNR will require that bass are kept within well-aerated containers of water (near or above 100 percent oxygen saturation) before and after the weigh-in. Should Maryland Ban Summer Tidal-Water Bass Tournaments?
  • A salometer is a device that measures brine density saturation (26.4% salt at Chapter 7
  • The spacing of magnetic lines of force due to the coarseness of the shavings represents the saturation capacity of the shaving grains, which again is conditioned by their size.
  • Saturation refers to chromatic purity, or freedom from dilution with white. MARKETING AESTHETICS
  • The arterial oxygen saturation and pulse rate of all patients were monitored by pulse oximetry before and during the procedure.
  • But there must come a saturation point. Times, Sunday Times
  • Depending on the initial volatile content of the ‘primary’ or ‘deep’ magma, volatile saturation is reached at a certain point, and the magma begins to degas.
  • The next peice didn't work - folded too tight, perhaps - not enough saturation - but it will overdye well. To dye for
  • Comparison of mean arterial oxygen saturation between the groups showed significantly higher levels in the nasal oxygen group throughout the procedure.
  • The model considers the drift velocity saturation of carriers and influence of parasitic bipolar transistor. As a result, electric field profile of n drift in LDMOS at on state is obtained.
  • For systems with input saturation constraint and invertible static input nonlinearity, a two step generalized predictive control (TSGPC) strategy is adopted.
  • In additon, we found that the detonation cell size of hydrocarbon will diminish with increasing of its degree of unsaturation.
  • His vision of "the saturation of the tropological field as language frees itself of its constraints" (AI 79) adapts the problem of plenitude in Neoplatonic metaphysics that he considers in his early work: the infinite generativity that would seem to be required of an infinitely powerful being ends in the existence of everything — a blow to unity and value whose damage, according to Lovejoy, the "great chain of being" is inadequate to repair. 9 Seeing Is Reading
  • What we are witnessing is saturation in terms of mobile telephony usage in developed markets.
  • Strikingly, restoration of Panx2 expression significantly reduced in vitro oncogenicity parameters, including monolayer saturation density and anchorage-independent growth, as well as in vivo tumor growth. Naturejobs - All Jobs
  • Many of the groups have merged as hard times hit and the sector reaches saturation point. The Sun
  • It is easy to think that poker has reached saturation, but actually this is far from correct.
  • Results show that degree of compaction, compaction water content and saturation state of compacted soil have influence on cohesion and angle of friction of clay, thereby on the shear strength of clay.
  • These findings suggest that factors, in addition to biliary cholesterol saturation, are responsible for the formation of cholesterol gall stones.
  • There was no significant correlation between the frequency of extrasystoles, either supraventricular or ventricular, and oxygen saturation values.
  • The increasing number of direct flights from Dublin to Italy alongside the saturation of other Mediterranean resorts could see this effect trickle across the Irish Sea.
  • Reforms have led to the saturation of the market with goods.
  • The'supersaturation ratio " is the ratio of the excess vapor density to the saturation value.
  • Better optics make for sharper images, with richer contrast and colour saturation. Collins Complete Guide to Photography
  • Preserving choice while addressing over utilization and market saturation is possible. Wonk Room » The Case Against Allowing Doctors To Bid For Medicare Business

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