How To Use saturation bombing In A Sentence
- KURTZ: I myself would avoid the phrase saturation bombing in this context. CNN Transcript Dec 22, 2001
- The long silence about the sinking of Gustlaff and other tragedies of that period - the saturation bombing of cities like Dresden, for example - was perhaps unavoidable.
- Older and wiser now, I am well aware that our own country has committed many crimes, some on a scale approaching those of Germany and Japan: the near extermination of Native Americans, the mass, centuries-long enslavement and cultural and physical destruction of millions of African slaves, the use of nuclear bombs on civilian targets, the decade-long saturation bombing and herbicidal poisoning of most of Indochina … Obama, Seeing Darkness, Conjures Up the Mists of Time
- The Americans opted for saturation bombing of key targets like St Lo, the German advance communications HQ, nothing of which remained afterwards.