How To Use Satsuma In A Sentence
Apart from the completely fruity lines (like strawberry, mango, satsuma, papaya and so on), the products just smell a little manufactured (for lack of a better word).
Fragrance etc. « Sunayana’s Blog
The Clementine orange is a type of mandarin orange, a tangerine, that has become more popular than the Satsuma orange.
Like tangerines and satsumas, clementines are often a feature of Christmas stockings.
Young leaders, such as Saig Takamori (182777) and kubo Toshimichi (183078) of Satsuma, plotted to undermine the shogunal authorities.
Reaching into his own lunch bag, he lightly tossed a satsuma her way.

The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu.
The last important resistance to modernization was crushed in the Satsuma rebellion of 1877.
Besides Imari, the most famous names for porcelain are Arita, Kutani, Hirado, Kakiemon and Satsuma.
It is seedless unless you plant some other types of citrus nearby, and has a more tangy taste than the satsuma.
On any particular morning the bananas and satsumas in the fruit bowl will vie for my attention, and the rice and the pasta fight it out at dinner that evening.
Both satsuma and tangerine are types of mandarin, a group of citrus with brightly colored pulp and easy-to-peel skins.
Snack on satsumas or take a vitamin supplement each morning!
Most of the Kyoto Satsuma ware was produced for export to Western countries.
The annuals were as much part of Christmas Day as satsumas or chocolate money.
In our house Santa delivers stockings to the bedrooms, in which everything, even a satsuma, is individually wrapped, with lots of Sellotape.
The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu.
Unlike his comrades-in-arms from Choshu, Satsuma and other samurai clans, he was not bound to the service of feudal lord and clan.
Satsuma ware is something between porcelain and pottery.
The idea was that no one can really tell the difference between a clementine, a satsuma and a mandarin.
Other recent arrivals on supermarket shelves include an onion sweet enough to be eaten like an apple, miniature melons and the gratsuma - a cross between a grapefruit and a satsuma.
The top taste for me is also satsuma (mikan in Japanese), which has an interesting tale behind why it is so-called.
Winter turns to Spring
I reckon I've got half a tomato, two thirds of the satsuma, but it'll take a braver man than me to attempt a grapefruit.
One last thing... Gregg Wallace
Besides Imari, the most famous names for porcelain are Arita, Kutani, Hirado, Kakiemon and Satsuma.
Only the seriously deluded could believe that a burger and chips dinner will be less cholesterol-packed if you round it off with a small satsuma.
A satsuma is a quintessential part of Christmas (although we don't seem to mind if it's a satsuma, clementine or any other orange citrus fruit).
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As regards fruit, I'm always tucking into clementines, satsumas, whatever they're called at the moment.
Armed with these and some fruit (including the first of winter's citruses, a box of Satsuma mandarins), we headed out to Discovery Park.
They are still grown around the Mediterranean, but have been partly ousted in commerce by the satsumas and clementines.
Inevitably most flyers not flyerers are transported back to my flat in the bottom of my bag, soggy and covered in crumbs, hairgrips and satsuma peel.
Isy Suttie: My Edinburgh
Like the names of restaurant dishes here — "Creole cream-cheese cannoli with pistachios and satsuma sorbet" — the costumed performance feels like a seduction.
New Orleans Done Over, Done Right
Satsumas: easy to peel and virtually seedless, these are the traditional Christmas fruit.
Agriculturally the company has dynamically produced lemons, oranges, avocados, apricots, walnuts, sugar beets, celery, cabbage, lima beans, peppers, flowers, strawberries, minneolas, cara cara navels, Satsuma mandarin oranges, pummelos, cherries, pistachios, almonds, peaches, pluots, plums and olives.
The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu.
We bought Meyer lemons, pistachios, avocados (we hit the tail end of their Zutano crop), and a couple of satsuma oranges.
Finding Local Food on the California Roadside « Dyepot, Teapot
There's of course more to the citrus family than lemon, limes and oranges - any food store worth its pomelo will offer minneolas, mandarins, tangerines, kumquats, clementines, satsumas, grapefruit and the absolutely delicious (but quite rare) blood oranges.
To make a change from satsumas and buckets of chocolates this Christmas, try the youngsters with astronaut food.
Besides Imari, the most famous names for porcelain are Arita, Kutani, Hirado, Kakiemon and Satsuma.
Separate areas were devoted to wares from Arita, Kutani, Seto, Satsuma, and Tokyo.
Five of the 14 orders deal with levies that were voted upon themselves by growers of commodities such as passion fruit, wheat grain, milk solids, satsuma mandarins, and herbage seeds.
I realised that the only food I had eaten today was a bag of crisps and three satsumas!
The idea was that no one can really tell the difference between a clementine, a satsuma and a mandarin.
After one of them walked away from the arena, prices dived so low that Satsuma pottery can be found at half the prices of five years ago.
The boys move through the house, opening cupboards and shedding socks, leaving a Hansel and Gretel trail of chocolate coin foil, crumbs, used tissues and satsuma peel.
Diary of a separation
The top taste for me is also satsuma (mikan in Japanese), which has an interesting tale behind why it is so-called.
Winter turns to Spring
The ancient province of Satsuma lies in the southernmost part of the Japanese island of Kyushu.
The second part of the article about Japanese ceramics is about Arita, Kakiemon, Fukugawa, Kutani, Satsuma, Banko Earthenware and Satsuma pottery.
Siomio uji Sanron skibby ukiyo-e sansei skimmia ume Sapporo, adj. soba urushi sasanqua (or sodoku urushic acid Sasankwa) Soka Gakkai urushiol Sasebo, adj. soy urushiye sashimi soya wacadash satori soya bean waka satsuma soyate Wakayama, adj. satsuma ware soybean wakizashi sawara cypress soybean cyst warabi sayonara nematode wasabi sayonara, interj. soybean lecithin yagi sen soybean milk yakitori sendai, adj. soybean oil yakuza Sendai virus soybean oil meal Yamaguchigumi sentoku soy flour yamamai seppa soy frame Yamato-e seppa dai soymilk yamoto seppuku sugi Yawata, adj. sesshin suiseki yayoi, adj.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
Selina's face brightened as she exchanged one of her apples for one of the already peeled satsumas.
The best I could come up with was one battered and bruised pack of tiny satsumas and I refused to buy that because the shopkeeper wouldn't reduce the price.
Clementines are commonly called mikan in Japan, satsuma in the UK and Southern United States, and clementine or tangerine in Canada.
KamlaLebur Kheer or Orange Kheer
Siomio uji Sanron skibby ukiyo-e sansei skimmia ume Sapporo, adj. soba urushi sasanqua (or sodoku urushic acid Sasankwa) Soka Gakkai urushiol Sasebo, adj. soy urushiye sashimi soya wacadash satori soya bean waka satsuma soyate Wakayama, adj. satsuma ware soybean wakizashi sawara cypress soybean cyst warabi sayonara nematode wasabi sayonara, interj. soybean lecithin yagi sen soybean milk yakitori sendai, adj. soybean oil yakuza Sendai virus soybean oil meal Yamaguchigumi sentoku soy flour yamamai seppa soy frame Yamato-e seppa dai soymilk yamoto seppuku sugi Yawata, adj. sesshin suiseki yayoi, adj.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
The National School Fruit Scheme involves giving each child between the ages of four and six years a piece of fruit daily - an apple, a satsuma or a banana.
In general I confine myself to extra satsumas and nuts, although I do find it difficult to resist those giant chocolate Brazils.
On one side, next to an eighteenth century Indo-Portuguese tallboy, stood a superb tall Satsuma vase.
It's said that in the old days the warriors of the Satsuma domain [in Kyushu] would strike a bundle of brushwood ten thousand times every day, but I could only manage about five hundred at best.
Reaching into his own lunch bag, he lightly tossed a satsuma her way.