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  1. the quality of giving satisfaction sufficient to meet a demand or requirement

How To Use satisfactoriness In A Sentence

  • Given the unsatisfactoriness of our situation, we need to do something.
  • And there was the com - pletely tacit arrangement with Sally, which had a solid sort of satisfactoriness about it. Space Platform
  • Hereon they dispute about the merit and satisfactoriness of those works, with their condignity of the reward of eternal life. The Doctrine of Justification by Faith
  • The ingenuity and satisfactoriness of the method must be admitted by all who give it a trial, and it is interesting to conjecture how it may have arisen. Embroidery and Tapestry Weaving
  • The unsatisfactoriness of such a course ought now to be plain to our readers.
  • All the varieties and dimensions of pain and unsatisfactoriness we can experience in this life, are not independently arisen, but can with wisdom and clarity be traced back to the roots of ignorance and craving.
  • I have always like comparing this to the Buddhist concept of "dukkha" or unsatisfactoriness, disquieted, uneasy .... the inherent wrongness of conscious life. Karen Kisslinger: Is Human Life a Mental Illness?
  • The present attempt (if it reach not to that completeness and satisfactoriness which is desired) may yet incite some of our brethren of more acute and polished judgments to embark themselves in some further discoveries for the public benefit of the Church. The Divine Right of Church Government by Sundry Ministers Of Christ Within The City Of London
  • The difficulty I am pointing to is an unsatisfactoriness involved in accepting an ' externalist ' theory and claiming to understand human knowledge in general in that way.
  • This last point relates to a passing remark made by St Paul in Romans 14.4 about refraining from judging another believer: you are not entitled to assess the satisfactoriness of the behaviour of someone else's slave. Archbishop - Religious Faith and Human Rights
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