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[ US /ˌsætɪsˈfæktɹəɫi/ ]
[ UK /sˌætɪsfˈæktəɹəlˌi/ ]
  1. in a satisfactory manner

How To Use satisfactorily In A Sentence

  • She stepped back to consider whether a slim juniper tree was satisfactorily finished before picking up a new set of brushes. THE HARDIE INHERITANCE
  • The present arrangements appear to work satisfactorily and I see no reason to alter the present position.
  • Clearly a lyric like ‘To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s Day’ could not be satisfactorily translated, but in Shakespeare’s major work there is something describable as poetry that can be separated from the words. Lear, Tolstoy and the Fool
  • Once a problem has been solved satisfactorily in the British system , that solution tends to be used again in similar situations , and becomes a precedent to govern future actions .
  • We deem it another radical defect in Mr. Combe's theory of "natural laws," that he represents the _distinct existence and independent action of these laws_ as "the key to the Divine government," as the one principle which explains all apparent irregularities, and accounts satisfactorily for the casualties and calamities of human life. Modern Atheism under its forms of Pantheism, Materialism, Secularism, Development, and Natural Laws
  • Only when these are dealt with satisfactorily does the mini-micro world of the hearth and home get a mention.
  • You must get satisfactorily adjusted to your job. 23 Steps to Successful Achievement
  • All gliders and light aircraft have to recover satisfactorily with the standard method.
  • Feeling as if I were on the witness stand, I grew tongue-tied and hesitant, and was unable to answer her questions satisfactorily.
  • But for those who missed it all, I can tell you that the stewardesses were very hard-bodied, their girdles twanged satisfactorily when tweaked by hard-bodied men and they did have a lot of sex in exotic locations. TV review: Garrow's Law; Come Fly With Me - the Story of Pan Am
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