
How To Use Satirist In A Sentence

  • George is certainly mocked, but he is not execrated as a vile foreigner and un-British despot, as he had been by satirists and cartoonists in the 1760s and 1770s, when he was widely despised.
  • ‘The satirist is both revealer and concealer,’ he added.
  • Both contemporary satirists have really borrowed the idea from the high avatar of absurdism Samuel Beckett.
  • Despairing, however, that he would only be remembered as a political satirist and not a genuine artist in his own right, he changed his subject matter to romantic landscapes or apocalyptic visions of the future.
  • (Library of Congress - ROWLANDSON / Archives) Reveling in exaggerated actions, the British satirist mocks a musician playing affettuoso ("with feeling") with "Discord" (ca. The Washington Post: National, World & D.C. Area News and Headlines - The Washington Post
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  • Swift wrote a great deal of poetry, but he is best regarded as a prose satirist.
  • The "peculiar domestic institution," the fillibustering tendencies of the nation, the charlatanism which is the price of political power, are butts for the shafts of the satirist, which European poets may well envy Mr. Lowell. The Continental Monthly, Vol. 1, No. 2, February, 1862 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • The cliffhanger nature of serial fiction, exploited by everything from 1940's B-features to modern soap opera, is an easy target for the satirist.
  • Karl Kraus, Vienna's famous satirist, once said in his unique way: ‘Diplomacy is a game of chess wherein the peoples are checkmated.’
  • He's an intelligent man, and no-one likes being pigeonholed as a black-hearted satirist so early in their career.
  • Who could this ruthless new satirist be, who had parachuted unannounced into the Scottish media, with so sharp a knife and so keen a sense of the absurd?
  • Had Scarlett been an adult satirist, I would have taken the chance to inflict more wounds upon her and maybe said ‘Your house is fashioned from a mixture of sweat and bogeys.’
  • Some railbird satirist near the wire bawled "Go!" as the unspeakable riot swept past in dust-clouds. The Skipper and the Skipped Being the Shore Log of Cap'n Aaron Sproul
  • Satirist, parodist, cartoonist or lampooner alike, will often be protesting at, not just laughing at, their victims. Times, Sunday Times
  • The satirist may use different forms of literature in prose or verse.
  • Suspendeds, '' [FN#446] and Al-Mutalammis the" pertinacious "satirist, friend and intimate with Tarafah of the" Prize Poem. Arabian nights. English
  • Worst of all for the party attacked, it bereaves them beforehand of all sympathy, by anticipating the plea of poetic and humane conservatism, and impressing the reader with the conviction, that the satirist himself has the truest love for everything old and excellent in English land and institutions, and a genuine respect for the basis of truth in those whom he exposes. Uncollected Prose
  • Parents were ashamed that never were ashamed before until the kind satirist laughed at them; relatives were frightened; scores of little scholars were taken away; poor schoolmasters had to shut their shops up; every pedagog was voted a Squeers, and many suffered, no doubt unjustly; but afterward, schoolboys’ backs were not so much caned; schoolboys’ meat was less tough and more plentiful; and schoolboys’ milk was not so sky-blue. On Charity and Humor
  • Dean Swift, the great Irish satirist, coined the word "phiz" for face. How to Speak and Write Correctly
  • Nay, not so glum, ye moralists and satirists, philanthropists and preachers; link hands all -- _ducdame, ducdame! Without Prejudice
  • What would have seemed like raw meat for columnists, satirists, incendiaries and the like has fallen between the cracks of ennui and indifference.
  • He is the most compelling Hollywood satirist this side of Nathanael West.
  • his rebellion is the bitter, sardonic laughter of all great satirists
  • Corthell concludes that Donne constructs a ‘recusant subject of satire,’ a subject, that is, whose equivocalness is both a response to and a production of the discontinuous discursive formations available to the Elizabethan satirist.
  • The timing was bad—the timing of my career as a satirist is bad probably in general.
  • To paraphrase the satirist Tom Lehrer, it makes a fellow proud to be a banker.
  • Certain lines about the nose and cheek, betray the satirist and cynic; the mouth indicates a child-like simplicity — perhaps even a degree of irresoluteness, inconsistency — weakness in short, but a weakness not unamiable. The Life of Charlotte Bronte
  • * The elegant satirist of Christianity will smile at the presumption of so humble a censurer. A Residence in France During the Years 1792, 1793, 1794 and 1795, Part III., 1794 Described in a Series of Letters from an English Lady: with General and Incidental Remarks on the French Character and Manners
  • what arouses the indignation of the honest satirist is not the fact that people in positions of power or influence behave idiotically
  • The phrase, which Giusti applied to him, and which the inimitable talent of the satirist has made more durable than any other memorial of the poor gran ciuco is likely to be, “asciuga tasche e maremme” ” he dries up pockets and marshes ” is as unjust as such mots of satirists are wont to be. What I Remember
  • His chosen, single name embraced several personae: journalist, novelist, caricaturist, satirist, photographer, balloonist, political radical. The Times Literary Supplement
  • The satirist found the resort infested with sparks, cullies, bullies, stallions, fools, puts, fops, cuckolds, gamesters, antic beaux, London Jilts, strayed apprentices and dancing masters.
  • His job as a satirist is to be anarchic to the end. 'Four Lions': A Satire On Islamic Terrorism
  • Far from showing courage as a satirist, Pierre is a conformist who avoids challenging the sensibilities of the snobbish, transatlantic liberal left.
  • In passages such as these, his most distinctive, Thackeray comes perilously near abnegating his responsibility as a human being, let alone as a moralist or satirist.
  • David Lynch used the same technique of dramatically over-extended emotion to telling effect in Twin Peaks, but both contemporary satirists have really borrowed the idea from the high avatar of absurdism Samuel Beckett.
  • He is undoubtedly a talented satirist, a gifted writer, and has a pleasantly English sense of humour.
  • He's an intelligent man, and no-one likes being pigeonholed as a black-hearted satirist so early in their career.
  • Even so, the key to his genius as a satirist, is that he doesn Al Jaffee: Mad Magazine's Al Jaffee: Original Art And Life From 'Al Jaffee's Mad Life' (PHOTOS)
  • Making his television debut last night, Kilstein offered up five and a half minutes of the kind of rapid-fire, incisive and affably angry comedy that has earned him fans in fellow comics like Janeane Garafalo, Robin Williams and Paul Provenza who included Kilstein in his bookSatiristas: Comedians, Contrarians, Raconteurs & Vulgarians. WATCH: Did Slutty Girls With iPods Really Cause 9/11?
  • Elizabethan satirists, -- the vitriolic bitterness of Nash, the sententious profundity of Donne, the happy-go-lucky "slogging" of genial Dekker, the sledge-hammer blows of Jonson, the turgid malevolence of Chapman, and the stiletto-like thrusts of George English Satires
  • Gulliver's Travels is generally regarded as a terrific satirical novel written by the great English prose satirist Jonathan Swift.
  • He took to writing and his pamphlets established him as both a leading political thinker and a satirist.
  • Cambridge, when he sent _Yellowplush_ out upon the world as a satirist on the doings of gentlemen generally; when he wrote his _Catherine_, to show the vileness of the taste for what he would have called Newgate literature; and _The Hoggarty Diamond_, to attack bubble companies; and Thackeray
  • His chosen, single name embraced several personae: journalist, novelist, caricaturist, satirist, photographer, balloonist, political radical. The Times Literary Supplement
  • His movies are the works of a brilliant, cynical satirist whose artistic downfall was an unceasing irony.
  • Such was the man, ushered into whose presence, Horace, the reckless lampooner and satirist, found himself embarrassed, and at a loss for words. Horace
  • But as apocalyptic literature has come in for criticism, so has utopian-by anti-utopians, often satirists.
  • The punchy American satirist is in London for one night only. Times, Sunday Times
  • After all, if ribbing of the sort Huddleston gets from @PrezHuddleston whose true identity remains a mystery to its muse stakes its humor on the notion that college presidents are stodgy and self-serious, then attempting to silence those satirists outright might reinforce the stereotype. College presidents around USA impersonated on Twitter
  • But he is much better known as a political satirist. WHEN SCOTLAND RULED THE WORLD: The Story of the Golden Age of Genius, Creativity and Exploration
  • The satirist differs from authors of other types of literature with regard to its way of dealing with his subject.
  • One could argue that making jokes about the incident trivializes it, but once the 11 o'clock news is over, virtually everything is fair game for satirists and gagsters, and the Emmy special gets a special dispensation where topical jokes are concerned.
  • Lee is essentially a satirist who redefines the term barbed wit; more traditional in his approach than say, Chris Morris, but no less appalled and disgusted at what has become of us. The Guardian World News
  • My contempt is the contempt of the satirist, not the scripturist. Archive 2006-02-01
  • Zuka refashions the timeless subject into a contemporary painter's dream of color and movement suffused with a satirist's wit.
  • The satirists have quickly gone to work, ridiculing the move.
  • Several installations in this vast show involve George Bush in compromising positions with pigs: in one, a pair of mechanically gyrating pink silicone versions of Bush sodomise the animals, while in Pig Island 2003/10, the same scenario is accompanied by depictions of Angelina Jolie and sundry pirates in what looks like the detritus-filled studio of a demented satirist. Evening Standard - Home
  • We humans are inclined to sympathize with attractive people, which is why satirists often paint their targets in hideous garb.
  • Though he is predominantly a satirist, the main stylistic influence on his work is W. H. Auden.
  • Famed in his day as patriot, satirist, and foe to tyranny, Marvell was virtually unknown as a lyric poet.
  • He is a satirist whose words are weapons.
  • It is then that Redg, Ailill's satirist, went to him on an errand to seek the javelin, that is, Cuchulainn's spear. Táin Bó Cúalnge. English
  • This, and my being esteem’d a pretty good riggite, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. Paras. 51-100
  • She was a supreme social satirist and no reactionary. The Times Literary Supplement
  • In 1997, the celebrated satirist tricked public figures including Rolf Harris, Noel Edmonds and David Amess MP into warning Britain's teenagers of the dangers of taking "cake", a new "made-up pyschoactive compound" also known as Basildon puke plates and loony toad quack. Politics news, UK and world political comment and analysis |
  • Other examples of the satirist's humour, cited by Le Monde, include saying that homosexuals smell of the 'shithouse' and that 'pulling the toilet chain is the only choice'. Ooooo la La Paris
  • I'd rather stay my cynical, sarcastic, bitchy, and satirist self.
  • The satirists ridiculed the plans for a new opera house
  • It's been bruited about by well-known theologians, sharp-tongued satirists and social critics (Mark Twain among others), but it's not really a very subtle point: The life of eternal blessedness sounds boring.
  • Even a satirist ought to be able to beat a skirt-chaser and possible wife-beater* like Slimy Norman (Quimby) Coleman. Franken Apologizes For Writing "Porn-O-Rama" Essay In Playboy
  • Fascinated with the meeting of memory and language, adept at conjuring states of mind, and haunted by the violence wracking his homeland, Hemon is a stoic tragedian and a brilliant satirist. The Question of Bruno by Aleksandar Hemon: Book summary
  • Chantilly, which appeared in yesterday's 'Musee,' the satirist, making some disgraceful allusions to the cobbler's change of name upon assuming the buskin, quoted a Latin line about which we have often conversed. The Murders in the Rue Morgue
  • So, RTÉ wants to quieten brilliant satirist Oliver Callan - in the interests of "fairness" - because in "these troubled times" (yadda, yadda, yadda), don't you know, it's unhelpful to have the head of government looking like a pisshead. Irish Blogs
  • It starts off with a satirical learned encomium after the manner of the Greek satirist Lucian; it then takes a darker tone in a series of orations, as Folly praises self-deception and madness and moves to a satirical examination of pious but superstitious abuses of Catholic doctrine and corrupt practices in parts of the Roman Catholic Church — to which Erasmus was ever faithful — and the folly of pedants (including Erasmus himself). Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • Through reduction, the satirist aims at to make the reader laugh at his subject.
  • As a satirist, the writer is unafraid of drawing aside the drapes of hypocrisy and sham that seem to safeguard middle-class ethics.
  • Now I must live with the fact that I'm no Swiftian satirist, or even just a prankster with a good idea. Kembrew McLeod: The Day I Killed Freedom of Expression
  • A satirist must accept the fact that some won't understand the joke.
  • This, and my being esteem'd a pretty good riggite, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1994 Edition)
  • When the satirist aims to deflate false heroes, imposters or charlatans, who claim a respect which is not their due, the vehicle he chooses for this is usually the mock-heroic.
  • Authors of burlesque usually avoided the high ethical road of the satirist, who ridicules a folly or fashion in the hope of eradicating it.
  • By nature he is a social realist in the tradition of Upton Sinclair, whose novels he reveres along with those of social satirist Evelyn Waugh.
  • My father was not a man to underrate the bearing of Latin satirists or Greek dramatists on the attainment of an aristocratic position.
  • The Roman satirists savagely expose the fawning homage heaped upon the childless rich.
  • Even so, the key to his genius as a satirist, is that he doesn't feel at home anywhere. Al Jaffee: Mad Magazine's Al Jaffee: Original Art And Life From 'Al Jaffee's Mad Life' (PHOTOS)
  • Skelton, a contemporary of the French Rabelais, seems to us a weak English portrait of that great author; like him a priest, a buffoon, a satirist, and a lampooner, but unlike him in that he has given us no English _Gargantua_ and _Pantagruel_ to illustrate his age. English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • If it wasn't for his self-aggrandising tendencies (and his unpleasant, reductive stereotypes) he would probably just be accepted as a bracing broad-brush satirist, a set-piece artist with a terrific ear.
  • We sometimes need to call in a good satirist to go over the books, after the official auditor has passed the accounts. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Viewed by the satirists Persius and Juvenal as the archetypal master of the genre, Lucilius had put a stamp on verse satire which it has retained until the 20th century.
  • Oh my God, the antidefamation league of Calcutta is cursing us;please, Sahib, we at the Growler are writing satire--LIKE CHRISTOPHER BUCKLEY--we are SATIRISTS! Nonconformity Forever!
  • The satirist may use different forms of literature in prose or verse.
  • The criminal big-shot, viewed in the distorting mirror of the satirist, is a parody of the American dream of success, ironizing the business ethic by the illegality of his methods as well as by his ultimate defeat; the inevitable fall of the big-time gangster creates a sense of entrapment in an economically determined reality. Singing Soprano, While Dissin' the Bass: America's White Thug Love & Ethnically Acceptable Violence
  • But Lockhart was "more than a satirist and a snarler. Famous Reviews
  • Indeed it's been nearly a full week since the cowardly hate-mongering "satirist" Coulter posted Cornell's private information on the front page of her website in petulant retaliation for an article Cornell wrote here on BRAD BLOG. "So You're the Little Woman Who Wrote the Blogpost That Started This Great War."
  • This, and my being esteem'd a pretty good _riggite_, that is, a jocular verbal satirist, supported my consequence in the society. Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin

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