How To Use Satirically In A Sentence

  • Nothing is achieved when writing ironically or satirically by telling the reader through an "emoticon", that the preceding posting was meant to be to be a wry comment and that the reader should be amused. Even the criminals won't file denuncias
  • Perhaps, too, the academic environment is just too rarefied, too unrelated to a recognisable outside world, to be satirically relevant.
  • With an affectionate gaze at his sober colleague, the prudent maidservant removes the wine-bottle, while a trumpeter at the door satirically sounds the reveille.
  • The story might be interpreted in many ways -- religiously, as meaning that spiritual insolence starts all human separations; irreligiously, as meaning that the inhuman heavens grudge man his magnificent dream; or merely satirically as suggesting that all attempts to reach a higher agreement always end in more disagreement than there was before. Utopia of Usurers and Other Essays
  • Alexander Pope was satirically dismissive in a memorable couplet: 'On painted ceilings you devoutly stare/ Where sprawl the saints of Verrio and Laguerre.'
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  • II. i.195 (251,4) [usurer's chain] I know not whether the _chain_ was, in our authour's time, the common ornament of wealthy citizens, or whether he satirically uses _usurer_ and _alderman_ as synonymous terms. Notes to Shakespeare — Volume 01: Comedies
  • IV. iii.41 (352,6) To the April day again] That is, _to the wedding day_, called by the poet, satirically, _April day_, or _fool's day_. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • They concern themselves with the real world and address its problems, satirically or self-deprecatingly.
  • Then your soul writhed in derision, you scoffed at that which you had held to be the nobility of the soul, and you minced words satirically over the exquisiteness of the type which we have evolved. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • If she had only known which was the real one; she felt at times that his garrulity was a blind -- that he watched her almost satirically whilst he talked. The Wooden Horse
  • It satirically describes how, since the collective and equality are so important in Scandinavian societies, there are rules to inhibit self-glorification. Reason must prevail in Norway's agony | Observer editorial
  • BELLO: SATIRICALLY By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout tied to your tail. Happy Bloomsday
  • I use that word satirically, so Sarah Palin approves of it. Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
  • The synthesis of communist ideology with economic progress is a twentieth century Chinese phenomenon that Wang Qingsong satirically mirrors and critiques.
  • And so the Duke, satirically amused at the obvious embarrassment of the other "notabilities" assembled, did nothing whatsoever to relieve or to lighten the conversation, which remained so utterly dull and inane that Alwyn, who had been compelled, for politeness 'sake, to appear interested in the account of a bicycle race detailed to him by a very masculine looking lady-doctor whose seat at table was next his own, began to feel a little weary, and to wonder dismally how long this "feast of reason and flow of soul" was going to last. Ardath
  • BELLO: (SATIRICALLY) By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout tied to your tail. Ulysses
  • she spoke satirically
  • Each tale is well written with real characters somewhat hyperbolized to portray aspects of a city that James Frey satirically describes as craving to become the twenty-first century number one international metropolis in spite of NFL meaning not for Los Angeles. Bright Shiny Morning-James Frey « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews

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