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How To Use Satirical In A Sentence

  • a persistent campaign of mockery by the satirical fortnightly magazine
  • So the boys decided it was high time someone did a humorous send-up of these books, in the form of a warm, satirical and very funny guide to a country that simply doesn't exist.
  • The man who's responsible for two of the most black-hearted exposés on psychological cruelty hadn't gone soft - just cheeky and satirical.
  • This satirical, slapstick comedy is a feel-good film that is effortless to watch.
  • Piers the plowman is the name assumed by Robert or William Langland, in a historico-satirical poem so called. Character Sketches of Romance, Fiction and the Drama A Revised American Edition of the Reader's Handbook, Vol. 3
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  • Challenging religion, no matter how satirical in appearance, is a potent formula. Matt’s Top 10 Films of 2009 –
  • He was the humorous and satirical idyllist _par excellence_, and laid the scenes of his romances in idyllic surroundings, using the trifling events of daily life to wonderful purpose. The Development of the Feeling for Nature in the Middle Ages and Modern Times
  • Evan Harris's reference to the MHRA is the sting in the tail of his satirical questioning. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • It's at this point I begin to wonder whether Wayne's post is actually satirical, replete with deliberate ironies I completely missed.
  • If she had only known which was the real one; she felt at times that his garrulity was a blind -- that he watched her almost satirically whilst he talked. The Wooden Horse
  • The exhibition also contains some satirical portrayals of the British elite, which benefited from the salve trade, for example, Sir Foster Cunliffe by Yinka Shonibare of the U. K.
  • Tea Party Express lost favor with many activists when its outspoken chairman, talk-radio host Mark Williams, wrote a "satirical" letter from the "colored people" of America to Abraham Lincoln, in which he extolled slavery. November elections will be big test of tea party's staying power
  • It was generally a parody or skit on more serious opera, a forerunner of the satirical revue.
  • You will never get a simper or a giggle out of her unless she is being satirical.
  • The Victorian charm remains strong in this novel of misadventure, and seems even more satirical in the context of today's society.
  • Not all of his admirers were fully aware of the satirical or dystopian aspects of his work, however.
  • The satirical cartoonists had a field day depicting the chubby prince canoodling with a haggish grandmother Frances was over 40 when the affair began. Tart of the Week: Frances, Countess of Jersey
  • Its collection of entwined stories is brilliantly constructed, moving between satirical comedy and unforced pathos. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sketch show format inevitably feels a little disjointed, while satirical targets such as birth control and organised religion now look pretty tame. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Hollywood power couple became big fans of the satirical show after a weekend watching back-to-back episodes. The Sun
  • It is a discussion on the nature of love, taking the form of a group of speeches, both satirical and serious, given by a group of men at a symposium or a wine drinking gathering at the house of the tragedian Agathon at Athens. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Its collection of entwined stories is brilliantly constructed, moving between satirical comedy and unforced pathos. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rather than present a biting satirical assailment on religion, I shall present a puerile, lowbrow rant on religion's younger brother, cult worship.
  • While Fringe is powerfully affecting, this week's Supernatural in the same time period, aggravatingly enough is ridiculously entertaining, a welcome satirical change of pace from the grim events of this so-far-spotty post-apocalyptic sixth season. Roush Review: Fringe, Supernatural, Spartacus: Friday Night Lights Up
  • Considering New Orleans 'history, it really would not have surprised me if the reentry was a reverse version of this satirical scenario, which is sadly funny in part because, historically, there has been some truth to it. Liprap's Lament - The Line
  • Each tale is well written with real characters somewhat hyperbolized to portray aspects of a city that James Frey satirically describes as craving to become the twenty-first century number one international metropolis in spite of NFL meaning not for Los Angeles. Bright Shiny Morning-James Frey « The Merry Genre Go Round Reviews
  • Two of these cartoons, from the pages of the satirical London magazine Punch, are reproduced here.
  • I occasionally write for a satirical youth magazine based in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
  • It was satirical, mawkish, groaningly punny - and incredibly funny. Times, Sunday Times
  • Equally likely is the garishly satirical Good Christian Belles (aka GCB), which inexplicably is being held back until midseason, along with some of ABC's other best new product (including the very scary and cinematic The River, expected to get a major promotional boost during the Oscars). Critic's TCA Notebook: That's a Wrap
  • In a satirical perspective, it may be blaming us for disregarding funerary rituals, for keeping death in an undomesticated, barbaric status.
  • And another new dimension is the satirical treatment of pretentious luvviedom. Times, Sunday Times
  • The typical Beret statement is playfully provocative, experimental yet mining many of the same humorous and satirical veins tapped by Dada and Fluxus antiart. Chicago Reader
  • Nor are they simply satirical swipes at the monstrous power of the royal whim. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I cannot say I understand why a satirical magazine could drive anyone to mass murder. The Sun
  • Many presented satirical, cartoonish views of contemporary society.
  • I found it quite satirical, very topical and politically challenging. The Sun
  • While often sarcastic and satirical, Hendrie sounded very serious about this offer.
  • We embark on a seemingly endless series of gently satirical observations and anecdotes about the zany world of activism. Times, Sunday Times
  • The satirical medical series is written by and stars Rob Corddry as a doctor who wears clown makeup and "blood"-splattered scrubs so he can practice what he calls the "healing power of laughter" at a hospital where the staff is more interested in tending to their overactive libidos than treating patients. Adult Swim Readmits Childrens Hospital for Fourth Season
  • Ten years later he refined his vision with the gloomily satirical sequel, set almost entirely in a shopping mall the day after doomsday, with zombies as the ultimate docile consumers.
  • His first job was for a satirical magazine in Tokyo.
  • Mary Kinglsey insisted on lending her her watch till recess, and Jenny Snow, a satirical young lady, who had basely twitted Amy upon her limeless state, promptly buried the hatchet and offered to furnish answers to certain appalling sums. Little Women
  • At times of extreme national, local and individual trauma, when is it acceptable to be cynical, critical or satirical again?
  • His versatile pen was prolific of poetry, sentimental and satirical; of political allegories of great potency, of fiction erected of impossible materials, and yet so creating and peopling a world of fancy as to illude the reader into temporary belief in its truth. English Literature, Considered as an Interpreter of English History Designed as a Manual of Instruction
  • The Curmudgeon is a satirical column based on fictitious characters in a mythical village.
  • Barking headlines, hard-biting editorials, sharp commentaries, satirical cartoons and investigative exposes are now common features of our media.
  • Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic. Times, Sunday Times
  • His most powerful satirical weapon is his style, the deliberately cumbersome octosyllabic metre and comic rhymes.
  • This second volume presents two bodies of Latin lyric and satirical poetry of the twelfth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Not all readers of Tokyo Weekender will be aware of the existence of a satirical British fortnightly called Private Eye.
  • Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic. Times, Sunday Times
  • The most powerful performance poets blend personal experience with political rhetoric, creating polemics that often have a bitingly satirical edge.
  • she spoke satirically
  • English poet and diplomat known for his epigrams and satirical verse.
  • This week seven readers have offered their satirical definitions for the term sole proprietorship, and now it's time for you to vote for best definition. stories: News
  • Helen remembered that kind-hearted Cecilia had often remonstrated for humanity's sake, and stopped the quizzing which used to go on in their private coteries, when the satirical elder sister would have it that _le petit bossu_ was in love with Louisa. Tales and Novels — Volume 10
  • BELLO: (SATIRICALLY) By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout tied to your tail. Ulysses
  • But for all its qualities, it wields a satirical sledgehammer. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its satirical edge was sharpened by the deafening volume. Times, Sunday Times
  • It was at once affectionate and unsentimental, satirical and good-tempered, orthodox and highly intelligent. It Was a Cheerful Home at the Austens'
  • It has been called 'a satirical harlequinade ', a burlesque, and is said to be about the nature of female power and whether such power can be achieved in real life or just exists in romantic fiction. Charlotte (Ramsay) Lennox (c.1729-1804)
  • The film clip, on a satirical website, is worryingly convincing. Times, Sunday Times
  • Therefore, from the viewpoint of semantics, verse metre turns out to be even more relevant than genre – choliamb and iambic trimeter are both the metres of satirical verses, but their semantic structures are very different.
  • It's intricate, emotional, cerebral, funny, satirical, worldly, and will have you sifting through your reference books with glee.
  • No less distinguished was his achievement as a portrait painter, his approach extending from the satirical to the deeply affectionate.
  • Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
  • Reviews for W. are all over the board (58% Fresh on Rotten Tomatoes), but I suspect that marketing the movie as light and satirical as opposed to dark and derisive is very smart. Box Office Tracking: Max Payne Targets $20M | /Film
  • Some elements of the satirical model are more easily visible than the others: the critique of technocracy, and of socially irresponsible behavior, for example.
  • Hardly any kind of Hebrew poesy is absent; epithalamia and lamentations; little satirical songs; odes of wonderful lyrism etc. The fundamental law of Hebrew poetry, the parallelism of the stichs, is usually observed. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 12: Philip II-Reuss
  • I wouldn't say that they were classically satirical in their approach.
  • Frank decided to put his friend to the test and see whether those at Canada's premier satirical biweekly could book a table for a party of 10 nobodies on a Friday night.
  • There were press attacks and vicious satirical cartoons featuring Queen Victoria throughout the middle of the 19th century.
  • Some tales, such as 'The Funeral' (1955) and 'The Doll that Does Everything' (1954) incorporate zany satirical humour at the expense of genre clichés, and are written in an hysterically overblown prose very different from Matheson's usual pared-down style. Feb. 25th, 2009 - Issue 0.039
  • As regards their satirical tone, and their plainness of speech, I will only say, that, in my pastoral experience, I have found that the Arch-Enemy loves nothing better than to be treated as a religious, moral, and intellectual being, and that there is no _apage Sathanas! The Complete Poetical Works of James Russell Lowell
  • In 99% of so called cybersquatting, there is a clear motive, satirical or financial, to exploit another's name.
  • The butler is sharing household secrets in a soon-to-be-published tell-all, now being serialized in Punch, the English satirical fortnightly.
  • It avoids any kind of social comment or satirical swipe at a society obsessed by winners and dismissive of losers. Times, Sunday Times
  • In her temper, too, there is a slight infusion of the termagant; and her satirical humor plays with such an unrespective levity over all subjects alike, that it required a profound knowledge of women to bring such a character within the pale of our sympathy. Characteristics of Women Moral, Poetical, and Historical
  • But Gee uses this as an excuse to replay some tired stereotypes which undermine the genuine satirical quality of her writing.
  • In the German songbook during the Weimar, including his collaborations with Brecht, Kurt Weill used elements of jazz as an expression of sensuality, but also as a satirical element. Fern Siegel: Stage Door: Ute Lemper -- The Music of Kurt Weill
  • The first is that these albums tend to involve a fully ironic approach, as opposed to one that is merely satirical or parodic.
  • It's true that this movie is bitingly satirical, and that stands as one of its better qualities.
  • Despite his critics' concerns, the character is funny, with real satirical bite, and remains hugely popular with young black and white audiences alike.
  • But for all its qualities, it wields a satirical sledgehammer. Times, Sunday Times
  • In his characteristically satirical manner, he questions the moral degeneration of our cities, where vice is the order of the day.
  • Can't watch funny, biting, satirical movie, for discomfort at f--- and f------ used so often they'd have to bleep out the whole movie to air on tv. Archive 2007-08-01
  • Instead of making that kind of attack, I wanted to make one that was satirical - one that would lacerate, tear apart, shred the CIA by burlesquing them, by using these great materials.
  • Mixture and misproportion have always been a vital part of satirical technique.
  • And so the Duke, satirically amused at the obvious embarrassment of the other "notabilities" assembled, did nothing whatsoever to relieve or to lighten the conversation, which remained so utterly dull and inane that Alwyn, who had been compelled, for politeness 'sake, to appear interested in the account of a bicycle race detailed to him by a very masculine looking lady-doctor whose seat at table was next his own, began to feel a little weary, and to wonder dismally how long this "feast of reason and flow of soul" was going to last. Ardath
  • As time goes by these modern classics become less a satirical joy and more little time capsules, historical artefacts peopled by characters now almost forgotten. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is less satirical than most, less concerned with youthful naivety. Times, Sunday Times
  • I bit my bottom lip holding back from being equally as satirical back.
  • The Paris offices of a satirical French weekly , Charlie Hebdo, were burnt out by a petrol bomb after it printed a cover cartoon of the prophet Muhammad.
  • The synthesis of communist ideology with economic progress is a twentieth century Chinese phenomenon that Wang Qingsong satirically mirrors and critiques.
  • There's a genuine satirical richness to these portrayals; they do go beyond simple impressions of the old school -- you know, Jimmy Cagney saying "you're the guy who shot my sister" and Cary Grant burbling "Judy Judy Judy" and so on. Tom Shales reviews tonight's retrospecial,'The Women of "Saturday Night Live"'
  • In the end he got away with a fine and a reprimand, and the woodblocks for a satirical triptych were destroyed.
  • But ‘To a Communist’ is more than just a satirical squib; its satire depends on MacNeice's literary-critical reading of Spender's text.
  • Hip-hop's black essentialism and ‘keepin’ it real’ proclamations are vulgarized, even mocked by Lee's humorous and satirical photographs.
  • Lord Rochester's frolics in the character of a mountebank are well known, and the speech which he made upon the occasion of his first turning itinerant doctor, has been often printed; there is in it a true spirit of satire, and a keenness of lampoon, which is very much in the character of his lordship, who had certainly an original turn for invective and satirical composition. The Lives of the Poets of Great Britain and Ireland
  • As these lines make clear, the poem is a bitingly satirical attack on those who profess to respect the Ten Commandments, but in fact betray their spirit at every point.
  • We embark on a seemingly endless series of gently satirical observations and anecdotes about the zany world of activism. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moore's satirical documentaries have progressively taken on stories with larger scope and greater importance to the world.
  • Sternheim's play is ribald, satirical, self referential, and quirky.
  • The forms of satirical discourse and epigram are introduced to convey his opinions more directly.
  • the central character in the Roman de Renart, a series of popular satirical fables, related to the bestiaries and the tradition from Aesop's Fables, written in France at various times c. 1175-1250.
  • Private Eye " is a satirical magazine.
  • Given the satirical clout of his greatest operettas, the charge of triviality now strikes us as absurd, but it rankled.
  • On its face, it's a bitingly satirical article about a ‘Men's History Month’ allegedly held at a high school in Vallejo, CA.
  • The sketch show format inevitably feels a little disjointed, while satirical targets such as birth control and organised religion now look pretty tame. Times, Sunday Times
  • I use that word satirically, so Sarah Palin approves of it. Think Progress » Rep. Tom Perriello Tells ‘Spineless’ Senate To Get ‘Its Head Out Of Its Rear End’ And Confront Climate Crisis
  • The work combines a fourth-form puerility with a satirical current, one that leaves the viewer slightly queasy.
  • But there are few if any satirical sideswipes or caustic commentaries on the people living day to day in his fiction.
  • It's a sharp satirical jab at the world of consumer-obsolescence - and a crackingly entertaining story, too.
  • This second volume presents two bodies of Latin lyric and satirical poetry of the twelfth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Overall, the tone of the book is satirical/the book is satirical in tone.
  • As much as this is a bunch of guys from Dartmouth, N.S., parodying themselves, it's a satirical take on the types you'd find on Jerry Springer, hence its growing popularity south of the border.
  • I found myself far more interested in Maximilian's adventures and his nearly satirical Zen state as he attracts devotees to his cryptic parables. Rabid Reads: "Lanceheim" by Tim Davys
  • If that's for good or ill can't be judged, because the only vestiges we get of that more satirical version are a few extended scenes among the extras.
  • We embark on a seemingly endless series of gently satirical observations and anecdotes about the zany world of activism. Times, Sunday Times
  • FUNNY BUSH COMEDY HAHAHA president bush usa funny hilarious idiot stupid quotes impersonation comedy abc fat comedian parody satire satirical bill clinton monica lewinsky sex scandal suit india cricket team soccer skills tricks actuary actuarial politics speech parliament john howard kevin rudd election inflation rate - Business News
  • He also turned to satirical cartoons and illustrations for newspapers and magazines.
  • Parents will note with interest the satirical penny "pinchers" consistently getting the better of credit card, the allusions to Spinal Tap, and simply the shamelessness of the fart humour. Undefined
  • BELLO: SATIRICALLY By day you will souse and bat our smelling underclothes also when we ladies are unwell, and swab out our latrines with dress pinned up and a dishclout tied to your tail. Happy Bloomsday
  • Certainly, he that hath a satirical vein, as he maketh others afraid of his wit, so he had need be afraid of others’ memory. XXXII. Of Discourse
  • In tonight's Parks episode (NBC, 8:30/7:30c), Leslie's promotional tour for said book lands her on public radio — a satirical spin courtesy of guest Dan Castellaneta (moonlighting from his suddenly contentious Simpsons gig) — and then on Pawnee Today, where the town's chirpiest cheerleader experiences a bit of an identity crisis, courtesy of "Gotcha!" host Joan Calamezzo (the hilarious Mo Gaffney). Matt's Guide to Thursday TV: Parks By the Book, Grey's Guys Step Up, and More!
  • His subjects ranged from historical dramas and allegories to shrewdly satirical studies of modern life and mores. Times, Sunday Times
  • I feel no disposition to be satirical, when the trapper's coat emits the odor of musquash even; it is a sweeter scent to me than that which commonly exhales from the merchant's or the scholar's garments. Walking
  • Unitarian Jihad is a nascent satirical religious/humanist movement, which intentionally juxtaposes the Unitiarian Universalist principles of a creedless faith and rational discussion with the Islamic concept of Jihad, specifically the use of that word in connection with the idea of a "holy war". . . Philocrites: How's the Unitarian Jihad doing?
  • The novel is 130 pages of dialogue, savagely satirical and lively, with lines that would not disgrace a top-flight sitcom.
  • The modern day slavery of the capitalist system is exposed in a satirical and playful way.
  • I am inflammatory and satirical, etc., but also smart enough to know the difference between "telic" and "non-telic," Todd Berkebile. Deep Homology and Longevity
  • The man of the world, the scholar, and the poetical artist are happily blended in his satirical productions.
  • I'm not sure I get it, and it's in poor taste, but Locus Online has a satirical article by L. Ron Creepweans about the Catholic Church beatifying author Neil Gaiman. St. Gaiman
  • As time goes by these modern classics become less a satirical joy and more little time capsules, historical artefacts peopled by characters now almost forgotten. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is not, however, a movie about the ills of society - it is a beautiful, touching, funny and satirical film about a lust for life that's infectious.
  • It satirically describes how, since the collective and equality are so important in Scandinavian societies, there are rules to inhibit self-glorification. Reason must prevail in Norway's agony | Observer editorial
  • Rorschach" is a finger-breaking vigilante much like the satirical version. Fun with Intertextuality
  • Yet while complications ensue in satirical subplots in which love and money commingle, hilarity proves only sporadic. Times, Sunday Times
  • They include a close, often bemused knowledge of one's fellow villagers, and linguistic expedients such as giving slighting nicknames, telling humorous anecdotes, and composing satirical ballads.
  • He was mercilessly satirical on the failures of his pupils, to whom (having reduced them, by the most ridiculous imitation of their unfortunate vocal attempts, to an almost inaudible utterance of _pianissimo_ pipings) he would exclaim, "Ma per carità! aprite la bocca! che cantate come uccelli che dormano! Records of a Girlhood
  • He couldn't figure how sensibly clothed, satirical, sarcastic, sassy Jo had come from this hippy woman standing in front of him.
  • Hailed as a prodigy in the US, critics have frothed over her ability to switch from elegant jazz to rap to complex satirical songs worthy of Sondheim.
  • Unlike Waugh, Frayn is bitter-sweet rather than utterly satirical about journalism.
  • I'm thinking of becoming a book reviewer or a satirical writer, or maybe a sociological analyst or an entertainment specialist.
  • Suddenly, a bitterly satirical movie about teenaged criminals was a liability to a film studio.
  • It starts off with a satirical learned encomium after the manner of the Greek satirist Lucian; it then takes a darker tone in a series of orations, as Folly praises self-deception and madness and moves to a satirical examination of pious but superstitious abuses of Catholic doctrine and corrupt practices in parts of the Roman Catholic Church — to which Erasmus was ever faithful — and the folly of pedants (including Erasmus himself). Capsule Summaries of the Great Books of the Western World
  • Then the satirical meaning hidden beneath Pere Fourchon's apparent guilelessness came back to him, and he owned himself "gulled" by the Burgundian beggar. Sons of the Soil
  • Set in a unified fascistic nation of the future, this satirical sci-fi thriller sees the goodies styled as Nazis and rampant patriotism as a virtue.
  • His poetry is sometimes lyrical, sometimes sharply satirical.
  • Nothing is achieved when writing ironically or satirically by telling the reader through an "emoticon", that the preceding posting was meant to be to be a wry comment and that the reader should be amused. Even the criminals won't file denuncias
  • Then your soul writhed in derision, you scoffed at that which you had held to be the nobility of the soul, and you minced words satirically over the exquisiteness of the type which we have evolved. The Kempton-Wace Letters
  • While satirical and amusing, the film appears to suffer a lack of energy, which would give it a much, needed edge.
  • And this activity, which we stolid beef-eaters, before we had been taught by modern science that we were no better than baboons ourselves, were wont discourteously to liken to that of the livelier tribes of Monkey, did in fact so much impress the Hollanders, when first the irriguous Franks gave motion and current to their marshes, that the earliest heraldry in which we find the Frank power blazoned seems to be founded on a Dutch endeavour to give some distantly satirical presentment of it. Our Fathers Have Told Us Part I. The Bible of Amiens
  • A director famed for creating self-consciously radical, wildly unconventional, corrosively satirical, and savagely violent works could do worse then take on board an actor who personifies those traits in his everyday life.
  • This second volume presents two bodies of Latin lyric and satirical poetry of the twelfth century. The Times Literary Supplement
  • Punch played a central role in the evolution of satirical humour and in creating opportunities for the cartoonist and the illustrator.
  • Bemoaning the state of British arts in general, she animadverted concerning our undoubted satirical prowess: "It's easy for us, it's what we do? we just lift an arse cheek and out it comes. Rude Britannia: British Comic Art, at Tate Britain
  • This oscillation between different parodic and satirical tactics makes it something of a moving target for potential litigation.
  • The Tin Drum (filmed by Schlöndorff), a satirical panorama of German reality during the first half of this century, which, with Cat and Mouse and Dog Years, was to form what is called the Danzig Trilogy. Günter Grass - Biography
  • We believe that the photomontage is a satirical criticism of the political positions assumed by the Pope during his ecclesiastical career and that attorney Salvatore Vitello is criminalizing a publication based on outdated articles of the Penal Code, especially that this very Penal Code has recently had substantial changes to its writing. The Vatican Threatens to Sue Indymedia
  • The multitude of satirical verses, epigrams, slogans and cartoons displayed upon the statue's base earlier this year demonstrate that it is this subversive, anti-establishment tone which most characterises the Pasquino of today.
  • They concern themselves with the real world and address its problems, satirically or self-deprecatingly.
  • He, his wife and their child in a carry-cot would often visit Jocelyn Brooke, author of that sad satirical novel on the failure of a once supreme public school type, The Passing of a Hero, and have a meal cooked by him. Books news, reviews and author interviews |
  • his sermons were unpredictably witty and satirical as well as eloquent
  • There was press censorship, and satirical writings were burnt by the common hangman. Times, Sunday Times
  • Although his humour is dark and satirical it is also fiercely funny, and a good time was had by all.
  • They will feign themselves victors, commanders, are passionate and satirical in their speeches, great braggers, ruddy of colour. Anatomy of Melancholy
  • The arrest of the pair, who said their show was satirical, was widely criticised. Times, Sunday Times
  • His black humour and satirical wit are cultural as well as personal traits.
  • Whatever happened to the applaudable moral values you upheld in the classic scathing satirical attack on corporate mentality and economic imperialism?
  • The entrepreneur, backed by a shadowy coven of anonymous investors, buys Canada's premier satirical biweekly.
  • It's actually a satirical comedy about rather useless adults. Times, Sunday Times
  • Its satirical edge was sharpened by the deafening volume. Times, Sunday Times
  • Nor are they simply satirical swipes at the monstrous power of the royal whim. The Times Literary Supplement
  • I was confused about whether their approach was intended to be ironic, or satirical, or both, or neither ... it was infused with what I thought were obvious clichés, like ladies looking sexy, inscrutable and dour playing drums in militaristic fashion aside the frontman, who sang throaty german lyrics to pretty hard core industrial rock, accompanied by projected images of male gymnasts and words like Totalitariansme and crosses and things. Sleepless in Slovenia.
  • I noticed, however, what I should call a palpebral spasm, affecting the eyelid and muscles of one side, which, if it were intended for the facial gesture called a wink, might lead me to suspect a disposition to be satirical on his part. Complete Project Gutenberg Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr. Works
  • Much of the poem is written in a fairly straightforward style, as befitting both its broadly satirical content and conversational tone. The Times Literary Supplement
  • And I can still recall my repugnance when I was told that a couple of bored clerks in Dwyer's of Washington Street had come in early the morning of his execution and enacted a satirical mime of his last minutes - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Its satirical swipes at hypocrisy and cant make it a topical work amid the political spin of today.
  • This questioning then logically extends itself to artistic forms, where, in black comedy, the most serious subjects are given, not a serious or tragic treatment, but a satirical and even farcical one.
  • No less distinguished was his achievement as a portrait painter, his approach extending from the satirical to the deeply affectionate.
  • There's nothing even vaguely satirical or ironic about this story.
  • He was one of the most versatile of Roman poets, who wrote love poems, elegies, and satirical epigrams with equal success.
  • amusingly digressive with satirical thrusts at women's fashions among other things
  • It avoids any kind of social comment or satirical swipe at a society obsessed by winners and dismissive of losers. Times, Sunday Times
  • His satirical little scheme to create a band so manufactured that they didn't actually exist at all (except in cartoon form) could easily have achieved middling success, or flopped entirely.
  • In 1953 he devoted himself to satirical drawings and reportage. Times, Sunday Times
  • They are of course the life-blood of satirical books, of the kind made famous by Andrew Bierce's Devil's Dictionary, such as apologise 'to lay the foundation for future offence'. On antinyms
  • The Curmudgeon is a satirical column based on fictitious characters in a mythical village.
  • An elaborate in-joke that might have been concocted at a dinner like the one we see onscreen, Incident at Loch Ness is a satirical mockumentary that will delight Herzog aficionados.
  • First the delerious joy of Karl Rove being hauled before the grand jury an unprecedented FIFTH time, then Stephen Colbert comes up with the brassiest, ballsiest satirical turn ever right in the stupefied presence of everyone who matters–and now this! Firedoglake » Carpe Diem
  • There were conventional essays " Fire Worship " , " Buds and Bird Voices " ; satirical excursions " The Celestial Railroad ".
  • She writes satirical sketches for a magazine.
  • IV. iii.41 (352,6) To the April day again] That is, _to the wedding day_, called by the poet, satirically, _April day_, or _fool's day_. Notes to Shakespeare, Volume III: The Tragedies
  • Patrick is making up ludicrous satirical titles for theses and reciting them in a plinky (Rebecca-y? THE CHEEK PERFORATION DANCE
  • It vandalises a gutsy satirical classic, in this case with a mixture of misjudged condescension, smirking spoofery and culpable failure of nerve.
  • Some were satirical epics in the manner of Pope, on the state of British society; others more enigmatic little versicles.
  • We embark on a seemingly endless series of gently satirical observations and anecdotes about the zany world of activism. Times, Sunday Times
  • While often sarcastic and satirical, Hendrie sounded very serious about this offer.

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