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How To Use Satiate In A Sentence

  • Then up and spak 'the Duke, and flyted on his cook, I regard it as a sensible aspersion, That I would sup ava', an 'satiate my maw, With the bluid of ony clan of my aversion. David Balfour, a sequel to Kidnapped.
  • The lack of substance in Hollywood crowd-pleasers is constantly decried, harking back to some golden moment in the 1970s or even the 1930s, when films could stimulate the mind as well as satiate the senses.
  • World famous master chefs dish out exciting cuisines to satiate everybody's palette.
  • It's riveting and intense, with just enough action to satisfy those who enjoy that genre and enough substance to satiate viewers who are tired of the long litany of dumb motion pictures marching through multiplexes.
  • Licking the last of the delectable onion sauce off his fork, he carefully pushed his cutlery together and sat back in his chair, satiated.
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  • Rather than make arrests when crowds turn out of saloons, police find that handing out candy bars calms drinkers, satiates their hunger, and generally makes it easier for the drunks to get home safely.
  • Googling himself was another addiction that became satiated because everything he read was horrible. Times, Sunday Times
  • Finally replete and satiated, the bronze bird cheeped happily, mouth opening to reveal four flat, stubby teeth.
  • I fear that my "insecurity" and "low self-esteem" are just general key words for the underlying unsatiated feeling that I may be gay. Archive 2008-08-01
  • Sweetened bitterness, such as sugared espresso, for example, satiates the appetite, while savoury sourness, such as hot-and-sour soup, can stimulate hunger and highlight texture.
  • I think one reason Twitter leaves me unsatiated is that it asks the most boring question possible: "What are you doing? Twitter Away Your Life With Social Networking
  • Whenever the husband went out, he would come back satiated with food and wine.
  • According to some new numbers out from Hitwise, searchers have an unsatiated hunger for details on the Republican candidate's policy positions and the Democratic candidate's biography. Daily Digest: Defining "Mission Accomplished"
  • What better to satiate some pre - election hunger pangs than a belly full of media attention?
  • If your spending needs are still not satiated, check out other markets, such as Portobello, or just by walking through London you will find hidden gems of stores throughout the city.
  • Create the experience and build the anticipation over time, satiate the crowd, and then come back when the market is primed again. Joe Favorito: UFC Deserves Its Fight in New York Now
  • When she's satiated, she can be unbelievably cruel. Times, Sunday Times
  • I'm ashamed to admit that my hunger to raise wonderful children has dwindled as well--all I am left with is a compulsion to satiate myself with material goods, comfort food, and short-term stimulation. Rabbi Shmuley Boteach: Excerpt: 10 Conversations You Need to Have With Yourself: A Powerful Plan for Spiritual Growth and Self-Improvement
  • The fundamental idea is that porridge, pulses, whole-grains and other hippie comestibles eliminate the hunger pangs born of sugar lows; they keep you satiated for longer, leaving you less open to the pernicious call of the fridge.
  • Romans, their bellies full and passions satiated, tolerated a nanny state. Times, Sunday Times
  • So lifting up the Cudgell, he gave him therewith halfe a score good bastinadoes, laying them on soundly, both on his armes and shoulders: and Egano feeling the smart of them, durst not speake one Worde, but fled away from him so fast as hee could, Anichino still following, and multiplying many other injurious speeches against him, with the Epithites of Strumpet, lustfull and insatiate The Decameron
  • What better to satiate some pre - election hunger pangs than a belly full of media attention?
  • Sweetened bitterness, such as sugared espresso, for example, satiates the appetite, while savoury sourness, such as hot-and-sour soup, can stimulate hunger and highlight texture.
  • And Virgin's Face, but Womb like Gulf unsatiate hath, Bygone Beliefs
  • From the late '80s onwards, the U.S. empire felt it could count on Latin American docility and stability, and looked towards other regions to satiate its ever growing thirst for oil and engage its military might in other conflicts. Foreign Policy In Focus
  • So Peta instead killed hundreds of lobsters in the traditional inhumane manner to satiate the people they'd invited. Video of bears playing ice hockey (link roundup)
  • Miss Delany tripped past me in her sky-blue tights to hold the audience spellbound with her jugglery, and spin plates and throw glittering knives until the satiated people turned to welcome Horan and his "cogged" dumbbells and clubs. The Maids of Paradise
  • Satiated, her tongue genteelly licks away a tiny bead of sauce that lingers on her lip.
  • The small swarthy beetle of a king, as he appears in Carle Vanloo's portrait at Versailles (not at all like Boucher's Phoebus), was insatiate.
  • They decreed in tumultuous votes, * that his honors should be reversed, his titles erased from the public monuments, his statues thrown down, his body dragged with a hook into the stripping room of the gladiators, to satiate the public fury; and they expressed some indignation against those officious servants who had already presumed to screen his remains from the justice of the senate. The History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire
  • an insatiate appetite
  • We finished with a fillet of pork with a port wine reduction and then the aforementioned triple textured chocolate and sat back totally satiated.
  • Well, some of our number were a bit intimidated by the high falutin 'menu, and did not order nearly enough to satiate the machine. On the blueline: One game to go, vs. Canada, gold at stake
  • At The Bamboo Hut, dig into the spread and savour some exquisite preparations that are sure to satiate the gourmand in you.
  • Did I buy some food from Air Asia to satiate my intense hunger? Kevin Richberg: Discount Airlines: When In Doubt, Wear Your Clothes
  • She finished the meal and sat back with a satiated sigh.
  • Hmm, how many times have I been craving Mexican, only to drive around like a shmo, looking at restaurant signs to indicate there might be something to satiate my craving for burritos and enchiladas. New GPS device takes you for Chinese food! | Sync Blog
  • Her curiosity satiated, she walked away without a backwards glance.
  • The French diet indicates high-quality food satiates and prevents chronic overeating.
  • I spent days just wandering around and around, until I was satiated with splendour.
  • And most residents are implacably opposed to the plan to disfigure our countryside with an immense powerline merely to satiate the electricity needs of the south of England.
  • Fourteen writers/artists gathered to drink it all in and satiate their thirst for the experience. Jen Grisanti: Wellness Immersion Retreat = New Year, New Plans
  • Sweetened bitterness, such as sugared espresso, for example, satiates the appetite, while savoury sourness, such as hot-and-sour soup, can stimulate hunger and highlight texture.
  • Her curiosity was soon satiated when the door opened to reveal a handsome young man of about twenty with bright red hair and the palest blue eyes she had ever seen.
  • To satiate the needs of folks like Matt Wallace and Lavie Tidhar, I'd like to say I got all kinds of "bootie" from Louise, but it was stuff like autographed photos, stickers, and a book. April 3rd, 2007
  • The moment before she passed out in fully satiated glee her long mascaraed eye lashes fluttered and she whispered, “todo.” Whimsytown, USA
  • They interfere with the hormones leptin and ghrelin, and leave us feeling unsatiated - and leading us to consume more. The Sun
  • And their eyes are all unsatiate of gazing on his face, The Story of Sigurd the Volsung and the Fall of the Niblungs
  • The White Stripes cannot single-handedly satiate one man's desire for primal garage rock.
  • First, protein is very filling and so will help you to feel satiated quickly and keep you full between meals. Times, Sunday Times
  • By now, more substantial refreshments were being served in the hope that satiated stomachs would be conducive to reasoned arguments.
  • She had lived a promiscuous life, been with many men, but his words were enough to satiate her hunger. Dreamseller: The Calling
  • Satiated, her tongue genteelly licks away a tiny bead of sauce that lingers on her lip.
  • This potent recipe seems to satiate the hunger of both shrubs and herbaceous subjects.
  • She also tells her that it is his fondness for his son that is to blame, for, despite knowing his unrighteous desires, he has pampered and supported him in his insatiate hunger for the kingdom.
  • Once satiated by wealth, they want more. Times, Sunday Times
  • While Colorado's mountainous terrain offers innumerable beautiful sights that leave one longing for more and never satiated, its magnitude of awe and grandeur also invoke a humbling effect on mankind.
  • They make you feel fuller and also satiate you psychologically. The Flex Diet
  • The media lapped up the story as an insatiate dog.
  • And when satiated, they are more sleepy. The Scientist
  • Identify a demand in the market and satiate it by conjuring a team out of nothing.
  • Fat not only abates hunger and satiates, but also is an important endurance exercise fuel.
  • The evening climaxed with a medley of favourites which satiated fans of his back catalogue.
  • Satiated with mediaevalism, he tried the Roman Forum. A Pair of Blue Eyes
  • I simply cannot create great football without my other appetites being satiated. Times, Sunday Times
  • Satiated with impala, she climbed up to a low branch and lounged over it, legs on either side. Times, Sunday Times
  • Bausch's bodies are mad bodies; they are transgressive bodies; they are insatiate bodies.
  • The evening climaxed with a medley of favourites which satiated fans of his back catalogue.
  • They make their student-years but a pretext for a life of rough debauchery, from which they issue with a bought diploma; and, in many cases, satiated and disgusted with their own lives, they dwindle down into the timeserving reactionaries, the worst enemies of free development, because they themselves have abused in youth the little liberty they enjoyed. The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 07, No. 41, March, 1861
  • With Rita gone, the semi-retired Long Island businessman satiates his life-long wanderlust by working part-time in a travel agency.
  • It's always frustrating to watch an artist with top-shelf talent reach that inadvertently satiated moment when there's really nothing important to say, nothing to add.
  • This theory says that women are orgasmic so that they're satiated after orgasm and they'll be so tired after orgasm with intercourse that they'll keep lying down on their backs so that the sperm don't leak out.
  • And that breakfast (a first ever in my adult life) kick-starts my metabolism in the morning and keeps me satiated longer.
  • The display of gold satiated my thirst of a lifetime, the incredible offers, and the variety of designs, in bright, and white gold, in muted and coppery gold.
  • Granted, there's enough wicked fretwork and cool guitar noise throughout this record to both recall past glories and satiate those in need of a modern rock fix.
  • The chapter is intense reading but is packed with information that when digested certainly satiates the appetite for knowledge of the current status of sedimentary geochemistry.
  • The cries and wails of the thousands of orphans went up to high Heaven pleading for those fathers who had left them to fill the unsatiate maw of cruel, relentless war. History of Kershaw's Brigade
  • The dishes satiate the gourmets, who are conscious of their calories, but want to enjoy good food.
  • However, when still unsatiated they cannot opt to kill fewer prey. Education For Sanity
  • Fat not only abates hunger and satiates, but also is an important endurance exercise fuel.
  • The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.
  • Many chiliasts believed that in the millennium all manner of physical craving would be satiated, that men would find all women beautiful, and willing to partake in carnal delights.
  • Nuclear energy is increasingly becoming the favored alternative, one that experts say could save more valuable crude for export and help satiate local demand for power and water. Saudi Arabia, China Sign Nuclear Cooperation Pact
  • Surprisingly, we were tolerated and all of our cravings were satiated in the most generous and hospitable manner possible.
  • Betty is a bundle of nerves, has a well-developed "New-England Conscience," and among other deviative (not degenerative) signs is possessed of an insatiate desire to climb trees. Why Worry?
  • The fundamental idea is that porridge, pulses, whole-grains and other hippie comestibles eliminate the hunger pangs born of sugar lows; they keep you satiated for longer, leaving you less open to the pernicious call of the fridge.
  • Na-Nachman psychiatrists believe Chomsky-Schleim-Landau is due to suppressed anger over delayed diaper change or unsatiated breast feeding, leaving a CSL carrier prone to anger, temper tantrums & in later life a Peace Now delusional state & Jewish self hate. On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
  • The toilet thinks suddenly after old gentleman is satiate, ask a service unripe toilet is in?
  • Exhausted but satiated, they head home with bandages over their new tattoos, wondering what to get next. The Sun
  • The key to Graham's success is the way in which he compels and gratifies, but never fully reveals or satiates.
  • The grog had satiated her thirst, but had seemed to increase her hunger.
  • So satiated were they that they feared they would get choked if they lay flat; they slept sitting up.
  • Once you are satiated with the endless rounds of kababs, they suggest another course, this time, a selection of rotis, dhals and biryanis with raithas to cool down the palate after all those spicy dishes.
  • The insatiate savage will ever forage for more and more.
  • That we be not corrupted with the unsatiate desire of vanishing earthly treasure; A Select Collection of Old English Plays, Volume 6
  • When that word is pronounced, I know greater and more horrid punishments are going to be inflicted than the gloomiest tyrant has ever invented to satiate his utmost revenge. Chapter 7

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