How To Use Satellite television In A Sentence
Most of those in the younger age groups these days seem to prefer workwear typical of the kind they often see on satellite television.
Satellite television carries cricket, football and rugby every day of every week.
Separately, closed hearings are taking place this week in New York on a legal action the NFL Players Association filed in June, claiming the league undersold its broadcast and satellite television rights during the past two years in exchange for a guarantee that the networks would continue to pay the league even if the lockout causes the NFL to cancel games next season.
NFL, ESPN Push Toward Monday Night Pact
Satellite television has provided the viewing public with a wide choice of programmes.
Luke had made satellite television available in every BOQ room.

Demand for satellite television has been greatly exaggerated.
Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
Satellite television carries cricket, football and rugby every day of every week.
The race will also be screened on satellite television as part of the service provided by the dedicated racing channel that was launched earlier this year.
Even when we switch off these allegedly offending channels here, those with satellite television will continue viewing them.
A Syria-based satellite television station, which rebel leaders allege received millions of dollars from the former regime, broadcasts audio messages from what it describes as a defiant Col.
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Satellite television has provided the viewing public with a wide choice of programmes.
To expand with local television stations, not on satellite television, the introduction of new content channels.
Satellite television has provided the viewing public with a wide choice of programmes.
The hill is now also being used to transmit signals for mobile phones and air traffic as well as signals for local radio and satellite television reception.
Watching satellite television has been illegal as it is seen as the conveyor of decadent western culture.
Speeches from the gigantic demonstration in Melbourne were broadcast on satellite television to union rallies in every city and town.
The advent of relatively cheap satellite television and the internet may one day put an end to these lunatics.
By next year, the number of homes with either cable or satellite television is expected to be just over 10 million.
The song recalled its recording exactly 35 years earlier as part of the first worldwide satellite television link-up.
Satellite television has provided the viewing public with a wide choice of programmes.
Unlike commercial television, which broadcasts free programming, satellite television is not without cost.
Some analysts and Televisa officials say that while Mr. Slim's action pressures Televisa to lower its advertising rates, it is also retaliation against a complaint filed by Televisa with Mexico's antimonopoly entity, the Federal Competition Commission, or CFC, questioning the nature of Telmex's business relationship with DishMexico, a satellite television service.
Carlos Slim Halts Televisa Ads
The legal rules are unsettled, and will cause some confusion with the advent of satellite television.
With the Mariners and Yankees on satellite television every morning, the ratings for nighttime telecasts plummeted.
Only Satellite Television, a subsidiary of Comsit, has announced it will build a craft - for a service in 1986.
It can hardly have escaped your notice that the satellite television revolution is now well and truly upon us.
Years ago, the proprietor developed a novel method to cast backyard satellite television dishes in a one-shot process that results in exceptionally smooth parabolic antennas.
These shows are often telecast through satellite television channels.
He told me a story about how when he turns up at some houses to install satellite television the owners are shocked and appalled to find out that as part of the process he will actually be drilling holes in the wall.
Please be mindful that while Phoenix TV is based in Hong Kong, it is legally receivable by Chinese people with access to cable and satellite television, and Phoenix Weekly can be found on the Internet.
It's the place where guests can eat 3 meals a day, drink, play pool, shuffleboard, darts, watch satellite television, or have fun with a full Karaoke stage and equipment.
This satellite television network is a premier source of uncensored news and opinion.
Still less can they accept impartial public broadcasting combined with a biased press and biased satellite television.
Websites and satellite television channels then supply visual images and incendiary rhetoric from any place where they are fighting.
The tentacles of satellite television are spreading even wider.
Demand for satellite television has been greatly exaggerated.
TV ads will be placed on both terrestrial and satellite television, and radio ads on national and local radio stations.
Still, there is no question that other activities are taking up listeners' time, thanks to the growth of electronic games and multichannel cable and satellite television.
Because of the subsequent geomagnetic disruption, satellite television, mobile phone reception and even pigeon racing could be adversely affected.
Demand for satellite television has been greatly exaggerated.
Satellite television stations under the control of press barons and modelled on the tabloid press may make inaction even more indefensible.
The two telescopes monitored frequencies outside the range of mobile phones and satellite television so would pick up least interference.