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How To Use Satanic In A Sentence

  • She told me about the lecture and all the satanic messages in rock music. Christianity Today
  • He has often been characterised as a madman or Satanic genius.
  • These are not satanic monsters, but tragic, pitiful figures.
  • The artist, legendary for his portraits of Salford's satanic mills and matchstick figures, had a secret hideaway that was very close to his heart.
  • Ferd don't forget the ones who listen to songs backward looking for satanic messages. Critics: 'Avatar' is anti-military & anti-religion
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  • Many refer to the Devil, or rely on descriptions of satanic cults as symbols of evil and death.
  • It would be a mistake to dismiss the Satanic panic as a freakish aberrance, however.
  • The girl I was talking about was initiated into a satanic cult - they use all sorts of methods to hold you in and that's why it's so difficult to have a successful exorcism.
  • The Paschal imagery of Christ as the Lamb of God encouraged the wolf's satanic associations.
  • Also linked to 1980s satanic abuse claims. The Sun
  • By placing these fiends under the command of a Satanic spirit, the story encourages us to literally demonize enemies whose cultures and colours differ from the Western norm.
  • Social workers used these indicators to identify a local family as satanic abusers.
  • The police also raised the barriers at the Riom tollgate in anticipation of the satanic Vel Satis making a break for freedom.
  • At different moments in Jez Butterworth's play Jerusalem, the noted Shakespearean Mark Rylance sports a pickelhaube the spiked emblem of Great War-era German militarism, a knit cap with satanic-looking triangular points, and a searing cross burned into his back by vengeful hooligans. Eamon Murphy: Theater Review: Jerusalem
  • Ever since the late Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa, or death sentence, against Rushdie for what some Muslims called the blasphemies in his fantasy-filled novel "The Satanic Verses," Rushdie has been in hiding under the protection of Britain's security police. The Stories Never Stop
  • The only other markings besides gang tags and general vandalism were some more recent satanic markings, pentagrams, and inverted crosses.
  • satanic cruelty
  • The children were abused as part of a satanic ritual.
  • Walls were daubed with satanic graffiti. Times, Sunday Times
  • It's thick enough to be some kind of satanic bible.
  • She was granted restraining orders for her stalker who is a mental patient who boasts her involvement in satanic rituals. Hollywood Dame » Blog Archive » Celebrity Stalkers
  • As my grandfather claimed even on his deathbed, "... we have seen, for ourselves, an epical cosmic battle with Satanic families of evil (Cheney's at one point) for these last 1975 years. Jefferson on, God, Freedom, Arms, and Government
  • Fever Night or Static Age aka Band of Satanic Outsiders is an acid-trip, psychotomimetic horror film about three Satanists who are faced with serious repercussions after going into the woods one night and worshipping the Devil. Fever Night aka Band of Satanic Outsiders (2009)
  • But it ` s definitely being tied as a sort of quasi-religious or even satanic -- the word satanic has also been used ritual connected to Halloween night. CNN Transcript Nov 3, 2008
  • Whenever you so much as mention the idea of an Obama presidency to one of them, they become almost aphasic with inchaoate fear -- it's like they believe that the day he's inaugurated a vast secret army of gigantic black men will be unleashed for a Satanic orgy of rape and pillage and murder directed particularly toward old white women. Poll: Obama Struggling With Older Women
  • If he is found not guilty, will the search for the real killer be as vigorous or less vigorous as it was at the beginning of this case when they were searching for some satanic cult?
  • The questionnaires were used to measure psychoticism, extraversion, neuroticism, degree of involvement in gaming or satanic practices, and belief in the paranormal.
  • Satanic verses
  • During my career we did investigate quite a few satanic murder cases and a human sacrifice.
  • it was a satanic cult
  • March 11th, 2010 at 6: 20 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: pezmiztix says: barry is against same sex marriage. why are you not accusing him of the same bigotry? Think Progress » Skater Johnny Weir not invited to participate in Stars on Ice because he is ‘not family friendly.’
  • I think all read the satanic bible are the mad!
  • How far was he to factor in Manchester's dark satanic weather? Times, Sunday Times
  • April 21st, 2010 at 6: 23 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: realpatriot says: beastiality is not appropriate for this site … Plz go away. Think Progress » Protesting McDonnell’s Confederacy proclamation, VA lawmakers wear black ribbons to remember slaves.
  • With its demoniac passions, its satanic ambition, desecrating the remains of the slain, making goblets of their skulls, and trinkets of their bones, this revolt is a heliograph of Dahomey, and Devildom daguerreotyped more vividly than by The Continental Monthly, Vol. 3 No 2, February 1863 Devoted To Literature And National Policy
  • If I were minded to be a Islamic fundamentalist bent on fighting the satanic forces of McDonalds and Coca Cola I would draw considerable comfort from all this talk of negotiating with a bunch of cooky beardos in Quetta. Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • The Gnostic and Manichaean struggles had ripened the idea that, although at times diseases are punishments by the Almighty, the main agency in them is Satanic.
  • Final exams are the most evil, satanic, malicious event ever crafted by mankind.
  • Thinking about publicly divulging your earlier dabblings in satanic rituals? Michael Fertik: Witches, Marxism and Mental Anguish -- That's a Spicy Senatorial Search Result!
  • Appearing on Bill Maher's Politically Incorrect almost a decade ago, O'Donnell confessed to having "dabbled" in witchcraft including a date on a "satanic altar. Karl Frisch: Diluting the Tea Party Gene Pool
  • It is anti-God, anti-Christ, satanic, and unscriptural.
  • She believed that she was a pawn of a worldwide satanic cult that had used her to breed children.
  • I could also imagine it's really confusing/angering when so many in the Tea Party love to demonize Muslims and now have to defend a candidate who admittedly "dabbled" in witchcraft, dated witches and had a picnic on a satanic altar. Dean Obeidallah: The Chamomile Tea Party?
  • Tanya pleads, in whichever bar, office, restaurant or sunbed saloon she's stalked him to, chucking him her trademark satanic glare, turning on a six-inch Roberto Cavalli heel and stropping off. Grace Dent's TV OD
  • Their spine-decalcifying caterwauls - a sequence of whuffings, snarlings and growlings - have evoked satanic visions since the first European settlers arrived on the island of Tasmania more than a century ago. International Herald Tribune - World News, Analysis, and Global Opinions
  • Those initiated into the satanic mysteries were all given some sort of physical mark, such as a claw mark under the left eye.
  • Joseph de Maistre, a Piedmontese noble who had been forced to flee to Switzerland before the French Revolutionary armies, asserted in 1797 that the Revolution was above all satanic and anti-religious.
  • I heard that it had something to do with some kind of satanic cult.
  • It also singles out Egypt, Saudi Arabia and Jordan for what it calls satanic alliances with the United States and Israeli. CNN Transcript Mar 25, 2008
  • I think all read the satanic bible are the mad!
  • He maintains that the exorcism is the only procedure that can truly and definitively determine whether a person is afflicted by satanic influence. Times, Sunday Times
  • What gets a little more disturbing is the willingness to embrace satanic religion and culture over there.
  • Paine, the chief writer of the Satanic faction, was a bankrupt staymaker, and a notorious profligate: his pamphlet had only the effect of making the public protest against its abominations; he was prosecuted, was forced to leave the country, and finally died in beggary in America. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine, Volume 61, No. 378, April, 1847
  • Happy birthday to the vivacious countess of joie de vivre, entitymel; the travelin 'bastion of darkness, bitterreign; and the torch-holder of modern Satanic burlesquery, the ever sexalicious szandora! July 30th, 2006
  • Filed under: Firoze Shakir - Poetry, jesus encaged, love poetry hate racism, satanic serendipity Jesus Encaged « bollywoods most wanted photographerno1
  • There are a few cases of lycanthropy, such as drug addicts being locked up after claiming to be seeing satanic visions, growing hair and even chasing rabbits in their spare time.
  • He said the drawn circle with an "x" through it - which he called a satanic symbol - also was new to him. Undefined
  • A ban on "occult goods" ( "Materials, goods or paraphernalia for use in satanic, sacrificial, or related practices") seems similarly troublesome. Boing Boing
  • Some Democratic party leaders from Durham, North Carolina were allegedly involved in "satanic rituals" and were charged with assault and rape. Your Right Hand Thief
  • It is as though, having assumed the air of some merciful spirit on earth, they were in reality mere satanic emissaries in disguise.
  • - Pharmacists who don't want to help customers who worship a "Satanic counterfeit" (read: "The Pope," in fundie-speak). 11/14/2005
  • The latter shocked bluenoses with satanic sadism, but also reassured the devout by insisting that God and the devil were real.
  • Sorcery, miracle, witchcraft, mysticism, idol-worship, etc. are satanic acts and people accused to be involved in them would be killed.
  • The term brings to mind satanic rituals, but in fact merely is defined by Webster's Dictionary as "a quasi-religious group, often living in a colony, with a charismatic leader who indoctrinates members with unorthodox or extremist views, practices or beliefs. The Seattle Times
  • People who might think that they're going to hear some satanic band are actually going to hear a good, positive message.
  • He has publicly proclaimed that they are made of green cheese and sold to terrorists, and that you, the widget-maker, engage regularly in satanic orgies involving pythons, whipped cream and the blood of ferrets. Archive 2009-06-01
  • As with any Satanic deal there is a sting, a forfeit, a payback.
  • Suspects ranged from a jealous ex-boyfriend to a satanic cult that had performed a ritual sacrifice.
  • She told me about the lecture and all the satanic messages in rock music. Christianity Today
  • Out of the ruins of the dark satanic mills spring forth wind turbines and electric cars. Times, Sunday Times
  • I heard that it had something to do with some kind of satanic cult.
  • The subject is questioning if satanic ritual abuse is fact or fantasy.
  • Walls were daubed with satanic graffiti. Times, Sunday Times
  • everything is black or white...satanic or godly
  • It was an officially recognized satanic church and coven that boasted about 5,000 members and two dozen chapters nationwide.
  • Horned Hand or The Mano Cornuto: This gesture is the Satanic salute, a sign of recognition between and allegiance of members of Satanism or other unholy groups. The Hack 2.0 Signal : Horned Hand spells Satanic Trouble
  • Walls were daubed with satanic graffiti. Times, Sunday Times
  • April 20th, 2010 at 4: 03 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: gully foyle says: Think Progress » Rubio: ‘I Don’t Think Any Of Us Are Going To Blame Israel’ If They Decide To Attack Iran
  • Making his screen debut, Daniel stars in the film as a newspaper reporter who attempts to track down a satanic conspiracy, only to get caught up in a black mass.
  • They said parents sexually abused their children as part of a satanic ritual, and that these practices were widespread.
  • Walls were daubed with satanic graffiti. Times, Sunday Times
  • The feline presence enables the poet to use the words of his poems as a ritual of daimonic self-reflection that is a kind of satanic Black Mass with three parts moving from devotion to eroticism to mysticism.
  • America is on one of its prohibitionist kicks, treating drugs as something utterly satanic.
  • Final exams are the most evil, satanic, malicious event ever crafted by mankind.
  • During the Stuart Restoration period, the pro-satanic Rosicrucian and cabalist cultism around the Stuart court seized upon the case of Robert Bruce to reorganize the cult in a new form. Lyndon LaRouche on Satanism by Grand Magister Blackwood | Disinformation
  • It would be a mistake to dismiss the Satanic panic as a freakish aberrance, however.
  • Both these countries work palm in palm with a Satanic hierarchy so it creates a single questionable as to either their leaders have been partial of a hierarchy too. Archive 2009-12-01
  • Mr. Naipaul's "picong" remarks range from silly putdowns -- such as when he said of one of Queen Elizabeth's grandchildren that she had the face of a criminal -- to snippy but revelatory show-off remarks, like his comment that the fatwa against Salman Rushdie for "The Satanic Verses" was an extreme form of literary criticism. The Man Behind the Man of Letters
  • Many educated people, while unable to deny the theoretical possibility of witchcraft, felt uncomfortable with what they increasingly regarded as something symptomatic not of a satanic sect, but of popular superstitions.
  • When most people hear the words Wicca and Witch, they automatically think evil, the devil, and satanic worship.
  • Were satanic rituals really taking place all around me?
  • They have created a complexus of confusion but it all goes back to three or four Satanic heresies. Bishop Alfonso de Galarreta chairman of the SSPX commission
  • They said parents sexually abused their children as part of a satanic ritual, and that these practices were widespread.
  • Why are the boy's eyes glowing red as though he'd been satanically possessed in a cheap straight-to-video horror flick?
  • They were like the dark satanic mills of the 20th century. Times, Sunday Times
  • Restaurant launch puts my family feud in the past, says Ramsay Gordon Ramsay pledges to put the 'baggage' of his feud with his father-in-law behind him at the launch of his new London restaurant Amanda Knox 'is a diabolical she-devil' Amanda Knox was subjected to a fierce character assassination as she was described as a 'diabolical, satanic, demonic she-devil,' by a... Evening Standard - Home
  • During the baptismal service the Satanic hosts, as originators of sin, vice, and maladies, were expelled by insufflation of the officiating clergyman, the sign of the cross, and the invocation of the Triune Deity. Three Thousand Years of Mental Healing
  • He rarely lifted his voice, but when he did his "heehaw" was full of satanic rage. My beloved South,
  • Tanya pleads, in whichever bar, office, restaurant or sunbed saloon she's stalked him to, chucking him her trademark satanic glare, turning on a six-inch Roberto Cavalli heel and stropping off. Grace Dent's TV OD
  • I have to spend a lot of time explaining to my Aunt Mae that there are no aliens, monsters under the bed, or satanic cults in our company.
  • March 19th, 2010 at 7: 15 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: falco says: Think Progress » Boehner Claims Student Loan Reform Will ‘Eliminate Every Bank In The Country’
  • The baby grows into a withdrawn, uncommunicative girl who is sent to a special school because no-one knows that she was born under a holy star that gives her supernatural powers, making her invaluable to the Satanic fraternity.
  • They are our new dark satanic mills. Times, Sunday Times
  • Voyeuristic views of activities in apartment and office buildings imply domestic abuse, adulterous affairs, satanic rituals, suicide and criminal action.
  • He maintains that the exorcism is the only procedure that can truly and definitively determine whether a person is afflicted by satanic influence. Times, Sunday Times
  • The new four-track EP by Mr. John Darnielle is now up for sale as a digital download at satanicmessiah. com and is available at three different price points / levels of worship: "congregant," "devotee" and, the highest of the three, "acolyte. ! - News
  • Satanic politie staat is realiteit in EU-landen, maar ze verbergen het en doen het altijd zorgvuldig de aanvaarding van mensen om hun stappen in de richting NWO politiestaat wereldorde … Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Regulation Gone Mad
  • I recalled a harridan of satanic disposition old enough to have written the first drafts of most of her charges. Petty Pewter Gods
  • When cases of alleged satanic murder have brought the issue to the attention of the judiciary, in no case have investigators found physical evidence to support these accusations.
  • I was about to draw my own line at dark satanic historical dramas as The Mill ground into action last night. Times, Sunday Times
  • He had been James' idol of sorts, converting James from religious mamma's boy to long-hair satanic cultist.
  • In our well-regulated, seemingly civilized society, satanic forces are always at work. A SONG AT TWILIGHT
  • Obama can "backpedal" and "Walkback" all he wants but it is too late, Obama is nothing short of satanic. Latest Articles
  • In short, their skills are perfectly honed for tearing small furry animals apart in the dead of night or attending satanic rituals. Times, Sunday Times
  • Is it the legacy of those dark satanic textile mills, or dirty air from the nearby M62? Times, Sunday Times
  • Satanic politie staat is realiteit in EU-landen, maar ze verbergen het en doen het altijd zorgvuldig de aanvaarding van mensen om hun stappen in de richting NWO politiestaat wereldorde … Coyote Blog » Blog Archive » Regulation Gone Mad
  • The fact that I do not believe that this property of intrinsic blueness is ever instantiated does not mean that I should give up the concept, any more than disbelievers in Satan should give up the concept of satanic.
  • According to Prophecy the Messiah which the Goyim worship will reveil himself as the Anti-Christ plunging the remanence of the free world into a Satanic totalitarian one world government headed by an unaccountable extension of the UN bringing depths of exploitation and inhumane barbarity upon mankind for a millennium. MetaFilter Projects
  • Short-sellers are traditionally depicted by corporations as satanic spoilsports who routinely spread hideous lies about the companies they're betting against.
  • They had pledged themselves to Satanic teachings, calling goys and Christians beasts and sub human, made only to serve them as slaves. Alex Jones' Prison
  • In the satanic Illuminati occult dogma, the term "AVATAR" represents their coming Anti-christ, andis the Illuminati occult representation of Satan incarnate. Capricorn Solar Eclipse, January 14-15, 2010: Planting the Vision of a People's New World Order
  • While fat is still not satanic, you should try to limit intake of saturated fats, and, especially, of the ‘trans fats’ in such manufactured products as the hydrogenated vegetable oils used in commercial baked goods.
  • It was so scary, it seemed like the most evil satanic thing I'd ever seen or heard of, but multiplied by about a five.
  • Within an hour, grubby tugs pushing heavily laden lighters are battling upstream towards banks lined with the darkest, most satanic-looking towns I'd ever seen.
  • The exhibition contained images almost always brutal, satanic and inhuman, designed to engender feelings of fear and hatred.
  • One long-standing allegation of satanic elements in masonry, however, still awaits a satisfactory answer.
  • Then Spade got it in his whiskey-soaked mind that Ella Mae was joining a sex cult where homosexuals and heterosexuals mafficked with greased ease in and out of all the holy of holies in the Satanically satin-lined porn room. Waitin' for Melissa...and up pops Spade Cooley
  • It was more than just symbolic literary resistance because The Satanic Verses is still banned in India, which enjoys the dubious honour of having been the first country to proscribe the book. Salman Rushdie: a literary giant still beset by bigots | profile
  • This wonderful green garden of England wrecked by satanic mills and women with big hammers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Call centres are too often the twenty-first century's satanic mills; but here the workers in this stressful business are given a dignified and humane environment.
  • There's clearly a market for movies with troubled, hunky young priests investigating Satanic cults at the heart of the Vatican.
  • I believe the revolutions in the US and in France and by extension in Russia, etc were satanically inspired masonically implimented. Prophecy on the Rise of the Great Monarch
  • The train driver was regrettably 'coshed' during the heist but such was the notoriety of this literally Grand Theft Train-o -- that when some seven years later the driver sadly passed on -- of leukemia (and not anything to do with the train heist) -- his family and the pompous British establishment still blamed the satanic Great Train Robbers for his death! Martin Lewis: The Great Train Robbery Explained -- By Peter Cook
  • The only freedom modern “libertarians” seem to promote is the freedom of deregulation, the freedom to support the second and only the second amendment, the freedom of minority oppression and the freedom to tell you what your freedoms are. bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: Think Progress » Army Secretary says Gates has placed a de facto moratorium on DADT discharges.
  • Maurice gave a satanic smile.
  • Take that girl I was talking about earlier on, who was initiated into a satanic cult.
  • These discussions also reflected, to be sure, secular ideas as well as the posi - tion of the writer in the social order; but all of them, notwithstanding differences of interpretation and em - phasis, shared the basic Christian idea of man's dualistic nature: an eternal soul and a corporeal body, often in conflict since each human being was subject both to divine and, because of Adam's fall, to satanic direction and influence. Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • But we don't want the countryside to be covered in dark, satanic rigs. Times, Sunday Times
  • March 18th, 2010 at 5: 09 pm bizarrobrain (brought to you by The Citadel of Satanic Kitten Worship and Tidy Cat) says: drhunt1 says: zzz … Think Progress » ‘Holder-in-Chief’ Coburn issues far-fetched threat against Democrats who switch votes in favor of health reform.
  • Perhaps they could substitute the girl for the goat in whatever Satanic ritual they were planning for later.
  • The four-lad outfit turned in a stunning thrash metal performance complete with guitar posturing and indecipherable lyrics delivered in a satanic growl.
  • Fits identified as satanic possession had broken out among adolescent girls at earlier times in New England. The Lesson Of Salem
  • By presenting the song as high camp drama, the rather silly Satanic image of the Stones is thrown into relief.
  • This trafficking in bullion must be watched by a Illuminati, given bullion has always been an critical commodity for a Satanic Hierarchy. Batin Itam: The Li Blood Line
  • As Christian fundamentalism and consumerism subvert local cosmologies and converts castigate traditional practices as satanic or insult animist believers as rustics, few replace shrine objects.
  • Most of the dark satanic mills have closed. Times, Sunday Times
  • Walls were daubed with satanic graffiti. Times, Sunday Times
  • They said parents sexually abused their children as part of a satanic ritual, and that these practices were widespread.
  • I can't proclaim to have partaken in a date on a Satanic altar, but that's beside the point. Matt Kane: My Problem With Christine O'Donnell
  • Secular Americans may be further discomfited to learn that their government's top lawyer is reputed to believe that tabby cats are satanic.
  • Despite the scale of this satanic mill, the check-in area offers little sense of space. Times, Sunday Times

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