How To Use Sargassum In A Sentence
Ordinarily, the sargassum is a nice, golden color.
Many are planktonic like the diatoms and Sargassum, floating free near the water surface, and being carried along by the surface currents.
There are more than 50 fish species whose lives are linked to Sargassum, and a myriad of invertebrates, including gastropods, polychaetes, bryozoans, anemones, and sea-spiders.
That's where lots of stuff that floats ends up, including golden seaweed called sargassum, which is prime feeding ground for lots of animals, including young turtles.
In The Line Of Fire: Rare Turtles Near Gulf Flames
The challenge those sea turtle hatchlings face on their way out to the sargassum weed line and an uncertain future is, as I said before, unimaginable.
Rick Cleveland: The Sound and the Fury of Tiny Flippers
From that stretch of beach they would have to swim 25 to 35 to the sargassum weed line, and once there, they could rest and eat.
Rick Cleveland: The Sound and the Fury of Tiny Flippers
The oil spill occurred just as the two-month spawning season began, and the oil poisoned the waters just as fragile eggs and larvae were set adrift in floating sargassum grass, acres upon acres of which were destroyed by oil.
Peter Lehner: Congress, the Mabus Report, and Why Gulf Restoration Matters for All of Us
The Gulf is far from clean and the spill still poses a danger to sea turtles, but Schroeder said there have been encouraging signs in the floating seaweed patches, known as sargassum, where young turtles in the gulf live and feed.
Scientific American
Today Sargassum reproduces asexually by vegetative budding of new shoots that eventually break off to form new plants.
There are more than 50 fish species whose lives are linked to Sargassum, and a myriad of invertebrates, including gastropods, polychaetes, bryozoans, anemones, and sea-spiders.
They are also frequently found in floating sargassum weed, which suggests that they are common offshore.
It is well known that large floating objects like buoys, logs or sargassum weed often attract large numbers of fish.
In their recent studies on species of Sargassum that were traditionally used in Chinese herbal medicine for the treatment of cancer,
Chapter 7
Most photosynthetic life (life that uses light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into food), such as phytoplankton and floating sargassum, is found in this region.
Hatchlings that successfully make the trek from their nests to the relative safety of the gulf and ocean waters find sanctuary from predators in large, floating beds of sargassum seaweed far offshore.
ObjectiveTo explore the effect of the extract of Sargassum fusiforme ( ESF ) on blood glucose in diabetes mice.
Patches of sargassum weed can be fish magnets
Certain ancient strata, known as the Devonian black shale, occupying the Ohio valley and the neighbouring parts of North America to the east and north of that basin, appear to be accumulations which were made beneath an ancient Sargassum sea.
Outlines of the Earth's History A Popular Study in Physiography