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How To Use Sardine In A Sentence

  • Add undrained can of macaroni seasoning with sardines. Archive 2009-03-01
  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • Forty-two percent of the diet of the black-footed penguin is small shoaling fish, with 25 species of fish, including anchovies (Engraulis capensis) and sardines (Sardinops sagax) being recorded, as well as 18 species of crustaceans, three species of squid, and one species of polychaete worm. Black-footed penguin
  • The town walls melted into pink, families promenaded in the cooler air of dusk, and for a moment I seriously considered taking up a career in sardine fishing.
  • Many commuters are forced to stand, tightly packed in, like sardines.
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  • Food Matching: Grilled sardines, moulds, prawns, oyster, little frying, vegetable terrine, goujeonnettes sole, fresh goat cheese.
  • Salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, sardines, anchovies, pompano, bluefish - they're forgiving in the kitchen and big enough to take on some bigger beers.
  • Every bus arrives and leaves packed as fully as a sardine tin.
  • Good sources include mackerel, sardines and cheese. The Sun
  • Barracuda eat squid and small fish such as sardines, anchovies, young mackerels and grunions.
  • The relationship between anchovies and sardines may not be so simple, he said.
  • This consists of killifishes, herrings, sardines, gobies, silversides, anchovies small mullets, and lizardfishes to name a few.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • I asked if his father was a fisherman ( "patar hithus?") and he answered excitedly in English, "sardine, sardine! Undefined
  • *offurs Picolol a tray of fresh sardines awna silvur tray* I read your journal. - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
  • Good sardine productivity is linked with the presence of the diatom Melosira (Paralia) sulcata, and poor productivity with Thalassiosira rotula “invasions”. Iberian Coastal large marine ecosystem
  • Here, sardine cans have been polished and stacked to form the bar, while local salmon is sliced and diced as sushi. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sardina: sardine, of which the Pacific sardine is abundant in Mexican waters and is raised in industrial hatcheries as bait for the bluefin tuna (atún aleta azul) that is exported to Japan. A Guide to Mexican Fish and Shellfish - Part Two: Las Delicias del Mar
  • I don't remember the clothes you wore, or your beautiful hair, or the sardines, or the mouth organ.
  • Oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel and sardine would be a better catch for Chris.
  • But only eat sardines between May and October - they're too bony the rest of the year.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • He has speared one of the sardines with the quill and is spinning it back and forth, spraying sardine oil.
  • The omega - 3 oil found in oily fish such as mackerel, salmon, fresh tuna, sardines, herring, kippers, pilchards, trout and anchovies are known to have a protective effect on the heart.
  • Grilled sardines and fish stew loves this. Times, Sunday Times
  • The name poutine in the south of France refers to larval sardines or anchovies.
  • They crammed, sardine-like, into the terraces of the Grandstand and the Royal Enclosure, as the umbrellas of those brave enough to bear the course were pulled sideways in the gales.
  • A list of tapas includes garlic shrimp or mushrooms, rice and seafood croquettes, fried calamari and sardines.
  • Similar alternating dominance of sardines and anchovies (or anchovetas) have been observed in other boundary current systems during the twentieth century.
  • When it comes to the food, he tends to go more for seafood, anything from simple grilled sardines to lobster. Times, Sunday Times
  • Decent dietary sources of vitamin D to include in the diet include kippers, mackerel, sardines and salmon.
  • Many commuters are forced to stand, tightly packed in, like sardines.
  • Farmed salmon eat two to five pounds of protein for every pound of weight gained - protein that comes from small pelagic fish like anchovies, mackerel, herring, and sardines.
  • Dip the sardines into the rice flour batter to coat, place them in the fryer, and cook until golden brown, about two minutes.
  • Legered sea baits are proving effective with herring, mackerel, sardine and smelt all worth a try.
  • You were all squashed together like sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Sardines, however, are glorious enough to imagine enjoying their marinated iridescence dockside with soffrito crudo, and neither rabbit ballotine nor game-bird terrine betray any gaminess.
  • The Omega 3 fatty acids found in oily fish such as mackerel, herring, sardines, tuna and salmon will also thin the blood and help prevent blood clots.
  • Its primary food consists of sardines, anchovies, small mackerel, crabs, shrimp and squid.
  • Both white fish (such as haddock, plaice, halibut and sole) and oily fish (such as sardines, salmon, trout, pilchards and mackerel) are valuable sources of protein, vitamins and minerals.
  • Magnesium is found in meat, fish, nuts, black beans and molasses, while non-dairy sources of calcium include green leafy vegetables, tofu, salmon and sardines, especially with the bones.
  • Among the other seafood dishes, we liked the silvery appetizer of pickled sardines and the house lobster chowder, which is peach-colored and stocked with bluefoot mushrooms and squares of smoky bacon.
  • The ten of us were squashed together like sardines in the lift.
  • Baits are normally small smelts, sardines or roach.
  • Remove the scales from the sardines with the back of a knife, slit each fish along the belly and scrape out the innards.
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine ... Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • Don't expect to get a fried piece of pomfret or seerfish; but the sardines and mackerels fried in coconut oil would be tastier.
  • The Sardine salad with tomato, lettuce, cucumber and carrot mixed with olive oil and vinegar is a hit dish in the eatery.
  • I hadn't even finished the author's note before I'd dribbled teriyaki sauce on the picture of the man in the sardine shirt.
  • Fish like mackerel, lake trout, herring , sardines, albacore tuna and salmon are high in omega-3 fatty acids.
  • With construction of the dam, the loss of nutrient rich sediment led to the collapse of sardine fishing in the delta.
  • Reducing the ponzu and sesame makes the sardines taste less like herring from Russ & Daughters.
  • One of the guys leaned over to rummage around under the seat and produced some sardines, saltine crackers and a clear liquid in an unlabeled clear glass bottle.
  • Three times a day we changed into bulky wetsuits, climbed down a ladder into the exhibit, and waded through the cold, chest-deep water to hand-feed capelin, smelt, herring, sardines, or anchovies to each individual penguin. The Great Penguin Rescue
  • Old habits die hard and last night I served up sardine quenelles with a Chard salad.
  • Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, butter and oily fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardine.
  • Put the sardines into a small ovenproof dish and place under the grill till they sizzle - it will take around five minutes.
  • My friends and I often complain about how Vancouver is filled with snobby cliques who have no time for strangers, but maybe that's a natural reaction for people sardined into a city with 550,000 others.
  • The stories are, in true Sfar style, truly unusual, though they have more structure and a little more empathy than the unapologetically bad-mannered Sardine books. Little Vampire (and Other Little Folk)
  • Canned salmon, sardines, mackerel, trout and pilchards count as oily fish, as they do when fresh.
  • Decent dietary sources of vitamin D to include in the diet include kippers, mackerel, sardines and salmon.
  • Calcium is needed for the growth of bone and teeth, and can be found in dairy products, broccoli, wholegrain cereals, sardines and sesame seeds.
  • After a little experimentation, we decide to sprinkle some fresh chopped rosemary and chili onto the sardines and then dredge them in flour for a quick pan-fry. A Challenge For A Top Chef: Make Sardines Tasty
  • The tins of sardines, salmon and corned beef he pushed to one end of it.
  • Fast forward to Scarlett O'Hara clutching the bedpost as she was sardined into her stays.
  • Wounded and held hostage with a makeshift electromagnet stuck in your chest, you take a couple of sardine cans and a used vacuum cleaner and build yourself a set of battle armor that gets you out of your predicament. Dan Persons: ReelzChannel: Step Aside, Iron Man: Top 10 Guys Gone Metal
  • With construction of the dam, the loss of nutrient rich sediment led to the collapse of sardine fishing in the delta.
  • Most big studies confirming the cardiovascular benefits of omega-3s have tested either docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), an omega-3 found in salmon, sardines and breast milk, or another fish oil called eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA). Snake Oil in Your Snacks
  • It's perfect with a tin of sardines. The Sun
  • Such favourites as herring, plaice, cod, Dover sole, haddock, monkfish, snapper, mackerel, sardines, scallops and tuna are all as wild as cheetahs and antelopes.
  • The man holding the tiller was a sardine fisher, to whom every rock, every ripple, of these troubled waters was familiar. The Slave of the Lamp
  • People were amazing and gave him things like bones, cat food and tinned sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • You could swap some tinned sardines for the 20 tins of tuna you have in your cupboard. Times, Sunday Times
  • At least sardines are tiny and slippery and you can usually fork them through the tiny opening.
  • They're most abundant in fish like tuna, mackerel, herring, salmon and sardines.
  • After some of their previous games this year the team was called cassoulet and sardines by the French press. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
  • Leah, Jeremy, Demi, and Wesley were playing a game of sardines, a variation of hide-and-seek, in the orchard.
  • I also can supply recipes for devilled sardines, eels with tartare sauce, monkey-nut macaroons and what to do with cold pheasant remains.
  • With little thought for comfort or safety, he and the inventor of the bathysphere, sardined themselves into a five-foot-diameter steel ball, and had themselves lowered on a cable deep into the Atlantic Ocean.
  • They recommend two meals of white fish a week and one meal of oily fish such as salmon or sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Pile the couscous on to plates, arrange the sardines on top, then drizzle over the remaining chermoula. Times, Sunday Times
  • People were amazing and gave him things like bones, cat food and tinned sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Iced sardines are trodden underfoot to soften them up.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • Lean fish such as haddock and tilapia, and fatty fish such as mackerel and sardines, are all used to make smoked products. Chapter 6
  • Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and fresh tuna are the best source of Omega 3 which is rich in Eicosapentaenoic acid.
  • Herring and other clupeids such as pilchards and sardines have a sophisticated auditory system.
  • The Undergrounds were packed like canned sardines.
  • Due to the high density of the shoals, the sardine run offers an ideal opportunity for various cold-water predators that follow the sardines on their northward migration.
  • So-called sardines from Denmark and Norway, for example, are usually brisling.
  • The sild sardines, not flavored as are the brislings, are a delightful product.
  • These fatty acids are found in oily fish such as herring, mackerel, sardines, salmon and trout.
  • However, if the diet is extremely rich in fish oils, for example, herring, mackerel, sardines and sprats, it may not be necessary to take hemp oil as well.
  • It was British stiff upper lip and making the best of a bad situation condensed into a sardine can. Times, Sunday Times
  • Weight: 1 ¼ oz. Details: No matter which bait is prevalent, from herring to needlefish to sardines, this lure matches it perfectly. Favorite Lures of the Trout Guides
  • You then share a Brasilian plate of two empenadas (baked turnovers, one beef and one sardine), red beans, salad and salsa, and the plat du jour, a lamb tajine, deliciously spiced.
  • Like other oily fish, sardines spoil quickly so make sure they are very fresh when you buy them. Times, Sunday Times
  • A list of tapas includes garlic shrimp or mushrooms, rice and seafood croquettes, fried calamari and sardines.
  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • I do not disagree with Kate's assertion that "the word sardine is a generic name for a number of different small fish. Do sardines exist?
  • We felt like sardines in a tin. CELEBRATING SECOMBE: A Tribute to Sir Harry Secombe
  • At the advent of the New Year's Festival, bitter oranges, rice, and rice-flour cakes, native sardines (iwashi), chikara-iwai ( 'strength-rice-bread'), black peas, dried chestnuts, and a fine lobster, are all tastefully arranged upon the family sambo. Glimpses of Unfamiliar Japan Second Series
  • Salmon and sardine would be better fish to angle for.
  • Salmon, albacore tuna, lake trout, mackerel, herring, and sardines contain lots of omega - 3s.
  • You can see in that bus, or perhaps that was one of the buses where the explosion took place in the bus because it looked like it was just kind of pealed away at rooftop like a sardine can and you see of course the emergency response teams. CNN Transcript Jul 26, 2008
  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.
  • Not much later the whole group played a gigantic game of sardines throughout the church.
  • The tins of sardines, salmon and corned beef he pushed to one end of it.
  • Fish high in EPA and DHA include salmon, mackerel, sardines, herring, anchovies, rainbow trout, bluefish and white albacore tuna canned in water.
  • Adult halibut prefer a diet of small fish such as anchovies, sardines, and white croaker.
  • Websites of PacoJet buffs try to outdo themselves with bizarre flavor possibilities: bacon, cheese, sardines and caviar have all been turned into ice cream by adventuresome owners. The $4,000 Ice Cream Maker
  • That which we call a sardine by any other name would smell as sweet. Do sardines exist?
  • The omega-3 found in mackerel, sardines and anchovies increases blood flow to the brain. The Sun
  • On the way back, we were sardined between the copious amounts of solos in front of and behind us.
  • You can get biotin from liver, sardines, soy, whole grains, nuts and beans.
  • Other foods such as salmon, sardines, white beans, tofu and collard greens also contain significant amounts of calcium.
  • The catch of tunas, bonitos and billfishes is increasing, as is the catch of herrings, sardines and anchovies. Red Sea large marine ecosystem
  • The alternatives are sardines, coley, lemon sole, trout and mussels. The Sun
  • You can also get pomfret and sardines and prawns and crabs in some unusual dishes, which make good use of masalas of the west coast variety.
  • While you chomp sardines and gawp at a view that is surely more impressive than your living room, the kids are right in front of you, feet away on the sand.
  • Salmon, tuna, swordfish, mackerel, sardines, anchovies pompano, bluefish - they're forgiving in the kitchen and big enough to take on some bigger beers.
  • These fish can be driven from deeper, cooler water beneath the thermocline to the warm surface water, not normally associated with sardines.
  • Grilled sardines and fish stew loves this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Dietary sources include eggs, fatty fish such as mackerel, sardines and tuna, vitamin D-fortified foods and vitamin D supplements.
  • Grilled sardines and fish stew loves this. Times, Sunday Times
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are prevalent in fatty fish (salmon, sardines and herring) and flaxseed, while omega-6 fats come from sources like margarine and oils made from corn and soybeans.
  • The food is also worth a taste, with local specialities such as griddled fish and sardines likely to be on the menu. PR Leap - Recent News Releases
  • The discounted items are crammed like sardines in the room, and laid out in a very disorganized and random manner (at least that's how it is at the end of the day).
  • He also sings the praises of the humble tin of sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Small fish such as herrings and sardines eat tiny planktonic animals found in the reef. The Hindu - Front Page
  • I also can supply recipes for devilled sardines, eels with tartare sauce, monkey-nut macaroons and what to do with cold pheasant remains.
  • Two types of Omega 3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) are found in fatty fish such as salmon, white tuna, mackerel, rainbow trout, herring, halibut and sardines.
  • Maritz said shad runs were unlike the annual sardine run, where the smaller fish were trapped between warm currents and the land.
  • The omega-3 found in sardines, herring and walnuts can help fight it. Times, Sunday Times
  • The industry is stepping up the sardine catch to feed farm-raised tuna.
  • Ideal choices include wild salmon, albacore tuna, sardines, herring, and mackerel; these should come from waters that have relatively low mercury content.
  • The water below had turned from blue to dark brown as the shoal of sardines passed beneath us.
  • He wanted to target lucrative species that lived near the surface, the pelagic fish, such as sardinella, mackerel and horse mackerel.
  • The other two boys slouched against the wall, long legs dangling, looking incredibly crowded, broad shoulders nearly brushing, limbs and bodies crammed, cramped, sardined on the little bed.
  • Shoals of glittering sardine fry were everywhere, in shimmering clouds so dense they should have come with a warning to epileptics.
  • Salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, pilchards and fresh tuna are the best source of Omega 3 which is rich in Eicosapentaenoic acid.
  • ‘Night!’ the children chorused, snuggling down on the thin straw, squashed together like sardines in a tin.
  • He noted that fresh pilchards are simply grilled, with pepper and salt, which is still the best way of cooking sardines, the junior version of pilchards.
  • On the tube in the rush hour the passengers are packed like sardines.
  • There were no trout for lunch but some cheese I'd kept in the streambed and a can of sardines and some dried pears.
  • Omega three fatty acids are found in greatest amounts in fatty fish such as salmon, mackerel, herring, sardines, and whitefish.
  • All ammunition manufacturers are running at full capacity trying to fulfill damand but there are enough people with enough money to buy everthing they see and pack it in sardine cans in the basement. Reloading components gone.
  • Colonial tastes survive in the form of sardines, corned beef and mutton, chocolate, and whiskey.
  • If they were lucky they shared a tin of sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is available as you get on board the Pangas from bait netters who carry live sardines and sell three scoops worth for around US $20.
  • Trade in trans and saturated fats for heart-healthy monounsaturated fats from olive, canola or peanut oil, nuts, seeds and avocados, and increase your intake of anti-inflammatory omega-3 fats from fatty fish salmon, mackerel, herring, lake trout, sardines and albacore tuna or fish oil capsules if you're not a fish eater. Hillary Wright: The Most Common Hormonal Disorder For Women
  • He will squint at the Tories sardined into the benches opposite, put his thumb to his nose, wiggle his fingers and, with a schoolboy bray, say: ‘Na-na-na-na-naaa’.
  • And the tunnies themselves were chasing flying squid, and the squid in their turn had pursued a shoal of silver sardines that had been browsing upon the microscopic organisms of pelagic plankton. The Golden Torc
  • From the ocean, choices include squid, whole red snapper, whiting and sardines, most of which usually look like they've just come from the fishmonger next door.
  • Pour half of the chermoula evenly over the sardines; rub into the scored skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • A grunion is a small, sardinelike fish that lays its eggs on dry sand on certain full moon cycles each year. Full Frontal Nudity
  • He will squint at the Tories sardined into the benches opposite, put his thumb to his nose, wiggle his fingers and, with a schoolboy bray, say: ‘Na-na-na-na-naaa’.
  • Impeccably fresh sardines cooked in pancetta do not need a slick of oil seeping from a curiously flavourless salsa verde.
  • With bigger fish in serious decline, mackerel, sardines and anchovies are now the main targets.
  • Arctic char, farmed oysters, sablefish (aka black cod), wild Alaskan salmon, sardines, farmed trout and West Coast albacore tuna are some of the choices that are safe to eat and safe for the environment. Environmental Defense Fund: Is Eating Seafood Regularly Really Such a Good Thing?
  • Foods rich in omega-3s include cold-water fish like salmon, mackerel, trout, anchovies, herring, and sardines; nuts and seeds; and flaxseed oil. eat lots of fresh fruits and vegetables and stay away from high-glycemic foods such as starches and sugars like white bread, cookies, and candy, which have been shown to contribute to inflammation. 4 ways to calm your skin
  • These sardines have a tinny flavor.
  • And he could promise her an excellent risotto, sardines with pomidoro, and a bifteck such as certainly she could not get in the restaurants of Naples. A Spirit in Prison
  • I can't imagine they could ever feel as sardined as the Empire State Building's platforms.
  • And in South America, the concern is that climate change will alter coastal upwellings, which sustain huge catches of anchovies, sardines and other varieties of small "pelagic" fish. KI Media
  • Soldiers reportedly prefer smaller, canned items such as sardines and clams for their compact size and longer shelf lives.
  • And if you're really lucky, they'll have pristine fried smelts to offer: tender sardine-size fish, split down the middle and gorgeously fried.
  • We went to a stately home in Cheshire so they could have a holiday and, on the last night, we played sardines.
  • We negotiated a ride with a well-connected local, sardined into the back of his jeep, and he drove us straight past every dusty roadblock with a grin and a wave.
  • Ch Von Heyl in the Oranges and Sardines podcast said the same when she wished for an arrogant "dickhead" out there a la Greenberg making some kind of pronouncements. just to bounce off of. I am tired of art critics writing things like this
  • Sardine and mackerel fishing boats, their masts bejeweled with lights, headed out from the city’s harbor for a nighttime haul; far out, an oil tanker flat against the sea, a sugar cube of lights in the inkiest part of the blackening water. The Hundred-Foot Journey
  • It was British stiff upper lip and making the best of a bad situation condensed into a sardine can. Times, Sunday Times
  • He added this is a particularly dangerous time of year because the sardines have passed by and sharks following the moving food chain are due here soon.
  • I peeled a carrot and opened a can of sardines.
  • However, if the diet is extremely rich in fish oils, for example, herring, mackerel, sardines and sprats, it may not be necessary to take hemp oil as well.
  • A glass cabinet sat on the counter, crammed with dusty trinkets, leatherwork and tins of sardines.
  • You'll also find DHA in salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines and striped bass as well as flaxseed oil and fish oil supplements.
  • Or discover where Mrs Blair likes to hide when she plays sardines?
  • The menu might include whole Dover sole with buttered potatoes, smoked salmon with horseradish cream or fresh grilled sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Supermarkets said consumers were favouring coley, dab, mussels, squid and sardines over the staple salmon, cod and tuna as a result of the series, which exposed the wasteful use of "discard" in fishing practices while encouraging shoppers to take the pressure off popular fish stocks by being more adventurous in what they eat. Supermarkets criticised for 'poor and confusing' fish labelling
  • I don't know where someone sardined on the 8:30 tube is supposed to put the three papers they're not reading.
  • Did I mention the chili anchovies from the Chinese market and sardines for lunch? 28,000-year old multi-tasker
  • Sources of DHA include, salmon, halibut, mackerel, sardines and herring.
  • We are already seeing large schools of Spanish sardines and hardtails taking up residence on local artificial reefs, ledges, channel markers and wrecks.
  • In Portugal, sardines are consumed by the bundle, and Villa's escabèche has a cool, melting quality, and the fish are barely visible under a nouvelle thatch of hydroponic roughage.
  • He observes, rightly, that the Calabrian peasant who has toiled for long hours in the field does not want to come home to a grilled sardine and an undressed green salad.
  • You are right to blame the airlines, by the way: It is their design and their allotment of space that has turned coach accommodations into sardine cans for humans.
  • Here, sardine cans have been polished and stacked to form the bar, while local salmon is sliced and diced as sushi. Times, Sunday Times
  • The suburban rail network, generally sardine-packed and bursting at the seams, disgorges millions of commuters daily at various stations along the way.
  • In Normandy he had traded tins of sardines for live geese, packets of Park Drive for kegs of Calvados. DISPLACED PERSON
  • While M&S stands by its traditional smoked herrings, Sainsburys - while glorifying that item in their Taste the Difference range - have simultaneously instituted a fishy revolution by kippering sardines. The Independent - Frontpage RSS Feed
  • Tuna is commonly used in sashimi, but its omega - 3 content is quite low compared to fish such as salmon, trout, mackerel and sardine.
  • They recommend two meals of white fish a week and one meal of oily fish such as salmon or sardines. Times, Sunday Times
  • Minutes later Kyrgyz soldiers are thrusting cans of sardines and canteens of water into their hands.
  • The pattern of pairwise nucleotide differences predicted by the model is compared to data collected from sardine populations.
  • Oily varieties to go for include salmon, trout, mackerel, herring and sardine.
  • We can also get it naturally from regularly eating oily fish such as herrings and mackerel, sardines and tuna canned in oil. The Sun
  • Sardine and squid do not inhabit abyssal plains.
  • More often, the underground traffic jam gnarls, and her overcrowded car will be filled with grouchy commuters, sardined shoulder-to-shoulder, sweaty and cramped, for almost an hour.
  • Oily fish such as herring, kippers, mackerel, pilchards, salmon, sardines and trout, contain oils that can lessen the risk of thrombosis.

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