How To Use Sapporo In A Sentence
Snow sculpture fans make plans to head for Sapporo and its famous snow festival.
I lived up in Sapporo the last couple years - I can say that the more north you go, and the further from major city onsen you go, the better your chances are of getting in with ink - and the Chopstick guy way back then told me pretty much the same thing - his advice was spot on.
Tattoo in Japan Boing Boing
Crypton Future Media Inc., based in Sapporo, Japan, is a pioneer of using Vocaloid.
Jack Myers: Miku Hatsune and Black Rock Shooter: Global Music Video "Vocaloid" Phenomenon that Defines the Future
On July 8, 2008, Chinese President Hu Jintao met with his Brazilian counterpart Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in Sapporo, capital of Japan's Hokkaido prefecture.
The first Winter Olympics to be held in Asia open in Sapporo, Japan.
Siomio uji Sanron skibby ukiyo-e sansei skimmia ume Sapporo, adj. soba urushi sasanqua (or sodoku urushic acid Sasankwa) Soka Gakkai urushiol Sasebo, adj. soy urushiye sashimi soya wacadash satori soya bean waka satsuma soyate Wakayama, adj. satsuma ware soybean wakizashi sawara cypress soybean cyst warabi sayonara nematode wasabi sayonara, interj. soybean lecithin yagi sen soybean milk yakitori sendai, adj. soybean oil yakuza Sendai virus soybean oil meal Yamaguchigumi sentoku soy flour yamamai seppa soy frame Yamato-e seppa dai soymilk yamoto seppuku sugi Yawata, adj. sesshin suiseki yayoi, adj.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
Siomio uji Sanron skibby ukiyo-e sansei skimmia ume Sapporo, adj. soba urushi sasanqua (or sodoku urushic acid Sasankwa) Soka Gakkai urushiol Sasebo, adj. soy urushiye sashimi soya wacadash satori soya bean waka satsuma soyate Wakayama, adj. satsuma ware soybean wakizashi sawara cypress soybean cyst warabi sayonara nematode wasabi sayonara, interj. soybean lecithin yagi sen soybean milk yakitori sendai, adj. soybean oil yakuza Sendai virus soybean oil meal Yamaguchigumi sentoku soy flour yamamai seppa soy frame Yamato-e seppa dai soymilk yamoto seppuku sugi Yawata, adj. sesshin suiseki yayoi, adj.
VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
PALCA: Negishi shares the prize with Richard Heck, who's now retired from the University of Delaware; and Akira Suzuki an emeritus professor at Hokkaido University in Sapporo, Japan.
U.S., Japanese Scientists Win Chemistry Nobel
He was one of nine announcers at NBC's 1972 Winter Games in Sapporo, Japan.
NBC's Michaels making Olympic Games comeback
The Japanese baseball champs douse their star with Sapporo beer (I love the beer goggles - literally).
I'm over in Sapporo, Japan for the iSummitand a number of thoughts are going through my head.
Random ideas for iSummit
Following an artistic residency at S-AIR in Sapporo Japan, Lohmann was in Milan this year conducting the Kelp Constructs workshop at the Nilufar Gallery.
Antonia Halse | Inhabitat
Sapporo book light with the dream, false floor, take makeup song.
Apparently the Sapporo redux is totally on schedule.
Sapporo to re-open today (or will it???)… and the end of the week wrap-up | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
Meanwhile, in Sapporo, Hei and company are attacked by a water-controlling contractor, though they manage to escape and later meet up at their makeshift “house/hideout” near the lake.
Darker than Black season 2 – ep 05 « Undercover
Yeah it was Caspean filet that was a really rare one in Sapporo at those times.
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