How To Use Sapling In A Sentence

  • With such a short growing season, 200-year-old trees look like saplings.
  • Huts, fences and palisades are often fashioned from saplings and shoots, and basketry is thus commingled with comforting notions of home, security and comfort.
  • Jim Hart, a man of singular height and thinness, whom Sol disrespectfully called the "Saplin '" -- that is, the sapling, a slim young tree -- was doing the cooking. The Forest Runners A Story of the Great War Trail in Early Kentucky
  • The saplings have been planted in a circle so that they will form an arbour.
  • The brushier the cover is, the better: dense stands of softwoods, hardwood sapling thickets, tangled alder bottoms, even tall CRP fields. Make a Trail to Bring Buck Whitetails to You
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  • They both gasp at the sight of the great circular cloud of blue, white and gold lying under the spindly saplings and old sycamore trees. SEA MUSIC
  • As indicators of insect and mammalian resistance we conducted bioassays to measure the performance of a geometrid moth, Epirrita autumnata, and counted the amount of resin droplets on the shoot of the saplings, respectively.
  • Then she laughed, and crouched, and picked up in her good hand a blacksnake as tall as a sapling and as thick as a ship's rope. AMERICAN GODS
  • Whereas in the case of saplings planted in a house with the wholehearted co-operation of the house owner, the chances of survival are better.
  • Because of the many small, semi-open bogs and areas of saplings, the forests are highly fragmented.
  • These highlands have a story to tell, one illustrated by railroad ties, horseshoes, and rusty scraps of metal - as well as big-tooth aspen and red spruce saplings poking through the snow.
  • Ready!" attacked in his turn, striking hard and as swiftly as he could, but _crack, crack, crack_, wherever he struck, there was the defensive sapling; and at last, with his arm and shoulder aching, the boy lowered his point and stood panting, with his brow moist with beads of perspiration. The Young Castellan A Tale of the English Civil War
  • Plants and saplings fight to dose openings made by fallen giants.
  • Unlike the houses in Kyphros, a lot of those on the edge of Sunta seemed to have thatched roofs, although the walls seemed to be plaster over a basketlike frame of saplings. The Death of Chaos
  • In commemoration of this, five teak saplings were also planted.
  • The two unassigned saplings were used for other purposes.
  • By the time I got back up the hill he had three saplings—the two hardhack runners plus a straight young ash, destined to be our tongue—felled and limbed. The Dirty Life
  • Sometimes the train puffed between lines of grey slab fencing in which were armies of white skeleton trees that had been 'rung' for extermination, or with bleached stumps sticking up in a chaos of felled trunks, while in some there had sprung up sickly iron-bark saplings. Lady Bridget in the Never-Never Land
  • Donald, a Macgregor's bowerbird, lives in the dark woods of the Adelbert Range of Papua New Guinea. Here, atop a mossy platform and around a young sapling, he has woven his spire of sticks and twigs.
  • He once made a bronze cast of his own hand, which he used to grip a sapling.
  • We use no pestacides; never did on our lemon tree, but it carked it around two months ago and the new sapling we planted has suffered transplant stress, dropping its leaves, almost ready to meet its maker too!! Today's Garden
  • According to the organisers the various oak, ash, hazel and other indigenous tree saplings will take about 10 years to begin looking like a wood and a lot longer to mature.
  • The problem with the trees however lies with the fact that as young saplings they are very weak and susceptible to damage by vandals or simply by traffic or passers-by.
  • The dead elms have been replaced by a row of saplings.
  • The wind tore at the newly planted sapling.
  • Grotesque ideas, but masterful ideas, masterfully shaping the child mind wherein they germinated; burrowing in clutchy roots; pressing up in strong young saplings. This Freedom
  • A half-hearted attempt has been made to plant saplings along the road dividers.
  • At the top of the ridge he built a larger gazebo, a curved shape that he wove, basketlike, out of saplings and osier so that its curved lines seemed to grow out of the surrounding landscape. Louisa May Alcott
  • The culprits skidded round the green in a Peugeot car before crashing into a tree sapling and running off.
  • Nettles and tangles of bindweed, pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.
  • There are also maple, spruce, pine and balsam fir saplings, and patches of wild raspberries and blueberries.
  • However, through the core of the barrens a headwind-driven flame reached a height of one to 1.5 meters and ascended some small shrubs, saplings, and standing-dead trees.
  • Their place had been filled by a tangle of many saplings, and in their midst rose an elder-bush, already showing leaf, amid the bare winterly wood. The Testing of Diana Mallory
  • Buck rubs were a common sight on fruit trees and saplings in the fencerows and woodlots.
  • They planted some of the saplings in Java, a Dutch colony already supplying Europe with pepper, nutmeg, and other spices.
  • The brazier was a beautiful thing, a credit to the smith who made it; on three braced legs like saplings, the fire-basket a trellis of vine-leaves. St. Peter's Fair
  • And our interest does not stop when the saplings go into leaf.
  • The rhomboid-oval or oval foliates are 15 - 25 cm long and generally larger in saplings than in big trees. Chapter 36
  • She's an old woman pulling out a maple sapling by its roots and trying to recall a song she once knew about mandrakes.
  • Upon arriving home, he noticed the sapling still had a pretty good root system on the bottom end.
  • The plantation of tree saplings for any occasion has now become ceremony for not only politicians but also officials and others.
  • He said the tin sheets are a temporary windbreak to shelter new fir tree saplings, planted to replace trees mysteriously felled a few weeks ago.
  • Defoliation induced an increase in the number of resin droplets in the fertilized saplings.
  • Each and every couple should plant a few tree saplings in their neighbourhood so that the parched earth could be greened, he felt.
  • A metallic roar cuts through the stillness, and out of the murk further up the valley a gigantic shape rears, an uprooted sapling clutched in its metal talons.
  • Old-timers will recall "hoop poles", tall slender young saplings of shagbark hickory that were split and fashioned with the "drawshave" into barrel hoops. Northern Nut Growers Association Report of the Proceedings at the 43rd Annual Meeting Rockport, Indiana, August 25, 26 and 27, 1952
  • There are other temples in the South where saplings grow in crevices in gopurams and walls.
  • Clearing the birch will help oak saplings and bilberries, ferns, mosses and lichens to prosper on the escarpment overlooking Nidderdale.
  • Just pop over that chip-munk, whose head is peeping out of the ground at the foot of the maple sapling. The Knickerbocker, or New-York Monthly Magazine, May 1844 Volume 23, Number 5
  • Six long, spindly, purplish-black legs, thick like the boles of sapling trees, sprang forth and hauled up the rest of the foul thing.
  • (A) STU is the raw proportion of saplings of each species in the FIA data with crown class 'overtopped' or 'intermediate,' and (B) PLoS ONE Alerts: New Articles
  • We cannot go up into the upper atmosphere and pump ozone back in the ozone holes, neither can we plant a sapling for every tree cut in the past ten years.
  • The uplands are now covered with dense shrub growth of arrowwood viburnum, bayberry, blueberry and shadbush, interspersed with red cedar, red maple, sapling oaks, pitch pine, black cherry, common greenbriar and blackberry. Narragansett Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve, Rhode Island
  • Cover crops such as redtop grass keep competing natural vegetation in check and allow oak saplings to flourish.
  • Nettles and tangles of bindweed, pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.
  • They were a common sight on fruit trees and saplings in the fencerows and woodlots.
  • First, the settler underscrubbed using a slasher and an axe to begin clearing the impenetrable undergrowth, the saplings, and the small trees.
  • Cuchulain strode into the wood, and there, with a single blow, he lopped the prime sapling of an oak, root and top, and with only one foot and one hand and one eye he exerted himself; and he made a twig-ring thereof and set an ogam [b] script on the plug of the ring, and set the ring round the narrow part of the pillar-stone on Ard ( 'the Height') of Cuillenn. The Ancient Irish Epic Tale Táin Bó Cúalnge
  • Suddenly a big pole, a sapling, shot across the clearing like a giant arrow.
  • Cape ivy harms willows by overgrowing saplings and blocking out light the trees need to survive.
  • The saplings can survive for decades in the shade, waiting for a break in the canopy and a chance to join their relatives in the sunlight.
  • The shrub cover is rather closed and contains saplings, red osier, grape vine and occasional pure stands of bladder nut.
  • Once the site is logged, he and his crew recycle the leftovers: tree limbs, saplings, logs, and tree stumps.
  • Understory vegetation is dominated by hobblebush, striped maple, mountain maple, brambles (Rubus spp.), and seedlings and saplings of the dominant tree species.
  • The answer, he was to find, lay not in the brushy fields - overgrown with multiflora rose, dogwood saplings, and autumn olive - where both species lived but in the differing ways the two rabbit species saw the landscape.
  • Caged saplings had higher insect densities, greater leaf area consumed and lower biomass than uncaged saplings.
  • _Mammoth Red Clover_, also called sapling clover and pea-vine clover, closely resembles the red clover, but is ranker in growth and matures two or three weeks later. The First Book of Farming
  • And without new saplings and their fortifying root-systems, the rivers began to erode their banks, eventually channelizing and "braiding" as they spread out along the newly-unstable valley floors. Crosscut
  • The bird upon the sapling was a robin, the tiny round body perched upon his delicate legs, plump and bright plumaged for mating. The Shuttle
  • Playground equipment was burned, 10 metre high eucalypts cut down or ringbarked, saplings hacked down with a machete, bolted-down bench palings smashed, seats rocked from their concrete bases and taps kicked from the ground.
  • With a view to greening the National Highway, the Forest Department has decided to plant 60,000 saplings on the new four-lane road connecting Bangalore with Chennai, which is nearing completion.
  • The clapboard house had caved in and surrendered to saplings and vines.
  • He sat up in a sapling, throwing back his head, opening wide his slender bill, and singing his rising, buzzy song.
  • An ashplant was the name for a common implement among farmers and drovers of cattle in Ireland, made from a sapling of an ash tree.
  • The interaction between branch position and sapling height was used to test for differences in slopes among branches in different positions.
  • A couple of weeks later when the specimens finally arrived a worker planting one of them along Lexington Avenue — hundreds of them were going in across the neighborhood — informed me that paving stones and railings, to protect the saplings from our self-assertive canine population, were also on the way. Embracing, If Not Fully Hugging, the Trees
  • So, on the whole, I am reconciled to the squirrels taking my walnuts, the rabbits eating my grass, the deer eating my saplings, and the herons eating my fish.
  • The tests were carried out with different methods and directions of mechanical loading in order to initiate the movement of each sapling.
  • At least trees were going into the ground in Israel, but this 60-year-old arboricultural project is now simply marketing some of its saplings as carbon offsets. Can Carbon Offsets Save the Planet? Don't Bet on It
  • Run, Thanel, and cut a staddle, for Go, Nathaniel, and cut a _sapling_, to make a lever on. English Grammar in Familiar Lectures
  • And in the far corner of my meadow I shall plant a sequoia sapling that will grow up straight and clean and true. A MEANS TO EVIL
  • In an old-growth forest, rotting trees sprouting new saplings are a common sight.
  • Attempts to replant had obviously been made, but the topsoil had washed away and the saplings were dead.
  • Saplings will be given free of cost to all those who give an undertaking that they would take care of them.
  • He is careful earthing up the saplings so that they can withstand the imminent storm.
  • Despite numerous other studies demonstrating the importance of insectivorous birds to insect herbivore densities, bird exclusion resulted in relatively weak effects on the arthropod community on our saplings.
  • When the mower wanted a new snathe or snead, as he called it, for his scythe, he found in the woods a deformed sapling that had grown under a log or twisted around a rock in a double bend, which made it the exact shape desired. Home Life in Colonial Days
  • I was surprised, therefore, to find three sphinx caterpillars still feeding on the ash sapling next to the cabin.
  • Other problematic mammals include the ruddy duck, an American import that is threatening the native white-headed duck with extinction, and sika deer from Asia, which eat saplings and strip bark from trees.
  • Suddenly a big pole, a sapling, shot across the clearing like a giant arrow.
  • We drove south, past women in ankle-length dresses of turquoise and fuchsia velvet picking cotton in parched fields and unshorn goats denuding poplar saplings. Peace Meals
  • This year I did observe two little fantails collecting spider web from around the house itself and visiting a nearby avocado sapling that had grown from a carelessly thrown stone last year - or maybe the year before.
  • They have established a tree nursery where they cultivate and then plant hundreds of saplings a year to reverse deforestation.
  • Pingback: Global Voices in Italiano » Asia meridionale: retrospettiva del 2009 (prima parte) [...] notevoli campagne online sono state la la grande sfida di guida [in] e il Progetto Sapling [...] 9 January 2010, 6: 44 am Global Voices in English » India: The Web Meets The Road In The Great Driving Challenge
  • The forestry people have very generously agreed to supply every home in Clonmore parish with oak saplings and holly trees for Christmas.
  • Prices start at 9.95 for four saplings, including packing, posting and delivery within 14 days.
  • Pingback: Global Voices in Italiano » Asia meridionale: retrospettiva del 2009 (prima parte) [...] notevoli campagne online sono state la la grande sfida di guida [in] e il Progetto Sapling [...] 9 January 2010, 6: 44 am Global Voices in English » India: The Web Meets The Road In The Great Driving Challenge
  • This was one of the planted forests of Germany, where a sapling is put in when a big tree is taken out, to conserve the timber supply. Three Times and Out: A Canadian Boy's Experience in Germany
  • Saplings do look small when you buy them from the garden centre, but avenue trees such as liquidambars, Pinus radiata, Magnolia grandiflora and the like develop into enormous specimens with extensive root systems.
  • At the top of the ridge he built a larger gazebo, a curved shape that he wove, basketlike, out of saplings and osier so that its curved lines seemed to grow out of the surrounding landscape. Louisa May Alcott
  • A total of 340 acres was silviculturally treated, the work including underscrubbing and thinning of beech forests and the release of kauri saplings from competing scrub.
  • Caging tree saplings and young shrubs is a good option where you have just a few to protect.
  • I watched them decide on the wrong place and paint the first mark carefully round a sapling's trunk.
  • Playground equipment was burned, 10 metre high eucalypts cut down or ringbarked, saplings hacked down with a machete, bolted-down bench palings smashed, seats rocked from their concrete bases and taps kicked from the ground.
  • He is a lawyer who has served ShrubCo since he was a sapling in Texas.
  • The answer, he was to find, lay not in the brushy fields - overgrown with multiflora rose, dogwood saplings, and autumn olive - where both species lived but in the differing ways the two rabbit species saw the landscape.
  • The panther reached a tree so ancient it dwarfed the surrounding trees to mere saplings.
  • In an old-growth forest, rotting trees sprouting new saplings are a common sight.
  • The nursery has expanded to include a tree nursery where saplings are grown on to maturity for sale.
  • If you have some money to spend, you could follow country road's advice and by a sapling from a nursery, which could cut your wait time by a few years. Has anyone ever tried to grow an oak tree from just an acorn?
  • It was almost midday when they reached the corral where the workers were tying canvas over another sapling framework. TREASON KEEP
  • She cut down the sapling with one chop.
  • Looking around at the top of the rock, she saw it was covered in a lush carpet of green moss, some tiny saplings cropping up here and there.
  • In the initial stages of reforesting the land, water had to be carried daily for the saplings from as far away as three kilometres.
  • Every young sapling that pokes its head above the heather is chewed to death by hungry deer.
  • Suddenly a big pole, a sapling, shot across the clearing like a giant arrow.
  • I rummaged in my pack for nay emergency fishing gear, cut down a 10-foot sapling, tied on my line, sinker, and bobber, then sat down by the stream to relax.
  • Resident Welfare Associations in the city complain that about 100 trees were cut down in recent weeks, and saplings planted with great expectations are felled without a second thought, sometimes by vandals.
  • Nettles and tangles of bindweed, pelt-snagging goosegrass and bedstraw alike were avoided, while he gazed with pleasure on the eager growth of scattered rowan and hawthorn saplings.
  • The sapling was the scion of a god, invulnerable, unapproachable, and so long-lived as to be, in practical terms, immortal. The Silver Spike
  • All ages of trees, from saplings to the old-timers, create a multistoried canopy allowing light to enter the gaps and stimulate new growth.
  • There were twenty-one poplars, silver maples and white birch and a large number of saplings and brush removed.
  • We graduates today are still saplings in the forest of civilization, in the process of growing.
  • Tall, well over six foot, but a bendy, willowy uncertain tall, brown one-year sapling rather than slow growing sturdy branch, the tree metaphor extended by the catkins of his light brown dreadlocks, loose and shot with streaks of blondness denoting, she thought fancifully, the several summers he had lived through since he first grew them. Occasional sunshine
  • A half-hearted attempt has been made to plant saplings along the road dividers.
  • Sown at different periods, with centuries between their growth, the latter exhibit every variety of age and form, from the decaying patriarchs of the forest, which have survived the blasts of some hundred years, to the infant sapling, which is only beginning to shoot under the shelter of a projecting rock or stem. Blackwood's Edinburgh Magazine — Volume 55, No. 340, February, 1844
  • The incipient sapling shrivelled and withered, but her knowledge of gardening techniques improved. AT THE STROKE OF TWELVE
  • As they all plunged into a copse of petrified saplings, the fleeter ones darted ahead, the slower ones lagging. Demon From The Dark
  • He soon came upon a small clearing where he found some saplings; he broke one off and found some rocks which he used to chip another rock into a point.
  • Away from the mundane rituals, the couple preferred to plant tree saplings at the Pudupettai area in Salem city to mark their entry into the life of nuptial bliss.
  • To stabilize new saplings and tree roses from bending in the wind, you often need to tie them to a stake.
  • Tall, well over six foot, but a bendy, willowy uncertain tall, brown one-year sapling rather than slow growing sturdy branch, the tree metaphor extended by the catkins of his light brown dreadlocks, loose and shot with streaks of blondness denoting, she thought fancifully, the several summers he had lived through since he first grew them. Occasional sunshine
  • This group has the reputation of greening the Bangalore University campus with five lakh tree saplings.
  • The nursery has expanded to include a tree nursery where saplings are grown on to maturity for sale.
  • Cover crops such as redtop grass keep competing natural vegetation in check and allow oak saplings to flourish.
  • Indeed this is observed: there are often slowly growing populations of seedlings, saplings and krummholz trees above the tree line.
  • He knew that they were the nearest thing to invisible, well-concealed in ground cover and sapling trees. CLEAR AND PRESENT DANGER
  • The leaves of the understory shrubs, lianas, and sapling trees bear the unmistakable signs of damage by hungry insects.
  • Walk through one and you will see little in the half-light apart from the trunks of trees and tangled saplings.
  • Rarely seen boulders jutted out from the brown surface of the Danube and grasses and tree saplings sprouted up in the dried mud at the foot of the city's stone river banks.
  • Thousands of saplings were planted and native gorse was established to create wildlife habitats.
  • I saw at least a half dozen groundsmen raking, trimming and nurturing plants and saplings. WEB OF DREAMS
  • Now, as a mature garden, the trees, mere saplings when planted, are fully grown.
  • Then we'd shoulder the saplings in tandem and carry them back to the cottage, a gruelling 40 minutes.
  • The rustic fence is composed mostly of bitter cherry saplings joined with wood screws.
  • With our borrowed rope and wood we lashed together a catapult of sorts, fastened between two saplings, counter balanced and with wound rope for extra spring.
  • In the meadow between the island and the house she waves her stick in the direction of several saplings (she reckons to have planted nearly 1,000 trees in her lifetime).
  • I don't think the sapling we transplanted from the front yard to the back is going to live, but we're going to give it some time and see if it can recover. May 3rd, 2005
  • It may be known as sapling clover, and is accounted a perennial, though it is little more so than the red. Crops and Methods for Soil Improvement
  • More mature trees will drop seeds and create younger saplings, and the villagers in-game will harvest older trees rather than younger ones.
  • Little green points are pushing through the flesh-coloured rinds of the saplings, and, here and there, a soft, crumpled leaf has shyly peeped from a maroon bud. Janey Canuck in the West
  • Watch for larger saplings and young trees to noticeably increase in girth and height, but you'll have to look closely to see the nearly imperceptible addition of one or two annual rings on bigger trees.
  • With young saplings obvious in many hedgerows throughout the country, this message has had some success.
  • During this ‘bolting’ phase of their growth, seedlings and saplings have a straight main axis, with sparse, excurrent branches.
  • October 27th, 2009 more images* MADONNA PLANTS TREE TO LAUNCH MALAWI SCHOOL PROJECT MADONNA marked the launch of her girls 'school in Malawi by planting a sapling and vowing to provide impoverished locals with the same education opportunities she had growing up. Gaea Times (by Simple Thoughts) Breaking News and incisive views 24/7
  • Inwardly cursing herself for her loss of focus, she bent to pick up the cloth she had been cleaning the blade with, but as she began to rise, she saw the sapling nearby, neatly cloven in two.
  • Predictably, in the main duet for the lovers, the young man alternately draws his inamorata to him, molding her as if she were clay in his hands, and swings her outward in sapling-in-spring shapes.
  • Naem Balboul, 64, right, and other Baghdad city workers plant saplings and resod grass. Landscaping team works to restore green to Baghdad
  • Saplings of nutmeg, clove, rambutan, mangosteen, breadfruit and vanilla are also there.
  • He is careful earthing up the saplings so that they can withstand the imminent storm.
  • At a twist in the river lay the spinney, a clump of birch saplings sprouting through a thicket of bramble.
  • Cape ivy harms willows by overgrowing saplings and blocking out light the trees need to survive.
  • Two specific areas of trees will be fenced off on the bank of the beck so the saplings will be safe from being eaten by deer or other animals.
  • Sure there are parks, but no trees because it was cheaper to clearcut everything and plant (pitiful) saplings in their place. urger, but from personal experience (I moved from living in the 'burbs my whole life to now living in the city) ... one other major difference is culture. Original Signal - Transmitting Buzz
  • It was characterized by a mosaic of areas dominated by bamboo and areas dominated by myrtaceous tree saplings.
  • Early one misty morning, with clouds hanging across the valley, we load cedar saplings onto the tractor.
  • At Slabtown, a nondescript spot a mile above Cannon's, the light-marching band crossed in a row-boat; they piled brush and bent down saplings in the traveller's road, where he should almost reach the brow of the hill in his buggy, and when the fleshmonger halted at the obstacle, _chis, hola! The Entailed Hat Or, Patty Cannon's Times
  • The enraged Giant tore up a great tree as if it had been a sapling, and throwing it over the chasm thus made a bridge, by means of which he crossed the gap, and again overtook Finette and Yvon just as they reached the coast. Folk Tales From Many Lands
  • Then we'd shoulder the saplings in tandem and carry them back to the cottage, a gruelling 40 minutes.
  • Swiftly he descended the ridge and, gliding silently into the aftergrowth of spindling saplings that reared their sickly heads among the stumps, gained the rear of the shack. The Promise A Tale of the Great Northwest
  • His saplings were all sapwood, which bends much differently from the heartwood that makes up the majority of the old bows.
  • A Range Forest Officer is deputed to inspect each tree that the applicant has indicated, and then, after ensuring that at least two saplings are planted for the tree to be felled, permission is granted.

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