1. ability to apply knowledge or experience or understanding or common sense and insight
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How To Use sapience In A Sentence

  • Concerning such sacred endeavors, like praxis, theory and sapience, ab ovo usque ad mala the Ancient Greek hylozoists had generated and nurtured Science, Philosophy and Wisdom. In the Middle East, Stop the Killing of Sophia and her Children Now!
  • As much experience is prudence, so is much science sapience.
  • With much sapience, he ruled that the categorical imperative of the situation was that charity begins at home and the guilty party must pay for his own beer that evening.
  • Of course, this suggestion will seem absurd if we are still tempted to assimilate sapience to sentience, thus to think of sensations as the objects of ‘immediate’ knowledge.
  • It acknowledges the sapience of country to the extent that country is figured as a registry of births, marriages, deaths and other events.
  • Their catalogue is one of effort and sapience, of care and cool.
  • ¶ How youth by the waye mette [with] lechery rydynge on a gote and pryde maned with couetyse on an olyphaũtes backe in a fayre castell/& how by the ayde of dyscrecyon he dyde withstande theyr temptacõn and how he mette with sapience in the mase of wordely besynes.capitulo. ix. The Example of Vertu The Example of Virtue
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