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  1. genus of Mediterranean subshrubs with rayless flower heads

How To Use Santolina In A Sentence

  • Take heel cuttings from ceanothus, penstemons, lavenders, santolinas and philadelphus.
  • Great leaf obscurers include geraniums, santolina and Alchemilla mollis. Gardens: Alliums
  • KHAFAGY, S.M. and EL.FATATRY, L. (1960) A contribution to the study of Achillea santolina L. Isolation of two crystalline principles santolin and santolinol. Chapter 5
  • Don't forget to factor white and blue into your planting scheme; both do a great job of cooling off and separating drifts of hot-colored plants, as do gray-foliaged plants such as santolina, artemisia, and dusty miller.
  • Santolina is clipped into clouds and punctuation is provided by six foot tall teasels, milk thistles, huge artichokes and great clumps of bear's breeches.
  • Not all herbs smell good - catmint, curry plant, pyrethrum, rue, santolina and tansy are all pretty pongy, ranging from slightly musty to downright disgusting.
  • These include cistus, phlomis, lavenders, rosemary, myrtle, santolinas and artemesias.
  • He used Mediterranean and dry-climate plants such as lavender, salvia, santolina, and other plants that conserve moisture.
  • KHAFAGY, S.M. and EL.FATATRY, L. (1970) A phytochemical study of Achillea santolina L. Part I I l: Examination of the volatile oil. Chapter 5
  • Take heel cuttings from ceanothus, penstemons, lavenders, santolinas and philadelphus.
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