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Santa Anna

  1. Mexican general who tried to crush the Texas revolt and who lost battles to Winfield Scott and Zachary Taylor in the Mexican War (1795-1876)

How To Use Santa Anna In A Sentence

  • Disheartened, Santa Anna separated from his large escort and planned to slip through the mountainous country with three attendants.
  • The Mexican force has been estimated at from 2, 400 to over 5, 000, the Alamo's defenders numbered only about 185, and Santa Anna declared he would give no quarter.
  • Personally devoted to Santa Anna, Marquez was waiting only for an auspicious moment to pronounce in his favor.
  • This attempt to confuse the issue went unanswered, and Santa Anna continued his preparations to advance on the capital.
  • Ten days later, Sam Houston's army caught up with Santa Anna and whomped him at the Battle of San Jacinto.
  • In the Mexican War U. S. forces led by Zachary Taylor defeated a Mexican army commanded by Santa Anna on February 22-23, 847.
  • Santa Anna was captured and wrote out orders for his second in command to take the rest of his army out of Texas.
  • The unwise patronage policy of the Santa Anna administration had been very costly.
  • Two parties, the Federalist and the Centralists, quickly appeared, and in 1833 the liberal federalist Santa Anna emerged as President.
  • Though Santa Anna never again regained power, he was capable of one more massive act of chutzpah. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794–1876): master of chutzpah
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