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[ US /ˈsænə, ˈsæntə/ ]
  1. the legendary patron saint of children; an imaginary being who is thought to bring presents to children at Christmas

How To Use Santa In A Sentence

  • After our engineless sail into the anchorage at Santa Domingo we spent a couple of days trying to resuscitate the iron genny. TravelStream™ — Recent Entries at
  • The New York and Liverpool firm that your father belongs to sent on board an honest and peaceable cargo, but there was a good deal of room left in the hold, and the captain filled it up with cannon-balls, musket-bullets, and gunpowder from the English agents of no less a man than General Santa Ahead of the Army
  • The phenomenon, called droop, has been a focus of Mr. Nakamura and other faculty members at University of California, Santa Barbara, including Soraa co-founders Steve DenBaars and James Speck . The Quest for Cheaper, Better Lights
  • Santa should have called in elf 'n' safety! The Sun
  • The truth is cruel, but it can be loved and it makes free those who love it. George Santayana 
  • The jolliest person present, as well as the most important, was of course old Santa Claus; so he was given the seat of honor at one end of the table while at the other end sat Princess Ozma, the hostess. Love Letters
  • A group of ex-pats had clubbed together to provide pressies for an orphanage in town and we showed up (with Santa) to deliver.
  • Writing letters to Santa Claus is an age-old Christmas tradition for children all over the world. The Magic of Macy’s « Happy Healthy Hip Parenting
  • The Virgin and Santa Clara rivers snake easily between flat-topped mesas, following paths of least resistance.
  • Santa had also done a flyover in the Rescure helicopter.
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