How To Use Sanicle In A Sentence

  • The steeper slopes and cliffs of Augill support a mixed woodland of ash, birch and rowan with an interesting ground flora including species such as bluebell, sanicle and wood avens.
  • Ladies 'Mantle, Alchemilla -- a common inconspicuous weed, found everywhere -- is called Great Sanicle, also Parsley-breakstone, or Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Sanicle is used as a gargle in sore throat, quinsy, and whenever an astringent gargle is required.
  • The ground flora is dominated by dog's mercury, with sanicle, woodruff, wood melick and wild garlic.
  • Cadfael bathed away the encrusted exudations and cleaned the gash with a lotion of water betony and sanicle. The Hermit of Eyton Forest
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  • The northern character also appears in the Galium caripense, the Valeriana scandens, and a sanicle not unlike the S. marilandica. Travels to the Equinoctial Regions of America
  • The steeper slopes and cliffs of Augill support a mixed woodland of ash, birch and rowan with an interesting ground flora including species such as bluebell, sanicle and wood avens.
  • A number of ancient woodland indicators are present here, including tree lungwort, woodruff and sanicle.
  • Although she applied a fresh astringent of sanicle when she changed my bandages, the carrion trapped in the dewclaw infected the wound and it healed badly.
  • They cleaned the broken wound of its exudations with a lotion of woundwort and sanicle, and dressed it with a paste of the same herbs with betony and the chickweed wintergreen, covered it with clean linen, and swathed the patient's wasted trunk with bandages to keep the dressing in place. An Excellent Mystery
  • The slender mitella, or fringe-cup, or false sanicle – one does not like a false name for a flower – hangs its tiny white cups at intervals on a tall, slender, two-leaved stalk; a pretty, unpretending little thing, which scatters its black seeds very early in the season. Rural Hours
  • The name Prunella (which belongs more rightly to another herb) has been given to the Sanicle, perhaps, through its having been originally known as Brunella, Brownwort, both because of the brown colour of its spikes, and from its being supposed to cure the disease called in Germany _die braune_, a kind of quinsy; on the doctrine of signatures, because the corolla resembles a throat with swollen glands. Herbal Simples Approved for Modern Uses of Cure
  • Down that path of rosy mint and astringent fennel the laughter is like Gerard's sanicle – "a thing to make whole and sound all inward hurts and outward wounds. The Spring of Joy: A Little Book of Healing

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