
How To Use Sandwich In A Sentence

  •  Dengue 1-4 Antigen + conjugated monoclonal antibodies = antigen-MAb complex  Sandwich of anti-human IgG antibody / Serum Antibody / antigen-MAb complex  AI > Recently Uploaded Slideshows
  • Thinking back to his sarky statement about Manchester United and the prawn sandwiches, I think there is a great deal in that.
  • Toast sandwiches in a dry skillet over medium-low heat until outside is golden brown and inside is delightfully melty, about 3 minutes per side.
  • The Meal Maker Belgian waffle baker and sandwich griddle is a big stand-in for à full stovetop.
  • Sandwich together with the bun tops and serve. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Every day she eats beans on toast followed by an egg mayonnaise sandwich for breakfast.
  • He skipped bail and was caught trying to steal a chicken sandwich and some plasters. Times, Sunday Times
  • I based myself at Ibsen's, an art-filled eco-friendly hotel on fashionable Nansensgade, an easy walk from the city center and after viewing artwork at the National Gallery of Denmark, I lunched at Aamann's, specializing in a modern take on the traditional open-faced Danish sandwich called the smorrebrod. Jill Fergus: Copenhagen Dining Beyond Noma
  • Today he's happily munching a cheese sandwich and talking about wild swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jane has also designed a collapsible sandwich box which folds to A5 size and a coffee and doughnut holder.
  • Muleteers provide aid stations stocked with Peruvian cheese sandwiches, coca tea, and other energy foods along every trail; camps await runners at the end of each day.
  • I need a sandwich take the edge off my appetite.
  • There is a display cabinet with wrapped sandwiches, salads (mackerel or ham) and cold puddings.
  • Shaking my hand out of the jar, I started to stand and rewrap the sandwiches. THE MANANA MAN
  • You can also get dosas, aapams, burgers, sandwiches, and shakes.
  • We don't want soft squidgy sandwiches.
  • As for the hot sammies, I liked the ‘New York-style’ tuna melt, which isn't open-faced (as I had hoped), but rather a ‘closed’ round sandwich, well grilled.
  • If this takes off one day I might even discover an egg mayonnaise sandwich for sale without bloody pond weed cress.
  • Where else in Montreal can you see bands and spoken word acts, watch silent movies with live music, draw comix with your buddies, buy art from a vending machine or chow down on a tasty veggie sandwich?
  • Instead, they are asking for specifics, such as denture cream and sandwich bags. Andy Kondrat: Dispatch from a Burning San Diego
  • Now you can reimagine anything: a novel, a song, a sandwich.
  • I have no problem with giving a kid a sandwich for lunch if it helps his parents get by while they are down and out.
  • Employers included a Quiznos sandwich shop and Banana Republic, the friend said.
  • Lay out the outer fabric flat with the wrong side up and lay buckram on top with the bump sandwiched in between.
  • Bette concluded with a gasp and sank her teeth into her sandwich.
  • He sends in a message on a piece of loo roll (honestly, it's true) suggesting he had tried the sandwich and ‘I'm still in here (the thunderbox)!’
  • My diet consisted of ready-made meals and lots of cheese sandwiches. The Sun
  • I have a weakness for fishfinger sandwiches. Times, Sunday Times
  • They begin with a citrus sandwich cake filled with orange butter cream. Times, Sunday Times
  • This gave Louis time to muster an army, and on 22 May 1216, he landed at Sandwich.
  • The bag lunch itself is nutritious, sufficient, if not very inspiring: a sandwich, some juice, a dessert snack or piece of fruit.
  • It's where I am reminded that I no longer have to sit next to a goggle-eyed 4th grader with a milk mustache while opening my Gilligan's Island lunchbox and staring with disbelief at yet another soggy braunschweiger sandwich.
  • It is subject to grease and grime from the hands, occasional coffee spills, cigarette ash, dead flies and sandwich crumbs.
  • Instead, it's really more of a chophouse, with hamburgers, salads and sandwiches featured prominently, rather than steaks.
  • He ordered a cheese sandwich, a three bottle of beer and beered up.
  • Laurie put the small box down on a flat rock and teasingly batted Gil's hand away as he knelt down and tried to reach inside for a sandwich.
  • But the more evident marauder is pigeons, thanks to the sandwich crusts left by lunchers and the feed spread by misguided bird fanciers.
  • Sandwiched between the Adriatic and Black Seas, the peninsular is a hodgepodge mix of religions, peoples and cultures. Front Page
  • With them, I can make sandwiches, quesadillas, pizzas and burritos.
  • When you make only submarine sandwiches, you get pretty good at making submarine sandwiches. THE 22 IMMUTABLE LAWS OF BRANDING
  • From 1947 until 1961, disposable diapers were a wad of tissue paper sandwiched between two pieces of plastic film.
  • They insist a hot meal is more nutritious than sandwiches. Times, Sunday Times
  • And I was cutting the cheddar into pretty thick slices figuring I would make a proper doorstep sandwich and maybe smear some Branston pickle on the cheese, yeah?
  • An Irish sandwich bar in Swindon has been named the best of its kind.
  • She looked with approval into her lunch sack: a large baked-brie-and-roasted-garlic sandwich on pumpernickel, two of her appetizer-sized pork & plum sausage rolls, and an apple tart.
  • The Times reported last month that sandwich boards and advertising placards are to be banned to reduce street clutter. Times, Sunday Times
  • Moreover, I needed a new venue that was only a short walk from a restaurant where you could get a sandwich and a soda and change from a sawbuck.
  • He laughed as she flared her nostrils and picked up a piece of her sandwich.
  • There's only one thing I like more than eating my roast beef sandwich, and that's eating my roast beef sandwich in the caboose of the train.
  • The peninsula is sandwiched between two sea lochs, Loch Fyne to the west and Loch Long to the east - the latter penetrating inland from the Firth of Clyde.
  • She'd packed beef sandwiches for lunch, tomato sandwiches for tea and she put them in a haversack which I carried.
  • You had better rinse the sandwich down with a glass of milk.
  • This is because part of the existing East Rail line will be diverted on to new track that has been sandwiched between the existing live railway and the main pipelines carrying water from China.
  • Teased by the gloom, I peered through its sandwich of heaped rings, trinkets and protective glass.
  • Livi almost jumped, but caught herself, steadying the tray on which she was carrying some warm soup and a tuna sandwich.
  • I made 500 rounds of sandwiches.
  • Calling all Ghosts PETE, BOB AND JUPITER sat round the desk in Head - quarters, devouring the sandwiches Jupiter had brought. The Mystery of The Stuttering Parrot
  • These early swords usually had pommels and crossguards made up of layers of organic material such as wood, bone or horn; which were often sandwiched, embellished with, or even completely covered by, bronze, gold and silver.
  • You had better rinse the sandwich down with a glass of milk.
  • A cucumber sandwich is curling its lip.
  • Use the remaining time to perfect your bacon sandwich technique. The Sun
  • They take up every available wall space in the hallway, sandwiched between display cases, squeezed between doorways.
  • They are always very calm while they make and eat the sandwiches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The software tool allows users to calculate the carbon emissions created in everyday meals such as cheeseburgers, tacos and chicken sandwiches and then they can decide how their food choices impact the environment. ZDNet News - News Page One
  • They begin with a citrus sandwich cake filled with orange butter cream. Times, Sunday Times
  • Stacey's sandwich is called the FBS, which stands for French toast, Bacon, and Strawberry. Archive 2006-04-01
  • He cocks his leg and pees against the cafe's sandwich board sign, then darts under the cafe tables and in passing smells the trouser leg of a business man.
  • Every day is different, but a typical spread might include soup served with chunks of wholemeal, a savoury Danish (a whorl of dough stuffed with pesto, tapenade, spinach and goats cheese), Dorset rarebit (with cider) or rustic open sandwiches (doorsteps of sourdough piled with hummus and salad) – all at £5.75. West Dorset's top 10 budget eats
  • In an almost-standard sandwich-type configuration, penicillinase enzyme was attached to the target cells using anti-penicillinase and bridging antibodies. The Scientist
  • Lovely delicious appetising tea and sandwiches were served.
  • Stick one in your sandwich and feel fuller longer. Times, Sunday Times
  • However, that is an attitude that is shaped by my very Western lifestyle wherein Western grocery stores have no such thing as food courts attached to them wolfing down a sandwich slapped together at the Boar's Head deli counter while waiting in the Express checkout line does not count as a food court, and food courts in shopping malls are teeming with screaming, disobedient children, making for a highly unenjoyable, stressful decision-making process between deep-fried hot dogs impaled on sticks and peddled by pimple-faced Rain-bo Brites and the less arterially noxious chicken "patty" that has been breaded, deep-fried, and smeared with diet mayo. Tampopo - A Crunky Quickie at the Market
  • Lunch from the on-board snack bar (I'm not sure it's quite worthy of the term buffet) was quite a decent ham, cheese and salad sandwich for me, and sausage rolls for the kids, as we watched the countryside pass by. Diary of an Average Australian
  • They would sandwich it, and as soon as the Dark ship was directly in between the two Allied ships, one of them would fire.
  • I hated tomatoes as a child and spent a lot of time picking those bad boys off salads and burgers and sandwiches.
  • The sandwiches were on white bread and every crust was cut off neatly from the edge.
  • If you want a sandwich leave the packaged triangle shaped things in London and wait till you get to Newcastle and ask for a filled stottie.
  • Lunch is a salad or sandwiches if I'm rehearsing or soup, ideally, as I find soup orgasmic.
  • 1779 - James Cook is killed by the natives of the Sandwich Islands.
  • Here we're not talking chateaubriand and Kobe steaks, but briskets of beef and hot pastrami sandwiches the size of combat boots.
  • Members of three generations of a family died in their car when sandwiched between the lorries.
  • No, I am a man of patience, and if I didn’t have these four-hour delays – I wouldn’t get the chance to eat salmon club sandwiches at the Mountain Lodge Bar & Grill (a little chewy, but it did taste salmony), browse the books at Coles (is it just me, or is there a lot of Obama books out these days? Dispatch From Purgatory » Dave Brosha Photography
  • Sandwiches are a specialty, especially the porchetta with fennel and the meaty forza Italia, put together with speck, prosciutto, cheese and arugula.
  • I sandwiched myself between two fat men on the bus.
  • Today he's happily munching a cheese sandwich and talking about wild swimming. Times, Sunday Times
  • So what I've been doing all along at lunchtime is unplugging the 3 different cables (power, DSL, keyboard/mouse adapter) from the back of the laptop and carting it up the hall to the kitchen for podcast playback while preparing and munching a sandwich. Bluetooth headset for podcast listening convenience
  • The meals were tastier than I'd anticipated: fresh fruit, vegetables, bagels and sandwiches for breakfast and lunch; burritos, stews, stir-fries and spaghetti for dinner.
  • Other menu items include stuffed sandwiches, subs, quesadillas, wings, tacos and salads.
  • Yuck! There's a hair in my sandwich.
  • I avoid rushing him, and I keep munching on my sandwich.
  • Show me a menu featuring salmon poached with liquorice and served on a bed of asparagus, and I crave a corned beef sandwich.
  • But would anyone turn up their nose at a wedge of fresh home-baked Victoria sponge, sandwiched with a generous splodge of farmhouse strawberry jam and dairy cream?
  • If they see a parked motorist munching a sandwich, they have been known to knock on the window and demand a bite. Times, Sunday Times
  • `You've got to have a party for your fortieth wedding anniversary,' Hugh went on, munching his sandwich appreciatively. JUST BETWEEN US
  • We used butter too sometimes, but you need softened butter and butter would also melt the sugar a bit, making the sandwich less crunchy.
  • The chèvre, mushroom and zucchini sandwich on thickly sliced bread didn't skimp on the goat cheese, but it was a bit too pungent to pair with the root soup.
  • Will the elephant have a chicken sandwich? THROWING THE ELEPHANT
  • All I can say is that it was truly a sandwich of unsurpassed quality, and that nearly six hours had passed since lunch. Times, Sunday Times
  • Next week in OM Magazine: sex, syllabubs and sliced rare roast beef sandwiches
  • The trains go everywhere and there isn't a curly cornbeef sandwich in sight.
  • Maybe you're coasting through a too-familiar routine: shower, coffee, work, sandwich, work, gym, home, dinner, TV, sleep.
  • Ajonjolí (sesame) sesamum indicum: An indispensible ingredient in many moles, as well as being the traditional mole Poblano garnish, sesame seeds are used to top the sandwich rolls called cemitas and a variety of other baked goods. A Culinary Guide to Mexican Herbs: Las Hierbas de Cocina
  • Several window manufacturers now sandwich foam separators, nylon spacers, and insulation materials such as poly-styrene and rockwool between the glass inside their windows.
  • She took a couple of bites of the sandwich.
  • Imagine stodge in the middle of August, when all you want is a dainty cucumber sandwich and a bowl of strawberries before skipping off for a game of tennis.
  • Lymington is a charming port with little fashion boutiques and kiosks serving juicy crab sandwiches. Times, Sunday Times
  • We have much pleasure in naming this noble Physa after Dr. Newcomb, the distinguished American conchologist, who has contributed so much, by his researches in the Sandwich Islands, to our knowledge of the genus Helicter or Achatinella. The Journals of John McDouall Stuart
  • As the coast became clear he advanced on tiptoe to the central office and assumed power, pausing only to open the royal refrigerator and slap together a deviled ham sandwich.
  • You eat a massive plate of food for lunch, whereas I have just a sandwich.
  • Are you hungry? Do you want a sandwich?
  • I typically order a cortado or Cuban coffee to go with my sandwich; it's just a strong shot of espresso with sugar, yet Cafecito's arrived almost lukewarm. Steve Dolinsky: In Fidel-ity
  • Very good sandwich cafe in the centre of Greenwich, serving excellent coffee, and with a small garden out back.
  • I never tore my urethra, but Urethra Franklin tore me a new one after I accidentally ate one of her twelve ham sandwiches. JOHNNY KNOXVILLE TORE HIS URETHRA
  • The medical fact is that chewing gum and eating meat causes chronic damage to the periodontium integumentium, which is the area in which tooth lice dine on stuck particles of your ham and cheese sandwich. Maggie's Farm
  • This paper introduces the process of prefabricating and installation, technical property for the rock wool sandwich exterior wall board with thermal insulation, fireproof and pressure releasing.
  • She ate scones thick with butter and newly made strawberry jam, victoria sponge, eccles cakes, potted meat sandwiches, ginger parkin. THE GOLDEN LION
  • He wondered why the atmosphere was not a sandwich, with the densest gas at the bottom, and began thinking about the nature of the particles of matter.
  • And perhaps one day in the future they could share a steak sandwich together. The Sun
  • As the credit crunch bites, the corporate prawn-sandwich brigade are also feeling the chill of the recessionary wind. Times, Sunday Times
  • The door was left open and a succession of men trooped in, lay down on the bed, had a sandwich, and left with a smile on their faces.
  • A few people adore his weird sandwich but most come in looking for egg or ham salad.
  • He was even part of the penultimate match in the third round at Sandwich.
  • She sat on an overturned twenty-liter bucket (her clothes were too filthy to sit on anything else) and munched a hero sandwich with reflective enjoyment.
  • Engineers designed a sandwich using a second injection-molded part: A separately produced oil deflector, which is vibration-welded onto the flat section of the pan, helps to calm the oil churned by the crankshaft and balance shaft. All DN headlines
  • Students at Atlantic City High School were served plain cheese sandwiches for two days this week as punishment for a cellphone-coordinated food fight that broke out recently. N.J. students cheesed off at penalty for food fight
  • There was the Ziploc storage bag, not to be confused with the Ziploc sandwich bag, snack bag or freezer bag.
  • Everyone else whipped out loaves of bread, ham & cheese, sandwiches, tins of beer etc while I munched on my usual choccy bar.
  • Think how much you'd miss those giant pockets big enough to carry a sandwich and a Coke. Times, Sunday Times
  • L.A. Mexican food, deep-dish pizza from Masa (LA), and Cuban pork sandwiches from Paseo (Seattle). Jill Donenfeld: Band Bites: Chowing Down With Local Natives
  • She nibbled at a sandwich , ie ate only tiny portions.
  • A popular cheese is called halloumi (similar to feta), made from goat or sheep milk and often served in a sandwich of pita-style bread or cubed in salads.
  • The range of fancy sandwiches, soups and salads is fantastic, but save room for the house speciality pound cake. Times, Sunday Times
  • She was biting into a club sandwich, then wiped some mayonnaise from the corner of her mouth. UNKNOWN MAN #89
  • I had a sandwich in a crowded City pub, and then went to the bank to collect Miss Macdonald's letter.
  • The Monte Cristo, a bacon and cheese sandwich dipped in egg, is slightly untraditional - it's served on thick cut bread with back bacon - but it was also really good.
  • Shall I get you a sandwich?
  • If a trader wishes to put up a fingerpost sign, sandwich board or tables and chairs on the streets they will be required to pay annual licence fees of between 125 and 630.
  • I like park italian gourmet on 45th …. plain jane sandwich … not all that fancy cer te crap. Virgil’s Makes the Best Sandwich in Midtown!? | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Its windows are fake and the exterior walls are constructed with a sandwich of blast-proof Kevlar between two layers of concrete block.
  • Do you have a weird favourite sandwich filling? Times, Sunday Times
  • Border Patrol agent at a sandwich shop on Highway 11, shortly after he dropped the men off.
  • I didnt acctually cook on my own till I was about 12 years old, I am the oldest of 4 kids and my youngest sister was hungry one day and the only thing I could figure out how to cook was a grilled chease sandwich... at that time she called a grouchy sandwich she was 6 The Cook Next Door Meme
  • Border Patrol agent at a sandwich shop on Highway 11, shortly after he dropped the men off.
  • Longitudinal bar played an important role to resist the loads in sandwich beam, while the link steel bar and pin key steel bar did not lend much support to resist the loads.
  • ‘One young child wet the bed one night and was forced to walk round with a sandwich board over him the next day saying what he had done,’ she said.
  • Two microliters of whole blood were suspended in 0.5% low melting point agarose and sandwiched between a layer of 0.6% normal melting point agarose and a top layer of 0.5% low melting point agarose on fully frosted slides.
  • Their fave thing was being able to make their own grilled sandwiches. The Sun
  • If you are lucky, you may have had the rough equivalent of a baloney sandwich a day.
  • And so, fortified by a High Tea consisting of tea, cold meats and sandwiches, our Edwardian gentlemen and ladies bunny-hugged, turkey-trotted, waltzed and cakewalked to their hearts content, unhampered by the restrictions of contact between men and women of previous generations. Thé Dansant | Edwardian Promenade
  • For our lunches we would have buttery mayo sandwiches, crisps and lots of sugary snacks. The Sun
  • Everything in football, from tribalism to prawn sandwiches, comes because football can serve up such moments as a matter of routine. Times, Sunday Times
  • I have a cast-iron stomach that can cope admirably with wound exudate conversations whilst eating brie and cranberry sandwiches, but if that's just made you grimace and you are of a delicate and refined disposition you may want to stop reading this blog post right this minute because I know it's not my usual fare. 52 entries from October 2006
  • For dessert, cover lime sherbet with a blanket of chocolate chips or chocolate sandwich cookie chunks.
  • It was first proposed by Lord Sandwich, to raise a laugh against the facetious Lord North, who happened to sit next to a Mr. Mellagen, a name deemed incapable of a rhyme. The English Spy An Original Work Characteristic, Satirical, And Humorous. Comprising Scenes And Sketches In Every Rank Of Society, Being Portraits Drawn From The Life
  • She avoided the issue by ordering a turkey sandwich.
  • I brought him some sandwiches because I thought he might be hungry.
  • The lone server at the counter is welcoming, makes suggestions, and easily takes our order, makes the juices and grills our sandwiches inside four minutes.
  • Generations of Scots have been weaned on the snack, which is actually a stack of wafers sandwiched together with toffee and coated in chocolate.
  • I made a chicken sandwich.
  • I loved driving around, eating catfish sandwiches and learning about the social history of the place. Times, Sunday Times
  • Objective: To estimate and compare the therapy effects of tympanoplasty between oversleeve sandwich method and underlay method.
  • Operators such as U.S.-based Subway Restaurants are pulling in customers with fresh salads and sandwiches on focaccia bread.
  • Students who undertake the four-year sandwich course spend the third year in industrial placement.
  • Sandwich the two halves of the sponge together with cream.
  • Sandwiched between a brief but useful introduction and conclusion, the bulk of its pages are in effect a gazetteer of churches and other ecclesiastical buildings in the six Border Marches (from east to west, Scottish and English in turn).
  • The Jets are facing what is known as a divisional-sandwich game, hosting an NFC West team after beating AFC East rival Buffalo and before visiting New England four days after this game. Latest News
  • Well, folks, it's nowhere near as hard as trying to unwrap a baloney and cheese sandwich or open a bag of Fritos.
  • Tyndall was an expert and enthusiastic mountaineer, calculating how high the energy in a ham sandwich would take him; his writings about the alps are suffused with pantheism.
  • Employers included a Quiznos sandwich shop and Banana Republic, the friend said.
  • Would you like a sandwich?
  • He was slowly peeling the cling wrap from his sandwich.
  • The winner, in a 1998 Physical Review Letters article co-authored with his wife Dr Mirjana Golubovic, has identified this phase as the very first realization of a new state of matter: the sliding phase of weakly coupled two-dimensional smectics of DNA molecules sandwiched between lipid membranes, that themselves form a layered three-dimensional lamellar phase.
  • She had a sandwich to stay her hunger .
  • Besides, sandwiches, toasties, jacket potatoes and light bites, hot dishes were available but were mainly outside our budget as was the roast of the day.
  • I was similarly uncharmed by the promising sounding mini ice-cream sandwiches, which seemed overembellished and not freshly made.
  • I would add lettuce to make it a BLT, which is my favourite sandwich filling at them moment Bacon and Tomato Sandwiches Friday Food Porn
  • According to Diner’s Journal the meatballs are “slow braised in ragu, smothered in caciocavallo cheese, garnished with arugula and sandwiched between two squares of homemade potato-ricotta foccacia.” Mia Dona Launches Meatball Cart on Friday | Midtown Lunch - Finding Lunch in the Food Wasteland of NYC's Midtown Manhattan
  • Steil urinated, and watched in stupefaction how the upchucked sandwiches swayed gently on the water's surface. OUTCAST
  • It's all the fun of your favorite meat and cheese hero sandwich elegantly mushed up and served in a bread bowl.
  • I went to the nearest deli and came back with a ham sandwich and a large container of coffee.
  • Melt 2 tablespoons margarine in a large skillet and cook three sandwiches in margarine until browned, turning to brown both sides.
  • Aluminium honeycomb panel , Sandwich board, Stainless steel honeycomb panel, Stone honeycomb panel, Aluminium - plastics composite ridge plates.
  • Fresh tomatoes make the sandwich more pleasing to the palate.
  • Vanity is the cheese in the submarine sandwich of social intercourse.
  • The emphasis is on local fish and shellfish while salads, sandwiches and simple pasta dishes make up the rest of the summer menu.
  • He finished his sandwich, undid a newspaper parcel, and took out a chunk of gray meat.
  • I made myself another yummy sandwich on polar bread for lunch today.
  • Place a clean, heavy skillet on top of the sandwiches and carefully press them down to flatten.
  • Who wants to swap a ham sandwich for a cheese and tomato?
  • The material is more associated with quilts and duvets; the inside bit, the bit inside the sandwich, as it were!
  • Mountain Hardwear has sandwiched a windproof laminate between two moisture-moving polyester knits, creating a temperature and humidity gradient that forces moisture through the fabric.
  • The company is now the market leader in a number of key growth segments in the British food industry, including sandwiches, quiche and pizza.
  • In the end, he came to my landlocked town of Nelson, British Columbia, and we fished for kokanee from the city wharf, sandwiched unromantically between the hotel and the airstrip.
  • The heart of its original embodiment was a metal-oxide-silicon sandwich , with initial letters responsible for the acronym MOS , as in MOSFET and MOS technology.
  • But after a while, they got used to snacking on fruit rather than crisps and having sandwiches at lunchtime rather than chips.
  • And a quite different code for passages of play that precede scones and sandwiches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Two separate surveys found that many prepacked sandwiches were being stored at dangerously high temperatures, causing the spread of harmful bacteria.
  • She picked up the sandwich and took a bite.
  • Supper Wholemeal sandwich with low-fat cream cheese and banana filling.
  • We knew that the canisters of sweet tea and boxes of doorstep sandwiches would soon be on their way.

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