How To Use Sand verbena In A Sentence
In dune areas, anchoring shrubs such as Havard shin oak, fourwing saltbush, and yucca stabilize the dune sand for herbaceous grasses and forbs such as sand verbenas, sunflowers, fringed sagewort, and hoary rosemary-mint.
Ecoregions of New Mexico (EPA)
Two, Ross's bentgrass Agrostis rossiae and Yellowstone sand verbena Abronia ammophila, are endemic.
Yellowstone National Park, United States
Primrose, sunflowers, sand verbena, and a number of others we cannot yet identify have exploded upon the sand dunes.
Coming back we crossed a vast expanse of low, sandy hummocks covered with sand verbena.
And the smell of the Mojave after a drenching rain is an unforgettable pleasure, a scent flush with the pungent odor of creosote bush, mesquite, and sand verbena.

Coming back we crossed a vast expanse of low, sandy hummocks covered with sand verbena.
In the more stabilized dune sections, the tawny sands flare with color, thanks to the blossoms of desert gold, pink desert sand verbena, and purple phacelia.