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How To Use Sanctum In A Sentence

  • Petrum: Alij veniunt cum chorda ad collum, alij cum manibus retro ligatis, alij cum cultello in brachio vel tibia defixo, et si post peregrinationem fiat brachium marcidum, illum reputant sanctum, et benè cum Deo suo. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • It should start giving inducements that it now lavishes on businesses locating to the inner sanctums of Bradford to all outlying regions.
  • The tall bookshelf shown at right is a hidden door leading to an office known as the 'sanctum.' Waterfront in Long Island
  • The visual stimulation of this wall of images finds a serene counterpart in a small room opening to the right, re-creating the devotional sanctum of a Mouride holy man.
  • The military intelligence complex an hour outside Washington where the WikiLeaks case goes to court this week is known as a cloak-and-dagger sanctum off-limits to the rest of the world. ABC News: Top Stories
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  • At length, we return inside and he bars the creaking door before retiring to his sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Et dicit liber Iesum sanctissimum omnium Prophetarum fuisse veracem in dictis et factis, benignum, pium, iustum, et ab omni vitio penitus alienum: Sanctum quoque Ioannem Euangelistam post prædictos Prophetas fuisse alijs Sanctiorem, cuius et Euangelium fatentur esse plenum salutari, ac veraci doctrina, et ipsum Sanctum The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • Worse still, some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass “versus populum”, Holy Communion on the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favour of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • The cult image of Artemis was brought out from the inner sanctum and, gilded and white, shone brilliantly in the morning sun.
  • This was when somebody opened the door to the inner sanctum where the support band was playing.
  • When I was a lad, all those years ago, I was an assistant to the Librarian at Queens' College, Cambridge, a post which gave me access to the inner sanctum of the library.
  • The statue of the goddess in the sanctum was small and was heavily garlanded with bells and gold borders - offerings made to the goddess for boons granted.
  • And there is no reason for the perpetration of these crimes, except in the pitiable case of the mendicant journals, at the sanctum door of 'which the wolf of bankruptcy is always growling. EDITORIAL CRIMES – A PROTEST
  • Reid notes that Sacrosanctum Concilium identifies a number of very sound liturgical principles, such as the idea that the liturgy is “culmen et fons” (source and summit); the principle (whose source is to be found in the teaching of St. Pius X) surrounding “actuosa participatio” (active or actual participation); it also generally sought to promote a liturgical piety, taking its cues from the 20th century Liturgical Movement. Dr. Alcuin Reid at the Toronto Oratory
  • Solanum sanctum (Heb. hedek), rendered "brier" (q.v.) in Micah Easton's Bible Dictionary
  • Many tribes who opposed us were grouped around their sanctum, a place called Camulodunum, north of the Tamesis. A Body In The Bath House
  • Ruby laser light stitched the interior of the sanctum like thinnest threads of stronger flame within a dully glowing oven.
  • Cùm autem homines illius contratæ sciuerunt me viuum exisse, reuerebantur me multum, dicentes me baptizatum et sanctum: et corpora illa fuisse daemonum infernalium qui pulsant cytharas vt homines alliciant intare, et interficiant. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • Idols of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana are worshipped in the main sanctum, which remains still neat and simple and unencumbered by temple paraphernalia.
  • Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the award for testiest aliens goes to the mound-building barrels who get very upset when Jarvis and Tweel invade their inner sanctum – Eeek! » Post Topic » A Martian Odyssey by Stanley G. Weinbaum
  • He works from an opulent Beverly Hills headquarters, whose inner sanctum was modestly designed to resemble the Oval Office.
  • Make your way past the alabaster nudes and sepia prints of West in better days; step over the polar bear shagpile rug, and into the salmon-pink inner sanctum of her boudoir, and what would you find?
  • Her words echoed through the hypostyle hall beyond the inner sanctum.
  • In two words, which Wilson later apologized for, all the fury and fervor from the raucous health care town halls of August spilled over into the supposedly civil sanctum of the House of Representatives. Obama and Wilson put Democrats on offensive
  • The vulgar Latin hath it, regnum sacerdotale, to which agreeth the translation of that place, sacerdotium regale, a regal priesthood; 93 as also the institution itself, by which no man might enter into the sanctum sanctorum, that is to say, no man might enquire God's will immediately of God Leviathan
  • But: What was exceptional is that precisely a protruding 'massif' of a hog was dancing in the innersanctum sanctorumof the museum, a great and stupendously rotund animal was actually attempting to, or so it seemed to Wong, preform a pirouette in the manner of one of Degas 'whores. Why is a Hog always Corpulent ? (or Another Special Exhibit at the Met)
  • He claimed only he truly knows his players and what occurs in the inner sanctum of the dressing room. The Sun
  • Indestructible terrain funnels the player through a chokepoint that divides the outer section of the compound from the inner sanctum.
  • Petrum: Alij veniunt cum chorda ad collum, alij cum manibus retro ligatis, alij cum cultello in brachio vel tibia defixo, et si post peregrinationem fiat brachium marcidum, illum reputant sanctum, et benè cum Deo suo. The Journal of Friar Odoric
  • The statue of the goddess in the sanctum was small and was heavily garlanded with bells and gold borders - offerings made to the goddess for boons granted.
  • He is present in the sacrifice of the Mass, not only in the person of His minister, ‘the same now offering, through the ministry of priests, who formerly offered himself on the cross,’ but especially under the eucharistic species (Sacrosanctum Concilium, 7). The Knights of the Holy Eucharist
  • In a previous journalistic incarnation I was dispatched to the inner sanctum of the Test Match Special outside Broadcast Studio.
  • An inner sanctum within the inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Editors nowadays were often surprised in their sanctums by committees of three from some pestiferous unwomanly club or other, and they had not come, alackaday, to have their handkerchiefs picked up with courtly speeches, graced with an apt quotation from "Maud. V. V.'s Eyes
  • Make your way past the alabaster nudes and sepia prints of West in better days; step over the polar bear shagpile rug, and into the salmon-pink inner sanctum of her boudoir, and what would you find?
  • One goat is then sacrificed and its blood sprinkled in the Tabernacle's innermost sanctum, the Holy of Holies.
  • My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.
  • Built in the late 19th century, this shingle-style home in Cutchogue, N.Y., features a library with a hidden door leading to an office known as the 'sanctum.' Waterfront in Long Island
  • Sons of this Age, to labour in this work, no, not at all: but I shall rather dehort all, and every of the curious Indagators of this Art, that they seriously abstain from this most perilous Arcanum, as from a certain Sanctum The Golden Calf, Which the World Adores, and Desires
  • The temple is crowded with a number of people, most of them with prayer wheels in their hands, circumambulating the sanctum.
  • How much of the post – Conciliar liturgical reform truly reflects “Sacrosanctum Concilium”, the Second Vatican Council’s Constitution on Sacred Liturgy is a question that has often been debated in ecclesial circles ever since the Consilium ad Exsequendam Constitutionem de Sacra Liturgia finished its work. Archbishop Ranjith's Foreword to "True Development of the Liturgy"
  • * Nemo suspicetur alium Spiritum Sanctum fuisse in Sanctis, nimirum ante adventum Domini, et alium in apostolis caeterisque discipulis, et quasi homonymum in differentibus esse substantiis; possumus quidem testimonia de divinis literis exhibere, quia idem Spiritus et in apostolis et in prophetis fuerit. Pneumatologia
  • The very best of those get placed in the inner sanctum of the cellar, known as paradis, or heaven. A Year of Wine
  • I had penetrated the inner sanctum, an act that I had been biologically programmed to perform.
  • You may think the only thing you've absorbed from romantic comedies is that Matthew McConaughey has never worn a shirt, but if you probe the inner sanctums of your mind you'll probably find many life lessons you learned from these films. The Frenemy: 14 Things We Learned From Romantic Comedies
  • It was the first time he had invaded my inner-sanctum uninvited, and I was somewhat graced by his presence.
  • Devotees must know the position of the sun when observing their religious rituals, and their temples contain an inner sanctum in which burns a perpetual fire.
  • The point of departure and arrival is the conciliar Constitution on the Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium. Tornielli: The "Reform of the Reform" Proposals Approved by the Pope
  • Trails probe the cool inner sanctums of 18 sandstone-walled canyons, where you'll find steep gorges and waterfalls plunging from cliffs.
  • For him it is the sanctum housing a god: a speckled marble, with galactic whorls of light in its core.
  • he withdrew to his sanctum sanctorum, where the children could never go
  • It is well known in the inner sanctum of the region's music circles that Mr Sharkey is a big fan of the grand and tuneful works of Gustav Mahler.
  • Occasionally she would be allowed into the inner sanctum of his office.
  • To pass unscathed into the inner sanctum of the wave is the categorical imperative of surfing.
  • When English football had its sliding doors moment, one club found itself safely ensconced in the inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Et dicit liber Iesum sanctissimum omnium Prophetarum fuisse veracem in dictis et factis, benignum, pium, iustum, et ab omni vitio penitus alienum: Sanctum quoque Ioannem Euangelistam post pr鎑ictos Prophetas fuisse alijs Sanctiorem, cuius et Euangelium fatentur esse plenum salutari, ac veraci doctrina, et ipsum Sanctum The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • An inner sanctum within the inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • When your inner sanctum is full of the type people with the characters that Bush relies on to tell him how to do his job, then what does anybody expect from the President. Think Progress » 60 Minutes: CIA Official Reveals Bush, Cheney, Rice Were Personally Told Iraq Had No WMD in Fall 2002
  • Shutting herself away in her huge, plush inner sanctum, Keshari sat at her desk and stared pensively out her thirtieth-story window at the expanse of Century City and the surrounding West Los Angeles area. Larger Than Lyfe
  • Though you are no doubt loathe to abandon your fortune to the predations of robbers you can take heart that if they violate your sanctum they will likely pay for it with their lives.
  • Unde et nos pie credimus, confidimus et speramus, quod Theothocos, sancta polorum terreque potentissima imperatrix, inter alia loca dominacionis sue ortum sibi deliciarum preuiderit, elegerit et constituerit istud sanctum monasterium ex antiquo, in quod libenter perambulauit et frequenter, clausum Dei custodia circumdedit et protexit diligenter, ex quo orationum feruencium et uirtutum omnium spirauit odor suauissimus habundanter. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Around professional sports, these lockers tend to be the most coveted by athletes, providing a quick escape from the media whenever the players 'inner sanctum is open to public inspection. One Jet's Upside-Down Dream
  • The dancing and singing function primarily as a decoy from the main event happening in this inner sanctum; only we, the viewers, are ushered in to witness the underbelly, to glimpse the politics taking place in the dark, which countersign the frivolities in the flashing sunlight outside. BREAKFAST WITH SOCRATES
  • An inner sanctum within the inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Three weeks ago, the Adi Sankara temple in Kalady, Kerala, his birthplace, suffered a grievous attack: thieves broke into the sanctum sanctorum and stole a precious emerald Siva linga, which is valued at over Rs
  • As with ramose colonies, frondose forms were weakened when Sanctum laurentiensis mined out large chambers.
  • Ecce enim ex hoc beatam me dicent omnes generationes, quia fecit mihi magna, qui potens est, et sanctum nomen eius, et misericordia eius in progenies et progenies timentibus eum. Archive 2009-06-01
  • WikiLeaks suspect's trial near super-secure NSA The military intelligence complex an hour outside Washington where the WikiLeaks case goes to court this week is known as a cloak-and-dagger sanctum off-limits to the public - a reputation that's only party true. The Seattle Times
  • However, in all but the most basic temples, other elements are present, at least a porch, and often an antechamber or antarala, a hall or mandapa, a dwajasthamba or a flag-mast, usually a pillar fixed outside the main shrine in the sanctum.
  • What does go on in the inner sanctum? Times, Sunday Times
  • Nam omne aequale aequali aequale est et simile simili simile est et idem ei quod est idem idem est; et similis est relatio in trinitate patris ad filium et utriusque ad spiritum sanctum ut eius quod est idem ad id quod est idem. The Theological Tractates and The Consolation of Philosophy
  • At length, we return inside and he bars the creaking door before retiring to his sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • The result is that many Smarta priests are entering the temple sanctums.
  • After informing the cleck-type at the counter that we wanted to see a certain officer, let's call him Zainal Abidin, because that's his name - we settled down to wait for two hours while said officer was being summoned from his inner sanctum, only to be informed after two hours that he was not in. Of coffee-breaks and sloths.
  • On entering this vast sanctum, one is immediately struck by the quality of space and light.
  • Mr. Percival was at home; and, without waiting to be announced, Ellery sprang up the stairs to the little sanctum where the two had confabbed on many a day. Jewel Weed
  • She once allowed me into her inner sanctum .
  • He took me to the sanctum of the whole church, where the chapel was and I stared at the bright rosaries and the flowered stained windows.
  • He also upset the England players by entering the inner sanctum of their dressing room. The Sun
  • Harmful energy lines include water arteries, underground movements and ore and coal repositories, while ‘power zones’ occur predominately around old churches and pagan sanctums.
  • Occasionally she would be allowed into the inner sanctum of his office.
  • The closer she got to the inner sanctum the more she saw the extent of the corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • A metal grid set around the edge of the pitch diffuses faint natural light into this inner sanctum.
  • Some practices which Sacrosanctum Concilium had never even contemplated were allowed into the Liturgy, like Mass versus populum, Holy Communion in the hand, altogether giving up on the Latin and Gregorian Chant in favor of the vernacular and songs and hymns without much space for God, and extension beyond any reasonable limits of the faculty to concelebrate at Holy Mass. Clear Words of Msgr Ranjith on the Flaws of the Postconciliar Liturgical Reforms and the Need for a Reform of the Reform
  • The closer she got to the inner sanctum the more she saw the extent of the corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • In the corner of his elegant, third-floor City of London sanctum, just behind his antique desk, there is a grandfather clock marking time.
  • Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • The invitation had one condition: no conversation within the sanctum was to be directly reported.
  • People had access to the inner sanctum. The Sun
  • In a riot of color, one giant painting spanning the entire length and breadth of the sanctum depicted the creation of the world from cosmic fire, its subsequent corruption and pollution and its final cleansing by fire.
  • Try as I might I cannot relocate it within its microworld and the more I handle its catkin inner sanctum the more it crumbles under my weight. Country diary: Claxton, Norfolk
  • At length, we return inside and he bars the creaking door before retiring to his sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • I was allowed once into his inner sanctum.
  • Department, "while beyond this second sanctum was a third door which led into the _sanctum sanctorum_ with its unexpected exit upon a narrow back hallway and a dusty flight of stairs by which it was possible without undue publicity to reach the street or, rather, the back lane where carters made deliveries. Every Man for Himself
  • When the nayika has decided on dedicating her life to Tyagesa, the squares and circles are too elaborate and she seeks a diagonal route straight to the deity in the sanctum.
  • Turning our attention toward the liturgical arts, it may be helpful in rounding out our considerations of what might constitute noble simplicity to recall that Sacrosanctum Concilum also speaks of the sacred arts being characterized by a "noble beauty. Noble Simplicity and the Liturgiologist Edmund Bishop
  • A colonnaded court, hypostyle hall and antechamber led to two doors, beyond which were two precincts and two naos, or inner sanctums. From This Beloved Hour
  • Where mysteries took readers into the police stations and P.I. offices and onto the streets where messes are cleaned up, the legal thriller takes us into the sanctums where judges and lawyers make those messes.
  • In the inner sanctum she is represented by a mirror ( her body ).
  • Patrem immensae maiestatis: Venerandum tuum verum et unicum Filium; Sanctum quoque Paraclitum Spiritum. Te Deum...I do like this picture!
  • He took me to the sanctum of the whole church, where the chapel was and I stared at the bright rosaries and the flowered stained windows.
  • Its easier to work with technology these days than it is to find obscure herbs and ingredients, to get proper working tools for the old pagan religions, or to construct proper sanctums for ritual use.
  • Know that Diablo's innermost sanctum is hidden by five seals.
  • Ruby laser light stitched the interior of the sanctum like thinnest threads of stronger flame within a dully glowing oven.
  • The sanctum was a trifle larger than the outer room, but almost equally bare; half-a-dozen deed-boxes were piled up in one corner. Australia Felix
  • The military intelligence complex an hour outside Washington where the WikiLeaks case goes to court this week is known as a cloak-and-dagger sanctum off-limits to the public - a reputation that's only party true. Yahoo! News: Business - Opinion
  • Non solere sanctum raro punctilius insularum, noncuninglingus variorum delictim. THE DICE MAN
  • He claimed only he truly knows his players and what occurs in the inner sanctum of the dressing room. The Sun
  • In eo quoque loco intrauit post resurrectionem suam Dominus ianuis clausis ad discipulos dicens pax vobis, et agens alia, quæ plenius Euangelica pandit Historia, ac tandem in die Pentecostes ijsdem spiritum sanctum in linguis igneis misit ibidem. The Voyages and Travels of Sir John Mandeville
  • At length, we return inside and he bars the creaking door before retiring to his sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Thus the upper part of the sanctum assumes a pyramidal shape, which when built would have been at least 40 feet (unfortunately, not much of the temple survives).
  • The closer she got to the inner sanctum the more she saw the extent of the corruption. Times, Sunday Times
  • My presence in his sanctum was evidently esteemed a piece of impudence too shameful for remark.
  • His sanctum was a large corner room brightened by French doors and ringed by a balcony. Over the Edge
  • Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Swallowing, she determined the noise had come from the deeper sanctums of the library.
  • The NIST chief has to maintain strict operational security and avoid passing any operational details to the Pentagon or other Washington sanctums.
  • This is the temple of the second shogun, which is noteworthy for the beauty of the decoration of the sanctum and the tomb. The Critic in the Orient
  • Finally, you enter the inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • In eo quoque loco intrauit post resurrectionem suam Dominus ianuis clausis ad discipulos dicens pax vobis, et agens alia, qu� plenius Euangelica pandit Historia, ac tandem in die Pentecostes ijsdem spiritum sanctum in linguis igneis misit ibidem. The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation
  • The temple's eastern face could be the traditional entry for the Hindu devotee into the sanctum, and the west designed to enable Muslims to pray facing Mecca.
  • Visitors can walk through the prayer room, inner sanctum and ritual precinct of a replica fire temple. Times, Sunday Times
  • The two vessels closest to the observer's eye further hallow this sanctum.
  • Her inner sanctum cannot be invaded. Times, Sunday Times
  • Practically the entire spadework for the organization had already been done within the sanctums of the U.S. Treasury Department.
  • Diplomats serving in embassies in hostile regions have long been able to retreat to a reinforced inner sanctum, designed to shield them from rampaging mobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • Watching a game of rackets is like entering the inner sanctum of the British establishment. Times, Sunday Times
  • Indeed, there are Hindu temples which have in the sanctum sanctorum no image at all but a yantra, a symbolic or mystic diagram.
  • His bedroom's his inner sanctum.
  • The latter was out, so Frank accompanied his friend to what he called his sanctum, By Sheer Pluck, a Tale of the Ashanti War
  • If there is a comparable odor, it is, indeed, the moldly inner sanctum of some fermenting, bursting hive; but beet pollen is honey squared, royal jelly cubed, nectar raised to the nth power; the intensified secretions of the Earth's apiarian gland, reeking of ancient bridal chambers and intimacies half as old as time. La insistencia de Jürgen Fauth
  • He may lack long-term frontline experience but has qualities that are not perhaps readily apparent to those not part of the team's inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • Now, had Tashtego perished in that head, it had been a very precious perishing; smothered in the very whitest and daintiest of fragment spermaceti; coffined, hearsed, and tombed in the secret inner chamber and sanctum sanctorum of the whale. Moby Dick; or the Whale
  • He claimed only he truly knows his players and what occurs in the inner sanctum of the dressing room. The Sun
  • When English football had its sliding doors moment, one club found itself safely ensconced in the inner sanctum. Times, Sunday Times
  • I skirted the dike district too - or at any rate two big chicks denied me entry to their purple sanctum.

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