How To Use Sanctity In A Sentence

  • It avoids a phony moral high ground or fake appeals to the sanctity of multilateralism. Globe and Mail
  • Aside from the sanctity of my goats and all I am happy to have coyotes, catamounts, bears and other preditors in the woods, they are hallmarks of a heathy ecosystem with all of its components in place. The Coyote--to Shoot or Not to Shoot. That is the Question.
  • It has been strongly opposed by many religions which emphasize the sanctity of human life from the day of conception.
  • Compared with the courage of these two outlanders, we in the D.C. press corps pay only lip service to the supposed sanctity of the reporter's right to protect his sources.
  • In old Mauritania, now Marocco,384 the Moors proper are notable sodomites; Moslems, even of saintly houses, are permitted openly to keep catamites, nor do their disciples think worse of their sanctity for such licence: in one case the English wife failed to banish from the home “that horrid boy.” The Book of The Thousand Nights And A Night
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  • This is the era in which we now live, an era when the sanctity of human life is so much less than it was in times past.
  • She teaches how to continue with discretion what is thoughtlessly undertaken; she inclines the mind to cleave steadfastly to what was imposed upon it by authority; and imparts to a choice which, though rash at the time, is now irrevocable, all the sanctity, all the advisedness, and, let us say it boldly, all the cheerfulness of a lawful calling. Chapter X
  • ‘In the midst of all this,’ he writes of the era of Generation X and grunge rock, ‘satire alone could be safely, unequivocally embraced, because it acknowledged the sanctity of nothing at all.’
  • I am hoping that my hirsute body will prevent any bugs from plundering the sanctity of my inner ear.
  • Sooffee is a term originating in Persia, meaning enthusiasts or mystics, or persons distinguished by extraordinary sanctity. History of the Moors of Spain
  • Basic inalienable rights, due process, the sanctity of the home have been quickly compromised in a climate of fear.
  • At length returning home, he obtained of Ængus, king of Munster, a grant of the isle of Arra, or Arn, wherein he founded a great monastery, in which he trained up many disciples, illustrious for sanctity, insomuch that the island was called Arran of the Saints. The Lives of the Fathers, Martyrs, and Principal Saints January, February, March
  • Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Homa Sabet Tavangar: In Unity Is Our Security: Baha'i Wisdom For Violent Times
  • crinkled" no longer claims to be a badge of superior sanctity. With the Guards' Brigade from Bloemfontein to Koomati Poort and Back
  • Made dogma in the Christian doctrine of the ‘odor of sanctity,’ that moral interpretation of corrupt and incorruptible flesh permeated secular culture as well.
  • Although the entire river is held to be sacred, Hindus believe that its source is of an extra special sanctity.
  • The question of sanctity versus profanity is one which every Pagan, Wiccan, or Witch confronts and comes to terms with at some point on their spiritual path.
  • In Britain an aura of sanctity surrounds the aid enterprise. Times, Sunday Times
  • The argument based on the sanctity of life is essentially a matter of religious dogma.
  • I cannot understand arguments that centre on the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • In Michigan, the Catholic Church spent more $1 million to preserve what it calls the sanctity of marriage. CNN Transcript Nov 2, 2004
  • Now the crime of Barry and his comrades was that they apparently showed disregard for the sanctity of human life.
  • On the following day of St. John, three more masses were held, to remember his role as the precurser, his role as the baptizer, and the last to honor his sanctity. June festivals at Lake Chapala
  • And, moreover, as our best doings are only very pitiful shortcomings, worth little or nothing, it is just as good for us that the consciousness of our unprofitableness should be kept constantly before us, instead of the serene self-complacency of doing wonders, over which we should fall asleep, certainly neither in blessedness nor the odour of sanctity! Selections from the Letters of Geraldine Endsor Jewsbury to Jane Welsh Carlyle
  • His fine sonnets to Liberty, and indeed, all his pieces which have any reference to political interest, remind me of the spirit in which Schiller has conceived the character of William Tell, a calm, single hearted herdsman of the hills, breaking forth into fiery and indignant eloquence, when the sanctity of his hearth is invaded. Memorials of Mrs. Hemans, with Illustrations of Her Literary Character from Her Private Correspondence
  • When you toy with the sanctity of that institution - as ancient, as primordial, as it is - you are shaking the core of a community.
  • Nor did President Bush announce that he had suddenly become a convert to the belief that the death penality violates both human dignity and the sanctity of life and seek its gradual abolition. Balkinization
  • Finally, the author criticizes the sanctity of life concept by arguing that it is a form of idolatry of biological life and that it absolutizes this life by forgetting that there is a life to come.
  • Donato Dalrymple, one of the men who rescued Elián, takes on an expression of sanctity when crowds call out to himPescador! Dream State
  • The supposed privacy and sanctity of the home are very relative concepts, whose application is heavily conditioned by racial and economic status.
  • By doing this they will ensure that the sacredness and sanctity of these holy places is preserved and respected.
  • He says he does value marriage and its sanctity.
  • The wonderful solidarity of domestic life is an important factor in the Chinese career, for centuries of ancestor-worship, in spite of their arrestive tendency, have strengthened the bonds of family union and filial obedience by insisting on the supreme sanctity of blood-relationship. Through the Malay Archipelago
  • And brought her, etc Moses now relates that marriage was divinely instituted, which is especially useful to be known; for since Adam did not take a wife to himself at his own will, but received her as offered and appropriated to him by God, the sanctity of marriage hence more clearly appears, because we recognize God as its Author. Commentary on Genesis - Volume 1
  • Given a decent education, a fair fortune, a good-looking and vigorous husband to whom she had taken a fancy, and no special temptation, and she might have been a blameless, merry, "sonsy" _commere_, and have died in an odor of very reasonable sanctity. The Celibates
  • The notion of civil law is the supreme value and tenet of civil law , which includes sacrosanctity of private right and autonomy of private law .
  • Of course the court will approach those interests with a strong predilection in favour of the preservation of life, because of the sanctity of human life.
  • I consider the sanctity of settlements to be of the utmost importance for the policy reasons more eloquently discussed elsewhere.
  • At the heart of the drama is my belief in the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • At the beginning of 1820 the newspapers announced the death of M. Myriel, Bishop of D----, surnamed "Monseigneur Bienvenu," who had died in the odor of sanctity at the age of eighty-two.
  • violate the sanctity of the church
  • But when we and they share a common love and awe for God, we augment the sanctity of the world in glorifying God among the multitudes of peoples.
  • But they all share the Chancellor's belief in the sanctity of work and importance of rewarding those who toil.
  • Now since chastity, purity, and sanctity exist only in love truly conjugial, it follows, that it neither does nor can exist in polygamical love. The Delights of Wisdom Pertaining to Conjugial Love
  • The sanctity of each of these sacred places of worship is determined by the purity in one's heart and not by the suffix to one's name.
  • ‘This argument goes to the heart of the debate about when life is created and the sanctity of human life,’ she said.
  • Emphasis on the sanctity of the human body can also be seen in the cult of the martyrs and saints, in which bodily remains are imbued with divine power.
  • He was essentially a "theorist" -- that word now of so much sanctity, formerly an epithet of contempt. The Works of Edgar Allan Poe — Volume 4
  • He was a bulwark for life, he was a bulwark for the sanctity of marriage.
  • On the one hand are compelling arguments about autonomy, on the other, compelling arguments about competing autonomies, and the sanctity of life. David Katz, M.D.: Abortion, on Middle Ground
  • The women's piety and sanctity is stressed by the authors of the lives as they present their audience with the often miraculous and always worthy events and visions of the houses 'members. Sensual Encounters: Monastic Women and Spirituality in Medieval Germany
  • Oh, no -- no; many motives conspired to send her into solitude, that she might in the sanctity of unreproving nature cherish her affection for the youth whose image was ever, ever before her. Jane Sinclair; Or, The Fawn Of Springvale The Works of William Carleton, Volume Two
  • Not only would the idea of endangering the life of a human being have been horrible to him, but the sanctity of an oath was imperative to him. Phineas Redux
  • Catholic doctrine already upholds the sanctity of non-procreative, or what it calls "unitive" love in heterosexual marriage. Michele Somerville: Marriage Equality In New York: A Moral Triumph
  • Had the fire of divine love glowed more fervently in her heart, she would feel the joy of ecstasy, such as consoled the death-bled of the mothers of the saints when the revelation of the sanctity of their children was the last crown of earthly joy. Alvira, the Heroine of Vesuvius
  • The sanctity poer, lavation my soul , administer the serenity to me!
  • I believe in the sanctity of human life.
  • This parishioner , if it was a parishioner, sounded desperate; but who would disturb the sanctity of the Cathedral of Light at this late an hour?
  • The sanctity of our collaborators rubs off on us.
  • For me the maharanee had discarded the purdah, and in the sanctity of my harem, with my wife as her devoted attendant, I was privileged to converse with her hour after hour, gazing freely upon the most beautiful countenance Tales of Destiny
  • Court orders should be treated with all seriousness and sanctity and courts should not let erring officials go unpunished.
  • But being ‘chosen’ in that way is no guarantee of infallibility, much less of sanctity and ‘chosenness’ in the deepest sense of being a saint.
  • He's nodding slyly at the secular sanctity of the pub.
  • The word rendered "mercies" is peculiar, denoting the sanctity of them, as comprehending the whole riches of the new covenant; while the other word, "sure," points to the certainty with which they would, through Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • Yet another male politician strays from the "sanctity of marriage" everyone is so quick to defend and yet another wife either stands dutifully by his side on tv or feels she has to explain herself and her accomplishments as if it's her fault. Sanford's wife: He's earned a second chance
  • The Jews recognized three degrees of sanctity in their Scriptures: -- first, the writings of Moses, who had the [Greek: autopsia]; secondly, the Specimens of the Table Talk of Samuel Taylor Coleridge
  • I love how certain themes pop up in all of his movies, namely the sanctity of nature.
  • It is the place of honour and has a peculiar sanctity among the Arabs, it being a breach of good manners to tread upon it (or indeed upon any part of the carpet) with shodden feet. The Book of the Thousand Nights and One Night, Volume III
  • The term is used within Christianity to designate a holy person, one deemed to have lived a life of such great virtue and sanctity as to achieve special closeness to God.
  • A bringer of healing water, she soon found herself pursued by believers in her sanctity and tormented by officials who hounded her with police interrogations.
  • This conviction is the rock on which sanctity is built.
  • The smell of departed souls, the gagging odour of sanctity. Times, Sunday Times
  • The utter sanctity of the Green movement; the unmitigated evil of nuclear power.
  • If your scarf covers every hair on your head for modesty, you give alms and do charity, but what is under your scarf is dedicated to the sanctity of Jewish land, taking precedence over the sanctity of human life, whosever life that is, then your are not my sister. Max Blumenthal: Bomb A Ghetto, Raise A Cheer -- The Video
  • Sanctity’ is a word with a religious connotation; it means ‘holy or religiously sacred.’
  • It can and should be the proverbial ladder to heaven - a means of bringing holiness and sanctity into our lives.
  • All I could hear was birdsong and the mutterings of passing people who largely observed the serene sanctity of the area. Times, Sunday Times
  • An elderly man, presumably seeking to protect the sanctity of this holy site, was shouting after them.
  • But critics say the breakthrough is a step towards human cloning and erodes the sanctity of human life. New Era of Designer Babies with Three Parents and No Hereditary Diseases | Impact Lab
  • Gregory Nazianzen, a Father of the Church, thought it not unbeseemingly the sanctity of his person to write a tragedy, which he entitled Christ Suffering. Milton’s Introduction to Samson Agonistes
  • Even if this were true, sanctity, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is "the state or quality of being holy, sacred, or saintly," meaning that the word sanctity in itself refers to religion. Camille Veselka: A Detrimental Influence: The Effect Religion Has on Laws
  • Desecration, and so forth, and lectured you on dignity and sanctity.
  • A time when so much was on the line for so many yet amidst all the turmoil the culture reawakened (green again) to promises of another better, perhaps “older” way to live: the ancient message of sanity and sanctity re-connected by the Transcendentalist transformers of our time (Kerouac, Ginsburg Snyder, et. al) to the greater oversoul humming and glowing in the works of Emerson and Thoreau. Gary snyder | smokey the bear sutra « poetry dispatch & other notes from the underground
  • Abydos was a place of sanctity for the ancient Egyptians.
  • One in his lifetime almost certainly achieved the popular status of sanctity without being formally sanctified.
  • The sanctity power, lavation my soul, administer the serenity to me! ―― spiritualization!
  • The odor of sanctity was specially noted at death, and was doubtless confused with the _odor mortis_, which frequently precedes death and by some is regarded as an almost certain indication of its approach. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 4 Sexual Selection In Man
  • The Council reaffirmed the sanctity of the seven sacraments, transubstantiation, purgatory, and papal authority.
  • Disabled with cerebral palsy, her daughter inspired a special commitment to protect what she calls the sanctity of life. ScrippsNews - current events, culture, commentary, community
  • The prohibition of the use of fleshmeat and milk at one meal: the hebdomadary symposium of incoordinately abstract, perfervidly concrete mercantile coexreligionist excompatriots: the circumcision of male infants: the supernatural character of Judaic scripture: the ineffability of the tetragrammaton: the sanctity of the sabbath. Ulysses
  • Be a treasure to the poor, an admonisher to the rich, an answerer of the cry of the needy, a preserver of the sanctity of thy pledge. Homa Sabet Tavangar: In Unity Is Our Security: Baha'i Wisdom For Violent Times
  • Her imagination had depicted him to her as suffering fearfully, but yet supported and illuminated by sanctity, love, and patience.
  • Yes, were virtue lost to me, still memory would speak; still would she urge, that the chaste and last kiss, imprinted by my wife on these lips, should live there, in unblemished sanctity, till I again meet her angel embraces in the world to come! The Scottish Chiefs
  • True sanctity serves as a goad and a promise, but is not a requirement for church membership.
  • And, it should never be forgotten that the actual clothing of the liturgy is a clothing of sanctity: it finds expression, in fact, in the holiness of God. Msgr. Guido Marini Speaks Again on the Liturgy, Its Forms and Its Importance
  • They agree essentially on what they call the sanctity of life. CNN Transcript Apr 16, 2008
  • With the building full to standing room only as he delivers his spiel, there is a definite air of sanctity and reverence.
  • The sanctity power, lavation my soul , administer the serenity to me!
  • The stage six thinker did not compromise in respecting the sanctity of life and human freedom. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • The late cardinal was a model of sanctity for today's Christians.
  • In the same way we may speak of the holiness or sanctity of duty or law, meaning merely that they are imperative upon conduct and universally obligatory. Sociology and Religion: A Collection of Readings
  • Given a decent education, a fair fortune, a good-looking and vigorous husband to whom she had taken a fancy, and no special temptation, and she might have been a blameless, merry, "sonsy" _commere_, and have died in an odor of very reasonable sanctity. The Celibates
  • We fine cadaverous fellows do not share your enthusiasm for the sanctity of life, for obvious reasons.
  • He chased a number of them into the sanctity of their own yards, but from these coigns they continued to ridicule him.
  • We believe in the sanctity of truth, but untruth is not unethical in Marxist philosophies. The Formidable Reality of Khrushchev's Russia
  • Etymology: de - + - secrate (as in consecrate) to violate the sanctity of Long may it burn
  • This is an additional moral dimension, which he calls purity/sanctity. Archive 2007-07-01
  • In New York, vested rights ultimately triumphed after a long and tortuous attempt to craft an active policy of state intervention that would not violate the constitutional belief in the sanctity of contract.
  • The sanctity of marriage has been upheld,' he said. Times, Sunday Times
  • They affirm our heritage and maintain sanctity of our multi-ethnic roots.
  • Enlightened about the beauty and sanctity of life. a positive outlook on life is a precondition for a meaningful inquiry into the mystery of life.
  • He dismisses ideas about the sanctity of human life, ‘because if anything it means the in-sanctity of species which are not human’.
  • Then, after every other verse, he would repeat, with a pause: "Tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci… He uttered the words plaintively, sighing profoundly and weeping, and moved with such a lofty idea of God and of His infinite sanctity that the Brother infirmarian was siezed with a holy dread. New issue of "Catholic"
  • Of course the court will approach those interests with a strong predilection in favour of the preservation of life, because of the sanctity of human life.
  • A non-custodial sentence might be hard to bear for the unfortunate householder who has had the sanctity of his home violated by some amoral toerag.
  • It highlights the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The sanctity of traditional ownership and lineage are hoisted like clannish flags.
  • Women were the 'conscience of the world', social reform concerned women because it touched on all the great trusts of womanhood, the sanctity of the family, the purity of marriage, the sweet innocence of children.
  • ‘The witness of Newman’, writes Fr Jonathan Robinson, ‘like that of his patron St Philip Neri, the Founder of the Oratory, was based on personal holiness, a holiness that was rooted in the conviction that sanctity is only possible through the imitation of Christ, and in the acceptance of the suffering this inevitably brings.’ Interpreting Newman’s Beatification: Reactions from Key Figures
  • We have certain core issues we lobby on, including the sanctity of innocent human life, chastity, marriage and the traditional family.
  • The bill raises complex moral issues about the conflict between the autonomy and dignity of the afflicted person and, on the other hand, the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • Also, the Holy Prophet has clearly presented the Qur'anic law in respect of the honour and sanctity of the religious sentiments of every community and nation.
  • The gurdwara authorities maintain that by providing them shelter in a legal way, the sanctity of the holy place was not being violated.
  • Critics also decry the political consequences of challenging the sanctity of wilderness.
  • Exactly the same difficulty arises, when we endeavour to account for the development of the moral sense or conscience in savage man; for although the _practice_ of benevolence, honesty, or truth, may have been useful to the tribe possessing these virtues, that does not at all account for the peculiar _sanctity_, attached to actions which each tribe considers right and moral, as contrasted with the very different feelings with which they regard what is merely _useful_. Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection A Series of Essays
  • The study of the live of the saints (hagiology), necessary to assess sanctity, needs its own method.
  • Both films, despite scads of sexy talk, scantily clad bodies, and anatomical joking, shun actual nudity, preserving an aura of safety, if not sanctity, around the love act itself.
  • The bill raises complex moral issues about the conflict between the autonomy and dignity of the afflicted person and, on the other hand, the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • I believe in the sanctity of human life.
  • Storytelling and religion are depicted as legitimizing existing power relations by appealing to the sanctity of immemorial traditions.
  • Perhaps by this [his birthdate] is indicated how the child would be of great purity and sanctity. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • She affects no artistic airs and harbours few highfalutin’ notions about the mystique or cultural sanctity of opera.
  • When used for human figures, the halo represents holiness or sanctity, and its iconography is developed to mark important distinctions between the figures represented.
  • While the fundamental principle was the sanctity of human life, this principle was not absolute.
  • Even the Canonists themselves were never able to put forward any coherent and consistent ground for the indissolubility of matrimony which could commend itself rationally, while Luther and Milton and Wilhelm von Humboldt, who maintained the religious and sacred nature of sexual union -- though they were cautious about using the term sacrament on account of its ecclesiastical implications -- so far from believing that its sanctity involved indissolubility, argued in the reverse sense. Studies in the Psychology of Sex, Volume 6 Sex in Relation to Society
  • 'Lindisfarne, an isle on the coast of Northumberland, was called Holy Island, from the sanctity of its ancient monastery, and from its having been the episcopal seat of the see of Durham during the early ages of British Christianity. Marmion
  • We practice an open communion policy as we believe that the sanctity of communion occurs within the communicant. A pro-choice Catholic is the new Notre Dame football coach « Dating Jesus
  • A special sanctity often attached to religious hermits and saintly ascetics, who were revered for their piety and sought out for the healing abilities of the blessed power attributed to them.
  • I try to teach the children lessons about the sanctity of life as the fish, sucking for oxygen, lose their heads and innards.
  • I have a democratic suspicion of demands for sanctity as a solution to corruption and other inveterate human failings.
  • As a convert to Orthodox Christianity - and, while she'd deny it, something of a mystic - Maggie believed in the sanctity of God's creation.
  • Christians, from beggars to princes, believed passionately in the saving power of sacraments, which only the church could administer, and in the sanctity of the holy sepulchre.
  • The two true elements of Christian morality, namely, the turning away from the sinful world, and the aggressive living and working in and for the same, fell apart into two different channels, which respectively served, for the sum total of moral merit, as complements to each other; the superabundant merit of the sanctity of the ascetes fell to the good of the little-meriting world-Christians. Christian Ethics. Volume I.���History of Ethics.
  • But for the long-term sanctity of democracy, we have to put up with him until his second term ends. Sawasdee kha!
  • The sanctity of cattle is a central tenet of the religion. Times, Sunday Times
  • The hearth, which stands for the sanctity of the home, is an apt object to confess her sad fate to.
  • Here Keith recognised the tradition of use was more important than the sanctity of original fabric.
  • His object, in short, was to insist on parental authority, giving to parental authority some little additional strength from his own sacerdotal recognition of the sanctity of the betrothing promise. The Golden Lion of Granpere
  • Tegakwitha, the "Lily of Canada", who died at the age of twenty-three in the odour of sanctity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 3: Brownson-Clairvaux
  • What better way to attack the monolith of social repression than by attacking the ‘sanctity’ of the linear narrative?
  • Copps on the other hand, felt that it was political dynamite to breach what she calls the sanctity of medicare. What is Copps’ real agenda?
  • That type of narrow provincialism is exactly what I associate with those who advocate preserving the ‘sanctity’ of marriage.
  • The phrase ‘the sanctity of human life’ still resonates in legal and political debates, even among those who have no clear idea what it means.
  • The first affirms the sanctity of the human individual as individual.
  • Such things ought not to interfere with our regard for the sanctity of human life.
  • It was an irony not unregarded by the devil's advocates charged with disproving Joan's qualifications for sanctity.
  • The sanctity of human life has been sidelined as an irrelevance in the Republic as blindly as in any paramilitary murder in the North.
  • Islam makes the sanctity of human life a paramount obligation, and care for the innocent, the sufferers, the bereaved, a sacred duty.
  • ROFL — nihilism is the doctrine that all values are baseless, so Abb1 bitches that there is no difference between Republicans and Democrats “it’s either the sanctity of this, or the sanctity of that …” Matthew Yglesias » Why Two Parties?
  • However he had been driven to consort with outlaws, and to live a kind of freebooter's life, his natural sweetness was unspoiled, and was reinforced by solemn veneration for the sanctity of the Lord's anointing, which he reverenced all the more because himself had received it. Expositions of Holy Scripture Deuteronomy, Joshua, Judges, Ruth, and First Book of Samuel, Second Samuel, First Kings, and Second Kings chapters I to VII
  • He was essentially a 'theorist' -- that word now of so much sanctity, formerly an epithet of contempt. Mellonta Tauta
  • Such things ought not to interfere with our regard for the sanctity of human life.
  • The turn has been interpreted as tactical; accusations of political expediency turned on the thought that her earlier concern for the sanctity of human life had not been grounded in principled pacifism. Arms and the Woman: Just Warriors and Greek Feminist Identity
  • But the overprivileged sanctimony of Rep. Broun, and the 62 cosponsors of The Sanctity of Life Act, serves only to make the United States a little less free and forgiving for most of us. Ian Squires: Sanctimonious Sanctity
  • To give up the fiction is to give up the belief in the sanctity of human life; and this is something that few people are prepared to do.
  • Anthropologist Richard Shweder argues that for so-called collectivist societies there is also a strong "ethics of community" (authority/respect, duty/loyalty); often there is an "ethics of divinity" (purity/sanctity) as well. Scott Atran: Religion in America: Why Many Democrats and Europeans Don't Get It
  • Both of us were damaged in some way, and the sanctity of marriage was a way to try and repair that. Times, Sunday Times
  • The body of Simon de Montfort had endured similar treatment after Evesham in 1265, but it had served only to lend him an aura of sanctity in the minds of his erstwhile supporters.
  • Yet Matilda II, despite her devotion and the influence she had over the English royal court, was never seen as a candidate for sanctity.
  • He speaks of the history and sanctity of the order, and tells the crowd that it is the actions of a vile temptress, a witch, who brought them here.
  • Will we change the Constitution to restrict the rights of fornicators, adulterers or divorcees in the interest of protecting the ‘sanctity’ of marriage?
  • Would you like me to preach in your church on the sanctity of human life?
  • I   have been a Cincinnati Reds fan since conception, and even the promise of complete baseball sanctity through the purging of "cheaters" wouldn't make me want to see Barry Larkin or Ken Griffey, Jr. 's name gurgle up from the depths of an anonymous survey. or part-time in my home. Undefined
  • The builders didn't care about the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • People talk about the great sanctity of the sovereignty of Parliament.
  • Just as many right-libertarians might be overinclined to come to the defense of a land owner who shoots trespassers on sight and without warning so as to defend the sanctity of private property, I wonder if your support of “Abortion on demand and without apology” might not be an instance of a similar left-libertarian error vis-a-vis the sexual autonomy of women… Abortion on demand and without apology (Kiwi edition)
  • During the priorate of St. Peter Damian several hermits of great sanctity were members of Fonte-Avellana. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 6: Fathers of the Church-Gregory XI
  • To disregard the sanctity of life is to play God, however one perceives the Deity.
  • Early on it does seem like they get it, introducing her as she reads an interminably precious essay on the fictitious high-living toddler Eloise, as if to say this privileged sophisticate is about to be schooled in the fact that the history of New York is written not in the ink of The Algonquin Roundtable but in the blood of the innocent; by the second act, however, as Erica is released from the hospital to the sanctity of her condo (where memories of her dead boyfriend center solely on their sex life) the film loses the courage of this conviction and becomes a 9mm REGARDING HENRY (1991), with Erica coltishly adjusting to a new world of pain depicted as a labyrinth of angles so canted I kept expecting Erica to walk into The Penguin's lair. Why ugly things happen to beautiful people
  • The sanctity of heterosexual marriages has not been destroyed.
  • Instead, should we choose to actually take measures to preserve freedom and the sanctity of human life, we must look first to our own backyard.
  • An active life succeeded the quiet of the noviceship; she was infirmarian, refectorian, portress, but her humble virtues shown the more brilliantly; children, strangers, as well as her superiors and her sisters, felt her hidden sanctity. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • I will not violate the sanctity of that union!
  • Striving for the truth, doing goodness, perfection, universal love and sacrosanctity are the highest level of humanistic spirit, principles and goals of practicing medicine.
  • The idea of possessing eternal life as an immortal soul attempts to rob death of its totality, and therefore of its sanctity.
  • Then, after every other verse, he would repeat, with a pause: "Tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci… He uttered the words plaintively, sighing profoundly and weeping, and moved with such a lofty idea of God and of His infinite sanctity that the Brother infirmarian was siezed with a holy dread. New issue of "Catholic"
  • In debating the use of feeding tubes - or of any mode of treatment for that matter - one must not ignore the concepts of finitude and stewardship by focusing only on the sanctity of life.
  • The majority are wedded to the sanctity of life. Times, Sunday Times
  • The priestly texts in Leviticus and Numbers emphasize the sanctity of all life and the ideal of holiness and ethical and ritual purity.
  • Consequently, ‘structures of identity’ are revealed that hover between ‘autobiography, hagiography, sanctity and art.’
  • They weren't all insufferable goody-goodies as children, or always models of perfect sanctity as adults.
  • The first is preserving the sanctity of the marriage bed. Christianity Today
  • A degraded sensualism deprives this life of its grace and refinement; the next of its dignity and sanctity.
  • The stage six thinker did not compromise in respecting the sanctity of life and human freedom. Advanced Educational Psychology For Educators, Researchers and Policymakers,
  • Every believer is just as fervent as you Ranger2, and just as convinced of the sanctity of their dogma. On Same-Sex Couples and Catfish Derbies
  • Then, after every other verse, he would repeat, with a pause: "Tibi soli peccavi et malum coram te feci… He uttered the words plaintively, sighing profoundly and weeping, and moved with such a lofty idea of God and of His infinite sanctity that the Brother infirmarian was siezed with a holy dread. New issue of "Catholic"
  • Since Religion also aims for such affective responses, Art's opposition to the boundaries of sanctity is complexified by a recognition of mutual aims. More on Cultural Appropriation
  • Amongst them is the idea of the sanctity of human life.
  • We are going to read more about the sanctity of human life and the dangers of playing God.
  • This war, this "infowar" for the sanctity of ideas, non of us began it and yet we fight, we fight as men possessed because we see the very real possibilities of a world without such tyranny … Alex Jones' Prison

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