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How To Use Sanctioned In A Sentence

  • Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
  • To buttress his stance that the Church sanctioned such assassinations, Petit drew on Thomas Aquinas and other theologians, but the defense rested on John of Salisbury's explicit theories about the legitimacy of tyrannicide.
  • Sexual pleasure between Greek male citizens and boys was legitimate and socially sanctioned, however if the boy become a free citizen (an equal) their sexual practice become problematised.
  • Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter. Evolution créatrice. English
  • Monies and permission from all parties involved has been sanctioned.
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  • The continent's rich linguistic diversity has been poorly explored, developed, and sanctioned.
  • It has been officially sanctioned as the Beale Street Historic District.
  • However, the ease with which a women can contract sexual liaisons does not directly translate into a socially sanctioned pregnancy and birth.
  • For example, Muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, and Ottoman sultans often issued decrees with the force of law.
  • His death had devastated her, and her grieving was all the greater for its secret, unsanctioned nature. HERE BE DRAGONS
  • His synod was also the site of a church's unsanctioned ordination of an openly gay pastor earlier this year.
  • The signboards have instructions within the red circle, such as ‘follow traffic rules’, ‘don't cut yellow line ’, which is not sanctioned by convention.
  • The bridge along the Oyamari Road would run for a distance of about 600 metres and the Highways Department has been sanctioned Rs. 28.50 crore. The Hindu - Front Page
  • unsanctioned use of company cars
  • Training will commence just as soon as the GAA Club has sanctioned permission, as the Ladies Club will need to use this pitch.
  • We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression. Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
  • Housing loans, car loans and education loans would also be sanctioned at huge concessions in interest rates and hassle-free documentation.
  • He is trying to raise public awareness about her plight in order to win some state-sanctioned clemency, but it might be too late.
  • The UCI said Saturday “the FMC has sanctioned Mr. Davide Rebellin with a two-year suspension starting on April 28, 2009.” Davide Rebellin, Eladio Jimenez Sanchez and Massimo Giunti draw two-year suspensions
  • View image of page frequently rejoice unrestrainedly, and thank the Lord that he hath thus favored me in the choice, which I now verily believe was directed and sanctioned by his providence and which I trust shall ever be blessed to his holy name and to usefulness in his cause. Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonOctober 10, 1856
  • And last weekend saw the "Tribute to Elvis Aaron Presley" concert in Memphis, not only sanctioned by the Presley estate but hostessed by his ex, Priscilla. Forever Elvis
  • The republisher, or the derivative work publisher, places an announcement of intent to republish in some legally sanctioned medium of general circulation. The Volokh Conspiracy » Moral Panics and Copyright Law
  • But cadastral surveys, by carving the land up into unnaturally straight-edged blocks (first on paper and then, where possible, in the soil itself), assigning (or denying) rights to it in terms of commercial ownership, and buttressing the lines on these maps with the power of state-sanctioned law, sought to transform and appropriate not only control over territorial organization but the land itselfand thus the foundation of Africans 'social organization and culture. Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
  • Current and former CIA officers aware of the recent decision said the suspension reflects the CIA's fears of being accused of unsanctioned and illegal activities, as it was in the 1970s.
  • The framers of the Constitution were veterans of a revolution against a king whose divine right to rule the colonies was sanctioned by the official church of England.
  • The bloke sanctioned the use of a fake blood capsule to gain a tactical advantage and then tried to cover it up. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Estate Office has a list of about 80 towers which were sanctioned and permission had been taken.
  • Women, who were treated like packmule breeders, had great challenges up until the 1920's: They were subject to legally-sanctioned, capricious murders by their husbands or bored crowds. Gay/Lesbian Forum
  • Under his draft guidelines, schemes would be officially sanctioned.
  • The pope sanctioned it, on condition that the Protestants would abide by its decisions and submit their credenda in concise, intelligible form. The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
  • But arrogance may result in quick, unsanctioned action.
  • Minsk police spokesman Oleg Slepchenko said 34 protesters were detained for participating in an unsanctioned rally.
  • PIP, Tüv Rheinland an independent certification company which ultimately recommend EU certification of the implants, leaders of the countries which sanctioned their use or the physicians who performed the procedures? Michael Yaremchuk, M.D.: The PIP Affair and Trust in Health Care
  • This alternative standard sanctioned both moderate drinking and a degree of roughness.
  • A UPS was an unsanctioned prescreen, meaning the two Op-Center agents had a look around without the benefit of a search warrant. Call to Treason
  • In the proposed bylaw, it is not only sand miners who will be sanctioned but also transporters and traders.
  • Experts in Roman religion believe that the Yorkshire cleric belonged to the officially sanctioned and important religious cult of a mother goddess called Cybele, who originated in Anatolia, present-day Turkey. Blast from the Past: Priest of Cybele Gravesite Found
  • It was abolished hundreds of years ago as sanity and reason won the argument against those who sanctioned it.
  • Last time I checked, the Greatest Hits double album is technically a Led Zeppelin album, thus instantly bestowing the tracks contained therein with magic album power, making them suitable for official Zep-sanctioned listening. Led Zeppelin Makes Bold, Artistic Decision to Put Catalogue Online to Promote Greatest Hits Album | Best Week Ever
  • This is of particular importance since the surviving imperial portraits are copies that replicate officially sanctioned prototypes with varying degrees of fidelity and skill.
  • It therefore has no need of state sanctioned blessing, or indeed of any public form of celebration.
  • Looking back, the precipitous shreds of sheeting rain effectively sanctioned a cordon between himself and what had gone before.
  • Consuelo and Sunny officially divorced in 1921, and after obtaining an annulment from the Pope (as Sunny had converted to Catholicism and the Balsan family viewed the marriage between Consuelo and Jacques as unsanctioned due to her divorce), Gladys finally became the (2nd) 9th Duchess of Marlborough at age 40. An Aristocratic Ménage: Consuelo, Sunny and Gladys | Edwardian Promenade
  • In the late 1990s, the government sanctioned several private colleges that emphasized business curricula.
  • In contrast to the state-sanctioned violence of the first scene, the violence that dominates the rest of the play is feminized.
  • It was informal, unsanctioned, unauthorized and went off without a hitch.
  • In the Netherlands, he pointed out, where euthanasia is sanctioned, studies have shown that approximately 1,000 deaths a year represent "nonvoluntary euthanasia. Whose Right to Die?
  • What sanctioned this building boom was the impulse to suburbanize and travel. The Endless Road 'Crisis'
  • (A USAC license allows a rider to compete in sanctioned races.) Tour de France's downhill slide caused by scandals
  • Gays who were once considered deviants can now benefit from the security of legally sanctioned marriages.
  • In addition, cavaliers are eligible to compete in events sanctioned by the United Kennel Club, which has recognized cavaliers since 1980.
  • And when race and diversity stand together as legitimate - even constitutional - principles, we have indeed arrived at the threshold of legally sanctioned racialism.
  • This afterall is the main section of the population currently being hammered by sanctioned detections and clearups because they are easy targets, the very people that the majority of us joined the job in the first place to try and help, instead of the shits that consist of 10% of the population who cause 90% of the crime. I Can Tell We’re Going To Be Friends « POLICE INSPECTOR BLOG
  • While I was a prisoner in the warehouse aka convalescent home, my "caregivers" often participated in the wildly irrational and amoral schemes of their bosses, then brayed their excuse— "I was only doing my job."—as if sanctioned subservience constitutes an acquittal. On Ruben Navarro
  • He calls attention to corporate sanctioned sweat shops, and abused and underpaid store employees.
  • Would a vibrant legal debate forestall practical preparations for future unsanctioned instances of ‘power doing justice’ - albeit outside the law?
  • Sanctioned by the China Golf Association, Asian Tour and the European Tour.
  • Political disobedience is sanctioned as a possible expression of active citizenship on which a self-managing democracy is based.
  • The result is a blurring of the boundary between the sanctioned Christian creed and the heathen practices associated with magic and the devil.
  • Some might argue that recreational drug use, if not sanctioned and taxed, is against the law after all.
  • When she had stood about the room there had been a kind of hieratic dignity about her; she had that sanctioned effect upon the eye which is given by someone adequately imitating the pose of some famous picture or statue. The Judge
  • The myth of genetic inferiority of people of African ancestry not only legitimatized slavery, but also biblically sanctioned it. Irene Monroe: Theory of Blacks' Intellectual Inferiority Rears Ugly Head at Harvard
  • Eugenics is, however, an Anglo-American idea, and the United States was indeed the pioneer in state-sanctioned programs of better breeding, which included forced sterilization, antimiscegenation, and immigration restriction. Harry Bruinius - An interview with author
  • In an economy quickly going down the toilet faster than a nickel bag when the police come a-knocking, decriminalized and government-sanctioned "ganja" could 'pot'-entially create more and literally' green 'jobs, add much needed tax revenues, and end the criminality and high-cost incarceration (inordinately of young black males) attached to its production, sale and consumption. Michael DeJong: A New "Green" Economy
  • Of course that's not to say they should be running sanctioned 12 round title fights after innocuous challenges, but there's certainly some leeway here for the "afters". The Offside
  • These documents might go a long way in confirming? or undermining? the existence of facts that would tend to show whether or not the torture and abuses described were the direct result of policy and legal decisions taken by the US defence secretary at the time, Donald Rumsfeld, and sanctioned by his general counsel, Jim Haynes. Iraq war logs: experts' views
  • Politicians and the media engage in sanctioned make-believe.
  • Sanctioned by the Department for Transport, it has allowed the partnership to purchase six new mobile cameras that can be mounted on tripods or on vans.
  • Tolerance exists only for officially sanctioned ideas.
  • The treaty is an example of an agreement that sanctioned increases in armaments while limiting the forces that could be developed in the future.
  • Revenge for an unatoned wrong is a stern, fundamental, eternal law, sanctioned by Manóbo institutions, social, political, and religious; one that is consecrated by the breath of the dying, and passed on from generation to generation to be fulfilled; but it has one saving clause, _arbitration_. The Manóbos of Mindanáo Memoirs of the National Academy of Sciences, Volume XXIII, First Memoir
  • For my money, a deterministic theory of television or Hollywood movies threatens to distract us from a much larger problem: the kind of murder legitimatized, sanctioned, and encouraged by our worst political and religious institutions. Interview: James Morrow on 'Shambling Towards Hiroshima'
  • AIB said it could not comment on individual cases, but added that all loans were sanctioned via formal written documentation.
  • The trader gives his orders by open outcry and officially sanctioned hand signals.
  • In a second government-sanctioned attack, 1,000 soldiers descended on the compound.
  • To this may be added that too subtle disquisition, which is an invention unsanctioned by Scripture, about the relations of those acts which are performed by us. The Works of James Arminius, Vol. 2
  • The one deals with boxing promoter Turkish working in the seedy world of unsanctioned, illegal bare-knuckle boxing.
  • Several times she was sanctioned by the high priestess for unruly behavior.
  • This is a state-sanctioned occasion, and it is a stately spectacle with many whirlers and a semi-classical orchestra staged in a basketball stadium in front of coachloads of Japanese tourists.
  • At best, this organization achieves a grudging, superficial conformity to officially sanctioned patterns of thought and action.
  • In 1836, the French writer Gautier sanctioned the enduring viability of allegory.
  • In one-third of those cases, the report showed, the lawyer who represented the death penalty defendant at trial or on appeal had been or was later disbarred or otherwise sanctioned.
  • Will correspondents use them to present an unsanctioned, less filtered account of events as they unfold, or will they just recount colorful background stories?
  • The most exciting exhibition in Venice is an unsanctioned upstart: the unofficial Italian pavilion.
  • A great way to navigate is to check out a directory of stores that qualify as sanctioned “green” shopping sites. Before You Put That On
  • Proposition 36 will not heal the hypocritical heart of a nation that extols the empty pleasures of consumerism while excoriating the unsanctioned ecstasies of illegal drugs.
  • Monsignor Kuriakose B. claimed that the Inter Caetera bull had been "abrogated" by two acts that defied the pope's anathema: First, "the unsanctioned and immediate expansion of the territory of Brazil to the west well beyond the treaty of Tordesilla;" second, "the colonization of North America and the Caribbean by the King of France. Main RSS Feed
  • The security measures sanctioned by the state serve only to widen the chasm between the powerful and powerless.
  • IT'S January, it's freezing and brrr here's the unmistakable chill of the pre-packaged, politically sanctioned official touring exhibition.
  • • Fraudsters who targeted churchgoers sanctioned; ordered to pay $11 million in restitution Operator of Christian non-profit indicted in fraud
  • Equally, I do not condone the supply of arms to such regimes, sanctioned by our own successive governments.
  • Everything was done according to protocols set forth by the 1931 Engagement and Marriage Order aimed at ensuring that the SS would remain “a hereditarily healthy clan of a strictly Nordic German sort” and sanctioned by the Main Office of Race and Settlement. The Lampshade
  • A few concerts were organised in connection with national holidays - for example on railworkers day or at officially sanctioned Youth parties.
  • The popular urban street pastime called Double Dutch, in which competitors jump between two ropes, is getting more recognition, becoming an officially sanctioned sport in New York City high schools.
  • I know it is the accepted designation for eighteen-year-old human females, the legally correct word, a word sanctioned by the restroom doors at some of the nation’s finest institutions of higher education. The Fiddler in the Subway
  • The fate of Lenin was even more terrible - his remains were embalmed and his theoretical legacy was falsified and remade into a bureaucratically sanctioned state religion.
  • Similar unsanctioned protests, organized by the Communist Party, took place in another Moscow region town, Solnechnogorsk, as well as in Samara, Tatarstan and the Leningrad region.
  • Unwanted software includes worms, viruses, spyware, vulnerable applications, unlicensed software, and unsanctioned applications, and it can arrive on corporate networks in many ways.
  • Pakistan's status for the United States has oscillated from "most aligned ally" in the 1950s—when it served as a vital location for intelligence gathering against the Soviet Union and became a formal treaty ally of Washington's—to the most sanctioned state in the late 1970s when the Carter administration cracked down on Pakistan's record on human rights abuses and nuclear proliferation. The U.S. and Pakistan, Best of Frenemies
  • Now he is suggesting that such steps be legitimized and sanctioned in advance.
  • The study reported by MacLean et al reflects the interest in determining the prevalence of family presence as a formally sanctioned or unsanctioned practice among critical care and emergency nurses.
  • “The penetrance rate is amazing, absolutely astonishing,” said Agus, perhaps because some people prefer the comfort of using a service sanctioned and managed by their employer rather than entrusting their credit-card details to an unknown vendor. The $1,000 Genome
  • That editorial reflected a realistic assessment of the dilemma created by any government-sanctioned attempt to regulate salaries.
  • When Estonian officials moved the memorial from downtown Tallinn to a suburban cemetery, ignoring Russian objections, ethnic Russians sparked riots here and a siege of the Estonian Embassy in Moscow and, Estonian officials allege, Russian hackers carried out a state-sanctioned "cyberwar" against the country's online infrastructure. Estonia Feels the Pinch of Moscow's Pique
  • Elisha said a single word; the tolerance of high places, teraphim and betylia; the offering of incense for centuries to the brazen serpent destroyed by Hezekiah; the occasional glimpses of the most startling irregularities sanctioned apparently even in the temple worship itself, prove most decisively that a pure monotheism and an independence of symbols was the result of a slow and painful course of God's disciplinal dealings among the noblest thinkers of a single nation, and not, as is so constantly and erroneously urged, the instinct of the whole Semitic race; in other words, one single branch of the Evolution of Theology: an Anthropological Study
  • My goal was to expose the horror of government-sanctioned barbarism, to educate the public, and to help sway fickle public sentiment. FAITHLESS: TALES OF TRANSGRESSION
  • He said the only way the Sudan government can accept the deployment is if it is sanctioned by the UN Security council or if there is a strong backing for the deployment from the United States. Sudanese Divided On Peacekeepers On North South Border
  • She is va new homes ornithology armored by the unsanctioned looney procurance and has glossopharyngeal undeviating apocynaceous drinking at mosquito haymaker in dix sphaeralcea, ny. Rational Review
  • Can we accept that the blame must be shared by the society that sanctioned him? Times, Sunday Times
  • Any sensible person in charge could have sanctioned this. The Sun
  • The burden for the government's recent economic experiment in unregulated greed is being borne by most of us, with the suddenly unemployed and the shareholders in the government-sanctioned dissolutions bearing more than the average portion of distress. Boo! (Jack Bog's Blog)
  • Use of the Trident for commercial purposes in literature is not a sanctioned practice by the Navy. BARRY SILVERMAN
  • The poverty, sorrow of humans takes a back seat as the Treasury is looted and the Thou shalt not killers run out to kill in sanctioned Murder. Source: Joe Wilson racking up the dollars after 'you lie' comment
  • They had to be punished or sanctioned, so this is the sanction that the judge came up with.
  • Three agents have also been sanctioned for their roles in the case. The Sun
  • He recalled Necker, went to the Hôtel de Ville, sanctioned by his presence the accomplished facts, and accepted from La Fayette, commandant of the National Guard, the new cockade of red, white, and blue which allied the colours of Paris to those of the king. The Psychology of Revolution
  • An incident during the 1997 federal election revealed some insight into the consequences of unsanctioned editorial action at an Irving-owned paper.
  • Subject to the provisions of said Section 93 and in continuance of the principle heretofore sanctioned under the North-West Territories Act, it is enacted that the Legislatures of the said Provinces shall pass all necessary laws in respect of Education; and that it shall therein always be provided North-West Autonomy
  • The giant gas utility enjoys a legally sanctioned monopoly on gas exports. Times, Sunday Times
  • Vladimir Putin today angrily dismissed protests against his regime as "provocations" and said anyone who took part in unsanctioned street rallies against the Kremlin should expect a "whack on the bonce". Vladimir Putin says 'unsanctioned' protesters can expect police brutality
  • But officially sanctioned ‘dating’ and sexual intimacy - na baba na.
  • Still hundreds of people jammed the officially sanctioned market and dozens of illegal vendors froze outside as they touted vegetables, clothes and hunks of rancid meat.
  • He also stated that he enjoyed bops because they are ‘a great opportunity for college sanctioned nudity’.
  • Blacks knew that every peaceful march and favorable court decision was being answered with acts of officially sanctioned violence.
  • Crew wasn't a school-sanctioned sport, so it had no money and no truck to haul the new boat to American Lake in Tacoma.
  • Slavery was once socially sanctioned.
  • We have allowed mindless noise to be officially sanctioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • The live ammunition that I experienced was not officially sanctioned as being hazardous enough to be included.
  • Proposition 36 will not heal the hypocritical heart of a nation that extols the empty pleasures of consumerism while excoriating the unsanctioned ecstasies of illegal drugs.
  • In 1942 the Italian government sanctioned a film version of the novel, intended as anti-Bolshevik and anti-Russian propaganda -- in blatant disregard of copyright infringement. Love, Politics And Ayn Rand
  • Culturally sanctioned misandry is beginning to cause discomfort. ProWomanProLife » Out with the old
  • The first world futsal tournament sanctioned by the International Football Federation was played in Holland in 1989.
  • The feeling that the Democratic party of Kentucky was in many respects an "unreconciled" party, and that it sanctioned the lawlessness of the Ku-Klux, has led the Republicans to adhere to the national organization of their party, without paying much attention to the questions The Great South; A Record of Journeys in Louisiana, Texas, the Indian Territory, Missouri, Arkansas, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, North Carolina, Kentucky, Tennessee, Virginia, West Virginia, and Maryland
  • He has strong-armed the media, intimidated opponents and sanctioned massive extrajudicial killings of supposed drug dealers.
  • The U.N.-paid and U.N.-sanctioned rulers of both Kosovo and Bosnia-Herzegovina exercise powers akin to erstwhile British viceroys.
  • The boater is the first to be sanctioned by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency. KOLO - HomePage - Headlines
  • A Teagasc spokesman said its board had sanctioned a proposed increase in fees but this requires ministerial sanction, which is in the process of being sought.
  • If clergy weren't agents of the state, those Unitarian ministers couldn't be fined for conducting rites sanctioned by their church.
  • His segregation was also unlawful as unsanctioned by s7 to Penal Institutions Act.
  • It's pretty preposterous, though, since -- putting aside the larger problem of turnout for Obama being suppressed by the knowledge that the election was unsanctioned -- there are presumably a fair, but unascertainable number of people who voted for Clinton who might have voted for Obama (or Edwards, or Richardson) had they been on the ballot. Hillary Supporter Lanny Davis Suggests Proposals For Florida And Michigan
  • The authorities still arrest and imprison unsanctioned bishops and priests.
  • Or that the large number of prisoners removed from death row in recent years by commutation and technical legal appeal somehow prove that hundreds of innocent convicts are on the edge of state-sanctioned death.
  • Those exercising the Offices of the several States, in equal measure, knew such “De Facto Transitions” were unlawful and unauthorized, but sanctioned, implemented and enforced the complete debauchment and the resulting “governmental, social, industrial economic change” in the “De Jure” States and in United States of America See: Public Law 94-564, Legislative History, pg. Firedoglake » The Constitution Is Not A Legal Technicality
  • It is hard to underestimate the depths of the underlying animosities that have surfaced with the Saudi intervention in Bahrain, sanctioned by the Gulf Cooperation Council. Alastair Crooke: The Saudi Counter-Revolution
  • It must be noted that these drugs have been sanctioned and approved by the Food and Drugs Administration of the US.
  • This is commercially vital, as many visitors will see the place as a superior, officially sanctioned department store. Times, Sunday Times
  • In June, the U.N. also sanctioned First East Export Bank for its alleged role in aiding Tehran's nuclear program. U.A.E. Cuts Off Ties to Iran Banks
  • The idea that covenant marriage ought to be sanctioned by the state is illiberal, reprehensible and abhorrent.
  • Strict gender segregation is sanctioned by the state and society.
  • However, null subjects are sanctioned only in certain persons and certain syntactic contexts.
  • PIP, Tüv Rheinland an independent certification company which ultimately recommend EU certification of the implants, leaders of the countries which sanctioned their use or the physicians who performed the procedures? Michael Yaremchuk, M.D.: The PIP Affair and Trust in Health Care
  • The number of divorcees remarrying in church has risen steadily since such weddings were sanctioned in 1981.
  • Catholic standing, and the great Catholic verities, the primitive truths and practices of the Church of CHRIST, as sanctioned by GOD’s Word, we removed those incrustations of deadly error under which they were well-nighed buried; The Little Professor:
  • Sanctioned countries with exports that are fungible commodities and that are limited in supply (such as oil) feel very little effect from U.S. sanctions on their exports.
  • Many philosophers have supposed the universe to be filled with an extremely subtile fluid, which they have termed ethereal; and this hypothesis has been sanctioned by the illustrious authority of Newton. Popular Lectures on Zoonomia Or The Laws of Animal Life, in Health and Disease
  • “Sir Alan Sugar has no business on TV now: The appointment of Sir Alan Sugar as enterprise 'tsar' is a stunt, but it is a Government-sanctioned one: and, as such, he should no longer be allowed to appear on his rather coarse television programme, says Simon Heffer” Sunday Morning update: There's been a revolution. Only nobody seems to have noticed
  • In many respects it bears almost no relation to the type of state-sanctioned endemic slavery that existed in Ancient Rome and the antebellum American South.
  • The Court first observed that the applicants had been sanctioned disciplinarily for merely submitting petitions which expressed their views on the need for Kurdish language education, and requesting that Kurdish language classes be introduced as an optional module. TODAY'S ZAMAN :: News
  • Catholic verities, the primitive truths and practices of the Church of CHRIST, as sanctioned by GOD’s Word, we removed those incrustations of deadly error under which they were well-nighed buried... The Little Professor:
  • My goal was to expose the horror of government-sanctioned barbarism, to educate the public, and to help sway fickle public sentiment. FAITHLESS: TALES OF TRANSGRESSION
  • This use of the word Edda is incorrect and unhistorical, though convenient and sanctioned by the use of several centuries. The Edda, Volume 1 The Divine Mythology of the North, Popular Studies in Mythology, Romance, and Folklore, No. 12
  • Does my, and the majority of other people voting in "sanctioned" elections count? Clinton picks up a superdelegate, but still lags behind
  • Beyond the category of leaks described above exists a second category: the officially sanctioned leak calculated to produce a specific effect.
  • Seldom in peacetime has a British government sanctioned such a rate of expenditure increase.
  • Besides, the rape of infidel women is sanctioned in the Koran and the sunnah, the meshugga 'prophet' practised it and encouraged his murdering, marauding compagnons to do the same. Winds Of Jihad By SheikYerMami
  • In technical terms, to jailbreak is to enable a device to run code, meaning programs or system modifications, that hasn't been sanctioned by Apple. Gizmodo
  • And accordingly, without any petty distinctions of party, or class, or creed, they decided to band themselves into a body of volunteers and they adopted a title sanctioned in Irish history -- namely, the Irish Ireland Since Parnell
  • While acknowledging the disruption that the strike would cause, the judge said that the ballot had been properly sanctioned. Times, Sunday Times
  • Political disobedience is sanctioned as a possible expression of active citizenship on which a self-managing democracy is based.
  • William Herschel sanctioned this theory, and suggested the name asteroids for the tiny planets. A History of Science: in Five Volumes. Volume III: Modern development of the physical sciences
  • Blacks knew that every peaceful march and favorable court decision was being answered with acts of officially sanctioned violence.
  • The schools had been sanctioned grant-in-aid by the government prior to 1973-74.
  • Property represented a problem for medieval economic thinkers because both scripture and natural law sanctioned the community of goods.
  • This hegemony was sanctioned by an ascendant authority, namely science.
  • The putsch was rounded off by the Turkish constitutional court which sanctioned the action of the military and banned Refah.
  • Can we accept that the blame must be shared by the society that sanctioned him? Times, Sunday Times
  • He argued that these policies were of dubious benefit in terms of economic development and represented to some degree an unsanctioned redistribution of wealth.
  • Even then, their work is characterised by ‘an astringent, objective pudeur, a convention of impersonality which allows voice only to the socially-sanctioned emotions and concepts.’
  • Currently there are only four games sanctioned by the International Mind Sports Association: bridge, draughts also known as checkers, Go and chess. Poker Seeks Status as Brainiac Pursuit
  • I can tell you from my personal experience as a P attorney in med mal cases, if the tort reform measures so often bandied about were implemented, many very deserving Ps would not be compensated and some very egregious medical malpractice would go unsanctioned. The Volokh Conspiracy » An Act for the Relief of Sick and Disabled Seamen
  • But with their identities still a mystery, speculation that drugs bosses might have sanctioned the gruesome deaths began to fade.
  • Tolerance exists only for officially sanctioned ideas.
  • It was already mentioned that the convertibility law sanctioned the validity of monetary contracts denominated in any currency.
  • Three agents have also been sanctioned for their roles in the case. The Sun
  • In addition, early modern Europeans could have recourse to a variety of unsanctioned or ‘magical’ techniques to promote or restrict fertility.
  • Obviously I do not support the idea of untrained and unsanctioned bailifs restraining or even distraining. Middle Classes Tell Cam: Sod Off, We're In It For The Money
  • The claim comes on the back of revelations that the Orkney Flag cannot be sanctioned for official use in the county either because it has Irish links.
  • Players are not allowed to wear any advertising other than that officially sanctioned, such as shirt sponsorship. The Sun
  • The _Comitia Centuriata_ elected the magistrates and made laws, and formed the highest court of appeal, but all its decisions had to be sanctioned by the curiae, although in course of time the curia was a formality. The Old Roman World, : the Grandeur and Failure of Its Civilization.
  • In order to eliminate marijuana use, state and federal legislators have sanctioned an enormous increase in prosecutorial power, the emergence of a class of professional informers, and the widespread confiscation of private property by the government without trial -- legal weapons reminiscent of those used in the former Soviet-bloc nations. More Reefer Madness
  • The Congress instructed its members and friends to withdraw from the legislatures, and sanctioned civil disobedience and nonpayment of taxes.
  • The morality of sanctioned assassination depends mainly on whether and when one can justify murder.
  • The following year, on 25 September, Earle Ovington flew the first Post Office sanctioned airmail as part of an aerial meet at Garden City, New York.
  • Now, at press time this group remained unsanctioned by the student union, so your seeing them at Clubs Days is dependent on their commandeering another club's table.
  • These are agreements and contracts sanctioned by the authority of the state.
  • And Ragout finds that Massad’s “scholarship” creates gems like this one: Such practices [as the torture of Abner Louima by NYC police] clearly demonstrate that white American male sexuality exhibits certain sadistic attributes in the presence of non-white men and women over whom white Americans (and Brits) have government-sanctioned racialised power. The Volokh Conspiracy » Massad, Continued:
  • Slavery was once socially sanctioned.
  • Mr. Tobok could not say for sure that the attacks, which he described as sophisticated, and which appeared to originate from Chinese computers, were in fact sanctioned by China's government. The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
  • Insider blogs - employee blogs, sanctioned but not controlled by the company they work for.
  • Nubile starlet Skye Davidson, the lead actress in novelist Joe's directorial debut, rings to RSVP for the party - an addition to the guest list not sanctioned by Sally.

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