How To Use Sanction In A Sentence
Someone who really wanted to stop unsanctioned immigration would begin here, by busting the small contractors who employ these workers on a contingent basis.
a demarche is the strongest sanction a country can exercise against another.
ANC Daily News Briefing
To buttress his stance that the Church sanctioned such assassinations, Petit drew on Thomas Aquinas and other theologians, but the defense rested on John of Salisbury's explicit theories about the legitimacy of tyrannicide.
In the Qing Dynasty, the officials's penal system includes two parts: disciplinary sanction and penal punishment.
It was said that national crimes can only be, and frequently are, punished in this world by _national punishments_, and that the continuance of the slave trade, and thus giving it a national character, sanction, and encouragement, ought to be considered as justly exposing us to the displeasure and vengeance of him who is equally the Lord of all, and who views with equal eye the poor _African slave_ and his _American master_! [
The Anti-Slavery Examiner, Omnibus
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Sexual pleasure between Greek male citizens and boys was legitimate and socially sanctioned, however if the boy become a free citizen (an equal) their sexual practice become problematised.
And he warned Teheran it faces ever increasing sanctions if it refuses to suspend nuclear enrichment.
War as the ultimate sanction was not a credible solution.
Let us adopt then words sanctioned by usage, and give the distinction between intelligence and instinct this more precise formula: _Intelligence, in so far as it is innate, is the knowledge of a_ form; _instinct implies the knowledge of a_ matter.
Evolution créatrice. English
First, the impact of the sanctions on the population tend to make the latter even more dependent on the government than before, mainly for provision of the basic rations needed for survival.
The common law should sanction injustice no longer.
Times, Sunday Times
In the mean time they pass for the mandatories of the popular sovereign, with full power in all directions, because he has delegated his omnipotence to them, and the sole power, because their investiture is the most recent; under this sanction, they stalk around somewhat like supernumeraries at the Opera, dressed in purple and gold, representing
The French Revolution - Volume 2
An economic sanction means you withhold something that is your sovereign right.
The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
Where the Sumerian tale presents the deluge as the work of an intemperate overlord whose attitude to humanity is far from benevolent, whose might may not be right, and offers an ethical opposition to him in figure of a merciful intercessor, the Biblical tale ultimately sanctions the genocidal destruction of most of humanity by ascribing it to a God whose wisdom, justice and mercy are presented as unquestionable.
Creative Control - Part 4
In this case the ensuing negotiations serve to signal at least short-term lenience and the relaxing - but at least the non-tightening - of sanctions.
The Brussels Journal - The Voice of Conservatism in Europe
They will now decide what sanctions she should face.
The Sun
Governing bodies are allowed to sanction owners and teams.
The punitive actions include economic sanctions, which are certain to deal a severe blow to the North, which desperately needs global aid.
Monies and permission from all parties involved has been sanctioned.
The minister has warned that dumpers and landowners face severe sanctions under the Waste Management Act 1996.
The common law should sanction injustice no longer.
Times, Sunday Times
The original interpretation of the Thirteenth Amendment was to prevent the state from enforcing labor contracts with penal sanctions.
In the face of "misalignment," the very existence of a "currency imbalance" would be sufficient to open the door to trade sanctions -- whether or not that imbalance resulted from a deliberate attempt to manipulate the market. News
The continent's rich linguistic diversity has been poorly explored, developed, and sanctioned.
Peers would then vote on whether to approve this sanction.
Times, Sunday Times
And yet those same acts today escape formal sanction.
The UN threatened to invoke economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.
The flaws should be relieved by means such as penalty, disciplinary sanction, civil compensation and criminal compensation.
But the result proved that they were sufficiently to exercise, through the popular will and choice, the power which they had formerly put in action without its sanction, though within its proper precinct and with its title falsely inscribed.
Prose Masterpieces from Modern Essayists
Community pressure remains in practice the only real sanction for enforcing compliance with arbitral awards, or with judgments of the ICJ or other international tribunals.
Despite years of economic hardship due to Western sanctions, the country is not cheap.
The Sun
It has been officially sanctioned as the Beale Street Historic District.
They won't sanction our spending on this scale.
Any pertinent changes must be notified in good time if the court is to sanction the scheme.
However, the ease with which a women can contract sexual liaisons does not directly translate into a socially sanctioned pregnancy and birth.
Interest groups, which are associated with sectionalism and the possible exercise of sanctions, appear to be inimical to ideas of reasoned discussion and the general welfare.
However ‘temporary’ these sanctions are supposed to be, the history of such measures is that they tend to metamorphose into something far more long-lasting.
The attempt to sanction and legitimize something so obviously immoral and abhorrent is unprecedented in our history.
Archive 2007-01-01
For example, Muslim scholars, or ulama, were hierarchically organized and sanctioned by the state, and Ottoman sultans often issued decrees with the force of law.
Of course, there is always the sanction of prosecutions or civil suits, and those must always remain the primary sanction for any breach of the criminal or civil law.
The United States responded by imposing trade sanctions.
Un agent provocateur est une personne agissant secrètement pour le compte d'un groupe mais apparaissant comme le membre d'un autre pour perturber son activité incitant délibérément, par ses propos et son comportement, à commettre des actes sanctionnés par la loi ou par l'opinion publique Wikipedia.
Agent provocateur, provoquer, provocant/e
Washington said that sanctions on the field would restrict exports and transfers of technology and equipment.
Times, Sunday Times
Seen in that light,(Sentence dictionary) sanctioning a surge in the currency that could destroy export jobs and expose tens of millions of farmers to competition from cheaper imports would be a risky option.
In the scenario, the United Nation applies sanctions to Korona and demands that it leave Kartuna by a certain deadline.
Both should receive official sanction and both require in-service training opportunities to acquire the necessary skills.
We must remember this fact because it refutes the argument that one imposes a blockade, embargo, or sanction as a bloodless and humane way of coercing the leaders of a target country.
Will China consider being involved with other countries in sanctioning the DPRK if it does in effect violate the UN rules in this matter?
The sooner we quit fiddling with otiose sanctions against Iran, the sooner we can begin crafting containment and deterrence strategies that are actually effective.
Michael Hughes: Who Cares If Iran Goes Nuclear?
His death had devastated her, and her grieving was all the greater for its secret, unsanctioned nature.
Well, I have to admit that this is a very smart technique that Mr. Sanction is using to get the issue slips from the public.
Sanford says it's time to move on, pressed on no wedding ring
They would also have a supervisory role in overseeing how out-of-court sanctions are applied locally and reviewing how effective they have been.
Times, Sunday Times
Sanctions that were effective, proportionate and dissuasive had to be applied.
Times, Sunday Times
Similarly, unlike many of their continental European neighbours, the English clung to corporal punishment as a penal sanction until well into the twentieth century.
He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.
It has always amazed me how moronic the planning authorities are when they sanction building on natural flood plains.
Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?
The museum, which is situated on the Rathangan / Allenwood road, is owned by Teagasc who are awaiting government sanction to sell the property.
The failure of such simple-minded thinking has also been proven by its total failure for Cuba, which has survived under American sanctions for more than four decades.
McGehee advocates the creation of an independent Office of Ethics Counsel to interpret the rules, investigate complaints and recommend sanctions.
The U.S. may be encouraged by allies and commentators again, at the point that sanctions are judged to be ineffective (or if the U.N. Security Council can't even agree on sanctions), to talk directly with the Iranians, but talking to the Iranians will still mean negotiating give-and-take (and negotiating with a strengthened Iran that has either proven unsusceptible to sanctions, or proven that the world is not united against it).
Hooman Majd: Why We Are Going To Go To War
The failure to disarm remains the overt reason why sanctions are still in place more than ten years after an internationally binding ceasefire.
The imposition of such a sanction is punishment.
The position is that the articles have legislated a particular set of sanctions, namely, that a transfer which does not comply with the article is void.
The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.
The reason behind non-payment of salaries was that the Finance Department was yet to sanction these posts.
Official sanction has not yet been given.
Accordingly, Manville took out his code manual and began preparing an official sanction for despatch to Brussels.
Though caste often performed this stabilizing economic function, its origin was political and its sanction religious.
His synod was also the site of a church's unsanctioned ordination of an openly gay pastor earlier this year.
The signboards have instructions within the red circle, such as ‘follow traffic rules’, ‘don't cut yellow line ’, which is not sanctioned by convention.
I never, in the whole course of my life, was fond of lending the sanction of my countenance to any thing that was not canny; and, even when I was a wee smout of a callant, with my jacket and trowsers buttoned all in one,
The Life of Mansie Wauch tailor in Dalkeith
We now have an effective sanction against the killing of whales.
The bridge along the Oyamari Road would run for a distance of about 600 metres and the Highways Department has been sanctioned Rs. 28.50 crore.
The Hindu - Front Page
Economic sanctions, the cultural and sporting boycotts, and diplomatic isolation must be maintained and intensified.
unsanctioned use of company cars
If Iraq sticks to road map laid out for it by United Nations, sanction could be lifted without more ado.
The UN Security Council has linked any lifting of sanctions to compliance with the ceasefire terms.
Training will commence just as soon as the GAA Club has sanctioned permission, as the Ladies Club will need to use this pitch.
The Obama administration has focused sanctions efforts on Iranian fuel imports as a way to exploit that vulnerability and boost pressure on the nuclear issue.
Yet for years, European leaders have been pushing for easing or eliminating those very sanctions.
Until the forces of the virtual republic took to the field, sanctions against the uncommitted majority were unlikely to be undertaken.
I am appalled he would sanction the introduction of legislation such as this which, as Deputy Dukes said, will fetter the members of the House now and in the future.
We do not read in history of any act of cruelty practiced towards a male bewitcher; though we have authentic records to prove, that many a weak and defenceless woman has been tortured, and even murdered by a people professing Christianity, merely because a pampered priest, or a superstitious idiot, sanctioned such oppression.
Letter to the Women of England, on the Injustice of Mental Subordination
The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.
Housing loans, car loans and education loans would also be sanctioned at huge concessions in interest rates and hassle-free documentation.
“If the DPRK [North Korea] successfully carries out a nuclear test, it will be accepted as a de facto nuclear country after a period of international sanctions, as India and Pakistan were reaccepted by the United States and by other mainstream countries … several years after they conducted nuclear tests in 1998,” he writes.
No Bluff
He is trying to raise public awareness about her plight in order to win some state-sanctioned clemency, but it might be too late.
The final sanction will be given after completion of the construction only if there are no deviations from the original plan.
This is fine for dealing with people who have heavily cathected their avatars -- a sanction against the avatar will act as a deterrent -- but many of the griefers and other more sociopathic problem characters will not be deterred.
The inevitability of voice
Trade sanctions were imposed against any country that refused to sign the agreement.
sanction buster
The threat of dissolution is hardly a sanction to wield against dissident MPs.
Libya's stunning decision yesterday to surrender its weapons of mass destruction followed two decades of international isolation and some of the world's most punishing economic sanctions.
The basic point is that sanctions cannot be counted on to produce a sure result.
The relevant sanction is either being held in contempt of court or being prosecuted under the criminal law.
Page 114, Volume 4 straint, he ended up as its theoretician, owing to the successes that penal sanctions had against the Donatists.
An economic devastation might result from the massive animal death and the economic sanction from other countries on account of the FMD.
The UCI said Saturday “the FMC has sanctioned Mr. Davide Rebellin with a two-year suspension starting on April 28, 2009.”
Davide Rebellin, Eladio Jimenez Sanchez and Massimo Giunti draw two-year suspensions
One is through international environmental agreements; the other is unilateral sanctions imposed by responsible commons users upon abusers.
View image of page frequently rejoice unrestrainedly, and thank the Lord that he hath thus favored me in the choice, which I now verily believe was directed and sanctioned by his providence and which I trust shall ever be blessed to his holy name and to usefulness in his cause.
Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonOctober 10, 1856
It is signed P O'Neill denoting official sanction.
And last weekend saw the "Tribute to Elvis Aaron Presley" concert in Memphis, not only sanctioned by the Presley estate but hostessed by his ex, Priscilla.
Forever Elvis
The republisher, or the derivative work publisher, places an announcement of intent to republish in some legally sanctioned medium of general circulation.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Moral Panics and Copyright Law
He repudiated his first wife and married a recognised Judaic princess, thereby seeking at least a form of legal sanction.
The government would sanction courts that carry out proceedings in accordance with Islamic law.
But cadastral surveys, by carving the land up into unnaturally straight-edged blocks (first on paper and then, where possible, in the soil itself), assigning (or denying) rights to it in terms of commercial ownership, and buttressing the lines on these maps with the power of state-sanctioned law, sought to transform and appropriate not only control over territorial organization but the land itselfand thus the foundation of Africans 'social organization and culture.
Where Women Make History: Gendered Tellings of Community and Change in Magude, Mozambique
If the circumstances are relatively minor, the offender shall be given a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances by his unit or competent authorities at higher level.
Current and former CIA officers aware of the recent decision said the suspension reflects the CIA's fears of being accused of unsanctioned and illegal activities, as it was in the 1970s.
Who knows, if you can prove R 'shiel still lives, he may even sanction your heroic dash to her rescue.
They were determined to dissociate the UN from any agreement to impose sanctions.
But the agrements in place are 'toothless' they only snactions a nation can take against Japan are trade sanctions.
The framers of the Constitution were veterans of a revolution against a king whose divine right to rule the colonies was sanctioned by the official church of England.
The party itself was forced to expel three members and sanction one other.
Therefore, the USA should shift its economic sanction policies to negotiation and economic communication so as to relax the tense relationship and lobby it to give up the nuclear programs.
Your father denies his Polish ancestry, since Poland is still a noncompliant nation, and under international sanction because of it.
UNITED NATIONS - A U.N. sanctions committee expressed "grave concern" Thursday about what it called apparent Iranian violations of a U.N. ban on uranium enrichment plant as world powers united against - Articles related to EU, US back new Iran nuclear sanctions
The language and sequencing of sanctions relief has proved one of the thorniest issues.
Times, Sunday Times
Reporters Alistari MacDonald and John McKinnion note that attempts to stop Iran's plans to enrich uranium, a process that can be used to make nuclear weapons, have so far led to three sanctions resolutions in the U.ited Nations, but they have been relatively limited in scope and many European countries have until now resisted U. S.-led attempts to toughen the measures.
Sanctions as Souvenirs
Although the Mutton would never sanction wearing long johns as outer wear, they are peerless underwear for "weather events" such as the cold snap we have all endured of late.
McGehee advocates the creation of an independent Office of Ethics Counsel to interpret the rules, investigate complaints and recommend sanctions.
Similarly, in Carhart II, what seems to matter is the sanction the state wants to withhold from a medical procedure that appears just awful.
In the West the taking of usury was prohibited to both the clergy and the laity in the ninth century, and the sanctions against usurers were intensified by a series of conciliar decrees between 1179 and 1311.
Then, the towns were often brought to heel by the State, which could both confer privileges and impose sanctions.
Canada introduces the Civil Marriage Act, making Canada the fourth country to sanction same-sex marriage .
These articles seem to sanction the right of angary against neutral property, while limiting it as against both belligerent and neutral property.
Encyclopaedia Britannica, 11th Edition, Volume 2, Part 1, Slice 1
The sanctions have dealt a severe blow to the local tourism industry.
The conference gave its official sanction to the change of policy.
The bloke sanctioned the use of a fake blood capsule to gain a tactical advantage and then tried to cover it up.
Times, Sunday Times
Such a veto would be difficult to defend internationally and could well lead to an uncontrollable erosion of the sanctions regime.sentence dictionary
The ultimate sanction will be the closure of the restaurant.
The former banker was hired by Labour to look at welfare reform and the use of sanctions in the benefits system.
Times, Sunday Times
To work the sanctions would have to be ‘short, sharp and painful’ but an official report was dubious about their effectiveness.
This judicial readiness to sanction rescue was revised in post-war years in the light of Bowlby's work on maternal deprivation.
Poetry is one of the sanctions of life.
The Estate Office has a list of about 80 towers which were sanctioned and permission had been taken.
As a result of war, sanctions, and men migrating to get jobs, there are enormous numbers of women - headed households.
He may now be ready to sanction the use of force.
Moreover, sanctions appear not to have stopped regimes from silencing or eliminating internal political opposition.
Sanctions from Arab League member states would exacerbate the damage to Syria's already atrophied economy, following a European oil embargo and dwindling foreign-exchange reserves.
Arab League Delays Discipline Against Syria
The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
The domestic violence is one kind of behavior of legal sanction.
Women, who were treated like packmule breeders, had great challenges up until the 1920's: They were subject to legally-sanctioned, capricious murders by their husbands or bored crowds.
Gay/Lesbian Forum
Commonwealth would "disintegrate" if it attempts to sanction
ANC Daily News Briefing
Dubai's failure to make it harder for Iranian activities in the emirate is a thorny issue with federal officials in Abu Dhabi and the U.S. government, which is keen to choke off the Islamic republic from the outside world with new sanctions.
Hamas Killing Exposes Dubai's Dark Side
The section provided for criminal sanctions against authorised disclosure.
The disarmament of Northern Ireland's illegal militias would have to be completed by May 2000, with legislative sanctions to suspend the government if the so-called decommissioning of arms does not take place.
ANC Daily News Briefing
His commitment to democracy and reform appears increasingly shaky, as his initial willingness to sanction abhorrent new curbs on women's freedom made clear.
Times, Sunday Times
Any sensible legal system has to rely in part on sanctions brought to bear after people have stolen property or looted corporations.
On December 17 the last of six union locals ratified an agreement sanctioning huge wage and job cuts.
Under his draft guidelines, schemes would be officially sanctioned.
Internet banking and cashpoint coverage is patchy and credit card services almost non-existent because of sanctions.
Times, Sunday Times
Despite the problems the book had initially faced in finding a publisher in China - purportedly for its political overtones - it had finally received official sanction.
The emir must sanction laws passed by parliament, and parliament must approve government ministers appointed by the emir.
The threat of criminal sanction hangs over those who refute the constable's perception of events.
Groups opposing sanctions say these problems are irresolvable until sanctions are lifted.
the guardian's duties were primarily sanctionative rather than administrative
Someone, I am not sure which of you, mentioned sanctions; there is a degree of feeling, we gather, that certain actions go unchallenged, go unsorted.
The said proposal has received the sanction and approval of this Association.
The pope sanctioned it, on condition that the Protestants would abide by its decisions and submit their credenda in concise, intelligible form.
The Catholic Encyclopedia, Volume 9: Laprade-Mass Liturgy
Ministers are already planning to toughen sanctions for data protection offences.
Times, Sunday Times
The United States has imposed a severe economic sanction against Japan, thus bringing the U. S. -Japan trade frictions to a new high.
They're young and poor and the patriarchal culture they inherit and the conspicuous consumption of their contemporaries sanctions their irresponsibility.
Washington financial sanctions on North Korean - linked companies suspected of money - laundering counterfeit U.S. dollars for Pyongyang.
But arrogance may result in quick, unsanctioned action.
Minsk police spokesman Oleg Slepchenko said 34 protesters were detained for participating in an unsanctioned rally.
The United States plans to tighten the economic sanctions currently in place.
[23] The _hermandad_ of Castile had never been countenanced by legislative sanction; it was chiefly resorted to as a measure of police, and was directed more frequently against the disorders of the nobility, than of the sovereign; it was organized with difficulty, and, compared with the union of Aragon, was cumbrous and languid in its operations.
The History of the Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella the Catholic — Volume 1
PIP, Tüv Rheinland an independent certification company which ultimately recommend EU certification of the implants, leaders of the countries which sanctioned their use or the physicians who performed the procedures?
Michael Yaremchuk, M.D.: The PIP Affair and Trust in Health Care
Our correspondent has been assessing the impact of the sanctions.
This alternative standard sanctioned both moderate drinking and a degree of roughness.
The Plan sanction should have been approved by the BDA.
Earlier this year, the bank's chairman, Ali Divandari, said Mellat's foreign-exchange reserves had doubled from a year earlier, despite the American sanctions.
U.A.E. Cuts Off Ties to Iran Banks
The Security Council will consider taking future actions against sanction-busters.
The ultimate sanction may be for them to sack the person whom they regard as being mainly to blame.
Although what the goddess tells the kouros has divine sanction (hers), that is not why he should accept it.
Presocratic Philosophy
A UPS was an unsanctioned prescreen, meaning the two Op-Center agents had a look around without the benefit of a search warrant.
Call to Treason
Testing is currently conducted by national agencies or international sports federations, who also decide sanctions.
Times, Sunday Times
In the proposed bylaw, it is not only sand miners who will be sanctioned but also transporters and traders.
International aid was suspended and trade sanctions imposed, but negotiations failed.
Imposing sanctions is a moderate action when you consider that the alternative is military intervention.
There's usually some restraint, there's usually some sort of reverence for the death penalty, in a sense, because it is such an extreme sanction.
Last Thursday the US ended key trade and economic sanctions, including the oil embargo and flight ban.
The government was reluctant to sanction intervention in the crisis.
Child mortality has more than doubled and the incidence of low birthweight babies has quadrupled since sanctions began.
Nor do I believe in deliberately making people poor: that is why I oppose sanctions.
Though caste often performed this stabilizing economic function, its origin was political and its sanction religious.
Experts in Roman religion believe that the Yorkshire cleric belonged to the officially sanctioned and important religious cult of a mother goddess called Cybele, who originated in Anatolia, present-day Turkey.
Blast from the Past: Priest of Cybele Gravesite Found
Most of this Indian section, which like the rest of the book rides on a great deal of research, is smoothly convincing; we sanction it without quarrel as the prelude to the real event, the shipwreck.
The most frequent legal sanction imposed against corporations and their executives are fines.
Any sanction to bar the defaulting party from adducing the relevant evidence may not help the innocent party, as he may be deprived of the benefit of documents damaging to the defaulting party's case.
In return for Putin's support, Washington will remove economic sanctions and admit Russia to the World Trade Organization.
Even some who have been the subject of ecclesiastical sanction at his hand attest to his personal warmth.
We received sanction to proceed with our plans.
It authorizes the court to issue an order, backed by civil and criminal sanctions, for a monthly allowance.
In the case of a suspension or disqualification the Case Tribunal will also need to consider the period over which such a sanction should apply.
Is prison the best sanction against a crime like this?
The case was also, however, framed as a conspiracy between Shell and others to contravene the sanctions order.
If he continued to resist the church's demands, church officials would be forced to consider a range of sanctions, the most serious of which would be excommunication.