How To Use Sanctimoniously In A Sentence
The media relentlessly trashes this woman and her family every single day for a over a year and then sanctimoniously reports that her approval rating is dipping.
CNN Poll: Favorable view of Palin dipping
The same Democrat party that nurtured and defended slavery for over a hundred years is now sanctimoniously admonishing a Republican, whose party had fought slavery throughout this nation's history, because the man said something stupid.
DNC: Barbour 'defended the indefensible'
Some of the explorers died during subsequent skirmishes, but in nothing like the numbers of the natives who suffered from introduced scourges like syphilis, which the French and the British always sanctimoniously blamed on each other.
They sanctimoniously aver that we defeated Al Qaeda, like a commonplace truth brooking no argument.
Michael Vlahos: Did We Lose the War?
Beck spent most of his Wednesday show sarcastically and sanctimoniously questioning why only fourteen members of Congress have signed his pledge against violence, in spite of exhaustive efforts by his staff to call members of Congress and get them to sign it.
Chris Rodda: Hey, Mr. Beck, Maybe Congress Just Doesn't Think You're All That Important
self-involved" by inclination to then sanctimoniously and self-involvedly add that he read "Eating Animals" while snarfing down some pork tacos.
When others were saluting Boise State's top-five preseason college-football ranking last August, sanctimoniously cheering the possibility of a small school's reaching the title game, we penned a diatribe headlined "The Boise State Nightmare.
Honk If You Had This Game in Your Bracket
Seton-Karr declares sanctimoniously that the perpetrators were unknown, but slyly adds that among those rumored to be responsible, was a candidate for the state legislature.15 In a later chapter Seton-Karr mentions that Boney Earnest was running for election to the legislature.
Bird Cloud
Last year, Obama sanctimoniously railed against nondisclosing groups, and this year his brazenly hypocritical operatives started one for him," said Jonathan Collegio, a spokesman for American Crossroads and Crossroads GPS.
Key Fund-Raiser for Obama Gets Off to a Slow Start
Once it had been leaked from supposedly sealed court documents, news agencies were duty-bound, sanctimoniously holding their noses, to put the Vaseline story into the public domain.
They can't act sanctimoniously on the one hand while brushing aside hypocrisy on the other.
she was sanctimoniously criticizing everybody
I would much rather dine in a restaurant with a happy, thriving family than a bunch of judgmental people straight from the Victorian era who sanctimoniously tell nursing moms to keep their "bratty" infants home.
Don't put yourself out there so self sanctimoniously and expect people to act any differently when you fall on your face, or screw up almost weekly.
Palin's PAC forced to correct FEC filing
But bearing witness risks being a self-regarding gesture aimed at sanctimoniously demonstrating one's moral superiority - akin to the self-regarding ‘innocence’ of Bertolucci's protagonists.
The newspaper sanctimoniously condemned the slightest failure on the part of the White House to divulge details of the president's sex life or to produce documents on a 20-year-old failed real estate investment.