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How To Use Sanctification In A Sentence

  • Science could offer both sanctuary and its own brand of sanctification.
  • Liturgy exists for the glorification of God and, consequently, for the sanctification of the worshiping community.
  • Lord thy will, not mine be done", then you have gained the triumph and the joy is yours, — that is, the "all in all" of Sanctification, believe Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie Houston,Febrary 14, 1857
  • Now being made _free from sin_, and become servants unto God, ye have your fruit _unto sanctification_, and the end eternal life. ' Holy in Christ Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy
  • It is a day of sanctification and holiness, and pre-empts all other holy days, and it is a memorial of the creation of the world and of the exodus from Egypt, as well as a memorial to the pact between God and the Hebrews, the covenant.
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  • Nous croyons que le commencement et la fin du salut, la nouvelle naissance, la foi, la sanctification, la perseverance, sont un don gratuit de la misericorde divine; le vrai croyant ayant ete elu en The Creeds of the Evangelical Protestant Churches.
  • This Connection became the first ‘denomination’ to officially adopt an article of religion on sanctification.
  • Let us listen to the message: 'Being made free from sin, ye became servants unto righteousness; now yield your members servants to righteousness _unto sanctification_.' Holy in Christ Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy
  • For instance, the mystery and the power of fire to be able to produce different artifacts, to mold iron, to cook food that could then be preserved, all led to a sanctification of fire as Agni.
  • He rejects antinomian ideas and upholds the believer's responsibility to co-operate with God in sanctification.
  • I feel quite ashamed of the measure of his success with me; but surely we want a new sanctification every day, -- a new recurrence to the grace that will _set_ "all dislocated bones," as J. Fletcher calls unsanctified feelings and affections. A Brief Memoir with Portions of the Diary, Letters, and Other Remains, of Eliza Southall, Late of Birmingham, England
  • In its broadest sense salvation includes regeneration, sanctification, and glorification.
  • I tell you Mollie, I misinformed you before, as to Sanctification being necessarily a gradual work, nay I've found out better since, it comes like justification, just as soon as we are ready to receive it, just as soon as we have consecrated all, all to God, then the blessing is there. Letter from Young John Allen to Mollie HoustonNovember 17, 1856
  • In the work of sanctification the Holy Ghost comes and dwells in us; and hereon "our bodies are the temple of the Holy Ghost, which is in us;" and "the temple of God is holy," 1 Cor.iii. 16, 17, -- although, I confess, this rather belongs unto the holiness of peculiar dedication unto God, whereof we shall treat afterward. Pneumatologia
  • And nothing is more effective in persuading the masses to cease cooperating with government than the constant and relentless exposure, desanctification, and ridicule of government and its representatives as moral and economic frauds and imposters: as emperors without clothes subject to contempt and the butt of all jokes. Palestine Blogs aggregator
  • Whereas godly joy may be our strength, godly sorrow serves for our sanctification.
  • 'Having been made free from sin, and having been enslaved unto God, ye have your fruit _unto sanctification_.' Holy in Christ Thoughts on the Calling of God's Children to be Holy as He is Holy
  • The skinflint and the loan shark are seen as sources of sawbuck salvation and sanctification.
  • The pilgrimage of sanctification after the moment of justification is an avenue by which bonds frayed by rejection of one tradition in favor of another can be healed.
  • We have shown that entire sanctification is coetaneous with the baptism with the Holy Ghost, in fact, that the two experiences are in an important sense identical, or, at least, so related to each other that whoever has one has the other. The Theology of Holiness
  • It is well known that the great Pope Gregory deliberately charged his missionaries to graft the new on to the old by purifying pagan rites and the sanctification of existing customs.
  • In thus finding vent for their piety, the pilgrims mingled sanctification with recreation, enjoying healthful holidays, and creating trade with varied business, commercial and commissarial activities, while enlarging also their ideas and learning something of geography. The Religions of Japan From the Dawn of History to the Era of Méiji
  • Sanctification and the baptism with the Spirit are therefore coetaneous -- they take place at the same time. The Heart-Cry of Jesus
  • And I shall crave leave to say, that he who hath no experience of spiritual shame and self-abhorrency, upon the account of this inconformity of his nature and the faculties of his soul unto the holiness of God, is a great stranger unto this whole work of sanctification. Pneumatologia
  • And I shall crave leave to say, that he who hath no experience of spiritual shame and self-abhorrency, upon the account of this inconformity of his nature and the faculties of his soul unto the holiness of God, is a great stranger unto this whole work of sanctification. Pneumatologia
  • In the process she achieves a kind of sanctification and transcendence through martyrdom.
  • But all the Calvinistic churches by their creeds, and also a large portion of the membership of Arminian denominations, without regard to their creeds, if asked when are we to obtain entire sanctification as an essential meetness for heaven, would answer, at death. The Theology of Holiness
  • A long theological title has been attached to this experience by the scholars - sanctification.
  • The change was called senescence, or sanctification. DEEP DOMAIN
  • In the context of the Boston church, which already taught a Covenant of Grace, the objections of the Antinomians centered on the concept of sanctification.
  • In the 'solitudes' to which he refers I worked with deliberation, endeavouring even to purify my intellect by disciplines similar to those enjoined by his own Church for the sanctification of the soul. Fragments of science, V. 1-2
  • Such desanctification has the effect of rendering nugatory everything Americans have been indoctrinated to believe. Who's your nanny?
  • Colombo's desanctification of the artwork, his reflections on the role of the viewer as an active agent, and his delving into relationships between space, time, and body are themes that still course through today's art.
  • Sanctification, so far as it relates to the removal of spiritual defilement, is illustrated; and that man cannot purge himself from his natural pravity is proved, iv. Pneumatologia
  • The only difference between the application of the same term to Christ and the disciples is, as applied to Christ, that it means only to "consecrate"; whereas, in application to the disciples, it means to consecrate with the additional idea of previous sanctification, since nothing but what is holy can be presented as an offering. Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • The entire sanctification of the heart and the Holy Ghost baptism are coetaneous experiences, and must not be divorced. The Theology of Holiness
  • Sanctification and glorification involve, respectively, the process of and the achievement of "the perfect restoration of God in man".
  • Arrogating universality to itself, the authoritarian state which arose over these exclusive particulars thwarted the self-activity of its people, and concealed the source of its authority behind a veil of religious sanctification.
  • The explosion of Internet dating, in which you announce the traits you want in a lover as you'd announce the ingredients you want in a latte, and remorselessly exchange him if he's not made to specifications, has hastened still further the commodification of romance — and its desanctification. Fidelity With a Wandering Eye
  • It is the graces of the Spirit which harmonize the man, and make him one; and that is the end, and aim, and object of all the Gospel: the entireness of sanctification to produce a perfectly developed man. Sermons Preached at Brighton Third Series
  • Its first public action, undertaken in 1979, was to tar and feather prominent Afrikaner theologian Floors van Jaarsveld for calling for the desanctification of the Day of the Covenant. News24 Top Stories
  • Under the strength of that spiritual baptism, power is available for complete sanctification.
  • We need sacred signs and gestures, which, while not a substitute for it, support the movement of the heart which yearns for sanctification: this, too, means acting liturgically ratione signi. Mauro Gagliardi on the Centrality of the Crucified Christ in the Liturgical Celebration
  • But upon the introduction of the new principle of grace and holiness in our sanctification, this habit of sin is weakened, impaired, and so disenabled as that it cannot nor shall incline unto sin with that constancy and prevalency as formerly, nor press unto it ordinarily with the same urgency and violence. Pneumatologia

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