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  1. a Japanese stringed instrument resembling a banjo with a long neck and three strings and a fretted fingerboard and a rectangular soundbox; played with a plectrum

How To Use samisen In A Sentence

  • They enter o-chayas/okiyas at a young age to learn the traditional arts - dance, music, which is performed mostly on stringed instruments like the samisen and the koto, along with conversational and entertaining arts.
  • Special students, myself included, dressed in matsuri coats and played the large taiko drums, while others placed samisen and fue for the crowds.
  • So they left the company of the light and music of the Tea House and samisen and trudged back into the darker, quieter, and somehow muddier streets that lead from the town.
  • She turned her head slightly and noticed a samisen propped up against one corner of the room.
  • The wizened grandma in the corner strikes up a geisha love song on her samisen. Ukiyo
  • It is most effective when traditional instruments, such as the samisen, are used.
  • Ryukyu shogi tsuba Ryukyuan shogoin turnip tsubo sabi shogun Tsuga sakai, adj. shogunate tsugaresinol sakaki shoji tsunami sake shomio tsurugi sakura Showa tsutsugamushi samisen shoya disease samsien shoyu tsutsugamushi mite samurai shubunkin tsutsumu san Shuha, adj. tycoon Sanda ware sika udo sanpaku, adj. VERBATIM: The Language Quarterly Vol IX No 1
  • A bell rings, the lights dim and a samisen (a three-stringed lute) starts to play as the performance of "Shinjû Ten no Amijima" (Double Suicide at Amijima Temple) begins. Puppet Love
  • Many bunraku fan sites, such as the blogs Mannaka Na Hibi (kayabatyou. and Yoshida Tamame San Ouen (tamamefun., are linked to sites of reciters, puppeteers and even samisen players. Puppet Love
  • Finally, just as we had engaged a Japanese orchestra, and as the first strains of the samisens and taikos were rising, through the paper-walls came a wild howl from the street. Chapter 16
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