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How To Use Salvo In A Sentence

  • You said “Let's remember who fired the first salvoes.” Tony Blair: The Next Labour Prime Minister?
  • It also developed a new ideology of team and reciprocal protection of air combat formations, and cruise missile salvos by naval ships.
  • Despite the skill with which Jellicoe and Beatty had enmeshed the High Seas Fleet, Iron Duke had fired only nine salvos when Scheer turned his ships around and vanished into the mist. Castles of Steel
  • A situation might call for an Arclite barrage from a division of siege tanks or a deadly battleship salvo of a targeted area.
  • Some of us standing in front of the Palace flinched when the first salvo was fired. Times, Sunday Times
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  • Shipowners and salvors, as hereinafter defined, may limit their liability in accordance with the rules of this Convention for claims set out in Article 2.
  • The company operates as the salvor-in-possession of the Titanic wreck. Five For The Drive
  • Also find Jen at jenconsalvo. com, bodysoulconnect. com and twitter. com/noreaster. blog comments powered by Disqus Women Grow Business » Launching Products: an Entreprenuer’s Course in Focus and Flexibility
  • Euge, euge, di me salvom et servatum volunt. iam ego illuc praecurram atque inscendam aliquam in arborem indeque observabo, aurum ubi abstrudat senex. quamquam hic manere me erus sese iusserat; 680 certum est, malam rem potius quaeram cum lucro. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Every joke the comedian made was greeted by a salvo of laughter from the audience.
  • On Thursday, salvors started moving the marine gas oil into containers on the ship, then airlifting these by helicopter to shore, where it is decanted into a big roadside tanker.
  • The Columbia opened fire with full battery salvoes, disgorging a storm of blue-white plasma fire into the separate targets.
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • I think the main objective of the salvors here would have been the copper from the electric motors, and the remains of what looks like the armature of an electric motor lies cleaned of its windings among the debris.
  • Prediction: The next salvo from the McCain camp will reference Obama's vote FOR the "Cheney Energy Bill. Obama Responds to McCain Conservation Ad - Swampland -
  • The submerged firing of the missiles can be conducted in a single salvo while the submarine is moving at a speed of 5 knots.
  • Quia ego hanc amo et haec me amat, huic quod dem nusquam quicquam est, hinc med amantem ex aedibus eiecit huius mater. argenti viginti minae me ad mortem appulerunt, quas hodie adulescens Diabolus ipsi daturus dixit, ut hanc ne quoquam mitteret nisi ad se hunc annum totum. videtin viginti minae quid pollent quidve possunt? ille qui illas perdit salvos est, ego qui non perdo pereo. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • He believes that a ban on fur would be the opening salvo in a wider war on religious practices such as shechita, the traditional Jewish method of slaughtering animals for meat which has been the subject of intense criticism around the world in recent years. The Guardian World News
  • Also find Jen at jenconsalvo. com, bodysoulconnect. com and twitter. com/noreaster. Women Grow Business » Search Results » consalvo
  • Already the warning shots have been fired regarding smaller class sizes for P1 to P3 and I can't imagine the salvo is going to let up any time soon. An Opposition Reborn
  • Em época de crise, onde as oportunidades de trabalho e negócios minguam, a mesquinhez humana aguça preconceitos numa “ética de bote salva-vidas”, onde a regra é: eu me salvo, você, não! Global Voices in English » Brazil: Amnesty for illegal immigrants sparks hope and controversy
  • Da, inquam. vah, formido miser, ne hic me tibi arbitretur suasisse, sibi ne crederes. da, quaeso, ac ne formida: salvom hercle erit. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • It's the first salvo in what is going to be a long, rough battle. The Sun
  • It is after this strong three song opening salvo that the album should run into a roadblock.
  • In the mean time, questions about the performance of the Justice Department are treated by the Clinton administration not as serious allegations of criminal activity, but as little more than a below-the-belt salvo in the culture wars. The Volokh Conspiracy » Waco
  • Like gunslingers in their own shoot-'em-up games, top console makers are blasting away with marketing salvoes months before products even hit the shelves.
  • This week the Salvos revealed that there has been a 17% increase in people seeking help this Christmas.
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • So here it is: the opening salvo in what looks to be the worst summer-movie season in recent memory.
  • This is the latest salvo in the battle against Wall Street\'s exorbitance, and this time it appears shareholders might stand a chance. ' OpEdNews - Quicklink: Calls against big CEO pay grow louder: Shareholders Want 'Say on Pay' in Push Against Excessive CEO Compensation
  • However, since the book's publication, Vazquez has teamed up with an American salvor company and dived on the wreck with unknown results. Books: Columbus's Last Voyage
  • They are required to carry out a series of manoeuvres with the 1.5 tonne gun and limber, including changing wheels, moving around a track and firing two salvoes of three shells each.
  • This is just the opening salvo of something that is going to get worse over the coming decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • Edwards has on numerous occasions reitterated that this proposal is not a pretense at a potential Presidential fiat to shrive healthcare from our Congressional representatives BUT merely the first salvo in his campaign to initiate action towards bringing healthcare to all as right and not a moneyed privilege. Edwards Mailer In Iowa Reiterates His Threat To Take Away Congress' Health Care
  • The Macaw's cannons unleashed a salvo that pummeled the pinnace.
  • We lay up in the stuffy, sweltering heat of the wood all afternoon, listening to the incessant thunder of the cannonading; one consolation was the regular crash of the artillery salvoes, which indicated that Wheeler's gunners were making good practice, and must still be well stocked with powder and shot. Fiancée
  • The one certainty is that the result of his absurd scheme will be another salvo of media stories of Home Office incompetence. Times, Sunday Times
  • This is just the opening salvo of something that is going to get worse over the coming decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • The lead characters are Joe and Sam, heroic Salvors operating from the M/V Triton in the North Atlantic stripping sunken frieghters of brightwork. John Ford meets Godzilla ~ update
  • The submerged firing of the missiles can be conducted in a single salvo while the submarine is moving at a speed of 5 knots.
  • The first salvo exploded a short distance away.
  • The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.
  • His partner in crime in this opening salvo is J.H. Williams III. Seven Soldiers of Victory #0 | Kung Fu Rodeo
  • The original burst of gunfire had subsided to two-way salvos, with one side firing far more rounds than the other.
  • The shooting was the salvo by insurgents determined to undermine the country's post war reconstruction.
  • The Columbia opened fire with full battery salvoes, disgorging a storm of blue-white plasma fire into the separate targets.
  • Note 70: Salvo Burci, fol. 106vb: Forte dicent Erretici Quare dixit dominus talium est regnum celorum si non erant perfecti. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • He may not know a flying drop kick from a toehold, but he created the opening salvo in a soon to be exploitation standard.
  • NOTHING at a fete should ever be $12! and beware the bloody salvos store in Ballarat where a used paperback was $14, and the counter nong flew into a rage when I said Fairy beard
  • Yesterday, salvors were also hard at work on the cargo ship Sagitarius, which is grounded on the rocks off Leaches Bay.
  • Announcing his retirement at this week's Christmas concert at Selby Abbey, he went out not with a whimper but a bang, and a departing salvo aimed at New Labour.
  • The rout began in the 18th minute when Blackburn scored the first of a three-goal salvo in nine minutes.
  • RMST's status as exclusive salvor is valid so long as it remains "in possession," a condition that effectively compels it to mount salvage expeditions every year or two. Titanic in the Courts
  • Every joke the comedian made was greeted by a salvo of laughter from the audience.
  • In his opening salvo the speaker fiercely attacked the Government's record on health care.
  • These projectors are now loaded with grenades like the US M76, which produce a smoke-screen of hot fragments which descend slowly, and which can be topped up with additional salvos.
  • Because of the difficulties in some salvage operations, salvors may tell you they do not know what the cost will be but will instead make a salvage claim afterwards.
  • Off Norway, Triton challenged a darkened submarine but failed to elicit a response before firing a salvo which sent Oxley to the bottom.
  • The kinetic missiles flew to their targets as one salvo, divided among five targets.
  • On the day of the murder, Albert DeSalvothe man who would eventually confess in lurid detail to the Strangler's crimesis also in Belmont, working as a carpenter at the Jungers 'home. A Death in Belmont by Sebastian Junger: Book summary
  • Still, Mr. Marden did say that when a store goes out of business or has its inventory damaged, a third party-called a "salvor" - takes over and brings the merchandise to stores like Marden's. The Adventures of Euan and Chris Is Brit Banker's Sitcom-a-Clef
  • Mecca deal politically averted Palestinian infighting, which could have been only averted otherwise by directing the Palestinian fire against a common enemy, a tactic that the latest attack in Elat could have been the first salvo. U.S. Diplomacy Misses Peace Opportunity in Jerusalem
  • This statement provoked a salvo of accusations.
  • Witness this week's opening salvo from the Chinese Iron and Steel Association: If steel prices have fallen back to 1994 levels, why shouldn't the key raw material be cut to the same mark? In Iron Ore Talks, China's the Underdog
  • Alas, the plans did not crystallize and to this day the Salvotini and the Thriller families remain in their corner of Morrison's Limbo. Six by 6 | Six other comics I’d like to see more of | Robot 6 @ Comic Book Resources – Covering Comic Book News and Entertainment
  • I to the Swan, and there did the first time 'baiser' the little sister of Sarah that is come into her place, and so away by coach home, where to my vyall and supper and then to bed, being weary of the following of my pleasure and sorry for my omitting (though with a true salvo to my vowes) the stating my last month's accounts in time, as I should, but resolve to settle, and clear all my business before me this month, that Diary of Samuel Pepys — Complete
  • It's the first salvo in what is going to be a long, rough battle. The Sun
  • Mercedes has fired the first salvo in a battle between luxury car makers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Yesterday the first salvos were fired in a battle over plans for a giant incinerator in Belvedere.
  • The rain was hard as buckshot, peppering the pavement in a fierce, continuous salvo. A NASTY DOSE OF DEATH
  • The resulting yield from the salvo caused the Battlecruiser to break apart, a tidal wave of flame running its entire length.
  • She's putting suitcases into the car and tells Boyd she's donating old clothes to the Salvos.
  • Iube vero vasa pura adornari mihi, ut quae apud legionem vota vovi. si domum rediissem salvos, ea ego exsolvam omnia. Amphitryo, Asinaria, Aulularia, Bacchides, Captivi Amphitryon, The Comedy of Asses, The Pot of Gold, The Two Bacchises, The Captives
  • Yet he took just four minutes and 15 seconds to fire an opening salvo. The Sun
  • The ulterior motive of this salvo seemed to be a two-fingered assault on United's recent detractors.
  • BRITISH GAS has fired the first salvo in what looks set to be a fierce energy price war. Times, Sunday Times
  • Neil's questioning could be viewed as the opening salvo in the battle for next year's elections to the Scottish parliament, with national economic performance likely to be one of the key issues after health, education and transport.
  • We fired a couple of salvoes at what we thought was the Bismarck before the Prince of Wales said we were firing at the wrong ship and we changed over.
  • Rebels retreated from their positions in the strategic oil-refinery city of Ras Lanuf as pro-Gadhafi forces dropped bombs from fighter jets and fired salvoes of rockets on the town. World Watch
  • `We also have to have assurances that the would-be salvor is trustworthy and well-meaning. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Some of us standing in front of the Palace flinched when the first salvo was fired. Times, Sunday Times
  • | Ah, the harpings and the salvos and the shoutings of thy | The Principles of English Versification
  • Mercedes has fired the first salvo in a battle between luxury car makers. Times, Sunday Times
  • The UK PAAMS will defend the ships from missiles approaching individually or in salvos and is capable of controlling a large number of airborne missiles simultaneously.
  • En Guayaquil, el calor me hizo sentir a salvo hasta hace dos viernes, cuando después de un concierto me encontré con el Ministro Ricardo Patiño y hablé un par de palabras con él sobre unos proyectos (a veces te toca bailar con el diablo). Global Voices in English » Ecuador: Continuing to Face the H1N1 Virus
  • Obama had to more than match it, and the righty salvoes began; then he went for health care and the noise doubled, a guy tried to blow up himself and an airplane and failed, but righties waiting to pounce on softness, went nuts again. Ron Radosh » How the Left Opinion-makers Spin the Brown Victory: Bad Advice for Obama
  • As a result of being hit by two torpedoes and over 20 salvos of gunfire in a night attack, Canberra I sustained critical damage.
  • Westminster fired the first salvoes of new extended range ammunition off the Dorset coast, sending 4.5in shells 25 per cent further than any other warship in service with the Royal Navy.
  • Artillery salvos can be fired farther, and it seems that bit easier to pick off an advancing armor unit that has had its mobility reduced considerably as a result of the steepness of the slope.
  • Every joke the comedian made was greeted by a salvo of laughter from the audience.
  • The second burst coincided with the next salvo from the Russians 'Maxim machine gun. Panzer Aces
  • Also find Jen atjenconsalvo. com, bodysoulconnect. com andtwitter. com/noreaster. Women Grow Business » Vision, Intention & Attention: 3 Critical Steps to Being Your Best
  • Salvors fear the ship will sink if the engine room and one of the holds is ‘lost’ during the next refloating attempt.
  • Here's the latest salvo from the Bush/Rove campaign against the Democrats. 11/18/2005
  • We do not yet know whether different stages of a battle, such as the initial salvos, a fighting retreat and a rout, have different archaeological signatures.
  • In his opening salvo the speaker fiercely attacked the Government's record on health care.
  • The one certainty is that the result of his absurd scheme will be another salvo of media stories of Home Office incompetence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Salvors plan to install a rig on to the seabed next to the vessel to speed up the clearance process.
  • Three days later, after the Leningrad - Moscow railway had been cleared, Stalin declared the blockade broken, and that night the city's anti-aircraft batteries fired victory salvos while the battle rumbled on the western horizon.
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • Mercedes has fired the first salvo in a battle between luxury car makers. Times, Sunday Times
  • We pooped off a salvo in the direction of the sound.
  • The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.
  • The rockets also are spin-stabilized to reduce the dispersion of rockets and thus to increase the accuracy and density of salvos.
  • Each and every one of these bills is just another salvo inv their all-out war to destroy us. The State of Connecticut attacks the Catholic Church
  • The Salvation Army's annual Red Shield Appeal is coming up in May, and the Salvos are looking for 100,000 volunteers nationwide to give a hand with the doorknock on the weekend of May 25-26.
  • Some of us standing in front of the Palace flinched when the first salvo was fired. Times, Sunday Times
  • Ten months earlier, in the same committee room, unions hostile to Taylor had fired their opening salvos.
  • The first salvo in the car strategy will be the new Versa subcompact, which goes on sale in summer 2006.
  • Hmas Australia did her duty on convoys, and once relieved she was thrust into the war and found herself battling French cruisers off Dakar in early 1940 delivering punishing salvos and receiving her first scars of battle.
  • The museum actually takes full charge of these finds, and only later will return them to the salvor. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Fighter jets dropped bombs, tanks rained down shells, while pro-Gadhafi fighters fired steady salvoes of Grad rockets on the town throughout the day, in what appeared to be a significant increase in the intensity of the government offensive against rebel fighters in the east. Gadhafi Drives Rebels Out of Key City
  • Salvors are offloading potentially hazardous cargo from the ship which ran aground near Grosvenor Point off the Wild Coast on Saturday night.
  • there was a salvo of approval
  • The Conservatives and Labour today launched the opening salvos in the battle for the parent vote, both promising to give people more choice over their child's schooling and to crack down on poor behaviour.
  • It was said that French soldiers at Verdun were given much heart when they heard the distant rumble of the first British artillery salvos at the Somme.
  • Yet he took just four minutes and 15 seconds to fire an opening salvo. The Sun
  • Once past the disorientating 10m gap where the salvors have blasted this ship apart, the hull reformed and a smaller high-elevation gun could be seen.
  • The Conservative salvo at a 72-year-old widow of a man she called a "true-blue" Conservative quickly spread through blogs, newspapers and television. NYT > Home Page
  • The one certainty is that the result of his absurd scheme will be another salvo of media stories of Home Office incompetence. Times, Sunday Times
  • Without the signed Yacht Salvage Contract, the salvor is free to arrest your boat and file suit in federal court.
  • Yesterday, salvors were also hard at work on the cargo ship Sagitarius, which is grounded on the rocks off Leaches Bay.
  • The coin-sized but rapidly growing disc of Hranrar on the forward viewer abruptly vanished, replaced by a high-resolution image of a Starfleet shuttlecraft trading salvoes of weapons fire with an aggressively-postured warship that had a long, narrow primary hull and at least four clearly identifiable engine nacelles. Star Trek: Typhon Pact: Seize the Fire
  • The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.
  • Overhead, salvo after salvo of heavy shells screamed through the sky from Allied warships pounding German positions.
  • If the salvor has reason to believe that the party salved is to or attempts to violate the provision of this Paragraph, the salvor is entitled to apply for measure of property security.
  • These three books are the first salvo in a bombardment that will surely intensify as the anniversary approaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The A.P. was below when the salvo from the German cruiser struck the ship. The Submarine Hunters A Story of the Naval Patrol Work in the Great War
  • In the meantime, a missile salvo from Comet struck the already damaged Claymore, crippling the ship.
  • In 2001, Warren White, a salvor with a reputation for blowing up wrecks to find their hidden gold, announced that a wreck off the coast of Panama -- the oldest ever found in the Western Hemisphere -- was Vizcaina. Books: Columbus's Last Voyage
  • These three books are the first salvo in a bombardment that will surely intensify as the anniversary approaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • Like a performance artist, Keyes riled the crowd up, mixing animadversions on constitutional law with sudden, stentorian salvos against judges.
  • Yet he took just four minutes and 15 seconds to fire an opening salvo. The Sun
  • Maritime liens on cargo is an important part of maritime liens aiming at protecting the interests of special claimants including the salvors.
  • This is just the opening salvo of something that is going to get worse over the coming decades. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latest hate-filled salvo is from Lou Sheldon's Traditional Values Coalition Web site: 11/01/2005
  • A group of sentinels stood to stop the elated pilots, but were gunned down with one well-placed salvo from the Omegas.
  • BRITISH GAS has fired the first salvo in what looks set to be a fierce energy price war. Times, Sunday Times
  • The salvor shall own duty to seek the assistance of other salvors where reasonably necessary.
  • RMST requests a preliminary injunction, and, in an order dated June 23, the court declares that RMST, as salvor-in-possession, has the right to exclude others from visiting the site in order to photograph it. Titanic in the Courts
  • Speaking after a logistic meeting with the salvors, ships agents and other authorities late last night, Kroon said yesterday had been spent making sure the vessel was prepared to withstand the expected storm.
  • Congressman Saunders fired the opening salvo during a heated debate on capital punishment.
  • The Salvos had warned that when the hostel closed men would end up camping in the river with nowhere else to go.
  • Most of the fuel has been removed off the TMP Sagitarius, but salvors are still struggling to remove fuel oil off the Nino as gale force winds yesterday cause havoc with recovery attempts.
  • Cuando hoy en día, sobre todo en verano, se abandonan por las calles tantos perros que nos han mostrado su cariño a lo largo del año, bueno será explicarles a aquellos que hacen este tipo de salvajadas la historia de este animal que le salvó la vida a un santo tan importante como fue Roque. Global Voices in English » Bolivia: Honoring Dogs on the Feast of St. Roch
  • But the primary goals of the salvage -- to maintain the project's salvor-in-possession status and recover "desirable objects" for display -- remain decidedly non-archaeological. Titanic in the Courts
  • These three books are the first salvo in a bombardment that will surely intensify as the anniversary approaches. Times, Sunday Times
  • The superstition grew apace that this was a mystic courier come with great news from the war -- the poetry of the idea excusing and commending it -- and on it spread, from heart to heart, from lip to lip and from street to street, till there was a general impulse to have out the military and welcome the bright waif with a salvo of artillery! Roughing It, Part 6.
  • In an overwhelming majority of cases, enemy batteries, owing to high accuracy of firing and the destructive force of projectiles, had time enough to fire one or two salvos before they were straddled with friendly gunfire and went silent.
  • After the first salvo of rockets, his men had rallied. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • The vertical launching system has the capacity to launch 16 Tomahawk submarine launched cruise missiles in a single salvo.
  • The newspaper article was the opening salvo in what proved to be a long battle.
  • Mercedes has fired the first salvo in a battle between luxury car makers. Times, Sunday Times
  • Jacob, Tango-1 is continuing to launch missile salvoes. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » JM’s Review Forum
  • “Fire rear missile launchers, two salvoes, proximity detonation, advanced tracking packages!” Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » The Five Page Challenge!
  • Long columns of vehicles were seen snaking through the moonlit desert towards the border, after repeated salvoes that lit up the horizon with flashes of fire.
  • His scenes play more as brief soliloquies; the characters voicing unspoken thoughts and memories, repeating phrases and exchanging salvos of opaque dialogue.
  • His testimony, however, was only one in a salvo of new attacks.
  • It has launched its new price comparison service, the latest salvo in the battle for dominance in the Internet search space.
  • The first ammendment remains in force, so my salvo is “Deal with it Tony”. Anthony Dias Blue, bloggers, and the exposure package | Dr Vino's wine blog
  • So the last salvo is usually to establish a patent much in the same vein as the anemic Microsoft - in order to stifle competition. Smart Mobs » Blog Archive » Blackboard wins patent on e-learning
  • BRITISH GAS has fired the first salvo in what looks set to be a fierce energy price war. Times, Sunday Times
  • After the first salvo of rockets, his men had rallied. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • The irony is that every time someone finds and salvages an old shipwreck, archaeologists scream their heads off and accuse the divers and salvors of looting and obliterating an underwater site.
  • In his opening salvo of the contest, for instance, Mr Clarke devoted more than half an hour of his declaration speech to saying why he wasn't going to talk about the euro and barely mentioned any other subject.
  • But salvor Nilda Vazquez claims the Panamanian Ministry of Economy and Finance has granted her exclusive rights to the wreck. Books: Columbus's Last Voyage
  • The company that arranged for the cruise -- and provided funding and equipment for the expedition -- later sues RMST, claiming co-salvor status and seeking $8 million for breach of contract, fraud, and other damages. Titanic in the Courts
  • The battle began with a salvo from the Teutonic Order's bombards but, like most artillery of the time, that had little effect in the open field.
  • After the first salvo of rockets, his men had rallied. The Barefoot Emperor: An Ethiopian Tragedy
  • In the latest salvo, the country's Foreign Ministry said it "rejected the British attempt to militarise the conflict" and expressed regret that an heir to the throne would arrive wearing "the uniform of a conqueror". Prince William arrives in the Falkland Islands
  • We do not yet know whether different stages of a battle, such as the initial salvos, a fighting retreat and a rout, have different archaeological signatures.
  • It's the first salvo in what is going to be a long, rough battle. The Sun
  • With a trademark mix of impro, live music and inventive storytelling, The Chaingang Gang follows Cartoon de Salvo's previous hits Meat and Two Veg and Ladies and Gentlemen.
  • The Salvos are associated with alcoholics, drug addiction, and aged care - across the whole range of social services.

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