How To Use Salvinia In A Sentence
- While some consider giant salvinia to be an attractive aquatic plant, this free-floating fern is also an obnoxious invader that's sometimes referred to as ‘the world's worst water weed.’
- Salvinia is an invasive waterweed that grows in Kakadu National Park. Kakadu National Park, Australia
- A ribbon snake is seen on salvinia in a cypress swamp adjacent to marsh that stretches to the Gulf of Mexico in Barataria Preserve.
- Dog training school salvinia from kia am reeking in la was quizzically to ask unwillingly the pairing, and nosecount nazimova endogenous to luckiness that eternally was any gutter. Rational Review
- Somewhere along the way, invasive plant species such as hydrilla and giant salvinia took up residence, threatening to choke the lake and its creatures to death. - Highschool
- The two weeds, giant sensitive plant Mimosa pigra and the waterweed Salvinia molesta, are currently of great concern because they can easily come to dominate wetland areas. Kakadu National Park, Australia
- A ribbon snake is seen on salvinia in a cypress swamp adjacent to marsh that stretches to the Gulf of Mexico in Barataria Preserve.
- The vegetation of these plains changes more or less continuously throughout the wet-dry cycle, from permanent open water communities, invaded by the waterweed Salvinia molesta, which, with the giant sensitive plant Mimosa pigra, is rampant, and to ephemeral communities of herbs, grasses and sedges associated with seasonally flooded, cracking clay soils that dry out completely in the dry season when the southern hills become a refuge for the Park's fauna. Kakadu National Park, Australia