How To Use Salvia divinorum In A Sentence
Well, known as salvia divinorum, this leafy "houseplant" is a highly-potent relative of sage and mint plants.
Dozens of homemade videos on Youtube show teenagers high on a plant called salvia Divinorum.
CNN Transcript Apr 27, 2008
The state senator spearheading the second legislative attempt to ban Salvia divinorum - which can cause a short-term hallucinogenic experience after it's chewed or smoked - said Monday that Firoz's acquittal will be a topic of conversation if LB123 is debated today as scheduled. - News Articles
FINNSTROM: Dozens of homemade videos on YouTube show teenagers high on a plant called salvia divinorum; they are helping fuel fears that teenage under the radar drug craze.
CNN Transcript Apr 28, 2008
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