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How To Use Salvation In A Sentence

  • Naa, Mr. Penrose, yo 'preachers talk abaat th' Cross, and it's o 'reet that yo' should; but yo 'cannot blame me for talkin' abaat my flute, con yo ', when it's bin my salvation? Lancashire Idylls (1898)
  • The Protestant Reformers defined the Roman doctrine of Works as a form of barter system, whereby believers could accrue spiritual benefits for themselves and salvation through their performance.
  • Salvation came in the form of a doctor who was able to help Sterry unravel the knots - and in the form of his wife.
  • The union of Christ and the Father within the Godhead is that which we are to believe and rely upon for the certainty of our salvation.
  • Thou teachest "my hands to war and my fingers to fight" [361] against the invisible enemies of my salvation and blessedness; against the enemies of holiness and of the power of Thy glory; against the subcelestial spirits of evil. My Life in Christ, or Moments of Spiritual Serenity and Contemplation, of Reverent Feeling, of Earnest Self-Amendment, and of Peace in God
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  • It is zeal for the salvation of souls which makes the prelateship desired, if you will believe the ambitious man; which makes the monk, who is destined for the choir, run hither and thither, as the restless soul himself will tell you; which causes all those censures and murmurings against the prelates of the Treatise on the Love of God
  • His answer offers no fairy tales of salvation or a paradisiacal afterlife. Michael Brenner: The Buddha As Icon
  • The joy of Cornelius at what he called the salvation of the Meistersinger knew no bounds. My Life — Volume 2
  • Christ's spiritual body (Col 1: 24). they ... also -- as well as myself: both God's elect not yet converted and those already so. salvation ... glory -- not only salvation from wrath, but glory in reigning with Him eternally (2Ti 2: 12). Commentary Critical and Explanatory on the Whole Bible
  • His is on a quest for moksha, the salvation won when ending the cycle of rebirth.
  • Matthew Risch, lately of "Pal Joey," is smooth and debonair as Sky Masterson, the high-rolling sharpie who wins the heart of Miss Sarah Brown Morgan James, the dishy Salvation Army doll who longs to save the souls of all the heels on Broadway. Joy in Runyonland
  • In that context, I found phrases like these kind of disconcerting and hard to read: the passions of his bewildered heart … a maelstrom of melancholicaly erupted emotion … causing a bit of the guilt to spatter through his brow … that would never permit his repression, never allow for nothing short of predetermined apocalyptic salvation. Superhero Nation: how to write superhero novels and comic books » Frank Murdock’s Review Forum
  • Stuart and I promptly donned our dressiest outfits -- in my case, a $5 black tuxedo from the Salvation Army that I used when performing with the orchestra -- and grabbed our next door neighbor, "Circle" (so named because it looked like someone made his face with a perfectly round cookie cut-out and cut his hair with a bowl on his head). Eliezer Sobel: Calling Dr. Laura: Old Loves And The Boundaries Of Fidelity
  • What is even more violent is that in order to escape further pain and buffets, Cheryl found herself clinging for salvation in this instant to the very same social yardstick used to measure her a non-person.
  • Granting Salvation to some and denying it to others regardless of merit is unjust. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Two - Grace, Salvation, and Redemption | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • Let us leave the sweet euphony of Bangla to our poets, and the salvation-enhancement of Sanskrit to our priests.
  • If things were the other way around, our son-whom-we-loved would be a damned terrorist, almost certainly, because he is of the third and fourth generation of refugeehood and oppression, and whence cometh salvation? Progressive Bloggers
  • The NDP platform is full of recommendations on how a green economy is our country's salvation.
  • The more entrepreneurial found economic salvation in self-employment.
  • He was, indeed, as Dr. Lavendar said, a man of humble mind; and yet with his humbleness was a serene certainty of belief as to his soul's welfare that would have been impossible to John Fenn, who measured every man's chance of salvation by his own theological yardstick, or even to Dr. Lavendar, who thought salvation unmeasurable. The Voice
  • I beg permission to have a few witnesses examined concerning my character; and if their testimony shall not overweigh my supposed guilt, I must be condemned, although I would pledge my salvation on my innocence. Chapter 8
  • And amid all this we are to preach the gospel of salvation, gathering in the lost sheep of Christ till the church is complete.
  • But the full concept of salvation in the New Testament is deliverance from our present sins.
  • The Scottish Socialist Party, the sole ark of salvation to which 128,026 Scots look for emancipation from capitalist helotry, is in meltdown.
  • No more resonance than a quarter hitting the bottom of a Salvation Army Christmas kettle.
  • The manna that succored the Israelites in the wilderness was gathered in baskets, which thus formed part of a divine act of national salvation.
  • Also, as MacCulloch points out, later rigidities in predestinarian debates do not yet apply. Yet Cranmer would say that God singles out the Elect for salvation from eternal damnation, which is the fate of those not among the Elect.
  • It is the very key to understanding the apostle Paul's elaboration of his doctrine of salvation.
  • But the Chancellor has never been shy of talking about the need for moral and civic virtue and his welfare policy is positively Presbyterian in its emphasis on salvation by work.
  • She has not turned onto the dead-end road of reminiscence, disability and dependence, but rather onto the long, fulfilling road of life, happiness, and salvation.
  • Meggie saw it as a chance to reciprocate for those lonely Queensland years, and Anne saw it as salvation. THE THORN BIRDS
  • LaLanne had added a new dimension to the diet gurus' puritanical quest for spiritual salvation through the body: exercise.
  • But, consider, his hope of salvation must be founded on the terms on which it is promised that the mediation of our SAVIOUR shall be applied to us, ” namely, obedience; and where obedience has failed, then, as suppletory to it, repentance. Life of Johnson
  • A legendary relic, a dragon-wrought amulet, the Heart of Fire may be the salvation of her people, and Sorcha is willing to pay any price to obtain it, but when she discovers the price is the loss of her humanity, she learns caution too late. Romance Divas » 2007 » February
  • Bunyan said of the things with which one could commit idolatry when binding God with them, the laver and Table, that by the free grace of God, ‘Here's such as helpeth Man's Salvation.’
  • If Brit-pop's in fact dead, there's a nation of lonely-hearted saps ready to pick up the pieces of shattered hearts from the rainy country and lead a world of crybabies to salvation.
  • So, apart from pushing for a more respectable position in the table, it is to the cup competitions that he is looking for salvation.
  • they turned to individualism as their salvation
  • He claimed that all those who believe His message and receive His way of salvation are made part of the covenant.
  • hope to win salvation hereafter
  • Oriental mystery cults attempted to answer the need for a salvationist faith with its mysticisms and forms of sacrament; philosophy outside the Church was running to religiosity. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • Hudson falls for wife of man he killed, studies, cures her uncurable blindness in bare-chested operation-starts in death, ends in salvation, and updates a medieval mythology of efficacious grace into the apostatic 50s of luxury condos and kultchah, with uneasy overtones of capitalist will-to-power: a full-grown stereotype of moonlit joy rides, canted California beachlight, Swiss oompahpah, the world's best optometrists in labcoats, a hidden desert valley in Arizona that exists only for a hospital that exists only as the bedspring of recovery-emotional and physical-for our cut-out protagonists. The L Magazine - New York City's Local Event and Arts & Culture Guide
  • It was, my friend, necessary upon the foregoing occasion, to insist much upon the finished salvation wrought out by our Re - deemer; all knowledge of the character of Jesus Christ, seemed to be lost among the greater part of the people. Letters, and sketches of sermons : in three volumes
  • Quia autem pro animarum salvatione datum fuerit illud mandatum, aperte cognosci potest ex verbis Domini, quae ad Abraham locutus est, quando ei circumcisionis praeceptum dabat, dicens: infans octo dierum circumcidetur in vobis. A Tender Age: Cultural Anxieties over the Child in the Twelfth and Thirteenth Centuries
  • One found salvation only by joining a madrasah and becoming religious. Times, Sunday Times
  • Can we somehow get ourselves to consume our way to economic salvation?
  • They deny both the necessity and the validity of atonement by the death of the Cross, and affirm that its propitiation is not necessary to salvation.
  • Stuart and I promptly donned our dressiest outfits--in my case, a $5 black tuxedo from the Salvation Army that I used when performing with the orchestra--and grabbed our next door neighbor, "Circle" so named because it looked like someone made his face with a perfectly round cookie cut-out and cut his hair with a bowl on his head. Eliezer Sobel: Calling Dr. Laura: Old Loves And The Boundaries Of Fidelity
  • My escape and at moments my salvation from this particular trail was to come in the form of nearly sixteen hundred acres of blackland prairie in an extended finger of the Texas Hill Country, a ranch near a town named Crawford. Spoken from the Heart
  • Soon other events of the history of our salvation were placed on this day by legendary belief, and thus we find in some calendars of the Middle Ages the following quaint "anniversaries" listed for March 25: Archive 2009-03-01
  • That God is willing that all should be saved, appears from the sufficiency of the provision which is made for the salvation of sinners; the frequent declarations that it is designed for all; the offers which are made indiscriminately to all; and the suitableness of the provision to the circumstances of all.
  • Vague promises of unspecified future salvation just don't cut it in today's market.
  • The ability to manipulate information, he implied, could be our very salvation.
  • But killing their fellow God-created human beings in order to attain their personal salvation is a blatantly selfish and the most condemnable inhumane act, morally and theologically.
  • And those condemned to death can still find salvation before they die.
  • This encouragement must be particularly addressed to the common soldiers by a priest appointed, and, the Jews say, anointed, for that purpose, whom they call the anointed of the war, a very proper title for our anointed Redeemer, the captain of our salvation: This priest, in God's name, was to animate the people; and who so fit to do that as he whose office it was as priest to pray for them? Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume I (Genesis to Deuteronomy)
  • Satan respects the power of the Blood and recognizes it as the source of your salvation.
  • They moralize that you can only win salvation and happiness in some other world, and then only by sacrificing your life in this one. NAKED EMPIRE
  • We all know that Paul's letters emphasise salvation by grace through faith.
  • It waged holy war on the devil's kingdom of unbelief, and sought to bring the ‘vast continent of vice, crime and misery’ that was London's East End to salvation.
  • The medieval Church believed in salvation through faith and works.
  • If rejection is our dilemma, grace is our salvation.
  • The four corners were a pub, a church, a school and a pawnshop: damnation, salvation, education and ruination. THE OPEN DOOR
  • I thank you that you forgive and cleanse me of all unrighteousness, and that you restore the joy of my salvation!
  • And the tug of music was there, and the tug of those words of the baroness about salvation -- the thought of achieving the impossible, reserved only for the woman of supreme charm, for the true victress. Beyond
  • Prospects perked up when I broached the first of my rapidly warming cans and heard loud singing from what looked like a pub but which turned out to be Sunday service at the Salvation Army.
  • Such piety is the salvation of families and states, just as the impious, which is unpleasing to the gods, is their ruin and destruction. Euthyphro
  • For if it is true, then, indeed, there is such a person as God, who has created us in his image; we have fallen into sin and require salvation; and the means to such restoral and renewal have been provided in the incarnation, suffering, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, the second person of the trinity. Warranted Christian Belief
  • They homed in on the sound of the diesel as a lifeline to salvation. A DAYSTAR OF FEAR
  • Like the Virgin Mary, who believed what the angel told her about God's plan of salvation, Philip also believed the angel's message.
  • Christ died for sin, but His death brings no salvation from sin apart from faith.
  • The flag has a large white cross, a symbol of salvation, that divides it into four quarters.
  • The family then begins reveling in their salvation, drinking wine from goatskins.
  • Although Pelagius was not a Donatist, Augustine and others felt that his ideas of salvation might lead the church in a Donatist direction because clergy would be judged by their ability to be free of sin. Augustine vs. Pelagius Part Four - The Politics of Free Will | Heretical Ideas Magazine
  • And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the spirit, which is the word of God.
  • Whereas we still harbour reasonable hopes of ending 38 years of footballing hurt, English tennis seems beyond salvation.
  • A former Salvation Army volunteer who preached Christian values has been exposed as a cheating cowboy builder.
  • But it avails little if we reach agreement on this doctrine or that but are in fundamental disagreement about the sacramental nature of the Church in inseparable unity with Christ and the salvation he bestows.
  • Almighty God is the education and training of children, young plants of the Abhá Paradise, so that these children, fostered by grace in the way of salvation, growing like pearls of divine bounty in the shell of education, will one day bejewel the crown of abiding glory. A Compilation on Bahá’í Education
  • Yet even Puritanism was, in the end, concerned with the individual soul, and individual salvation.
  • He came to die for the ungodly and offer Himself as a sacrifice to God for their salvation.
  • Truly, lectors are Ministers of God's Word, as they communicate the story of salvation history to the Christian community.
  • Their salvation and future prosperity lie not in pinning their faith on American aid and aggressive military blocs but in breaking away from her, in repudiating her foreign policy which threatens to drag them into another war, and in proclaiming a policy of peace and friendship with other nations. Articles written by Nelson Mandela for Liberation, 1955-59
  • Luther lived at a time when the bible was only available in Latin, when the Church exploited people by selling holy relics for salvation.
  • A braise was my only hope of salvation, so this is what I did. At My Table
  • What concerns our salvation is plain enough, and we need not perplex ourselves about the niceties of chronology, genealogy, or chorography. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume II (Joshua to Esther)
  • Much twentieth-century theology was driven by a re-evaluation of soteriology: the question of how the salvation produced or initiated by Christ is to be understood.
  • While works are not a means of salvation, good works are the inevitable result of salvation.
  • The collective salvation of our civilisation requires the inner transformation of every individual from the ignorance of materialism and individualism to the Gnosis of collective spiritual awareness.
  • We can not hope to recover that certainty about good and evil upon which in the ethical religions salvation itself depends.
  • These include a Pelagian doctrine of salvation, a unitarian doctrine of God, a docetic christology and Bible, a gnostic doctrine of eschatology, and a Constantinian doctrine of church-state relations—which, by the way, was what led the German church to support Hitler. Evangelical heresies
  • Christians hope and pray for salvation.
  • Salvation seems to arrive in the form of a drifter that Tim meets at the bar, a fellow who helps him cover up the killing.
  • Joy in God and in his salvation is the only true, solid, satisfying joy. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume III (Job to Song of Solomon)
  • Paul tells us, "Put on salvation as your helmet, and take the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
  • They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
  • They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.
  • Universalism, a product of the 18th-century Enlightenment, holds that all living beings attain complete salvation.
  • I can't forget it; I can't forget him; and perhaps my memory shall become my salvation, and thus my vulnerable body my imperishable soul.
  • Their commanding officer perseveres forward, but finds himself betrayed by a non-com concerned with self-salvation alone.
  • He rejects the idea that Israel's salvation lies in alignment with the Saudis and other "sclerotic" Sunni regimes. MJ Rosenberg: Will Obama Buckle?
  • With God we are moving along on a path toward meaning, renewal, and salvation.
  • Good teaching, nay great teaching, may yet be the salvation of the university in society in our day.
  • The light and the dark intermingle to form the pattern of redemption and salvation.
  • And an hour later all the clothes I wanted to give to the Salvation Army were stuffed in a bag, and all the new clothes were arranged by color, and gradation of color.
  • I do not need or want his "salvation" and I am grateful to know that the afterlife is not as described in your often plagiarized and mistranslated book. Friendly religious questions for Christians and other monotheists
  • The key difference between strongly predestinarian / Augustinian Catholics and Calvinists is that election for the latter means final election (to glory), whereas the former recognize the friability of assurance and salvation.
  • Christians "exalt" the Cross of Christ as the instrument of our salvation. Latest Articles
  • It may be something to do with being a universalizing, salvationist monotheism. Those damned media atheists.
  • His quest for salvation could only be aided by her loving, floury hands, and her suburban lifestyle and conservatory existence would welcome a hip - swivelling injection of true rock and roll.
  • The SSPX, as I understand it, don't want to engage in the salvation of souls in "cloistered" communities independent of the local Bishops. Fellay speaks: The talks begin in the autumn of 2009
  • Intent on their hobby, they are the kind of creature you might see on a Sunday morning at a steam railway depot, or perhaps in the administrative office of a remote Salvation Army station.
  • The term parachute almost makes it seem like there's some sort of financial salvation out there for everyone. Design daily news
  • Inherent in the word bless is the desire for the salvation of that person. Living on the Edge
  • Written in heroic couplets, many are elegies or stress the theme of Christian salvation.
  • This Damon Runyon tale of Broadway in the 1940s, has a melee of characters including gamblers, nightclub performers and Salvationists seeking to reform wayward inhabitants of Times Square in New York.
  • David went deep within himself, met God, and found strength and direction to stride into the way of salvation.
  • They moralize that you can only win salvation and happiness in some other world, and then only by sacrificing your life in this one. NAKED EMPIRE
  • Propitiatory, expiatory, remissory, or satisfactory, for they signify all one thing in effect, and is nothing else but a thing whereby to obtain remission of sins, and to have salvation. Sermons on the Card
  • Allah as predestinating men severally to salvation or damnation, while he also describes him as “the Com - passionate One, the Merciful.” Dictionary of the History of Ideas
  • In Zoroastrian eschatology there is much which has become familiar from reading the Jewish and Christian testaments: heaven, hell, redemption, the promise of a Sashoyant (Messiah), the existence of an evil spirit Ahriman and – most striking of all – the prospect of a final battle for the salvation of man at "the end of time" between Ahura Mazda and Ahriman leading to the latter's final defeat. Zoroaster – forgotten prophet of the one God
  • Many have written about the narcissism in our poetry as a sign of indulging in privatism; but since redemption or salvation is primarily individual (and increasingly removed from culture), religiosity also attenuates that privatism.
  • What did it say about McCain's judgment and steadiness that he could careen between a liberal apostate he knew well and a frontier salvationist he knew hardly at all who's the opposite in most respects? John & Sarah in St. Paul
  • And yet to pretend that Nathaniel is our sole salvation is too cynical.
  • I have found that the best way to put together completely surreal, futurist combinations of clothes is to go shopping at a Salvation Army or other thrift store in your local gay district, where they will have the best clothes, natch.
  • If they are left unaware of impending judgment they will not appreciate the significance of salvation.
  • In this predominantly male, working-class climate, the Salvationist vision stresses hard work, discipline and self-transformation in service to others.
  • Howard attracted many gifted people who have subsequently attained leadership roles in the Salvation Army.
  • Vague promises of unspecified future salvation just don't cut it in today's market.
  • If the goal is to interest more people in eschatology and bring the message of salvation to more people, then I pray God blesses those efforts. Archive 2006-12-01
  • But the splendor of wit cannot outdazzle the calm daylight, which always shows every individual man in balance with his age, and able to work out his own salvation from all the follies of that, and no such glaring contrasts or severalties in that or this. Uncollected Prose
  • A drug treatment program was Ron's salvation.
  • the salvation of his party was the president's major concern
  • /was/a harper might be his salvation; he didn't want to lose that advantage just yet. Dragon's Fire
  • He has raised a horn of salvation for us in the house of his servant David, as he promised through holy prophets long ago.
  • The children moved on to the Salvation Army Sunday School, where she learnt to play the triangle and cymbals.
  • We have not insisted on our right, but have rather been in straits to serve the interests of the gospel, and promote the salvation of souls. Commentary on the Whole Bible Volume VI (Acts to Revelation)
  • In the mid-Nineties, with Argentina facing an economic crisis, Monsanto stepped in with an offer of salvation.
  • Thousands professed to have found salvation in Christ through Templeton's preaching.
  • Luther is quoted as saying he was "in cloaca", or in the sewer, when he was inspired to argue that salvation is granted because of faith, not deeds. Archive 2004-10-01
  • God that he would make the word effectual to the salvation of the soul; still being grieved lest the enemy should take the word away from the conscience, and so it should become unfruitful: wherefore I have labored so to speak the word, as that thereby, if it were possible, the sin and person guilty might be particularized by it. The Riches of Bunyan
  • The Salvation Army says it would welcome any food that would keep, such as chocolates, sweets, biscuits, mince pies and selection boxes.
  • Our main message is salvation through grace alone, by faith alone, through Christ alone.
  • Transferred nationalism, like the use of scapegoats, is a way of attaining salvation without altering one’s conduct. Notes on Nationalism
  • He cursed the vultures circling above his head, for he knew now his flesh would soon be torn to pieces by their cruel hooked beaks and he could hope for no salvation, nor a proper funeral pyre.
  • Just a day before salvation comes, a burly, angry con assaults Nick and sticks his shiv into Nick's gizzard.
  • Just as he forgave the sins of the paralytic and restored him to bodily health, so he continues his work of healing and salvation today through the sacrament.
  • The four corners were a pub, a church, a school and a pawnshop: damnation, salvation, education and ruination. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Paul's gospel is that salvation comes by grace through faith, to Jew and Gentile alike.
  • Salvation in a bottle for people with combination skin. Times, Sunday Times
  • KJV Sing unto the LORD, bless his name; shew forth his salvation from day to day.
  • This pattern in the Islamic movement emphasizes the effectiveness of the traditional network of ulama or sayyids based on their sacredness, nobility of origin, or salvation of the soul.
  • The practices of exclusive other-worldly salvation religions did not disappear with modernity, despite early Enlightenment imperatives, and have not disappeared so far despite recent globalization.
  • While individual mops and brooms can only go so far, despair may be growing about where to turn for the capital city's salvation.
  • The consummation of their hope is set before them, along with the salvation of the world.
  • I wanted to beat back at him, smash flesh and bone'tear" rend" Perhaps the physical weakness left from our long ride was our salvation at that moment. Three Against The Witch World
  • Just before the final dive into the Pacific Ocean, she is heard leading the sinner's prayer for salvation.
  • Thrashing wildly, she flailed her arms and legs in a desperate attempt to move upwards, to the surface, to salvation.
  • If the former is individualistic, magical, and salvationist, the latter is collective, technical, and this-worldly. » Why Jews Write Science Fiction and Christians Write Fantasy …
  • It is the American dream, but also the socialist Utopia, the glimmer of hope for the poor, the comforter of the oppressed who yearn for salvation.
  • He wrote, Might you have sway with legislators against the Salvation Army male duo that park about 4 p.m. on 50th street near the rink, set up a boom box and start jitterbugging doing Michael Jackson -style whoops and yells every 20 seconds, that disturb workers in the building. Salvation Army Swings
  • God's activity is hidden and salvation is accomplished through Christ's death.
  • The midpoint is on the state SPCA property, so at 9, I dropped the truck and donned a nearly new EMS waist pack I found at the Salvation Army store. Archive 2008-07-01
  • The same people who complain of our speed in spreading salvation and saving men would all want to buy shares, become our partners or buy us out.
  • Abner! "and he called his sallow-faced companion, who was already arguing salvation and temperance with some of the crew. Hawaii
  • Graciously the Lord spared him for a further five years, during which he sought to witness to his family and show them the way of salvation.
  • Perhaps readers may think I am too insistent about the specificity -- what scholars call the "historicity" -- of the story of salvation. Brothers Judd Book Reviews
  • An original painting by Kinkade, ‘Rock of Salvation’ is now available in framed and unframed paper prints and in canvas transfers.
  • Each moment is hell and my only salvation stems from the mercy of your forgiveness!
  • They that "know the truth," the truth of the gospel, spiritually and experimentally, especially that great truth, free and full salvation by Christ for sinners, "the truth shall make them free," set them at liberty, and fill them with joy and peace.
  • A commoner can practice the latter two means of attaining salvation, even if he is illiterate and unable to study the scriptures on his own.
  • Martin Luther, in guiding the 16 th-century church back to the apostolic teaching of salvation by grace through faith active in love, was aware that the gospel of grace is so freeing that it might become an excuse for licentious behavior.
  • Augustine as well as contemporary movements in phi - losophy encouraged — Wycliffe ran to predestinarian views which were calculated to lessen the role of church offices in the work of salvation. CHRISTIANITY IN HISTORY
  • They find a bleak life of constraint and alienation - not an heroic American salvation tale but a cold comfort saga.
  • It's the very economic powerhouses that they seek to cripple that will be our best hope for salvation if things do start to go wrong.
  • Indeed, I believe that a proper understanding of this paradox can lead to the salvation of millions who now perceive no inconsistency in such congeniality.
  • Today she lives by herself and her salvation has been her painting.
  • You shelve your future, or what you call your salvation, on the merits of a Sacrifice, and think yourselves relieved of all further trouble. The Mystery of a Turkish Bath
  • There is important attention given to Christ's knowledge, both beatific and infused, as necessarily presupposed for his work of salvation.
  • It is through verbal modification (repetition), exemplification, generalization vs. particularization and quotation that "Washington" voices his opinion on the ways of salvation of the black race.
  • They needed coke produced from coal, and it was the Chesapeake & Ohio Railway that provided their salvation.
  • Gueldersdorp, severed from the South by this opening act of war, must find her salvation thenceforwards in the cool brains and steady nerves of the handful of defenders behind her sand-bags, when the hour of need should come. The Dop Doctor
  • The focus is on the Incarnation of Christ as interpreted in the fourth gospel, and the means of salvation is primarily the sacraments.
  • At first glance one would say that these apostles were to go to all the heathen world and proclaim a message of salvation as we think of it.
  • In the 1980s, we thought we'd found salvation to our problems in artificial intelligence and expert systems.
  • Christian art was able to depict a heroic incident because, through the figure of Christ, human activity and suffering partook of the significance of salvation through human acts…
  • But by their offence, salvation is come to the Gentiles, that they may be emulous of them . . . Archive 2009-05-01
  • The crucifixion is the point of concentrated intensity which above all realizes what is most distinctive about Christian theology of salvation, and it will be taken up in the next section.
  • In the Eastern Church this feast was known as the analepsis, "the taking up," and also as the episozomene, "the salvation," denoting that by ascending into his glory, Christ completed the work of our redemption. The Ascension of our Lord
  • If we have false views of God, that he is an ‘inexorable judge’ then we simply have no grounds to turn to him for salvation.
  • Lordships and lands to the living, -- glory and salvation to those who die under the gonfanon of the Church! Harold : the Last of the Saxon Kings — Volume 12
  • The liturgicals saw the road to salvation in joining the particular church, obeying its rituals, and making use of its sacraments; the individual was not alone with only his emotions and the state to protect him.
  • I now ask, Does not this show that the salvation in the text is truly _a great salvation_? Life and Labors of Elder John Kline, the Martyr Missionary Collated from his Diary by Benjamin Funk
  • The Salvationists believed in taking the word to the people on the street - but this was fraught with danger.
  • The four corners were a pub, a church, a school and a pawnshop: damnation, salvation, education and ruination. THE OPEN DOOR
  • Tobias symbolized the powers of darkness, heathendom, and sin striving against the coming of salvation, and also Anna's long barrenness. The Life of the Blessed Virgin Mary
  • The religious doctrines of John Calvin, emphasizing the omnipotence of God and the salvation of the elect by God's grace alone.
  • By this date, it was believed that the dead did not proceed directly to salvation, but instead passed to the intermediate state of purgatory, where they experienced a prolonged and painful purgation of their sins.
  • May 26th, 2009 at 12: 46 pm oh great, now the MPAA is going to blame Canadians for making the crappy CAM of Terminator Salvation … .. Cartel financial attack on Pirate Bay fails
  • As for me, I am now come to the world to prepare the way for the messenger of God, who shall bring salvation to the world.

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