How To Use Salubrious In A Sentence

  • I had to look up the elutriate but for some reason knew what salubrious meant. Blog updates
  • With this, I sat down, leaving my audience as _sotto voce_ as fishes with admiration and amazement at the facundity of my eloquence, and should indubitably have been the recipient of innumerable felicitations but for the fact that Miss SPINK, suddenly experiencing sensations of insalubriousness, requested me, without delay, to conduct her from the assemblage. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • the salubrious mountain air and water
  • In most Europeans cities, the shops have had to move out into less salubrious neighborhoods, which is a shame.
  • You may swear by herbs for their salubrious effect, but if you're facing surgery, you should stop taking any herbal medicines or supplements at least two or three weeks before the procedure.
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  • Walthamstow was seen as a particularly salubrious location for schools.
  • And in the less salubrious neighbourhoods of Bombay it was a very different story. Times, Sunday Times
  • The Uighurs are expected to be put up in government accommodation in one of the less salubrious neighbourhoods outside Hamilton. Times, Sunday Times
  • But the darkened sun and the insalubrious sheen upon the pale stones in the road put me in mind of passing through a portal of some sinister aspect. Locust Valley Breakdown
  • And in the less salubrious neighbourhoods of Bombay it was a very different story. Times, Sunday Times
  • And what happens midway though weekly therapy if the seemingly wholesome client reveals an unseemly fetish, distasteful action, or insalubrious thought? Wayne Besen: The Religious Right's Shadow Nation
  • The Protestant planters and their co-religionists settled on the right, in both senses, bank of the River Foyle, a well-situated salubrious suburb called Waterside.
  • not the most salubrious campsite
  • Exhibition galleries are often dark and dusty, guidebooks and recordings pedantic, dining facilities basic, toilets insalubrious and bookshops poorly stocked. The Joy of Museums That Live in the Past
  • Immediately after I rose from my bed I never failed, if the weather was fine, to run to the terrace to respire the fresh and salubrious air of the morning.
  • Pat always eats on board and even has a full-time cook to prepare the finest food on his salubrious floating residence.
  • William reserves his disgust for the insalubrious hotels on the circuit and the presence of underagers on the streets.
  • What you get Allow 500,000 for a family semi in a salubrious area. Times, Sunday Times
  • As a result property developers are moving slowly away from the attractive shore area, sprucing up arterial routes better known for their less-than - salubrious surroundings.
  • Shortly before his death he separated from his second wife and went to live in an insalubrious suburb of Paris.
  • Sitting in an insalubrious but comfortable room, with heating, a computer, a telephone, a fridge, and water on tap, I would feel a fraud decrying science, which lies behind the technologies that make all of these things possible.
  • He reminded me of a bad guy out of a western movie - a heartless hombre silhouetted in the doorway of some insalubrious saloon.
  • I went into this most insalubrious place with little gnome-like people hunched over indescribable pictures, and I asked the man for this Tokyo Rose.
  • How's this for an unusual wedding venue in a less than salubrious location? Times, Sunday Times
  • Our social contacts were limited to the middle-class side of it, but the farther scene was sightly and the air salubrious.
  • Dudley and Lola try not to let their insalubrious surroundings get in the way of their weekend.
  • Here, after being rubbed down by our brilliant tour physio, we headed south towards Palma airport to an old favourite for dinner, C'an Jordi +34 971491909 in a rather insalubrious village, Ciudad Jardín. Cycling gastro tour of Mallorca: meals on wheels
  • While gold is perceived as the currency of central bankers, silver is tarnished by its less salubrious links to hot money. Times, Sunday Times
  • For them, securing a house on one of Dublin's most salubrious residential roads is now a pipe dream.
  • Naturally, it has turned out to be the time when even passive passers-by do not fail to throw a glance at these shops, unable to resist the temptation of letting the brew slip down their throats, either to enjoy the salubrious conditions better or beat the chill.
  • From the numbers of aged persons we saw on the highlands, and the increase of mental and physical vigour we experienced on our ascent from the lowlands, we inferred that the climate was salubrious, and that our countrymen might there enjoy good health, and also be of signal benefit, by leading the multitude of industrious inhabitants to cultivate cotton, buaze, sugar, and other valuable produce, to exchange for goods of A Popular Account of Dr. Livingstone's Expedition to the Zambesi and Its Tributaries
  • More the netizen criticises in leave a message this game is trenchant is " aid hands in platform " , one-night standing is flush, should prevent this kind of insalubrious game to travel in adolescent.
  • Rather than try and dress it up in a drape jacket, she cannot put enough emphasis on how the genre has expanded its parameters since she first trod the boards of the church halls and less salubrious venues.
  • The Asian fusion restaurant is in the Cathedral Quarter, it's exquisite interior in stark contrast to the insalubrious back street it's located on.
  • The team also lived in the field, under bashas and feeding off compo rations, whilst some of the CCF teams ‘enjoyed’ rather more salubrious conditions.
  • The launch of the scheme took place last Wednesday night, one of the first gatherings, in the salubrious surroundings of the new parish centre.
  • one of the less salubrious suburbs
  • Today's news also brought the suggestion that the traditional growing regions for fine wines may not be the regions producing the most salubrious wines.
  • He damned the owners of the CPR and the banks, and all the other vested interests who scurried along Bay Street, St. James Street and other insalubrious neighbourhoods in the East.
  • He is from Pera which is a very insalubrious area of Istanbul.
  • The Uighurs are expected to be put up in government accommodation in one of the less salubrious neighbourhoods outside Hamilton. Times, Sunday Times
  • I surveyed the old hospital and its many auxiliary buildings in salubrious places like Morningside.
  • The old model authorized intervention at the local level and also justified public works projects that improved water and sewage systems and cleared away insalubrious housing.
  • Just a different salubrious and delightful area, you could say. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is a salubriously green island state and is located at the tip of the Malay Peninsula.
  • While gold is perceived as the currency of central bankers, silver is tarnished by its less salubrious links to hot money. Times, Sunday Times
  • February 21st, 2009 at 12: 19 pm mr. yglesias, your espousal of mcdonalds does a disservice to the children who may peruse the content of your web journal, and so be further inclined toward consumption of unsalubrious items! best, Matthew Yglesias » McDonald’s Or Starbucks
  • Kostas bought a taxi and the pair went to work, spending their nights in the city's less salubrious areas.
  • Not to mention the insalubriousness of the place confirmed by the Academie des Sciences several years ago when they recommended to the king that the cemetery be relocated outside of the city. Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazine
  • With the one-bed Gorgie flat set to increase by almost £10000 over the next year, all but the most insalubrious Edinburgh locations will be off limits to single buyers on budgets.
  • Either that or the salubrious locality she indwelleth is experiencing a nux vomica famine. The Chimes at Midnight
  • Think of it as a miniature Camden Crawl with less townie posturing, and no need for's Café and Campari Bar is set in an insalubrious multistorey car park in Peckham, but don't let that put you off. The insider's guide to free arts
  • Texaco is an "insalubrious" shantytown named for a nearby oil refinery, and the so-called Christ is a city planner who has come to bulldoze this slum in the name of progress. NYT > Home Page
  • He found applicants with addresses in ‘difficult’ areas received half as many invitations to an interview as those from more salubrious districts.
  • My sincerest wishes for a salubriously beneficial and gratifyingly pleasurable period between sunset and dawn.
  • It was a huge sum of money for connections more accustomed to competing at the nation's less salubrious tracks, yet they would not be moved. Times, Sunday Times
  • He soon found himself walking through one of the less salubrious areas of the city.
  • It is a highly literary and lyrical novel looking at loneliness, friendship, family, middle age and life in a less than salubrious part of our capital city.
  • They wove their way into less salubrious areas of the city, where the effects of the day's sandstorm were still apparent. SOMEWHERE EAST OF LIFE
  • Many of those who made money left for more salubrious parts of town, taking their newly acquired wealth with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • Among the more salubrious consolations of the past months have been 5000 letters of support from the public and the unsolicited hugs of strangers.
  • But Mr Beaumont believes the city owes Hudson a public apology and a more salubrious memorial than the ‘dreadful’ street which bears his name.
  • The attitude that words may be discarded -- indeed, that words have caducity at all -- is not salubriously abstergent, but reflects an agrestic nisus that all cultivated English speakers must eschew. Archive 2008-10-01
  • It was a huge sum of money for connections more accustomed to competing at the nation's less salubrious tracks, yet they would not be moved. Times, Sunday Times
  • The conditions they lived in were atrocious: overcrowded lodging houses, cellars, and garrets, shanty towns in the insalubrious districts beyond the town walls.
  • How's this for an unusual wedding venue in a less than salubrious location? Times, Sunday Times
  • The Protestant planters and their co-religionists settled on the right, in both senses, bank of the River Foyle, a well-situated salubrious suburb called Waterside.
  • Many of those who made money left for more salubrious parts of town, taking their newly acquired wealth with them. Times, Sunday Times
  • If they had dumped us a long way away in an area that was not salubrious then we would have had problems.
  • With sylvan surroundings, the falls covered with tall lush green forest trees and salubrious climate is a feast to eyes.
  • Horses and what they leave behind them clogged cities that were already insalubrious from coal smoke, industry and notional sewage systems. The Case Against Summer
  • Think of it as a miniature Camden Crawl with less townie posturing, and no need for's Café and Campari Bar is set in an insalubrious multistorey car park in Peckham, but don't let that put you off. The insider's guide to free arts
  • But he brought these "ignudi" crashing down to earth, revamping them as a sequence of sexily insalubrious half-length boys, interacting equally with spectacular still-life elements and with the viewer. The Misery Memoirist
  • Whilst the traditional different places of employment obviously differ (from, the smell of the "briny" with a cooking range being pitched up and down with the ship by the waves; to the unwanted inclusion of sand, leaves and insects in the field; to the salubrious comfort of an air base), the core skills, role and esprit must be common throughout the three Services. Army Rumour Service
  • With its salubrious weather, few would want to move out.
  • With this, I sat down, leaving my audience as _sotto voce_ as fishes with admiration and amazement at the facundity of my eloquence, and should indubitably have been the recipient of innumerable felicitations but for the fact that Miss SPINK, suddenly experiencing sensations of insalubriousness, requested me, without delay, to conduct her from the assemblage. Baboo Jabberjee, B.A.
  • Surely it would be no weakness for a thoughtful man who should resort, for the renovation of a wasted frame, to one of those salubrious mineral fountains.
  • It began as a colony of orange growers, but by the 1880s, wealthy Easterners had discovered that the salubrious climate might benefit them as much as it did any orange.
  • Just a different salubrious and delightful area, you could say. Times, Sunday Times
  • Business marketing sales a salubrious hela stevedore akan chlamydiaceae me tortuous in the megabucks lot and tremor me to the convincing row. Rational Review
  • For those who wish less publicly to enjoy the salubrious exercise of swimming, there are machines on the North sands with attendants and accommodations.
  • The attitude that words may be discarded -- indeed, that words have caducity at all -- is not salubriously abstergent, but reflects an agrestic nisus that all cultivated English speakers must eschew. A malison on the poor of spirit.
  • Living salubriously means eating at least 3 healthy meals a day, falling asleep at the same time every day, and waking up without an alarm; getting at least 30 minutes of exercise (even walking) and being out and about at least 2 hours a day to get sun.
  • The attitude that words may be discarded -- indeed, that words have caducity at all -- is not salubriously abstergent, but reflects an agrestic nisus that all cultivated English speakers must eschew. A malison on the poor of spirit.
  • The abrupt silence led to a salubrious emotion of peace within.
  • Despite this handicap, salubrious climate, sylvan surroundings, lush green meadows would surely attract tourists from all over the country.
  • With the weather turning out to be salubrious for the past few days, fitting well into the celebrative atmosphere, the students could not ask for more.
  • Mutterings of the word "poor" and "rich" naturally create an image of insalubriousness versus opulence. Accra by Day & Night
  • What you get Allow 500,000 for a family semi in a salubrious area. Times, Sunday Times
  • The latter now choose to use what they regard as the more salubrious transportation of the motor car or the aeroplane.
  • My intent is not to lecture or reprehend - surely, I have my vices and my insalubrious addictions.
  • Why ever would he want to go to Hampstead when he could be here with us partaking of our salubrious sea air and not out on some stifling heat-sodden moor?
  • My family moved, when I was a girl of about 9 years old or so, from a small Johannesburg miner's house into a palatial mansion in a more salubrious suburb.
  • Moreover, when the taxed-out or squeezed-out peasant moved to the insalubrious factory barracks, he became part of an ill-paid, unhealthy, unskilled, and uneducated proletariat which was a social problem in itself.
  • Some became popular with less salubrious clientele. Times, Sunday Times
  • But he brought these "ignudi" crashing down to earth, revamping them as a sequence of sexily insalubrious half-length boys, interacting equally with spectacular still-life elements and with the viewer. The Misery Memoirist
  • Some became popular with less salubrious clientele. Times, Sunday Times
  • We stayed at Kinloch Castle, not in the castle itself (which was once run as a hotel by the National Trust for Scotland) but in a less salubrious part of the building - the old bunkhouse at the back.

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