How To Use Saltation In A Sentence
Saltation's iPod Geek Tips #2: how to make a battery pack inside a pack of playing cards. superpixel's superpod tips.
The focus on “large amounts of specified information” my emphasis also reduces his entire book to a strawman argument, since the TOE neither predicts nor expects saltation.
Stephen Meyer's Bogus Information Theory - The Panda's Thumb
If you are using "saltation" in its commonly understood meaning (with Goldschmidt as its premier proponent), I don't think you will find any current evolutionary biologist allowing it as a possibility.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
He describes saltationism, which is what I think Alan is referring to, extremely exaggerates the evolutionary role of saltations, considering these to be the main factor of speciation and macroevolution.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
Atreya then went on to show that substantially greater quantities of H2O2 can be produced by triboelectric fields in dust devils and dust storms and through saltation.
In particular, where Darwin had seen evolution and a slow, gradual, continuous process, Huxley thought that an evolving lineage might make rapid jumps, or saltations.
His intriguing take on evolution proposed that the apparent saltation of the fossil record actually reflected saltatory events.
A "monkeys & typewriters" program would simply guess strings independently until it got a match, which would take a very long time; such a "monkeys" program could be regarded as a model of saltationism, but not selective evolution.
The Weasel Thread
He gave examples of new races formed in sudden jumps or saltations to illustrate that ‘the evolution of organisms may… be a much more rapid process than Darwin believes.’
I think Michael Denton's insight is correct, that Darwin refused to admit the real possibility of saltatory modes of evolutionary change because Darwin identified saltations with miracles.
Courting the Theists
In a phylogenetic dendrogram, branches and twigs here and there show saltations into a new grade.
The author rejects saltationism as normally construed.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
The paper specifically rejects typogenetic saltation.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
In a phylogenetic dendrogram, branches and twigs here and there show saltations into a new grade.
Running through the various evolutionary options -- Lamarckism (the inheritance of acquired characteristics), saltationism (evolution by massive jumps), and others -- Dawkins points out that either they are false (Lamarckism) or they fail to account for adaptive complexity (saltationism).
Michael Ruse: Intelligent Design: Did God Create Through Law or Miracle?
And, not only do we have Punctuated equilibrium and anagenesis to describe the rate of gradualism in evolution; but we also have more catastrophic/sudden emergence theories including quantum evolution, saltationism, catastrophism & mass extinction theories.
Secondary Addiction: Ann Coulter on Evolution - The Panda's Thumb
The results indicate frequency distributions of saltation normalized on their mean values disagree with normal distribution.
But accepting the data at face value raises the interesting possibility that hierarchy may be quite labile, that hierarchical saltations may be relatively easy in evolution.
Due to the process of wind-loom movement of dunes ( "saltation"), dune sands fall within a narrow range of particle size.
Chapter 9
Eroded sediment can be transported by creep, saltation, or suspension, and where much fine soil or sediment is present, dust clouds can result.
One of the primary indications that the RNA signatures are, in fact, remnants of an evolutionary saltation is their discrete character.
A Disclaimer for Behe?
Although the dunes near Parker seem to be an extension of this same sandflow path, Muhs says that saltation couldn't carry grains of sand across the Colorado River.
Alan Fox: If you are using "saltation" in its commonly understood meaning (with Goldschmidt as its premier proponent), I don't think you will find any current evolutionary biologist allowing it as a possibility.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
Darwin never said that there would be a transformation of one species into another in one generation, and no evolutionist now claims this it's known as "saltation", and is discreditied.
Kirk Cameron attempts to debunk Darwin
Quite the contrary, a saltational evolution without any gradual transformations is supported with each passing contemporary paper in the fields of cytogenetics and molecular biology.
On Thursday, the Legg report will be published along with...
No. I am just giving an example of a (former) evolutionary biologist who doesn't allow the possibility of saltation.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
This process, in which sand grains bounce downwind, is called saltation.
Other mechanisms are either false (such as Lamarckism, the inheritance of acquired characteristics) or inadequate (such as saltationism, change by sudden jumps).
Michael Ruse: Darwinism And The Problem Of Evil
If this arc voltage saltation information can be extracted, we will get the characteristic information of necking down formation.
Alan Fox: Dawkins has said saltationism is creationism
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome
The term "saltation" implies large leaps, such as sudden speciation.
Scientific Blogging
Lyons next examines Huxley's conversion from saltation to gradualism, predicated to a great degree on his own studies of Archaeopteryx and relationships among reptiles, dinosaurs, and birds.
This is called “saltation” Google it, and results in many examples of self-organized patterns - most commonly in deserts and snow fields by the wind, and in shallow sandy bottoms, where the moving fluid is water in slow regular wave or tidal oscillation.
Sand dune - The Panda's Thumb
This is a neat and useful trick if you want to cross large distances on hot sand, but of course jerboas are mostly nocturnal, and the predominant function of saltation in jerboas is to move quickly away from predators.
Archive 2006-03-01
That idea is called saltationism, by the way, and is generally not accepted by biologists.
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Alan Fox: Dawkins has said saltationism is creationism.
Common Descent & Common Design – An Unexpected Outcome