How To Use Saline In A Sentence
On land, giant reservoirs holding saline water could be built to offset the rise in sea levels caused by the melting of the polar ice-caps.
The look lasts around 24 hours before the saline is absorbed into the body and is part of the growing Japanese body modification scene.
The Sun
A useful treatment method is the potent loop diuretic, furosemide, along with the hypertonic saline.
The fruits or persistent pericarps of breeding seedlings during the viviparous developing were rich in the salt and this may do favorable to adaptation of seedlings to highly saline environment.
Rosaline Gallagher was there urging me on and I got great courage from that.

Sounds extreme, or would extreme be a saline drip over the lunch interval?
Times, Sunday Times
Ebou Dar seemed to be trying to make up for time lost yesterday, not to mention at High Chasaline and the Feast of Lights, and well it might, considering that tomorrow night was the Feast of Embers, with Maddin's Day, celebrating the founder of Altara, two days after that, and the Feast of the Half Moon the following night.
A Crown of Swords
When her remaining lung shrivels in its cage, and her guts collapse; when myoelectric demons flood her sinuses and middle ears with isotonic saline.
The saltbush Atriplex halimus is a chenopodiaceous plant well adapted to dry saline habitats and widely distributed in the Mediterranean Basin.
Some crops can cope with slight, saline soils, but there is a limit to how much salt any of them can cope with.
The Crisis of Life on Earth - our legacy from the second millenium
Symptoms of iron chlorosis, observed as yellow striping on corn leaves, may occur on highly calcareous or saline-sodic soils with pH levels above 7.8.
The vessel was placed in a Petri dish in phosphate-buffered saline kept on ice and carefully cleaned of adventitial, adipose and connective tissue.
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Open incisions are packed with sterile, saline-soaked laparotomy sponges and then covered with sterile drapes.
Immediately after thoracotomy, the pleural cavity was carefully washed with 100 mL of physical saline solution, and the fluid was examined.
On Feb. 22—seven days after Ms. Ruksana first began bleeding uncontrollably—a lab technician reported finding contamination in bottles of saline solution administered intravenously after blood loss or surgery.
The Ailing Health of a Growing Nation
They now face the possibility that her death could have been caused by infected saline solution.
Times, Sunday Times
Wine from vineyards with saline soils may contain elevated levels of salt.
The spontaneous appearance of a forest of oaks on the eastern shores of Asia was just as probable, under favoring conditions -- though occurring subsequently to the time of their appearance on this continent -- as that of the miniature forests of "samphire," or small saline plants, which spontaneously made their appearance about the salt-works of Syracuse, when conditions actually favored.
Life: Its True Genesis
Hypertonic saline gauze is impregnated with dry sodium chloride.
Otherwise they communicated through their agent at Salines.
Sputum induction using inhalation of hypertonic saline appears to be safe for individuals with CF.
In fact, they were given only a saline solution both times.
Times, Sunday Times
The implant may then be filled with saline (salt water) or with a silicone gel.
A simple method is to instill a measured amount of saline to infer the volume of the wound.
This coupled with the saline water intrusion completes the process of contamination of the Kuttanad backwaters.
As to the brown colour, a number of critics, such as WicklowLass cited below, argue that foot detox machines are simply AC-DC transformers attached to ferrous electrodes that corrode to generate rust when used to electrolyse the saline water in the footbath.
Dodgy detox
The wound is gently cleansed and irrigated with sterile saline.
Engineered plants can help improve harvests in limited and marginal lands, for example in saline soils or in drought-prone areas
They lay under ropes, strung up to hold saline drips.
Times, Sunday Times
They now face the possibility that her death could have been caused by infected saline solution.
Times, Sunday Times
The process of filling the balloons with saline solution each week has been more painful than expected.
Times, Sunday Times
The drug is suspended in a saline solution.
The detailed sequence of morphological changes of calcite crystals possibly provides a record of the elevation of the saline transition zone, with which hydrogeological models must be consistent.
We try to revegetate the saline or alkaline lands near the seashore.
But the procedure kept being postponed and he suffered for 96 hours with no food and just a saline drip for nourishment.
The Sun
As a young adult, her mammaries were modest in scale, but at around the age of 22, she had them enhanced for the first time, either with silicone or silicone bags filled with saline solution.
Remnants of the hypersaline fluid were found in outgassed matrix glass
Evidence for Fluid Saturation and Degassing
The use of NaCl as the sole salinizing agent in salinity studies is due to the fact that generally it is the main component of the soluble salts mixture present in saline soils.
buffered saline solution for the eyes
Researchers found that similar-sized Salsola kali plants took twice as long to reach the wilting point on saline compared to nonsaline medium.
In midbrain slices from rats treated with saline or a single dose of cocaine, LTP could not be induced in VTA dopamine neurons unless GABA-mediated inhibition was reduced by bicuculline or picrotoxin.
Detection of the diapause adolescent of Paragonimus in boar's organs, such as liver, was doen by using normal saline-releasing technique.
Decontamination: Orogastric lavage with saline followed by activated charcoal.
Aspirin: effects, poisoning
An infusion of IV normal saline frequently corrects hypotension and increases cardiac output.
The saline drip was not enough.
The Sun
Methods Produces the fog grain of inspiration treatment sand butylamine mellow, Vitamin K1 and the physiological saline mix solution through the oxygen actuation.
There are, however, many beds of marl, greensand, gypsum, limestone, saline and vegetable deposits available for the improvement of farming lands, in the Union.
The Commercial Products of the Vegetable Kingdom Considered in Their Various Uses to Man and in Their Relation to the Arts and Manufactures; Forming a Practical Treatise & Handbook of Reference for the Colonist, Manufacturer, Merchant, and Consumer, o
After realising he had drunk 56 pints they tried to stabilise him with an intravenous saline solution.
The Sun
The ankle joint was inflated with physiologic saline solution.
A simple method is to instill a measured amount of saline to infer the volume of the wound.
Syrups, and many animal, vegetable, and saline solutions, are decoloured or whitened by agitation with animal charcoal.
In a constipated infant, it may be necessary to perform colonic irrigation with limited amounts of sterile saline.
Saline alluvial soils have high levels of exchangeable sodium and the effects of gleying are clearly evident.
The saline drip was not enough.
The Sun
The tissue samples were rinsed in ice-cold normal saline and were blotted.
Hypertonic saline dressings are not appropriate for minimally draining wounds or wounds covered with dehydrated slough or eschar; these dressings depend on wound moisture to moisten them.
The Sleipner Project in the North Sea is the first commercial-scale operation for sequestering CO2 in a deep saline reservoir.
Carbon capture and storage
A . splendens is a pioneer plant in saline - alkali soil ameliortion.
Therefore, 1L of normal saline should be given per hour to start.
Furthermore, iontophoretic application of muscimol for 20 min in this area in head-restrained rats induced a strong and significant increase in PS quantities compared to saline.
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To instill acid or saline in the lung, we introduced a cannula via a tracheotomy.
Large areas on the alluvial saline plains are characterized by halophytic plant communities including Artemisia pauciflora, A. schrenkiana, A. nitrosa and perennial saltwort (Atriplex cana, Anabasis salsa, and Camphorosma monspeliaca).
Kazakh semi-desert
It lies close beneath the surface, and follows for a length of one hundred and fifty miles the margin of a grand basin or plain; this, from its outline, manifestly must once have been a lake, or more probably an inland arm of the sea, as may be inferred from the presence of iodic salts in the saline stratum.
Journal of researches into the geology and natural history of the various countries visited by H.M.S. Beagle
Don't jump in just anywhere though: with such corrosively saline water, access to a shower is essential.
Plausibly, the Cu could have come from a small droplet of immiscible hydrosaline liquid (Lowenstern 1994a) trapped along with a CO2-bearing vapor bubble in the MI.
Evidence for Fluid Saturation and Degassing
Place the two tubes of mixed deposit in the centrifuge, adjust by the addition or subtraction of saline solution so that they counterpoise exactly, and centrifugalise for ten minutes.
The Elements of Bacteriological Technique A Laboratory Guide for Medical, Dental, and Technical Students. Second Edition Rewritten and Enlarged.
The greater nervous power planted in the female organ is demonstrated by the andromania to which some women are subject, and which makes them either Messalines or martyrs.
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Weak immunoreactivity for NOS2 in the normoxia plus saline group was present in bronchiolar and vascular smooth muscle, bronchiolar epithelium, and Clara cells.
Using a bulb syringe and saline nose drops can also help to keep a baby's nose clear.
To commercialize carbon capture, as well as transport of liquified carbon dioxide and its storage in exploited oil fields or saline formations, many technological, commercial, and political hurdles remain to be overcome.
The Volokh Conspiracy » Is Carbon Capture a Pipe Dream?
On October 3, 1973, Edelin performed a legal abortion at the request of a pregnant seventeen year-old, completing the operation by hysterotomy or mini-Cesarean, after three attempts at saline infusion failed.
When Is An Abortion Not An Abortion?
Fluorimetric and spectrophotometric analysis in pure phosphate buffered saline and solvent mixtures has been used throughout the study.
To better understand the paleoclimatic signal in the sediments, a three year process-based study is planned to determine the primary controls on sediments flux and varved sediment formation in Sophia Lake, a High Arctic hypersaline, meromictic lake.
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While one half of the marsh receives saline water, the other half is filled with natural rainwater.
There are also azonal saline wetlands, wetlands, gypsum and limestone containing soil types in low altitude zones.
The specimens were then wrapped in gauze soaked in normal saline solution, sealed in an airtight bag, and frozen until the time of testing.
Methods Produces the fog grain of inspiration treatment sand butylamine mellow, Vitamin K1 and the physiological saline mix solution through the oxygen actuation.
To treat cuts, grazes, bites and scratches, wash the area carefully with a warm saline solution to which has been added two drops of thyme oil.
PureLipo, which Sant Antonio trademarked, is a form of "tumescent" liposuction, which means the painkiller is injected along with saline solution and a drug that slows bleeding into small incisions in the skin.
Lack of training can be deadly in cosmetic surgery
Methods 122 cases of ovarian cysts at ultrasound-guided puncture, took the allantoic fluid, ethanol inactivated cyst wall after normal saline washed cysts.
Non-medicated saline sprays or pure drinking water are more effective than decongestant sprays, which can damage the nasal lining if used regularly.
The retinal fluid was drained and replaced with a saline solution.
But he said'many people' had access to the saline bags and there were other fingerprints.
The Sun
In view of the need to exploit saline water resources in agriculture in arid zones, we investigated the salt tolerance of Opuntia ficus-indica in plants growing in solution culture.
Relegated to serological realms, and with medical practitioners generally using saline, blood-typing was virtually ignored by clinicians.
Standard BAL was then performed using three aliquots of 50-ml sterile isotonic saline.
Short-lived saline lakes or playas are particularly common at the margins of many deserts, where waters from flash floods become ponded up, but evaporate away in time.
It will produce a year's worth of gas and enough water to turn the state of Rhode Island into a foot-deep lake - a blessing in arid Wyoming if the water weren't so saline that it destroys pasturelands.
The simplest way is it is it in boiling water scald, cheer, saline cold and dressed with sause, faint scent slips fragile, very tastily .
Results Methyl scopolamine, a peripheral muscarinic antagonist, leaded to a significant attenuation in the hyperthermic response to open-field exposure compared with rats dosed with saline.
Queen Victoria loved the sulfureous saline water so much she gave the town a royal prefix.
To keep a cold from turning into to a sinus infection, Wild recommends using saline nasal rinses such as a nettie pot or NeilMed Sinus Rinse ™, as well as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.
Aerosolized saline solution in the inspiratory circuit is used to humidify the inspired air.
Raw echinus (“kier-bang”), saline and tonic, would clear the palate for succeeding delicacies.
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Alexander is a winning Berowne, trying to sweet-talk the immovable Rosaline, played with saucy spirit by the small, dark Lombardo.
Differences were significant throughout the dose range studied by comparison with the saline group.
The thing that has got to keep us afloat until full skirts come in again will be a full and complete line of women's satin messaline knickerbockers made up to match any suit or gown, and a full line of pajamas for women and girls.
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Ulmus pumila of Haixing, Yanshan provenance is more suited to high salinity stress growth, more be adapt to coastal saline areas ecological restoration.
Students use standard procedures to qualify saline and sodic soils, observe salt and sodium effects on water percolation, and conduct a bioassay of incrementally-degraded soils with plants of varying salt-tolerance.
Native populations are found in loam or clay depressions containing moderately saline soils and a temporary water-table, and also on outcrops of gypso-saline marls.
We in Australia have nothing to be smug about with the Murray River turned into a saline drip, and the Snowy no more extensive than a geriatric's widdle.
A layer of photosynthetic bacteria lives permanently on the boundary between brackish and highly saline water.
Iraq depends on importing specialised equipment, and some chemicals, to purify its water supply, most of which is heavily mineralised, and frequently brackish to saline.
Michail Yakimov, of the Institute of the Coastal Marine Environment, Messina, Italy, and his team that studies lakes of concentrated salt solution, known as anoxic hypersaline basins, on the floor of the Mediterranean, has discovered extremely diverse microbial communities on the surfaces of such lakes. News Feed
In contrast, Christianson and Mjörndal 1985 found no difference in memorial performance between a group autonomically aroused with adrenaline and a control group given saline injections.
Handbook of Stress
Normally, the pinkroot is considered to be a protected and effective medicine provided it is administered in the right dosage and always pursued by a saline aperient like magnesium sulphate.
Find Me A Cure
Vol. 5: Oeuvres anonymes du XVIIIe siècle (III): du Père Dirrag et de Mademoiselle Eradice Le Triomphe des religieuses ou les nonnes babillardes Lettres galantes et philosophiques de deux nonnes La Messaline française ou les nuits de la duchesse de Pol
et aventures mystérieuses de la princesse d'H
et de la
Sex for Thought
Mr Salmond said that Scotland is well placed to lead the world in the technology because of its geological assets - mainly former oil and gas fields and an abundance of porous rock, known as saline aquifer.
A layer of photosynthetic bacteria lives permanently on the boundary between brackish and highly saline water.
In order to examine the bladder fully, the doctor may use the cystoscope to fill your bladder with a saline solution.
The saline drip was not enough.
The Sun
These pictures show an immense bloom of a halophilic (‘salt-loving’) archaean species, in a saline pond at a salt works near San Quintin, Mexico.
I had been walking home from a babysitting gig at my friend Rosaline's house when he nearly ran me down.
Parallel experiments were performed in acetonitrile and phosphate-buffered saline aqueous solutions under both aerobic and anaerobic conditions.
The patient sat with both feet and arms in saline baths and was wired up to the machine.
In Australia, salt is produced by solar evaporation from sea water, saline lake waters, underground brines and harvested from dry lake beds.
Her gown of old rose messaline was cut very low in the neck, with mere abbreviations in the way of sleeves.
The Meadow-Brook Girls Under Canvas
There is a wide range of topics which include saline, sodic, acidic, eroded, compacted, and organic soils.
Twice last year the British Medical Journal gave column space to doctors reporting confusion between ampoules of water, saline, and lignocaine (also called lidocaine) for injection.
Sweeps up all da brains rince out in warm saline pack back in da head no the othe way putts back all the bones well most of them ad some metel plates tapes on a new CHRG gips a chocolat octopuss and so hot coco brings RBTK to da couch and gives flooffy blankie now no looks at nuffing cute for a while try thinking about the economy or sumfing
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Wash the lenses in saline solution.
Some crops are more tolerant of salt, and can maintain their yield well under saline conditions.
One of these witnesses even suggested that the gasps had come during the earlier attempts at saline infusion, and that the fetus had died at that time -- before the hysterotomy began.
When Is An Abortion Not An Abortion?
Saline microscopy permits identification of trichomonads and clue cells, as well as other additional information.
The saline solution means that any harmful bugs, viruses or bacteria cannot survive, so it is completely hygienic.
The hypersaline water sucks moisture from their bodies and infuses them with toxic chemicals ? the dead lake taking a toll on the living.
Why the salt miners of Uganda's lakes are dying for a deal on climate change
Police have widened the longrunning inquiry into the contamination of saline drips to include a fourth death.
Times, Sunday Times
Sediments from this locality yield a mixed freshwater and saline fauna.
Voss wanted to remove his eyeballs and swill them in saline, see the grit sink to the bottom.
Guinea pigs were challenged with either ovalbumin or saline once weekly, for 12 consecutive weeks.
After realising he had drunk 56 pints they tried to stabilise him with an intravenous saline solution.
The Sun
Shoots of the halophyte Salicornia bigelovii are larger and more succulent when grown in highly saline environments.
The mother said her son was unconscious when they arrived at the hospital and doctors put him on a saline drip and monitored him through the night.
When a pre-prepared bag of a substance for transfusion, such as blood, saline and the like, is to be connected to another piece of equipment, for example in a hospital, this is usually done by use of plastic tubing.
The authors conclude that tap water might be as effective in preventing bacterial infection as sterile normal saline solution for simple wounds in children.
During the night, he became hypotensive, with minimal response to boluses of normal saline.
The central Iberian plateaus and Ebro basin host significant inland drainage systems with fluctuating, shallow, saline swamps, characterized by numerous halophyte species such as Suaeda fruticosa, Microcnemum coralloides, Aizoon hispanicus, Arthrocnemum glaucum, and Limonium ovalifolium.
Iberian sclerophyllous and semi-deciduous forests
Salt Used to make up a saline solution for cleaning wounds.
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In coastal areas, a decline in the water-table can also induce flow of saline groundwater from the formation beneath the ocean or sea toward wells on land.
After removing the radiation plaque from the treated eye, she flushes the oil away with saline, which is eventually replaced by the patient's natural fluids.
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To the south in 34i, hypersaline Laguna Madre forms a unique ecosystem and supports greater expanses of seagrasses.
Ecoregions of Texas (EPA)
The question exists as to why both the lidocaine and the placebo saline solution would have an inhibitory effect on muscle-firing characteristics.
Charges that she tampered with saline solution were dropped.
The Sun
The most remarkable fact about this-saline deposit is that in its middle there is a tract, five miles long and two wide, of common salt, while on the outside there is a deposit of borate of soda, three feet thick, and under this a lower stratum composed of sulphate of soda and tincal mixed together, from one to three feet thick.
Practical Taxidermy A manual of instruction to the amateur in collecting, preserving, and setting up natural history specimens of all kinds. To which is added a chapter upon the pictorial arrangement of museums. With additional instructions in modelling a
Cold anaesthetised bees were killed by gently cutting through the thorax just posterior to the first coxae, then submerging the head and prothorax in fixative (3.7% formaldehyde, 2.5% glutaraldehyde in 0.01 M phosphate buffered saline).
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Embryos were extracted from uteri by saline solution lavage on days 2 and 3 of pregnancy.
The cladocerans are excellent osmoregulators, occurring in freshwater to hypersaline environments.
According to the research and the parallel prediction of favorable petroleum belts, it is clear that the saline side tectonic belt of Trias in Tahe is the favorable oil gas tectonic belts.
The control group only receied an injection of same amount of saline.
This loss of vegetation cover exposes the sediments of the salt marshes, which have become hypersaline (salinities exceeding 3.2) as a result of increased evapotranspiration.
Effects of changes in climate and UV radiation levels on structure of arctic ecosystems in the short and long term
Police have widened the longrunning inquiry into the contamination of saline drips to include a fourth death.
Times, Sunday Times
He firmly ruled out that he had met with Rosaline.
The control group was given distilled water plus saline.
The nurse diluted the drug with saline water.
At least 20 teachers became ill and were transfused saline during the hunger strike, according to the strikers.
THE nurse accused of tampering with saline drips at a hospital after a probe into patient deaths will face trial early next year.
The Sun
A hypothesis about the culturable predominant groups in hypersaline environment is the important resource of bioactive substance would be proposed.
All of the specimens were kept moist with physiologic saline solution during specimen preparation, fixation procedures, and biomechanical testing.
Traditionally patients are advised to gargle with saline, often with the addition of sodium bicarbonate.
The sedimentary environment was a broad, flat floodplain with meandering streams and numerous shallow lakes or playas that could have become alkaline or saline during drier times.
A hospital doctor we knew has left in disgust after a patient died for lack of saline drips.
Times, Sunday Times
The movement of saline water into freshwater aquifers, or saltwater intrusion, is usually caused by ground water pumping from coastal wells.
Acute lung injury induced by saline solution lavage, in contrast to that induced by oleic acid, is known to be stable for a 2-to 4-h period after stabilization.
Saline and warm Mediterranean water flowing through the Bosporus Strait maintains a permanent pycnocline.
Injection of bacteria had no influence on hemocyanin or hemolymph protein concentrations when compared to saline injection.
Native to South America, paspalum had been used on courses for about 40 years, primarily where salt spray killed traditional turf or the soil had high saline content.
These united qualities correct acids in the stomach, cleanse the lungs, and open obstructions in the glands caused by coagulated serum; and the saline pungent oil altering the acids in the glands of the brain, by correcting and attenuating its lympha and succus nervosus, produces the same effect; for the lympha and nervous juice are, like other glandulous humours, liable to acidity and stagnation; therefore these aromatics, by exciting their motion and correcting their acidities, render the liquids of the nerves more volatile, and are therefore justly termed cephalics.
A Treatise on Foreign Teas Abstracted From An Ingenious Work, Lately Published, Entitled An Essay On the Nerves
The course has been replanted with saline-tolerant varieties of paspalum grass that thrive on brackish water.
Loreto Bay: The greenest place in Baja, and quite possibly in all of Mexico!
They first dunk the tissue in a simple solution of ethylene glycol and buffered saline, and then chill the samples by plunging them into liquid nitrogen.
The user carries a pressure injector-style hypodermic which contains a very special kind of silicon saline suspension solution.
Four main salts are used: sodium chloride: flocculent and aid to compaction; effective in non-saline soils; calcium chloride: impermeabilizing agent; ferric chloride: powerful coagulant and flocculant; aluminium chloride: electrolytic coagulant, electrochemical consolidation of soil.
Chapter 11
In fact her heart stopped because she was injected with bupivacaine, an anaesthetic infusion that was mistaken for saline solution.
Times, Sunday Times
When the dressing is removed, the wound should be irrigated with normal saline to remove liquefied debris.
Point the First: Probably not as sanitary in gaping burn holes as the buckets of sterile saline they would be carrying in the bus.
Complaining about TV, yet again.
His son and daughter appeared in his place and announced that he was suffering from a sore throat and was on a saline drip.
Times, Sunday Times
Daria asked as the four of them, seated at the back of the room, watched as Rosaline sketched with great flourishes on a large sketchpad, posing dramatically for the girls sitting around her, cooing and smarming.
Normal saline solution is used as a placebo and 5% procaine hydrochloride is used as a pharmacologic spinal nerve block.
The primary immunization consisted of antigen emulsified in phosphate buffered saline.
The type of surgery performed in the study is called laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding, a reversible procedure that uses a circular tube filled with saline solution to restrict the size of the stomach, creating a pouch at the top that becomes full quickly.
The Globe and Mail - Home RSS feed
Dempsey had been hooked up to a saline drip, and looked as though the tranquilizer had taken its effect.
The release of Miss Leighton has refocused attention on the daunting scale of the task facing police if they are to catch the person dubbed the 'saline serial killer'. - Telegraph online, Daily Telegraph and Sunday Telegraph
Sweeps up all da brains rince out in warm saline pack back in da head no the othe way putts back all the bones well most of them ad some metel plates tapes on a new CHRG gips a chocolat octopuss and so hot coco brings RBTK to da couch and gives flooffy blankie now no looks at nuffing cute for a while try thinkin about the economy or sumfing
HAPPEE BURFDAY! - Lolcats 'n' Funny Pictures of Cats - I Can Has Cheezburger?
At the end of the procedure the wound should be washed with copious quantities of saline and then left open.
Before application of the dressing, the skin around the pressure ulcer was cleaned with sterile saline.
Thirty rats were anesthetized and 16 µg of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) (Sigma-Aldrich) were stereotaxically injected at a concentration of 4 µg/µl (in 0.2 mg/ml ascorbate in saline) at one site in the MFB
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In the broadest terms, those raised on the east coast -- referred to generically as Blue Points -- have a brinier, more metallic flavor than their cousins from the west, which are less saline and have more subtle fruit and vegetable undertones.
Chicago Reader
It excludes water that will not drain from small pore spaces, saline water, and water in deep confined aquifers.
As I returned by the east side of the lake, the splendid high farming-lands that extend from the shore to the foot of the mountain were strikingly in contrast with the flatness and barrenness of the plain on the water-side, which is so slightly elevated above the level of the salt water that a few inches of rise in the laguna spreads out an immense sheet of saline water, and yet there is not a solitary evaporating vat where there is an unlimited demand for the evaporated article at fourteen shillings the _aroba_.
Mexico and its Religion With Incidents of Travel in That Country During Parts of the Years 1851-52-53-54, and Historical Notices of Events Connected With Places Visited
Most western arctic aquatic habitats have low conductivities, but saline lakes do occur in coastal regions.
Lakes of Canada
The dates were sweet and substantial; the camel's milk was light with a slightly saline aftertaste.
Treatment includes saline drops in the nose and a nasal aspirator.
The Top 10 Health Worries
His explorations, surveys and reports, which stated that the north had some excellent pastoral lands and were not just arid sands and saline deserts, attracted pastoralists to the area.
Tenderly he wiped its mouth and nostrils and eyes as it coughed into life, vomiting saline nutrient over his hands.
The brushes can be rinsed in saline solution or in liquid-based fixative for cell concentration procedures.
I am now finding myself on a deserted beach on the brink of a saline washout.
A strong taproot, many-branched lateral roots, tolerance of alkaline and saline sites, and ease of reproduction make honeylocust a valuable erosion control species for temperate and subtropical areas.
Chapter 6
Ice saline lavage does not serve a useful purpose and may prolong bleeding.
Scientists found that highly concentrated saline solution given intravenously by paramedics doesn't improve patients 'long-term survival or neurologic functioning.
Saline Fluid Fails in Brain Therapy
The surgeon drapes the surgical area, performs the cystoscopy, inserts a sterile silastic Foley catheter in the urethra, and fills the bladder with sterile normal saline.
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Wanted: Saline Sodic Soil Nutrient Expert