How To Use Sales agreement In A Sentence
However, consumers should be careful when entering into private sales agreements.
The Company will acquire a 24% stake of SPYKER, at EUR 65 million. At the same time, the Company also signed Car Sales Agreement with SAAB to purchase SAAB cars at a total of EUR 45 million.
The Canadian Wheat Board says it has signed its largest long-term malting barley sales agreement with China.
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the salesman faxed the sales agreement to his home office
Jargon Buster Acte authentique: Final sales agreement Notaire: French conveyancing solicitor Immobilier: Estate agent Dossier de diagnostic technique: Inspection report Imp ô t sur la fortune: Wealth tax Taxe fonciere: Land tax Taxe d'habitation: Residents tax Imp ô t sur les plus values: Capital-gains tax The deposit will be more for older properties, and less for new builds, or those under construction.
A Buyer's Guide to France
Legal counsel should review all advertising materials, warranties, guarantees, and sales agreements.
To opt in developers need to agree to the new sales agreement paperwork and check a single box to get their apps into the discount game.
When they are complete, a date is set to sign the acte authentique, the final sales agreement, which must be witnessed by the notaire.
A Buyer's Guide to France
It is expressly stated in the sales agreement that the buyer is to pay for any home inspection.