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How To Use Salaried In A Sentence

  • Those cuts included 11,000 production jobs and 2,000 salaried jobs. Times, Sunday Times
  • I wore my summer suit pretty well through that winter, and the following summer experienced the longest, dryest spell of all, in the period when salaried men are gone on vacation and manuscripts lie in editorial offices until vacation is over. Chapter 26
  • The present analyses draw participants from the 2,877 wage and salaried workers.
  • On his discharge from the army in 1918 he had become an unsalaried lecturer at Freiburg and an assistant to Husserl, who had become professor at the University in 1916.
  • But Kuron insists he was no different to anyone else working for the East as a salaried employee with pension rights and holiday entitlement and as a result he paid too much tax and is due a refund from the West.
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  • The carmaker will shed 1,000 temporary staff in Japan with the rest coming from salaried workers in the rest of the world. Times, Sunday Times
  • In public healthcare systems, physicians are often salaried employees with compensation plans that may act as disincentives for innovation.
  • The bulk of the work is carried out by a team of salaried staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • To maintain public order, the authorities instituted a regular, salaried police force.
  • The Scottish sculptor Michael Noble (who subsequently married the countess) and the psychiatrist Mario Marini were salaried by her as well.
  • This theory might lead to the hypothesis that salaried women will earn less money then men who are doing comparable work. Sociology
  • His new position was unsalaried, but he was able to support himself and his family with a stipend from the Carl Zeiss Stiftung, a foundation that gave money to the University of Jena, and with which Ernst Abbe was intimately involved.
  • Balls of course, the unspeakable “New friend” David Millimoron and a host of salaried advisers like Gila Sacks, who, at a cost of £1,000,000, tickle his tummy and baste him in aromatic oils. Archive 2007-12-23
  • As a result, Iraq's 240 hospitals are running despite severe shortages of medicines and other supplies and staff are being paid after going unsalaried for months leading to the 2003 war.
  • The public is identified with the interactions of a working life: salaried employment, business, professions, the give and take of the market, being out in the world.
  • The contracts were first offered to engineers and salaried staff with RSA, but are now being extend to all employees within the organisation including base grade fettlers.
  • It caters for The European Working Time Directive and the issues this holds for Irish employers both in terms of hourly paid and salaried employees.
  • The recent rise in prices there tells heavily on low - salaried employees.
  • Prepares Human Resources monthly reports, monthly salaried personnel turn - over chart.
  • Stay-at-home pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
  • If agreed, the cut will affect all salaried employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Those working by the hour should also enjoy welfare insurance like salaried employees.
  • Bradford Centre Regeneration has taken the unusual step of advertising the unsalaried position in today's Yorkshire Post to attract new candidates.
  • We are waged, salaried employees. Times, Sunday Times
  • Linklaters is on track with its plans to move to an almost all-equity partnership, with the firm expecting its salaried ranks to account for 10 per cent of the ­partnership at the year-end. The Lawyer - Latest News
  • The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid.
  • It was unsalaried, and he and his family subsisted on their savings.
  • On the one hand, it is similar to the working class in that its members are salaried employees of business and government. Sociology
  • Ku was part of the unsalaried freelance labor force not included on Mattel's 8,000-employee payroll in Taishan.
  • Theodore deprived his new appointees of any financial incentive to renege by ensuring that Council membership remained unsalaried.
  • The recent rise in prices there tells heavily on low - salaried employees.
  • Their work, in public policy planning, fundamental (my own path) or applied sciences, etc., is probably of far more public value than the higher-salaried private sector jobs that talented graduates from a few years ago might have taken. Matthew Yglesias » By Request: The Graduates
  • Stay-at-home Pops like me enthusiastically welcome this affirmation; it validates the decision to let our salaried lives fall by the wayside in favor of raising our kids.
  • Senior management will have their Spring performance-related pay rises deferred, while salaried staff receive half of their top-up.
  • No longer led by volunteers, but rather salaried executives, it started approaching its goals in much the same way a corporation does.
  • This theory might lead to the hypothesis that salaried women will earn less money then men who are doing comparable work. Sociology
  • Where there were six intendants of finance, each costing more than a million livres a year, Necker installed four salaried secretaries answering to him alone. Robert Morris
  • This theory might lead to the hypothesis that salaried women will earn less money then men who are doing comparable work. Sociology
  • If you're working as an unsalaried intern, don't be afraid to ask for expenses.
  • A stream of people queue up from 6.30 pm every weeknight to procure free legal advice offered by volunteers rather than salaried staff.
  • An example of surplus labor is unsalaried housework.
  • You must complete a form if you are a higher-rate taxpayer, are self-employed or have income from a source other than salaried employment, which was taxed at source.
  • The salaried partner is frequently encountered in modern solicitors' firms.
  • Members of the Canadian Navy, Army and Air Force pay full income tax, like every other salaried employee in Canada, and have done so for at least the last 50 years.
  • The Spanish clergy, which had been deprived of most of its land, was salaried by the state under the Concordat of 1851.
  • Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.
  • The white-collar salaried professions, such as public administration and banking, did however, provide the potential for mobility.
  • salaried workers
  • The firm claims the system is designed for companies in which employees are on salaried contracts, rather than hourly rates.
  • The Cheektowaga plant, employing about 100 hourly and salaried workers, will be shut sometime after Feb. 25, American Axle spokesman Christopher Son said. American Axle to Close Plant in Blow to UAW
  • The carmaker will cut 10 per cent of its salaried staff as it attempts to combat the slump in worldwide sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • It is proposed initially that staff are limited to directors of the company acting in a part-time and unsalaried capacity.
  • Building on a college basketball career, Jarvis played professional b-ball when she moved to Greece - the country's first salaried female athlete.
  • The world's biggest carmaker wants to reduce its salaried staff costs by 20 per cent. Times, Sunday Times
  • Drawn into hoping for a secure middle-class job, but excluded from salaried employment, these men spend much of their day in what they called "timepass" (passing time). Latest financial, market & economic news and analysis |
  • The main gainers are farmers, salaried class, students and senior citizens.
  • What are the arrangements if you retire from the organisation as a salaried employee but become a retained consultant or contractor?
  • Hospital doctors are salaried employees of NHS organisations whereas general practitioners operate as independent contractors to the NHS.
  • Payroll software must be able to track the payroll of all of employees, whether salaried or waged, temporary or contract.
  • A magistrate is as much a judicial officeholder as a salaried judge. Times, Sunday Times
  • To stretch a manufacturing analogy, unsalaried bloggers represent low-cost Chinese laborers, professional journalists the well-paid-with-benefits American workers.
  • Many foreign merchants traded with the Chinese through compradores, who acted either as salaried employees or independent agents.
  • Instead, she was made minister for women, but it was an unsalaried post, and she spent much of her time defending the fact that a government that talked so much about women and equal pay wouldn't pay its own woman to do a job.
  • Unsalaried county sheriffs in Mobile and throughout the South received sizable allotments from state coffers to house and feed prisoners.
  • In Rome, state-salaried masters in each of the city districts or rioni taught poor students gratis and were allowed to charge a fee to whoever could pay.
  • Apprentices receive salaried contracts of up to fifty-two weeks, with benefits, including health insurance.
  • The bulk of the lay-offs involve nearly 1,500 management and salaried employees whose non-union positions will be cut by January 19.
  • Three year-round, salaried employees receive free housing on ranch land and health insurance benefits.
  • Instead of relief in taxes, the salaried class will have to pay a cess at the rate of 2 per cent.
  • The primary objective is to increase the overtime threshold amount for exempt salaried employees. Christianity Today
  • But then the celibatarian and non-salaried class don't have to consider the house problem. They can enjoy the life to the full and never be mortgage slave.
  • Since their inception, Camphill communities in Britain, North America, South Africa and a number of other countries have maintained the principle that all resident co-workers, whether long or short-term, are unsalaried volunteers.
  • salaried members of the staff
  • Just keep in mind that there will be a period of low pay as you work yourself from an hourly playability tester into a full-time salaried employee.
  • Not only did many monks die, but the ensuing shortage of labour deprived the monasteries of their unsalaried work-force, the lay brothers.
  • The carmaker will cut 10 per cent of its salaried staff as it attempts to combat the slump in worldwide sales. Times, Sunday Times
  • Last October the new store opened, run by one salaried employee and a raft of volunteers. Times, Sunday Times
  • A major division exists between salaried public service employees who have job qualifications and wage-earning public service employees who do not.
  • If the idea of long-term employment with the same firm, or the notion that full-time employment has some connotation of stability or fixedness about it, are history -- and they are -- can the concept of a full-time, salaried work unit survive? Liz Ryan: Welcome to the Antique Shop Part Three: Will Granular Work Replace the Full-time Work Week?
  • Current economic hardships weigh heavily in young women's decisions to find salaried work.
  • For hourly employees, the wage gap is $1,100 and among salaried jobs, women make $14,500 less than men.
  • But they were not salaried by the state and minimally, if at all, by the commune or parish.
  • Salaried officers of the company were a secretary, a bookkeeper, a husband (or as we would say, an accountant), and a bedel or messenger. The Virginia Company Of London, 1606-1624
  • They also did away with commission-motivated salesmen, offering instead advice and guidance from salaried employees operating in the company's own retail network.
  • To maintain public order, the authorities instituted a regular, salaried police force.
  • Brokers increasingly have been spurned by big retail banks, which rely on branches and building salaried sales forces, says Guy Cecala, publisher of the trade paper Inside Mortgage Finance.
  • The recent rise in prices there tells heavily on low - salaried employees.
  • By providing almost all essentials for school children, the all-purpose store has come as a welcome relief to the salaried class.
  • The years after 1870 saw an increasing number of low-paid, salaried, and professional people included in the middle class, notably schoolteachers and clerks.
  • I'm actively looking for a salaried job again. Times, Sunday Times
  • The white-collar salaried professions, such as public administration and banking, did however, provide the potential for mobility.
  • Running a business requires a very different mentality from being a salaried employee.
  • salaried employment
  • James accepted the generously salaried job at the bank.
  • Many of the landless farm labourers and even the low-salaried and embittered middle class men will remain dissatisfied by the reforms of the Government, because these reforms are running short of the irresponsible Nazi promises. Hungary at the Crossroads
  • The "honest services" statute, if taken seriously, "would seemingly cover a salaried employee's phoning in sick to go to a ball game, " fumes Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice.
  • Salaried physicians indicated a greater willingness to engage in organizational citizenship behaviors.
  • Young GPs struggle to find partnerships and fight for salaried posts or locum work. Times, Sunday Times
  • The companies must also pay corporation tax, but the overall tax bill would still be about half that paid by a salaried employee. Times, Sunday Times
  • Of course he would prefer to be paid and if a good and salaried job was offered elsewhere, he would say sad goodbyes and move on.
  • But they are still highly circumscribed in their authority, and wholly dependent upon their salaried employment.
  • Four hundred and fifty pupils and 25 teaching staff are aided by 11 other salaried support colleagues.
  • The "honest services" statute, if taken seriously, "would seemingly cover a salaried employee's phoning in sick to go to a ball game, " fumes Antonin Scalia, a Supreme Court justice.
  • It recommended historic change: a single County Executive to replace the three commissioners, an unsalaried County Council representing every part of the County,
  • Harley-Davidson said about 70% of the latest job cuts, which will include about 800 hourly production workers and 300 nonproduction, salaried positions, will take place this year. Harley-Davidson to Cut Over 1,000 Jobs
  • Another 350 jobs will be lost across the company through a restructuring of salaried staff. Times, Sunday Times
  • Rational salaried managers thus tend to be too risk-averse because they do not benefit from the upside of risk.
  • Are you a wage - earner or salaried?
  • Differential pay rates and the prospect of becoming a professional salaried officer encouraged ambition; estates in newly conquered territories were a final reward.
  • Health boards had advertised for salaried GPs, but had no great success in filling posts.
  • Only 11 percent of salaried workers earn less than the current overtime threshold, a drastic departure from the past when most workers earned overtime pay. Christianity Today
  • Is it unusual to be a salaried judge but part-time? Times, Sunday Times
  • Most workers of the urban lower class are self-employed and unsalaried workers in small business ventures.
  • Increasingly they found themselves engaged in salaried employment, in businesses for the engineers, in medical assistance societies for the doctors. A Social History of Modern Spain
  • The company had a good pension scheme for the salaried employees and an ungenerous scheme for the hourly paid.
  • Yet priests and rabbis were unsalaried at this time, and most today would not criticize some advantage drawn from a life's work.
  • The “Seven Crowns Reform” legislation, making most doctors salaried employees of the state, was introduced in the Riksdag. Sept. 28-Oct. 14

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